Chit Chat

Wedding Day / Reception Reminders ?

edited December 2014 in Chit Chat

Does anyone know of a service out there that would allow me to send wedding day /reception reminders (via text) to my guests? I'm thinking on the day of my wedding, send a few things like:

-  a greeting / picture of me and my husband
-  address to the church (so it's on their phones already)
-  "don't park in front of the church"
-  table number at reception
-  instagram # / @smithwedding
-  etc.

This would be really cool I think. My guests could leave the print invitations we are sending them (with all the information) at home.


Re: Wedding Day / Reception Reminders ?

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    edited December 2014

    Does anyone know of a service out there that would allow me to send wedding day /reception reminders (via text) to my guests? I'm thinking on the day of my wedding, send a few things like:

    -  a greeting / picture of me and my husband
    -  address to the church (so it's on their phones already)
    -  "don't park in front of the church"
    -  table number at reception
    -  etc.

    This would be really cool I think. My guests could leave the print invitations we are sending them (with all the information) at home.


    I've never heard of this. I'm honestly not a fan as a guest, though. It would come across as nagging and a bit like you don't trust me to show up.
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    I think this is a terrible idea....essentially you're going to group text your guests?

    What if they text you back? Do you really want 200 texts saying "thanks" or "where are you"?

    I would set up a wedding website and give everyone the link (maybe on your paper invite) and they can access that on their phones because everyone has the internet...also then you can make changes and updates as needed, that everyone has group access to, without getting a million messages yourself.
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    I'm sorry but I think this is a terrible idea.
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    holyguacamole79 that's a good point. I'm thinking, ok, is everyone even going to have their phones with them? the younger people probably. idk.

    @charlottesmom0626  ya, I wouldn't want to bombard these people with texts either, and I certainly wouldn't want to see everyone's reply. I am not even sure how the whole group texting thing would work, but it was just a thought.

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    I saw this wedding app you can create for your wedding, and my initial thought was "would people even download the app? why not just text them."
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    This just seems super micro-manage-y.
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    thanks for all the help!
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    AddieCakeAddieCake member
    First Anniversary First Answer First Comment 5 Love Its
    edited December 2014
    Why would your guests need reminders? They can manage to keep track of the info themselves, just like people have been doing forever before everything had a damned app.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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    that's what I said! I'm 27 and everything is on my phone, and I don't necessarily like that. My friends never put them down. 

    I went to a wedding this past year in Nashville TN. My fiance and I left our invitation at home (our fault), but we were texting our friends and trying to get the address to the ceremony. it sucked! no one answered us, we were driving around. my friends we called didn't have their invitations either. 

    maybe I need new friends haha. anyways, that is where this idea came from and I figured I would put it out there.
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    I think this is insulting to your guests.  Treat them like responsible adults - not like children who might forget their homework.
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    Treat your guests like intelligent adults. Whether or not it is true. No one likes being nagged or feeling like someone considers them incompetent to go somewhere unsupervised.
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    I agree. I would not want to insult any of my guests.

    My only thought (right or wrong) was is there a way to get all the information from our invitation onto our guests' cell phones, so they don't have to bring their invitation? They click the address on their phone and the GPS turns on, etc. 

    Again, just a thought. Worse case they can go to our website and get all of that there. 
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    If they're tech savvy enough to have an app on their phone with wedding information, they're tech savvy enough to have stored that info on their phone themselves.  If they forget it, it's on them - responsible adults should be responsible.

    **The OMH formerly known as jsangel1018**
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    Whenever I am going somewhere, I put the address in my phone. I don't need you to text me for the info to get in my phone. Doing this seriously sends the message that you think your guests don't know how to do these things for themselves.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
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    If someone wants the information saved in their phones, they can take a picture of the invitation or enter the address into GPS. They could also pull up your wedding website from a mobile browser.

    Foisting this upon your guests without their consent is a terrible idea. It sucks that you forgot an invitation at home without saving the address first, but that's your problem - not your friends', not the hosts'.

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    I feel like the app would be better because your guests can choose if they want that on their phone or not.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Daisypath Anniversary tickers

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    i've noticed a couple of websites that create wedding apps for you. thanks guys.
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