Not Engaged Yet

Thursday Chat

How's everybody's Thursday?  We're almost to the end of the week!

I'm doing dissertation research at my dining room table this morning...trying to finish up going through some sources before I have to take them back to the library tomorrow.  This particular batch of sources is pretty quick to go through, because I know exactly what I'm looking for, and if it isn't there, it isn't there.  I'm hoping I can get through 3 sources before I go meet a college friend for coffee.  He grew up Baptist and recently converted to Catholicism, and so I wanted to talk with him about his experience, since that's the direction I'm heading myself.  Hopefully I can find time this afternoon to squeeze in a run as well...the weather is absolutely GORGEOUS (for once), and I'd love to get outside and clear my head.  I have class this evening, and then I'll probably come home and watch Buffy on Netflix while I make dinner...probably something easy, a vegetable of some sort, and a baked sweet potato.

OK.  Coffee, then research.  I'll check back in with you fabulous ladies later!

Re: Thursday Chat

  • Good morning! @futuremrshistorian - Good luck with the research.

    The weather here is terrible so I couldn't walk into work today.  My legs hurt A LOT from the barr class I took yesterday.  Such small movements (but so many repeatitions) hurt.  Its a good hurt though.  Today is work, work, work and H and I will go to meditation tonight.  Its really a great class and has helped us both have a better sense of understanding of ourselves, each other and the world generally.  I'm looking forward to it tonight.

  • good morning!

    @minskat30 - did you enjoy the barre class??  take a bath with 1 cup of epsom salt mixed in... it'll help soothe the muscles.

    I got breakfast at Starbucks this morning... protein bistro box and a whole milk cappuccino.  YUM.

    I've got a busy day at work today, but I'm getting off early (3:15!).  going to go home, run a couple miles, do my PIYO, prep dinner (a bunch of chopping), clean up, teach a couple piano lessons, cook/eat dinner, hang up a ton of laundry, study.  busy evening, but Thursdays are always like that!!
  • @CoCoBellaF - Holy busy day! Good luck getting all that done.  Yes, barre was great.  I used to (very briefly when I was young) do ballet so I had a good time with it.  My leg muscles were shaking about 20 minutes into the class so I have a lot of toning to do.  :)  An epsom salt bath is on the agenda for sure.  I bought some epsom salt last night but didn't have time for the bath.  I have a Bootcamp class today so I'm going to need that bath ASAP.
  • It's a rainy cold Thursday here.  I only had a 4 day work week but this week has really dragged on.  The tiling is all down in the kitchen I was actually able to get into the kitchen last night.  Today the contractor is doing the caulking.  I assume all will be finished tomorrow, which is fine.  I just can't wait to clean everything up and get things back in order. 

    Otherwise life is pretty boring.  I really just want Friday and the weekend to get here. 


  • @Peaseblossom55 I can't wait! Please share pictures when everything is all put back together again! I'm seriously jealous of all your home renovations!

    @minskat30 At least the pain means you worked hard right? :) I hate being sore too but at least I can make myself feel better by reminding myself that it means I really DID something.

    I have absolutely nothing interesting going on today. Cinders seems to have recovered from her raisin binge at least. Tonight H and I need to go grocery shopping and straighten up around the house a little bit since my mom is going to stay with us tomorrow and Saturday night while my dad is out of town on a hike. We are soooo boring.

  • @GoldenPenguin YAYYYY!!! I am so happy for you and your FI and especially VI!!! I saw the video of her going nuts in the yard and it was so sweet! She looks ecstatic!

  • Morning all!

    I worked in the last of the ends on the knitting this morning!! Tonight FI and I will head to my parents' place - he'll leave me there so I can finish work on my mom's and my inventory tonight-Friday. All that's left is tagging and putting hangers on the sweater-in-progress ornaments. Today is my Friday at work, so I'd better go work on reading funding opportunity announcements.
  • I know @LaPeanut1018 - Every time I get up from my chair my thigh muscles are screaming at me "Nooooo, why God, why?".  I'm downing a lot of water today in hopes that that helps.
  • YAY @goldenpenguin!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!

    Its nasty, cold, and rainy today. I accidentally overslept this morning because my bed and my H are just too snuggley. Luckily I still made it to work on time.  I've been super busy this morning at work so my morning flew by.  I'm ready to be back home and curled up on the couch.
  • @GoldenPenguin YAY!!!! I love it! I'm so glad Violet approves of the yard lol!

    Today is ugly and it's raining outside. H has a really big meeting at work today with a parent that has been causing a lot of stress with him and the county. Basically the county is going to start testing allll over again with her child because the mom isn't satisfied that her daughter is making straight A's. This is BS because she wants her child to have every accommodation in the book even though she has tested above average. My H, who is her teacher, feels that she is being held back for no reason and that if she is retested then it will prove that she doesn't need accommodations. Her mom is nutso.

    After all that, H will probably come home tonight want to drink lots of beer. I'm going to make breakfast for dinner after CrossFit and then snuggle all night with H in hopes that he feels better after this meeting.
  • @GoldenPenguin YAAAAY! Also, love Vi's expression in that photo! "MOMMY MOMMY IS THE PHOTO DONE YET I WANNA CELEBRATE AND BE CUTE."

    Today is very gloomy. I'm wrapping up my secondary antibody incubation on my Western blot (A++++ I am a scientist wooo) so that I can get the fuck out of here by 12:15 to take Birdface to the vet. I think he's doing better but I am so nervous.

    ALL the good vibes today, if you're able. I'm honestly 90% sure I'm coming home with devastating news.

    This weekend is all wedding planning all the time, sort of. Tonight, I'm going to go through all my clothes and figure out what I'm donating. Friday after work, we're renting a Zipcar to run the following errands:
    - J is dropping the cable box off at Crapcast
    - We're hitting up DollarTree for anything else we need for the wedding/decor
    - Stop & Shop to restock the kitchen, and to buy several pounds of sugar and like ... 10 bottles of corn syrup
    - Then we're dropping off said clothes donations

    Saturday is cleaning all fucking day. We're already out of room for the wedding gifts we've received already, and the kitchen is currently unusable besides a square foot of counter space.

    Sunday, we're spending the morning and early afternoon making favors (candy), and then we're going to my in-laws' to finish the chuppah, pick up the boutonniere pins, and have J practice his mother-son dance with his mom.
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
  • @futuremrshistorian - Good luck with all of your research!

    @minskat30 - I've been thinking about trying a barre class for a while now, I'm glad you liked it!

    @Swazzle - So glad you finally got some news about the house; keeping fingers crossed that it all works out quickly. And you and your dress are super pretty :)

    @GoldenPenguin - Congratulations!!! Vi seems exceptionally happy in that picture lol

    @southernpeach89 - Ugh, I'm sorry your H is dealing with that crap. FI has been having a couple of rough weeks at work too and is annoyed and exhausted every day. I hate that there isn't a whole lot I can do :(

    It's a great day here too, just waiting for it to start raining. I just got out a long team meeting, half of which was spent discussing a bunch of problem files and trying to figure out how we're going to deal with them without making the problems even bigger. ARG.

    Tonight I'm having dinner with most of my co-workers at someone's house. Sort of a going away thing for one employee and a congratulations thing for another team. So lots of delicious hakka food and wine, but I'll probably try to duck out early because I am le tired.



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @swazzle the dress is so pretty! I love it!!!

    @Goldenpenguin you own a home now.  Yay!!! Also you will probably be on a first name basis with many of the people that work at Home Depot, especially the paint department.

    @Lapeanut1018 I'm so excited for the kitchen to be done.  Although H was like yesterday I'm not so sure I like the color the walls are painted now.. I love the whole look honestly.  I told him to go to HD to get some ideas.  I doubt he will though and even talking about it he couldn't come up with a color he liked.  Sigh.  We have other projects on the list to complete first.



  • @Phira Nearly one week left! I won't lie - hiring a cleaning company to come clean a few days before the wedding was one of the BEST wedding decisions  I made. It took a HUGE chore off my plate when I had soooo many million other things to do. I know how you are feeling right now! Also, sending ALL THE VIBES for Birdo. I hope everything is ok. :(

    @allusive007 I am so glad you are feeling better now! Waiting for layoff news is the worst and I'm really glad that your company is keeping you and you are getting some awesome new responsibilities and skills!

  • This may be a post and run- but I haven't been here in forever and I miss you all!!

    @goldenpenguin- Congrats!!! Did you post pics in another thread?

    Today is a gloomy rainy day. Thankfully we did our engagement photos yesterday, when it was sunny and warm! I can't wait to get them back and post them here. I can't wait for the school day to end...not feeling it at all today. Hence why I am here posting for a quick minute!
  • @futuremrshistorian - I hope your friend has some helpful insight into the conversion process!

    @minskat30 - What kind of facility has the meditation class? I remember when I lived in Seattle we would go to a big cathedral and listen to monks chant, and hundreds of people would come and meditate. That was much less a class, and much more just a relaxing atmosphere.

    @CocoBellaF - What is PIYO? I've seen you mention it, but I still don't know what that stands for.

    @Peaseblossom55 - I'm glad to hear the tiling is down!

    @Swazzle - Thank goodness you've gotten an update!

    @GoldenPenguin - That's so exciting! Already re-finishing floors. Look at you go, you homeowner you! Did Vi have much of a yard previously?

    @southernpeach89 - Wow. I feel bad for that poor girl!

    @Phira - Why do you need so much sugar/corn syrup?!?

    @lmcooper86 - You are le tired? Alright, have a nap. Then fire ze missiles!


    We acutally have decent weather today. I didn't get rained on during my morning run, and made it through 5 miles, which I haven't done in a while. Now it is sunny, but raining.

    I am pretty tired though. I followed through on the plans I made yesterday. Made an order through this "delivery service" (they have a website, and a catchy phone number) and got some white chocolate chip pumpkin spice pot cookies to save for another day. Took one hit, coughed my poor lungs out, and couldn't move for about an hour. Watched V for Vendetta because it's the 5th of November, and then cross stitched. I'm hoping I don't go back and look at it today to find out I fucked everything up, haha.

    All of my superiors are gone today on a work trip, so the office will be quiet and probably boring. That is the environment where I tend to get the most work done, though.

  • @AlPacina - combination of Pilates and Yoga.  I use Chalene Johnson's DVD package!  I looooove it.
  • Thank you everyone for all the vibes & well-wishes :) I couldn't wait to share it with all of you!! 

    @alpacina - we live in an apartment complex now, so there isn't anywhere for Vi to run alone - we have to walk her. But when we take her anywhere with a yard, she is just in HEAVEN, so I knew she'd be happy. We just have to train her on the invisible fence, and she'll be good! 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @minskat30 - I second the recommendation for an epsom salt bath.  I've never taken a barre class, but I did go back to taking ballet again after 11 years off...good grief I have never been so sore in my life.

    @CocoBellaF - Noms Starbucks!  I'm going this afternoon to meet my friend, and I will be having my favorite gingerbread latte.  I think I'm addicted.

    @peaseblossom55 - I've avoided doing anything in my kitchen because I don't want to glad yours is almost finished!!

    @Swazzle - Good house vibes...and that dress is STUNNING.

    @southernpeach89 - Having to deal with parents is one of the main reasons I went into college teaching...if a parent calls me, all I have to say is "Due to FERPA regulations, I will not discuss your child's work with you."  And then if they criticize me, I just pass it on to my department chair.

    @allusive007 - I'm glad all the stress of the last few weeks is gone and you can enjoy work again.

    @LaPeanut1018 - Boring is good.  I love being boring.

    @phira - All the good vibes.

    @GoldenPenguin - AAAAAH!  House!!!

    I finished 4 sources and am enjoying a cup of tea and an episode of Buffy before I go run.  Seriously, how did I never watch this show when I was in high school?  It would have been EXACTLY my style.


    They are putting posters all over our office titled "Is it FLU or EBOLA?" They point out the symptom differences with cartoon graphics.......... Isn't that lovely.

  • Who watches Homeland? 

    I just finished this week's episode. HOLEEEEE SHIT. Best episode since the first season. 

  • @AlPacina Wooowwwwwwwww....what area of the country are you in again?

  • @swazzle I'm glad to hear that things are progressing with your house! 

    @GoldenPenguin congratulations! Violet looks SO HAPPY in that picture. It's adorable. 

    @phira all the good vibes for Birdo

    Nothing really too interesting going on here. The weather here is crappy today too, but in a completely opposite way from what you ladies are describing. The Santa Ana's are here, and it is SO. FREAKING. HOT. And 0% humidity. I'm hoping that the crazies don't try to start any fires and burn the entire county. I just want 70 degrees and 60% humidity back. 

    Work is really slow right now. I am on top of things, but I am in between projects currently so I can't do much. My manager basically told me yesterday to find as many training courses as I can for the next few weeks. 

    Oh, and I'm realizing that I really don't understand Wall Street and investing. My company reported record earnings yesterday, but it didn't quite meet the expectations of financial analysts, so our stock took quite the tumble. Which really sucks, because BF and I both have a lot of unvested shares in our company given to us as bonuses, and part of his will vest later this month. I'm just really hoping we bounce back in the next few weeks. 

    But I rebalanced my 401k plan earlier this week and am seeing really good performance on that already, so I have that going for me. I would be more than happy to help anyone who is confused by any of that. it definitely took me a little while to figure all of that out. 

    I will also probably plan some events for that board that I am on. 

  • @LaPeanut1018 - I live in Portland, OR. And I'm an engineer with no ties to any sort of medical field. The executives are really pushing the "safety" thing this year. I wonder if this is just them trying to look like they're doing something.

    @Swazzle - I don't watch Homeland, but I have started watching Criminal Minds now. I wish that guy had the same beard he has in Homeland. That's a freakin nice beard.

  • @AlPacina But Portland, OR is totally at a HUGE RISK! I mean...look at all the Ebola patients you guys have in your local hospitals.

    FTR - I saw a notice in my vet's office the other day about Ebola...but it was mostly that 1. It hasn't been determined that pets like dogs and cats can spread Ebola to people.

  • @AlPacina I didn't realize you were an engineer too! What type of engineer and what do you do? 

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