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Favorite Scary Movies?

Two of my personal favorites are El Orfanato and The Conjuring.

What are yours?  


Re: Favorite Scary Movies?

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    Saw...all 7 of them while drinking in the dark.
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    I don't have too many. I'd have to say The Descent, 28 Days Later, and The Shinning. 
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    28 days later and the shining are really good ones. I had so many nightmares after I saw the Conjuring! 

    Also like Strangers, the Crazies, Scream (of course!), Stake Land, Exit Humanity, and all the classics that I have to binge watch every October (i.e. Halloween, Nightmare on Elm Street, Friday the 13th, etc etc). 

    Also kind of obsessed with cheesey 70s horror movies and poorly made not-meant-to-be-funny-but-is horror movies. 
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    I don't know if these are scary like the ones you mentioned, but I love a good thriller... "Silence of the Lambs", "Red Dragon", and "Taking Lives" are my faves.
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    I love all the classics that @novella1186 mentioned above, and I'll add Rosemary's Baby, Pet Sematary,  and Carrie to that. 

    I also love the 6th Sense, The Skeleton Key, Paranormal Activity, Shutter Island and there was a movie I loved a few years ago. I think it came out around the time of the Conjuring. A family moved into a creepy house... something about the Dad watching old movies... and they had son. I cannot really remember the plot or the name of the movie, but we loved it. It had a twist ending. Does anyone know what movie I'm talking about??



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    pinkcow13 said:
    I love all the classics that @novella1186 mentioned above, and I'll add Rosemary's Baby, Pet Sematary,  and Carrie to that. 

    I also love the 6th Sense, The Skeleton Key, Paranormal Activity, Shutter Island and there was a movie I loved a few years ago. I think it came out around the time of the Conjuring. A family moved into a creepy house... something about the Dad watching old movies... and they had son. I cannot really remember the plot or the name of the movie, but we loved it. It had a twist ending. Does anyone know what movie I'm talking about??

    Sinister. The end of that one really gave me chills. 
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    pinkcow13 said:
    I love all the classics that @novella1186 mentioned above, and I'll add Rosemary's Baby, Pet Sematary,  and Carrie to that. 

    I also love the 6th Sense, The Skeleton Key, Paranormal Activity, Shutter Island and there was a movie I loved a few years ago. I think it came out around the time of the Conjuring. A family moved into a creepy house... something about the Dad watching old movies... and they had son. I cannot really remember the plot or the name of the movie, but we loved it. It had a twist ending. Does anyone know what movie I'm talking about??

    Sinister. The end of that one really gave me chills. 

    YESSSSS! This movie! LOVED this movie, and I ALWAYS forget the name of it. I'm going to check for it tonight on Netflix and On Demand. The music in this movie really freaked me out. It kept me anxious the entire time lol.


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    pinkcow13 said:
    I love all the classics that @novella1186 mentioned above, and I'll add Rosemary's Baby, Pet Sematary,  and Carrie to that. 

    I also love the 6th Sense, The Skeleton Key, Paranormal Activity, Shutter Island and there was a movie I loved a few years ago. I think it came out around the time of the Conjuring. A family moved into a creepy house... something about the Dad watching old movies... and they had son. I cannot really remember the plot or the name of the movie, but we loved it. It had a twist ending. Does anyone know what movie I'm talking about??

    Sinister. The end of that one really gave me chills. 

    YESSSSS! This movie! LOVED this movie, and I ALWAYS forget the name of it. I'm going to check for it tonight on Netflix and On Demand. The music in this movie really freaked me out. It kept me anxious the entire time lol.


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    OH!! And I just remembered another one - Identity! This movie was totally up my alley.


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    Silence of the Lambs is one of my all time favorites.  I also loved the Descent, and Suspiria (I always screw up the spelling).  I tend to prefer the older scary movies, and stay away from the over the top gore.

    I was thinking of watching the Sacrament tonight, has anyone watched it? Reviews?
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    pinkcow13 said:
    pinkcow13 said:
    I love all the classics that @novella1186 mentioned above, and I'll add Rosemary's Baby, Pet Sematary,  and Carrie to that. 

    I also love the 6th Sense, The Skeleton Key, Paranormal Activity, Shutter Island and there was a movie I loved a few years ago. I think it came out around the time of the Conjuring. A family moved into a creepy house... something about the Dad watching old movies... and they had son. I cannot really remember the plot or the name of the movie, but we loved it. It had a twist ending. Does anyone know what movie I'm talking about??

    Sinister. The end of that one really gave me chills. 

    YESSSSS! This movie! LOVED this movie, and I ALWAYS forget the name of it. I'm going to check for it tonight on Netflix and On Demand. The music in this movie really freaked me out. It kept me anxious the entire time lol.

    Ew, SIB! 
    Yeah it was so creepy, and so suspenseful. Remember the part where the dad goes to check on the little girl, and it looks like she's facing the wall sleeping, but really there's a little effed up ghost chick crouched next to the bed telling her "sshhhh!" 

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    Sinister gave me nightmares!


    I love the classics like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Scream.


    I also really like The Others, Insidous, and The Excorcism of Emily Rose!

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    SaraBrideSoon the Others! Yes! I still own that one on VHS lol. I LOVE Nicole Kidman. That movie was totally creepy, and zero gore. 
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    The exorcist, poltergeist, Sinister and The Conjuring.  I also like the first Paranormal Activity.

    I'm curious if anyone saw Annabelle.  I don't care to see it in the theater, but I'll definitely watch it when it comes around on netflix.


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    pinkcow13 said:
    pinkcow13 said:
    I love all the classics that @novella1186 mentioned above, and I'll add Rosemary's Baby, Pet Sematary,  and Carrie to that. 

    I also love the 6th Sense, The Skeleton Key, Paranormal Activity, Shutter Island and there was a movie I loved a few years ago. I think it came out around the time of the Conjuring. A family moved into a creepy house... something about the Dad watching old movies... and they had son. I cannot really remember the plot or the name of the movie, but we loved it. It had a twist ending. Does anyone know what movie I'm talking about??

    Sinister. The end of that one really gave me chills. 

    YESSSSS! This movie! LOVED this movie, and I ALWAYS forget the name of it. I'm going to check for it tonight on Netflix and On Demand. The music in this movie really freaked me out. It kept me anxious the entire time lol.

    Ew, SIB! 
    Yeah it was so creepy, and so suspenseful. Remember the part where the dad goes to check on the little girl, and it looks like she's facing the wall sleeping, but really there's a little effed up ghost chick crouched next to the bed telling her "sshhhh!" 

    Yes!!! That was really freaking creepy. I am totally watching this tonight or tomorrow night with FI. This thread got me into the October scary movie mood :)


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    Has anyone ever seen Pumpkin Head? That movie is awesome! It's one of those horribly made not-meant-to-be-funny-but is movies. And the creature does not even have a pumpkin head, which I found very annoying. 
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    The original Halloween - I & II. Michael Myers always walks...and he ALWAYS catches you! John Carpenter is a frickin genius! 

    28 days and 28 weeks later. Forget dumb walking zombies...those bitches run!

    The original Night of the Living Dead. Scary and interesting social commentary. 

    Any cheesy B horror films that are sold as something awesome. The remake of House of Wax (Paris Hilton included) was so bad I found it amazing.
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    I love scary movies and most of my favorites have already been mentioned. I'm a big fan of the classics (anything Alfred Hitchcock is amazing!) and zombie movies. For me The Exorcist is still the scariest movie of all time. I also liked The Omen (the original or the re-make). I'm not a big fan of the newer gore/scary movies like Saw or the paranormal activity ones.

    One that hasn't been mentioned that I really love is The Bad Seed. It's so good!

    There is also a parody of horror movies called Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. It's hilarious and I highly recommend it to anyone! It's on Netflix.

    Silence of the Lambs is definitely in my top 10 of favorite movies ever but I don't really consider it to be a scary movie.

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    My dad LOVED scary movies - we cut our teeth on them - I remember having nightmares about Alien back when I was just a little thing! 


    Some of my favorites are The Howling, The Descent, and Pet Semetary.  There are tons more that I love and will watch though!


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    wouldn't say its my favorite spooky movie but 'the fourth kind' really scared the bejeesus out of me!  
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    novella1186novella1186 member
    First Anniversary First Comment First Answer 5 Love Its
    edited October 2014
    wouldn't say its my favorite spooky movie but 'the fourth kind' really scared the bejeesus out of me!  
    Me too! Until the end when it started getting way too far-fetched and fake, so I googled the "real" story and it turned out it wasn't based on anything real. Of course. But that damn owl! To this day I'm scared of seeing an owl outside my window! 

    I don't understand the appeal of the Paranormal franchise at all. I'm a total chicken and for some reason I talked myself into watching the second one, home alone, in my parents' huge creepy old house, in the dark. I was BORED OUT OF MY MIND. 

    Edited because spelling words is hard 
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    I will never watch the fourth kind again because it gave me nightmares, but another movie that also freaked me out but I LOVE and will watch repeatedly is the mothman prophecies I think its called? With richard gere?
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    I will never watch the fourth kind again because it gave me nightmares, but another movie that also freaked me out but I LOVE and will watch repeatedly is the mothman prophecies I think its called? With richard gere?

    Aah! SIB! 

    OMG YES! I love that movie. So good! And the mothman thing is totally a real legend, really in that same town, and their bridge really collapsed on xmas eve. If you google you you'll find some super interesting stuff on it. 
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    I will never watch the fourth kind again because it gave me nightmares, but another movie that also freaked me out but I LOVE and will watch repeatedly is the mothman prophecies I think its called? With richard gere?

    Aah! SIB! 

    OMG YES! I love that movie. So good! And the mothman thing is totally a real legend, really in that same town, and their bridge really collapsed on xmas eve. If you google you you'll find some super interesting stuff on it. 
    Little known fact - the town and bridge used to film the movie is in Western Pennsylvania (and not West Virginia - where the actual town is). I know this because I get to drive on that bridge every time I go home to visit my parents. It is currently closed for repairs. It's a bit freaky to get stuck sitting on it when the light is red at the end of the bridge and remember the scene of it falling...
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    Little known fact - the town and bridge used to film the movie is in Western Pennsylvania (and not West Virginia - where the actual town is). I know this because I get to drive on that bridge every time I go home to visit my parents. It is currently closed for repairs. It's a bit freaky to get stuck sitting on it when the light is red at the end of the bridge and remember the scene of it falling...


    No waaaaaay! I would refuse to drive on it.  Or atleast have a semi-serious panic attack while doing so, if I absolutely HAD to go that way.

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    Ah, sorry to do a post and run!  I'm back now!  

    I'm so excited for all of these new movies to watch.

    Side note: Although we didn't think Insidious 2 was all that scary, we ended up freaking each other out afterwards by talking about scary things, and then we had to sleep with the lights on.  I felt super lame, but it was funny at the same time.  

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    Halloween, Identity, Saw, Child's Play, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wax House, Hellraiser, Misery, The Shining, The Sixth Sense, Final Destination (the second was my favourite, but I liekd them all), Zodiac, and Sleepy Hollow.
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    Oooh good one with Misery, @doeydo! That one is awesome. Gotta love Kathy Bates. FI has never seen it and I plan on watching it during the second half of our honeymoon when we are back home.
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    doeydo said:
    Halloween, Identity, Saw, Child's Play, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Wax House, Hellraiser, Misery, The Shining, The Sixth Sense, Final Destination (the second was my favourite, but I liekd them all), Zodiac, and Sleepy Hollow.
    Ahh, Zodiac killed me (pun unintended).  It was just so boring.  I know that he was never caught in real life, but it seriously made for an anticlimactic movie.  I've still never seen Identity, but I'll definitely have to check it out because I think it's been mentioned three times now in this thread.  

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    I love scary movies and most of my favorites have already been mentioned. I'm a big fan of the classics (anything Alfred Hitchcock is amazing!) and zombie movies. For me The Exorcist is still the scariest movie of all time. I also liked The Omen (the original or the re-make). I'm not a big fan of the newer gore/scary movies like Saw or the paranormal activity ones.

    One that hasn't been mentioned that I really love is The Bad Seed. It's so good!

    There is also a parody of horror movies called Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. It's hilarious and I highly recommend it to anyone! It's on Netflix.

    Silence of the Lambs is definitely in my top 10 of favorite movies ever but I don't really consider it to be a scary movie.
    My H freakin' LOVES Tucker & Dale. 
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