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  • marylabmarylab member
    Sixth Anniversary 25 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited January 2015
    @CocoBellaF Enchiladas sound like a very good option,maybe
    some crock pot meals too if she uses/has one?They are easy to
    make and easy to cook,especially with a baby.
    Not Hispanic but my fav freezer meal is chicken pot pie.

  • @Ollie08 - Imagine me drinking and judging with you all day tomorrow ;)

    @minskat30 - Awesome! The cruise H and I went on also stopped at San Juan, St. Thomas, and St. Maarten. I haven't been to any of the others! If you haven't been to St. Maarten before and want a tour rec, the one we did was really great! 

    @Peaseblossom55 - Where did you get your couch from? Pics? H and I are shopping around for one now!

    @peekaboo2011 - All the things are crossed!

  • @CocoBellaF Cheese enchiladas are good for picky kids. Growing up, all of the kids in my family (including me) were really picky eaters, and we always chowed down on cheese enchiladas and rice.

    @TwoDimes Have fun this weekend!!!! Sounds like a great weekend. Can't wait to see pics!

    @southernpeach89 Oooooh a cooking class sounds like so much fun!

    @ourladyofpotato Glad you're feeling better!

    @minskat30 I'm so sorry you had a rough day yesterday :( I worked retail for 7 years, and I remember how demoralizing it can be when someone speaks to you so rudely. I'm glad your H helped to cheer you up! When are you going on your cruise? It sounds fabulous.

    @futuremrshistorian That's great news about Mr. Historian! Also, congrats in advance to your brother! I can't imagine being engaged at 20, but I'm happy he and his GF are ready to take the next step. :)

    @lmcooper86 Feel better soon!

    @Ollie08 Try to enjoy tomorrow! The trunk bar is a genius idea!

    @lilacck28 Hair and make up inspiration pics?

    @peaseblossom55 March?! Geez!


    Realized I forgot to answer the February question. I'm most looking forward to our anniversary on Feb 25th. We'll probably keep it low key, but FI told me he's planned a few gifts. I had a dream last night that we got a puppy, but I'm 99.9% certain that will remain a dream until after the wedding.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @CocoBellaF - Yeah, they're both still in college, which makes me go "AAAAAAH" because I remember what I was like in college.  I'm just now starting to feel like I'm really ready to get married, but my sisters were married at 21 and 23, my parents were 20/23, and my grandparents were 18/20 and 21/24.  He's the baby, though, so this is a big deal for all of us.

    And...YES to a G2G.  Let me check my schedule for February and I'll PM you.  :-)
  • Ollie08 said:
    @minskat30 - I'm not sure yet. I've cruised with Royal Caribbean, Carnival, and Disney before. I wasn't a big fan of Carnival (their ship seemed really tired and dingy), but the reviews for RC Western Caribbean aren't that great. Carnival's reviews seem to be better. I'm probably going to talk to a cruise planner and see what they think. What about you?

    Carnival is the only one with route we like and we can get a larger room for a much more reasonable price...both H and I are a bit claustrophobic.  So we may be stuck with Carnival.
  • I'm feeling good today! Although I'm kind of sad because last night was my last day as an advocacy volunteer. I may do it again in a year or two, but honestly, my heart needs a break. I'm super ready for the weekend, but not excited for a 4 hour meeting this morning where I'll mostly be listening to management drone on.

    Plans for this weekend? SEAHAWKS! SEAHAWKS! SEAHAWKS! And getting together with another couple that I LOVE for game night tomorrow. Probably gonna play Power Grid and try to make a dent in our enormous homebrew supply.

    February 21st is going to be a fun day. I'm taking two girlfriends to go see R&H's Cinderella, then I'm meeting up with two other girlfriends for HH and a wine and paint night! I don't have much else planned for the month though. No sex on valentine's day.

    @Swazzle - When I moved in with BF, I wanted to paint the living room orange SO BADLY. I thought it would go super well because everything else is dark brown, and I even brought home a billion swatches to try and find one he'd agree on. One day, he painted the mantle dark brown (previously white, like everything else), and that was all it took to bring the room together..... I've decided to not choose anything colorful anymore, haha. Way too much of a chance that it will be overwhelming.

    @marylab - I agree that it doesn't look quite right. I like that the twigs add texture, but I don't think they fit being black and white when your names are green and yellow.

  • @AlPacina I frequently get the songs from R&H's Cinderella stuck in my head. Infinitely jealous you're going to go see it! :)

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @swazzle we are getting our couch through Bob's there is one in your town I believe.

    This what we ordered, it's a modular sectional so each piece moves and we can change how the sectional looks.


  • @Peaseblossom55 -Yep! There's one less than 5 minutes away actually. I'll have to look there!

  • @Alpacina That's why you need a fresh view sometimes.
    I got used to it and now it doesn't stick to me either.
    Even the text would be better grey.I'll get it back to editing.
    Talking about colors..when we first moved in together we painted
    a whole room lime green..What looked like an awesome idea later
    was a pain in ... to repaint before moving out.Lesson learned,we
    didn't paint an eggplant wall here in the bedroom.I got removable
    vinyl stickers for it.They are big,wavy stripes in dark violet that I love.

  • Swazzle said:
    @Peaseblossom55 -Yep! There's one less than 5 minutes away actually. I'll have to look there!

    I went to that one a few times actually it's nice.


  • speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
    Second Anniversary 2500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited January 2015
    What I'm looking forward to in February:  Well, going to be starting February off with the birth of my niece/nephew, and ending the month with moving into MY house!

    This weekend:  Having a double date with my best friend so she can have some adult only time before the baby's born.  Then superbowl party/birthday celebration for my brother.  

    @cocobellaF - my niece is 3, but usually prefers to eat whatever adults are eating.  When she was going through a picky phase the best choice was chicken, broccoli, and rice with cheese.  Enchiladas and rice is a good idea too.  

    marylab I like the branches, but is there a way to make them brown? I think the black may be too bold with the green and yellow.

    AlPacina I'm glad you're feeling better!  Your girls day sounds like so much fun!  I haven't seen a broadway show in so long.  Last show I saw was Mama Mia with one of my girlfriends and it was so much fun to make a girls day out of it.  

    Ollie08minskat30 My entire family cruises for our family reunions.  If you need any advice, I can give more details, but: We found Royal Caribbean and Norwegian to be the most family friendly. All of the kids raved about how much there was for them to do with those cruise lines.  They were bored on Carnival and Celebrity, and made it clear they were bored the entire trip.   Norwegian is cheaper; we had balcony rooms for the price of a regular room from RC.  The food on RC, Norwegian, and Celebrity was phenomenal. Personally, I loved RC because they have their own port in New Jersey so we didn't have to drive into Manhattan, and their private island (Labadee) is one of my favorite places to visit.  Norwegian appealed more to my party girl side; they have a lot of night time activities and a lot of different tastings.  We did a martini tasting on Norwegian ($15 for 4 martinis).  Celebrity is also really nice, but only for vacations without kids.

    Mini vent:  So my bf and I were talking about his cousin's wedding in June.  I am not particularly looking forward to it.  The wedding is on a Thursday, not a huge deal since we have to fly out there anyway.  The ceremony is in the morning, in Aspen.  The reception is in Denver.  It is an hour and a half drive from the ceremony sight to the reception site.  Oh and the reception is not until the evening so there is a 4-5 hour gap.  The guys have already decided they're going golfing during that time.  I am not golfing in a dress and heels, so if I do join them I would have to change.  My bf wasn't even bothered by the drive or gap because he was so excited to golf. At least I'll be with his brother's girlfriend the whole time so we can find something to entertain ourselves. 

    *eta - spelling
  • @speakeasy14 - I used to drive from Denver to Aspen on a pretty regular basis...if I recall correctly that can EASILY turn into a 3 hour drive.  You may not have any time to do anything other than drive!  
  • @AuroraRose41 - It's in San Diego!!  I knew there was someone on here from that area, but I couldn't remember who...

    We've also both applied for jobs in Portland, Maine, so it's looking like we'll either be settling in California or New England.  I'd love the weather in San Diego, but the jobs are better in Portland (they're both teaching positions, which is what we really want).  So now I'm just waiting to see what happens...something I am TERRIBLE at.
  • @futuremrshistorian yes!!!!!!!!! The weather here for the most part is awesome. Today is "bad" by San Diego terms, but it's nothing for anyone who has ever had to deal with real winters. It's 56 degrees and rainy. I'm sure it's much colder in Maine right now! Please keep me updated!!!!!!

  • @Speakeasy14 John actually ended up not liking it.
    I will look to put something else there or under
    the yellow ribbon,(because I didn't include the venue address) 
    or maybe nothing and leave it simple.
    February looks like a busy baby month for you!
    That wedding sounds exhausting..
    We've been to three friend's weddings so far and  there was
    always one thing that I still find weird .Between the ceremony and
    reception his friends like to go at a cafe and drink a coffee or something.
    Their reason is ''because the bride and groom are late to the venue''.
    Which is not true,yes they may take some pictures,salute guests at the church
    who are not invited,drive to the venue etc.but we're talking about an hour
    since the ceremony ends,and that only if you rush and congratulate them first,take
    your favor and leave.Even then the venues always were close and waited for
    guests to arrive with welcome drinks etc.
    I managed to go out only once..both rest times we arrived at the venue without facing
    a crowd,calmly wrote in the guest book,sat down and enjoyed our drink,while the
    rest of the company arrived almost before the couple,and the staff had to rush to get them
    to their tables before the couple entered.
    Why are they having such a big gap and with the distance on top?

  • @Swazzle - I saved the pictures from the listing and am so happy that we chose this house, but we really need to get in and take measurements so we can organize painting and having the upstairs floors sanded and stained before we move it. And I want to start thinking about furniture so we can keep an eye out for sales. I'm just annoyed that they won't let us come this weekend.

    @Ollie08 - Ugh, I'm sorry you're giving up your Saturday for a wedding that you aren't excited about. Hopefully trunk bar helps...and maybe the food will be really good?

    @lilacck28 - Yeah, hair and makeup quotes are so far beyond what I expected! It seems a bit crazy. Only 1 makeup artist will include the trial in her price. So crazy!

    @eilis1228 - I had a dream last night that I got arrested and went to jail. I wasn't in a cell, but in like a "welcome to jail" seminar. But it was definitely prison.

    @speakeasy14 - An hour and a half drive AND a gap on top of that?! What the hell are they thinking? That's insane! I'm annoyed for you. I would bet that that won't be their only etiquette issue...

    @AuroraRose41 - There's a thread on the Honeymoon board with all kinds of cruise info and tips. Check it out if you haven't already.

    @futuremrshistorian - Congrats on the interview! Wine is definitely in order!

    I am eating Pringles, because that will get rid of my cold right?



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @futuremrshistorian Congratulations on the interview!!! 

    AuroraRose41 clearly they didn't bother to look at any of the boards here, and I don't know that side of the family well enough to guide them here. 

    marylab This is my bf's family who I've only met once, so I don't really know why they think it is ok to have such a long gap. The gap is ridiculous on its own, and if it is known that traffic is so bad in that area, I have no idea why they would even consider putting their guests through that. 
  • @Speakeasy14 Well I hope it will be at least an awesome place,
    worth the hassle.And not because it's the cheapest or anything.
    Btw,maybe you can wear platform shoes for the grass?

  • lmcooper86 I hope it is the only etiquette blunder, but I will make sure to update with any other issues. Maybe I'll just provide live updates during the gap. 

    marylab From what my bf has told me, it is beautiful everywhere in Colorado. So I'm sure it will be nice, just inconvenient. Neither the reception or ceremony are at a golf course.  My bf and the rest of the groomsmen have decided that is what they want to do during the gap.  I'm not worried about being in heels for any part of the wedding, just to play golf.  
  • @Speakeasy14 I understood that,and threw the idea that in order not
    to bother with changing etc, or you could have a second pair in the car?

  • @Imcooper86 yes that is the first place I looked when I started considering a cruise, especially since FI and I have never been on one. It was extremely helpful. 

  • @aurorarose41 if you want to sail out of nj/ny I can also share my experiences with you.  
  • @speakeasy14 that would be great! 

  • @speakeasy14 - I worked in Aspen for a is absolutely GORGEOUS in June.  Expensive as hell, but gorgeous.  I just did a Google maps search for's a 200 mile drive.  They actually expect people to drive 200 miles from their ceremony to their reception?!
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