My two year old cat, Chloe, has been with my FI and I since she was 4 months old. She is my child and I am her mama. Any time I am sitting anywhere and there is room for her to sit on me, she is there. She even tries to sit on my lap at the dinner table. Chloe is currently cuddled in my lap right now.
As her mama, I think I'm her favorite. FI will be home an entire day while I am out and not once will Chloe sit in his lap or curl up on the couch next to him. It makes him very sad that she doesn't cuddle with him the same way she does with me. I wish she would show him some of the same affection she shows me. She does sit with him sometimes, I think it's not as many times as FI would like. I've read that cats pick their favorite person and that's just that.
Anyone else have experience with their pet picking favorites between you and your FI/H/SO?
Re: Pets picking favorites
My dog.. I'd like to think he's a mommy's boy but he loves on his daddy just as much.
My younger dog will cuddle with me, and lets me just lay there and rub her belly, but with FI she's always at attention. He's the more playful one, so to be fair, he usually IS after her toy, but then he gets upset that she won't just cuddle with him!
My other dog, who I had before I met FI, is pretty evenly split between us.
I'm the fuck out.
So we have two cats, one is called my kitten and the other is called his kitten. They are almost 3 years old and for a very long time both preferred him. However in the past few months mine has become very affectionate with me, and will spend almost all day in my lap while I work from home 2 days a week.
My older cat, who is no longer with us, bonded with him after a while. He just has to be patient and maybe be the one to provide treats. Cats are all different and crazy furry kids.
Currently, he's sick, so he favors me. I thought he'd want FI since I'm the one who takes him to the vet and gives him his meds, but it's almost like he knows I'm making him better. At least that's what I tell myself
LOL my bulldog does the same thing! She gets super mad and cold shouldery if I come home briefly and then leave again. I LOVE bulldog attitudes.
I'm the fuck out.
She likes FH enough and will play with him, but I am definitely her human.
The cat I owned when I was married never accepted DH. He tolerated her, but didn't really like her.
Our current cat picked DH in the pet store. He was a rescue cat, two years old. They put us together in a back room so we could get to know each other. I swear, that cat yelled "Daddy!!!" and galloped towards DH. Five minutes later, the man who wasn't going to get a cat that day was sitting on the floor WEARING the cat around his neck. They adore each other. I am ignored unless his dish is empty.
Have you considered getting another cat?
Live fast, die young. Bad Girls do it well. Suki Zuki.