Chit Chat


Hi Ladies! I'm looking for some information and thought, this might be a good to place to go since it is mostly ladies! I need to get a Mammogram asap, but I do not have any health insurance and have been told by many people that there are lots of funding options out there for people in my situation but I'm having trouble locating this information. Someone told me Susan G. Komen has a voucher to help cover the costs but again I'm finding no information. So I thought maybe someone on here had been though this before or had some knowledge to help me out. 

Thanks in advance for the help!


Re: Mammogram

  • I think you can check with Planned Parenthood, as they do many free or low cost medical procedures outside of those relating to pregnancies.  I think they use a sliding scale for the cost.  You can call them to get information from your local chapter.  

    I also did a quick google on "free or low cost mammogram" and this was the first result that popped up:  
    Married 9.12.15
  • many hospitals offer free screening programs. are you referring to a screening mammogram? i'm asking because screening and diagnostic are not the same. Where are you located? I can help you find hospitals that offer free screening, but I'm in NYC. 
    - The stars, like dust, encircle me in living mists of light. And all of space I seem to see in one vast burst of sight. 
  • I will deffinately check planned parenthood, I go there for my birth control so that would be great if they did.


    When i google everything resorts back to contact the local Susan G Komen office, which of course today is Sunday, so i have to wait until tomorrow and i was just trying to be proactive and get any info i could today.


    I'm located in Iowa, and I dont think our hospital does free screenings.


    To give you more information(sorry in advance, i tend to ramble)


    My mom and grandmother both passed from breast cancer. My moms case was one of the most terrible severe cases her doctor had seen. Once diagnosed, she never went back to work, never drove a car again, never slept in her own bed(hospital bed in our living room) so having watched her go through all that, i'm pretty much scared to death.


    Last night I was in the er, for what i thought was a kidney infection/stones. They did a cat scan and the doctor came in to tell me that my kidneys looked good, spleen and liver a little enlarged but he wasn't worried, then he says "is there a family history of breast cancer?" of course after hearing that, i lost it and couldn't even tell you everything he said. I do beleive what he told me was that he saw some calcium in the lymph nodes of the right breast and i should have a mamorgram or ultra sound asap just to be safe.


    Then when the nurse came in, i asked her to again explain to me what the doctor said in relation to it, and she didn't even know, she just kept saying "whatever he told you" well between the iv pain meds and the words breast cancer, i couldn't even tell you my name at this point, so I politely told her, I need more information, I need this all written down. So she looks at the computer, and says "oh its just a mass"


    umm, excuse me, i surely dont remember the word mass.


    So i questioned her because I know it was something to do with calcium and she writes down for me that there is calcium deposits on my lung.......again....ummmm not what the doctor said?


    So for 12+ hours now I've been pretty much freaking out and losing my damn mind.


    So long story short i'm not sure what type of mammmogram i need i'll take all types lol




  • mj8215mj8215 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited April 2015
    I'm really sorry about your mom and grandmother and what you had to go through at the hospital. 
    There is a million reasons why your liver and spleen could be a bit enlarged and there is nothing breast-cancer-specific about that. 
    In general, if a woman has no symptoms (such as a lump), the official recommendation is to start screening mammograms is at age 40 or if there is a direct relative (mother, sister) such as in your case, 10 years before the age that relative was when she was diagnosed, whichever comes first. For example, if your mom was 45 when she was diagnosed, you should start getting screening mammograms when you are 35. If your mom was 55, you should start at 40 (not 45). Hope that makes sense! 
    Did they give you a printout of your cat scan report? 

    Edited to include: 
    Also, a cat scan is not the right test to evaluate the breast - so we can't really draw any conclusions from whatever they saw on your cat scan. the breast is best evaluated with a mammogram and possibly ultrasound. Also since you have a strong family history, one might consider genetic testing, but thats something to discuss in detail with your doctor. 
    - The stars, like dust, encircle me in living mists of light. And all of space I seem to see in one vast burst of sight. 
  • julieanne912julieanne912 member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary First Answer
    edited April 2015
    I had my own scare last year... I was having my annual and my NP found some harder areas.  So I did the mammogram and ultrasound ASAP.  It turned out to be nothing...just some calcium or whatever in the lymph nodes that come and go depending on my time of the month.  I had to go back 6 months later for a re-check but now I've been cleared to wait again til I'm 40.  

    For your insurance issue, may I ask why you don't have any health insurance?  If it's a cost issue, that's exactly what "obamacare" is for... if you're lower income you will likely qualify for subsidies to help you pay the monthly premiums.  I didn't qualify for any but I found a really good plan with low deductible that was around $240/mo.  They had cheaper ones too with a higher deductible.
    Married 9.12.15
  • My mom had just turned 60 when diagnosed, but it was clear it had gone un diagnosed for years, the breast cancer had spread to her spine and caused golf ball size holes in her spine, so who knows when she would have been diagnosed had she not been an idiot and gone for tests and screenings. (the idiot part was her words not mine lol)

    I just turned 30.

    Im angry on every level at everything that went on at the hospital last night, this is the same hospital company that treated my mom for everything,  that I went to for everything growing up, and that my best friend works for,  so I actually drive 30 minutes, past 2 other hospitals to go to this particular one and I cant tell you how angry I am. They wouldn't give me any information, gave me meds that  I couldn't drive on, after I told them numerous times I had no option but to drive myself home.....ugh.

    I don't have health insurance because it is not even offered by my employer, the options offered by my husbands employer are no where near being in budget, and when I tried the obamacare it was even less affordable. My take home pay is about 1,000 a month and for coverage just for me would have cost 467.00 and that was the cheapest it was more of a emergency insurance plan then a "go to the doctor with a sinus infection" plan.

    I've also tried coverge through the state and they claim we "make too much" which I find complete bull shit because I freakin make minimum wage and never get any overtime so its pretty freakin ridiculous...

    im rambling now huh lol

  • Also, im concerned as to how 1 person said it was in the breast and 1 person said It was in the lung. because one of my moms sisters passed away from lung cancer.

  • Definitely look into the John Stoddard Cancer Center. It's located in Des Moines and in conjunction with UnityPoint hospitals. That's where my mom went for all her breast cancer treatments and where I'll go if/when I need their services. They also provide free mammograms. Occasionally they post it on their Facebook page when they'll be hosting free mammograms.

    I'm located in Central Iowa and would be happy to help you out in any way I can.

  • You've gotten advice about the mammogram, but I feel the need to touch on something else. It worries me that you had such a reaction to a medical history question that you couldn't understand the doctor. I can't imagine going through your mothers medical history, but that doesn't mean you have it. Since you had such a strong reaction, I hope your husband can attend your next appointments because it sounds like you have a strong emotional, not rational, reaction. 
  • I live right near the Iowa and Illinois border so Des Moines is about a 3 hour drive. Not something I would count out but would love to find something closer. Will keep an eye on there facebook though. Also, the hospital I was at last night was a Unity Point Hospital, and they knew nothing about services the hospital it's self provided. and told me to check with Susan G. Komen for financial help and told me the financial help through susan g komen would not cover servies at untiypoint.

  • @rebeccaflower you are are exactly right that everything i saw my mom go through is very emotional to me. Even though she passed away 7 and 1/2 years ago. It is always in the back of my mind that someday it will be me, bad attitude I know. My husband didn't go last night because i didn't get off work until 11pm, and he had to be at work this morning at 6am, so i went right after work and just wanted him to stay home and get sleep before work because i thought i was going to a kidney infection/stone and could handle it on my own.


    My biggest issue with the hospital yesterday is that as the patient i was 100% left in the dark. I asked what I was being given in my iv and i got answers like "pain meds" or "something for nausea" I asked if i could drive on them, and was "we suggest you don't" well my husband and i only have 1 car, so me diriving home was pretty damn important, and if i wasn't going to be able to drive home, i needed to go home and get him before the meds..they didn't care. Nothing the doctor told me is written down anywhere. c'mon you gave me how many meds. I was told 3 differernt things, calcium in the lymph nodes in the right breast, then it was a mass then it was  calcium build up in the lung. and the whole reason i went, wasn't solved. my best friend works at a unity point hospital and she was on the phone with me and couldn't beleive some of the things said to me/way i was treated. Also part of my issues with not taking in everything the doctor said, it was almost 3am, i had been having pain meds pumped into me and i dont understand why all information wasn't written down for me. Also the doctor acted like it was no big deal, and i'm sure it isn't and i'm just freaking myself out, but he was like "oh there are calcium deposits in the lymph nodes of the right breast, get a mamagram or ultra sound" and just was ready to walk out like no big deal. and when i said to him, it isnt easy to just get those things done without insurance he said "well i can't order them for you" and left! my friend said he couldn't order the mammogram unless i was actually a patient(not er) but he could have ordered the ultra sound!!

  • You are placing entirely too much blame on this doctor. It doesn't sound to me like he/the nurse told you vastly different things. If he could tell with any degree of certainty what "the thing" was, he wouldn't have suggested you get a mammogram. He saw a mass (which is a very broad term and can mean lots of things), which could have been calcium deposits on your breast or lung or something else entirely. He did not diagnose what the thing was, he can't tell you exactly what it is or even what he suspects, in case he's wrong. And he obviously didn't know your medical history or have any reason to guess you'd react as emotionally as you did. It's also not his fault you don't have health insurance or that mammograms are hard to schedule. You weren't even there for breast issues - they can't treat every new thing that comes up while you're in the ER and there are other emergencies to treat. Despite how you feel about it, this is not an emergency.

    Call PP in the morning and see how they can help you, then have your H go with you. And I strongly suggest you revisit the health insurance issue.

  • You are placing entirely too much blame on this doctor. It doesn't sound to me like he/the nurse told you vastly different things. If he could tell with any degree of certainty what "the thing" was, he wouldn't have suggested you get a mammogram. He saw a mass (which is a very broad term and can mean lots of things), which could have been calcium deposits on your breast or lung or something else entirely. He did not diagnose what the thing was, he can't tell you exactly what it is or even what he suspects, in case he's wrong. And he obviously didn't know your medical history or have any reason to guess you'd react as emotionally as you did. It's also not his fault you don't have health insurance or that mammograms are hard to schedule. You weren't even there for breast issues - they can't treat every new thing that comes up while you're in the ER and there are other emergencies to treat. Despite how you feel about it, this is not an emergency.

    Call PP in the morning and see how they can help you, then have your H go with you. And I strongly suggest you revisit the health insurance issue.

    I did not ask him to solve the issue, or answer questions he isn't qualified to answer I asked for him to be clearer on what he as informing me on. I asked for it to be repeated and written down. Neither  of these things are crazy requests. and I did not "react" to him, he said "is there a family history of breast cancer"(as he was halfway out of the door of my room) and I said "yeeeeeeees, why" that was it. Please don't sit and blame this on me because I want to be an informed patient.  It is only my fault that I can't afford the health insurance and that I can't get in for a mammogram as easily as those who do have it. The insurance issue was just revisted in February due to tax filing. It is just way to expensive, we would literally not even have enough money left to pay rent, let alone car payment, gas or food. I know this a problem but I can't fix it tomorrow. I'm sorry that I asked someone in the medical field for an option on something else in the medical field. I work at a hotel in iowa, but if someone needs a hotel in florida, I still help them, because I knowledge and can assist them.

  • Iowa City?

    I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage three, had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation.  I don't remember 2009 very well.  One of the reasons that it was missed is that it was an unusual kind of breast cancer (Rita Hanks had the same kind.), and for years I had benign cysts in my breast which created some shadows and lumps.  Nothing but a mammogram will calm your fears.  If something is suspicious, you will have a biopsy.

    I had five years of remission where I traveled the world, saw my daughter married, and held my first grandchild.  The plastic surgeon did a great job of reconstruction, and you can't tell unless I take off my bra.  I even have cleavage!

    Last year the cancer returned, this time matastacized into my left eye socket.  After a year of radiation and nasty chemo pills, the tumor is gone.  I have no idea how many years I have left, but just having cancer doesn't mean that you are ready to die.  I'm not.

    Good luck in finding a center that will screen you.  There are resources out there.  Best wishes.
  • shanliann said:

    You are placing entirely too much blame on this doctor. It doesn't sound to me like he/the nurse told you vastly different things. If he could tell with any degree of certainty what "the thing" was, he wouldn't have suggested you get a mammogram. He saw a mass (which is a very broad term and can mean lots of things), which could have been calcium deposits on your breast or lung or something else entirely. He did not diagnose what the thing was, he can't tell you exactly what it is or even what he suspects, in case he's wrong. And he obviously didn't know your medical history or have any reason to guess you'd react as emotionally as you did. It's also not his fault you don't have health insurance or that mammograms are hard to schedule. You weren't even there for breast issues - they can't treat every new thing that comes up while you're in the ER and there are other emergencies to treat. Despite how you feel about it, this is not an emergency.

    Call PP in the morning and see how they can help you, then have your H go with you. And I strongly suggest you revisit the health insurance issue.

    I did not ask him to solve the issue, or answer questions he isn't qualified to answer I asked for him to be clearer on what he as informing me on. I asked for it to be repeated and written down. Neither  of these things are crazy requests. and I did not "react" to him, he said "is there a family history of breast cancer"(as he was halfway out of the door of my room) and I said "yeeeeeeees, why" that was it. Please don't sit and blame this on me because I want to be an informed patient.  It is only my fault that I can't afford the health insurance and that I can't get in for a mammogram as easily as those who do have it. The insurance issue was just revisted in February due to tax filing. It is just way to expensive, we would literally not even have enough money left to pay rent, let alone car payment, gas or food. I know this a problem but I can't fix it tomorrow. I'm sorry that I asked someone in the medical field for an option on something else in the medical field. I work at a hotel in iowa, but if someone needs a hotel in florida, I still help them, because I knowledge and can assist them.

    And I'm telling you it sounds like he was as clear as he could be, whereas you think he told you conflicting things. No, a calcium deposit could be referred to as a mass, they are they same thing. And your OP said you very much did react and stop listening to what he was telling you.

    I understand that you're stressed but you're freaking out at the wrong people for the wrong reasons.

  • CMGragain said:

    Iowa City?

    I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage three, had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation.  I don't remember 2009 very well.  One of the reasons that it was missed is that it was an unusual kind of breast cancer (Rita Hanks had the same kind.), and for years I had benign cysts in my breast which created some shadows and lumps.  Nothing but a mammogram will calm your fears.  If something is suspicious, you will have a biopsy.

    I had five years of remission where I traveled the world, saw my daughter married, and held my first grandchild.  The plastic surgeon did a great job of reconstruction, and you can't tell unless I take off my bra.  I even have cleavage!

    Last year the cancer returned, this time matastacized into my left eye socket.  After a year of radiation and nasty chemo pills, the tumor is gone.  I have no idea how many years I have left, but just having cancer doesn't mean that you are ready to die.  I'm not.

    Good luck in finding a center that will screen you.  There are resources out there.  Best wishes.

    CMGragain Thank you for sharing your story.  My mother also had metastatic breast cancer. She was diagnosed in March of 2005 and passed in October of 2007. Her case was very severe as she was "a damn idiot" who never had a mammogram,or even saw any sort of doctor for that matter and my dad works for the government so she had amazng insurance. By the time she went to the er she had spent 2 weeks in bed, only getting up to go to the bathroom, I brought her every meal and ibuprofen round the clock. Hers had spread to her spine, and did eventually spread to the brain, however she had an attitude very much like yours in the fact that she was all about "quality of life" and wasn't going to put herself through the chemo and radiation and every thing else unpleasant, just to sit home and wait to die. She got to have a glass of wine with me on my 21st birthday, see her niece married and have a baby, amongst other things. Those things made the chemo and everything else worth it to her, and me of course.

    My frustration comes from the fact that having seen what she went through, I want to be proactive with my health. I WANT to get mammograms, I want to take care of myself and if I should get cancer at any point in my life, I want it to be caught quickly because I am "on top of it"

    After spending most of the day on the phone, this is where I'm at. I have a mammogram scheduled for tomorrow morning (4/21) and the cost is going to be covered by the susan g komen voucher. (yay!!!)

    The confusing part is that in the state of Iowa if you are under 40, to get a mammagram (insurance or not) it has to be ordered by a doctor. (Which is frustrating to me, because if I am under 40 and want a mammagram to take care of myself, I should be allowed too) and the doctor who I saw in the ER did not document ANYTHING regarding this issue on my file. Nothing about calcium deposits on the lymph nodes, the lung, that he suggested a mammagram, nothing. The only thing I have is that the nurse wrote across the top of m discharge papers "calcium deposit on hylina of lung"  So the rn that scheduled my mammogram put all the notes on my appointment of what I was told and said "hopefully" they have no issues doing the mammaogram.

    **I apologize for my crap typos im using my husbands laptop and it is 3 inches smaller then mine and my fingers aren't adjusted yet lol

  • Good luck tomorrow.  Remember, if they do find cancer, it isn't the end of your life.  I lost my best friend to breast cancer a few years ago.  Thanks to chemo, radiation, and medication, she lived 33 YEARS  after her initial diagnoses!!!  Only the last year was bad, and she went peacefully, without pain.  Her most painful issue was persistent shingles, not the cancer.
  • Thank you. I appreciate all your kind, positive wods. My mom was never expected to come home from the initial hospital stay but did and lived 2 and half years! My brother in law also just beat leukemia so im trying to stay positive!!
  • mj8215mj8215 member
    100 Love Its 100 Comments First Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited April 2015
    Wait so the calcium deposits are where ? The HILUM of the lung? because if thats the case, we are probably talking about calcified lymph nodes, which are NOT A MASS and totally nonspecific! 
    I'm just trying to decrease your anxiety here. Obviously wihtout looking at your CT this is all speculation. But, from what the nurse wrote on your discharge papers (why did she do that??) it may well be a benign, incidental finding.
    One more thing, the reason why you need a doctor to prescribe the mammogram under age 40 has to do with what I wrote in my first post above - a lot of research has been done to understand the value of mammograms, and who really should have them and when. In medicine, more is not always better. Often it is better patient care to refrain from performing a certain test if it has been scientifically shown to provide no added benefit in a specific group of patients. Which may not apply in your case, for example because of your family history, etc - but that is exactly the kind of thing a doctor needs to figure out - together with you - when personally taking your history and examining you etc. I just want to help you understand that the doctors are "on the same team as you" here, if you don't mind my analogy. I am sorry about the insurance issues, and thats not my forte, but PPs have given good advice on that. I hope that you can establish insurance coverage and develop a relationship with a primary care physician because your physician really should be the one discussing these things with you in person. Good luck!
    - The stars, like dust, encircle me in living mists of light. And all of space I seem to see in one vast burst of sight. 
  • mj8215 said:

    Wait so the calcium deposits are where ? The HILUM of the lung? because if thats the case, we are probably talking about calcified lymph nodes, which are NOT A MASS and totally nonspecific! 

    I'm just trying to decrease your anxiety here. Obviously wihtout looking at your CT this is all speculation. But, from what the nurse wrote on your discharge papers (why did she do that??) it may well be a benign, incidental finding.
    One more thing, the reason why you need a doctor to prescribe the mammogram under age 40 has to do with what I wrote in my first post above - a lot of research has been done to understand the value of mammograms, and who really should have them and when. In medicine, more is not always better. Often it is better patient care to refrain from performing a certain test if it has been scientifically shown to provide no added benefit in a specific group of patients. Which may not apply in your case, for example because of your family history, etc - but that is exactly the kind of thing a doctor needs to figure out - together with you - when personally taking your history and examining you etc. I just want to help you understand that the doctors are "on the same team as you" here, if you don't mind my analogy. I am sorry about the insurance issues, and thats not my forte, but PPs have given good advice on that. I hope that you can establish insurance coverage and develop a relationship with a primary care physician because your physician really should be the one discussing these things with you in person. Good luck!

  • CMGragain said:

    Iowa City?

    I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage three, had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation.  I don't remember 2009 very well.  One of the reasons that it was missed is that it was an unusual kind of breast cancer (Rita Hanks had the same kind.), and for years I had benign cysts in my breast which created some shadows and lumps.  Nothing but a mammogram will calm your fears.  If something is suspicious, you will have a biopsy.

    I had five years of remission where I traveled the world, saw my daughter married, and held my first grandchild.  The plastic surgeon did a great job of reconstruction, and you can't tell unless I take off my bra.  I even have cleavage!

    Last year the cancer returned, this time matastacized into my left eye socket.  After a year of radiation and nasty chemo pills, the tumor is gone.  I have no idea how many years I have left, but just having cancer doesn't mean that you are ready to die.  I'm not.

    Good luck in finding a center that will screen you.  There are resources out there.  Best wishes.

    Do you mean Rita Wilson? I've never heard her referred as Rita Hanks,so why did you refer to her with her husband Tom's last name. Unless you know her personally?

    Anyway, OP I know you said you can't afford insurance, but insurance will be cheaper than paying out of pocket for all these tests. If you can't afford insurance, how will you afford your ER bills? And isn't everyone supposed to have health insurance now?


  • Insurance will be cheaper then paying the bills but that still doesn't mean I have the money in my bank account  to pay the insurance.

    the particular hospital I did go to offers financial assistance for services they bill, and payment plans on servces they don't bill.

    I was there in the winter when I fell and hurt my wrist on the ice and  my monthly payments to the hospital were 20 bucks a month and to the radiology for the xrays was 10 bucks a month.

    And when we just recently filled our taxes we filled an appeal because the insurance offered was over 50% of our income and our appeal as approved so we didn't have to pay into the government for not having insurance because it wasn't financially an option.

  • Just an update for anyone who is intersted.

    Went for the mammogram yesterday, got checked in, my name was called and the nurse was really confused to see "such a young lady" she took me back and asked me why I was there and I told her the whole deal. She put me into an office and said she would be back. 10 minutes later she came back with my file and a radiologist.


    They both told me (and showed me) that there was absolutely nothing found in my breast on the ct scan. What was mentioned, was because I have larger breasts, when doing the ct scan of the abdomen the right breast was scanned partially just because, being larger and laying down, it basically got in the way of the abdomen scan, and all that was said was that nothing was seen in the breast area but patient should follow standard screening procedures...meaning start getting mammograms at 40.


    There is a buildup in the right lung but it is literally something that is just going to be there. He compared it to scar tissue and said had I not had the abdomen scan I probably would have gone my whole life not even knowing it was there, and he said it would be next to impossible for me to find a doctor anywhere in the united states that would even do anythiing about it because it is a waste of time.


    They told me it was ultimately up to me whether I went ahead with the mammogram or not but they saw no reason to go through with it. So i chose not to do it.


    They also both suggested I consult with a lawyer regarding the treatment and care I received in the er, they said at the very least I should not be billed for the services but that I would have a strong case for pain and suffering even though it was only 3 days, I obviosuley went through alot due to wrong information. I dont think I'll do that just becuase it seems like a lot of headache but its nice to know they feel I could.


    I'm just going to sit back and be greatful because I did learn ALOT in the last few days about coverage for women for these things and options and stats etc so I'll just be happy for being a more educated woman. Thanks to all for advice and helping me out!

  •   I'm sorry you had to deal with all of that worrying until your appointment. That sucks. It's great news that everything is okay. Now, make yourself the strongest margarita.
  • Great news! 
  • CMGragain said:

    Iowa City?

    I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage three, had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation.  I don't remember 2009 very well.  One of the reasons that it was missed is that it was an unusual kind of breast cancer (Rita Hanks had the same kind.), and for years I had benign cysts in my breast which created some shadows and lumps.  Nothing but a mammogram will calm your fears.  If something is suspicious, you will have a biopsy.

    I had five years of remission where I traveled the world, saw my daughter married, and held my first grandchild.  The plastic surgeon did a great job of reconstruction, and you can't tell unless I take off my bra.  I even have cleavage!

    Last year the cancer returned, this time matastacized into my left eye socket.  After a year of radiation and nasty chemo pills, the tumor is gone.  I have no idea how many years I have left, but just having cancer doesn't mean that you are ready to die.  I'm not.

    Good luck in finding a center that will screen you.  There are resources out there.  Best wishes.

    Do you mean Rita Wilson? I've never heard her referred as Rita Hanks,so why did you refer to her with her husband Tom's last name. Unless you know her personally?

    Because Mrs. Tom Hanks is a WOMAN and she damn well better go by her HUSBAND'S last name. She got married like a woman should and the bitch better act like it.
  • MagicInk said:

    CMGragain said:

    Iowa City?

    I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage three, had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation.  I don't remember 2009 very well.  One of the reasons that it was missed is that it was an unusual kind of breast cancer (Rita Hanks had the same kind.), and for years I had benign cysts in my breast which created some shadows and lumps.  Nothing but a mammogram will calm your fears.  If something is suspicious, you will have a biopsy.

    I had five years of remission where I traveled the world, saw my daughter married, and held my first grandchild.  The plastic surgeon did a great job of reconstruction, and you can't tell unless I take off my bra.  I even have cleavage!

    Last year the cancer returned, this time matastacized into my left eye socket.  After a year of radiation and nasty chemo pills, the tumor is gone.  I have no idea how many years I have left, but just having cancer doesn't mean that you are ready to die.  I'm not.

    Good luck in finding a center that will screen you.  There are resources out there.  Best wishes.

    Do you mean Rita Wilson? I've never heard her referred as Rita Hanks,so why did you refer to her with her husband Tom's last name. Unless you know her personally?

    Because Mrs. Tom Hanks is a WOMAN and she damn well better go by her HUSBAND'S last name. She got married like a woman should and the bitch better act like it.
    No, it's because my old chemo-brain can't always remember names.
  • edited April 2015
    MagicInk said:

    CMGragain said:

    Iowa City?

    I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage three, had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation.  I don't remember 2009 very well.  One of the reasons that it was missed is that it was an unusual kind of breast cancer (Rita Hanks had the same kind.), and for years I had benign cysts in my breast which created some shadows and lumps.  Nothing but a mammogram will calm your fears.  If something is suspicious, you will have a biopsy.

    I had five years of remission where I traveled the world, saw my daughter married, and held my first grandchild.  The plastic surgeon did a great job of reconstruction, and you can't tell unless I take off my bra.  I even have cleavage!

    Last year the cancer returned, this time matastacized into my left eye socket.  After a year of radiation and nasty chemo pills, the tumor is gone.  I have no idea how many years I have left, but just having cancer doesn't mean that you are ready to die.  I'm not.

    Good luck in finding a center that will screen you.  There are resources out there.  Best wishes.

    Do you mean Rita Wilson? I've never heard her referred as Rita Hanks,so why did you refer to her with her husband Tom's last name. Unless you know her personally?

    Because Mrs. Tom Hanks is a WOMAN and she damn well better go by her HUSBAND'S last name. She got married like a woman should and the bitch better act like it.

    Edit goddammit boxes I am done with your shit.

    ...not to be a wet blanket, or detract from the very fine points you ladies are making...

    ...but I honestly find it hilarious that Tom Hanks married a woman with the last name of Wilson. I giggled when I read huskypuppy's post and haven't quite regained control of myself.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • MagicInk said:

    CMGragain said:

    Iowa City?

    I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage three, had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation.  I don't remember 2009 very well.  One of the reasons that it was missed is that it was an unusual kind of breast cancer (Rita Hanks had the same kind.), and for years I had benign cysts in my breast which created some shadows and lumps.  Nothing but a mammogram will calm your fears.  If something is suspicious, you will have a biopsy.

    I had five years of remission where I traveled the world, saw my daughter married, and held my first grandchild.  The plastic surgeon did a great job of reconstruction, and you can't tell unless I take off my bra.  I even have cleavage!

    Last year the cancer returned, this time matastacized into my left eye socket.  After a year of radiation and nasty chemo pills, the tumor is gone.  I have no idea how many years I have left, but just having cancer doesn't mean that you are ready to die.  I'm not.

    Good luck in finding a center that will screen you.  There are resources out there.  Best wishes.

    Do you mean Rita Wilson? I've never heard her referred as Rita Hanks,so why did you refer to her with her husband Tom's last name. Unless you know her personally?

    Because Mrs. Tom Hanks is a WOMAN and she damn well better go by her HUSBAND'S last name. She got married like a woman should and the bitch better act like it.
    Edit goddammit boxes I am done with your shit.

    ...not to be a wet blanket, or detract from the very fine points you ladies are making...

    ...but I honestly find it hilarious that Tom Hanks married a woman with the last name of Wilson. I giggled when I read huskypuppy's post and haven't quite regained control of myself.


    Yeah, they've been married since 1988...
  • MagicInk said:

    CMGragain said:

    Iowa City?

    I have stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.  I was diagnosed in 2008 with stage three, had a mastectomy, chemo and radiation.  I don't remember 2009 very well.  One of the reasons that it was missed is that it was an unusual kind of breast cancer (Rita Hanks had the same kind.), and for years I had benign cysts in my breast which created some shadows and lumps.  Nothing but a mammogram will calm your fears.  If something is suspicious, you will have a biopsy.

    I had five years of remission where I traveled the world, saw my daughter married, and held my first grandchild.  The plastic surgeon did a great job of reconstruction, and you can't tell unless I take off my bra.  I even have cleavage!

    Last year the cancer returned, this time matastacized into my left eye socket.  After a year of radiation and nasty chemo pills, the tumor is gone.  I have no idea how many years I have left, but just having cancer doesn't mean that you are ready to die.  I'm not.

    Good luck in finding a center that will screen you.  There are resources out there.  Best wishes.

    Do you mean Rita Wilson? I've never heard her referred as Rita Hanks,so why did you refer to her with her husband Tom's last name. Unless you know her personally?

    Because Mrs. Tom Hanks is a WOMAN and she damn well better go by her HUSBAND'S last name. She got married like a woman should and the bitch better act like it.
    Edit goddammit boxes I am done with your shit.

    ...not to be a wet blanket, or detract from the very fine points you ladies are making...

    ...but I honestly find it hilarious that Tom Hanks married a woman with the last name of Wilson. I giggled when I read huskypuppy's post and haven't quite regained control of myself.

    Yeah, they've been married since 1988...

    I didn't know he was married at all, haha, but I still find it amusing. Is it silly? Yeah, probably. Do I care? Nope.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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