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Happy Friday?


Re: Happy Friday?

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    I'm kind of grumbly today. A couple months back I decided it would be cool to volunteer for commencement, and I didn't realize until later that meant I'd have to miss my favorite band, who are playing in Orlando tonight. I'm not crying about it too much because I've seen them play three times before and it's a 2 1/2 hour drive for me each way, but man I can already tell this thing is going to be annoying. I got assigned to hand out programs, and yet I'm still expected to stay for the entire rehearsal, so there goes my work day (I'll try to find a way to sneak out though). Oh well. I guess it's still a nice thing to do. FI told me last night, "Hopefully you've learned your lesson. Never help anyone."

    We're not sure if we're going to see his parents for Mother's Day. Maybe. I'm going to send my mom an edible arrangement. Other than that, we have no solid weekend plans. How about y'all? Enjoying your Saturday so far? Anything cool coming up?

    Haha, that sounds like something my SO would say! (in jest)

    I'm going to a friend's birthday tonight so that should be fun. I'll be able to catch up with some people that I never see anymore so that'll be really nice.

    Tomorrow I'm getting my tattoo! Unless I chicken out at the last minute but so far it's still booked...

    Then the rest of the weekend I'm hoping to get back on my fitness schedule-I somehow pulled a muscle in my back while sleeping so it's been super painful all week! So weird but it's finally cleared up.

    Yes, his advice can be rather Homer Simpson-esque sometimes XD

    Y'all have some cool stuff going on! Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend! I'm back in my office and doting over spreadsheets until I have to go back for the actual commencement.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

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    lyndausvilyndausvi mod
    First Anniversary First Answer 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited May 2015

    Well, since the Hawks swept the Wild (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), my game 5 plans for tomorrow were cancelled. Tonight I'm playing bingo with some friends and Sunday I don't think we have anything planned. The restaurant where we got married is having a Mother's Day brunch and I wanted to go but my H so sympathetically said, "Why? You're not a mother." Thanks, Dickbag. 

    WTF?   I use to go to DH's Mother's Day brunches all the time.    Who doesn't like lots and lots of yummy food?

    ETA - I would say about 60-70% of DH's CHRISTMAS DINNER guests were Jewish.    I'm pretty sure they did not say "oh, we can't go to a special Christmas dinner because we are Jewish."  Nope, not at all.  They just wanted to experience DH's awesome Christmas dinner.   Or they were, you know, hungry and if they wanted to go out to eat on Dec 25th, Christmas is pretty much going to be the theme anywhere they go.

    Your H is being ridiculous.  Seriously, I'm mad for you.  

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
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    anjemonanjemon member
    5 Love Its First Anniversary First Comment Name Dropper
    @ohannabelle - You should definitely show us the pictures when you take them.

    Well, since the Hawks swept the Wild (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), my game 5 plans for tomorrow were cancelled. Tonight I'm playing bingo with some friends and Sunday I don't think we have anything planned. The restaurant where we got married is having a Mother's Day brunch and I wanted to go but my H so sympathetically said, "Why? You're not a mother." Thanks, Dickbag. 

    Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm so sad we were swept. Well, mostly embarrassed. We were better than that.

    But I'm sorry your H was a dickbag. Let him keep kissing your ass for awhile. 
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    Kitty has a vet appointment tomorrow morning, followed by our home inspection. We don't anticipate there being any issues, but we are keeping our fingers crossed. Assuming everything goes well, we close in 2 weeks! So the weekend will also be filled with lits of packing.

    We are also celebrating Mother's Day with DH's family this weekend. We are getting pizza before going to the drive in to see the new Avengers movie. That will be either tonight or tomorrow depending on the forecast. I will also stop by to see my mom on Sunday.
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    We're moving tomorrow! Ack, still so much to do. And I'm at work, totally useless. MIL is packing up our kitchen for us later today (happy mother's day?) Hoping to sneak out a bit early this afternoon so I can get back, change my clothes, and finish painting the living room before it gets too dark, since we haven't moved over the lamps yet and there's no overhead light. Has to be painted before they move in the piano and bookshelves tomorrow. And there are some little baby trees growing from helicopters off our big tree, AND a little sprout off our Japanese maple, so I'm going to pot those up and take them with us so we'll always have a piece of our first home in our new home.

    Brunch at MIL's house on Sunday... won't see my mom for two weeks because the crazy lady booked herself some health conference all weekend.

    Also, for the first month we lived in our house, we were dragging lamps from one room to another at night, it was so annoying. We have some janky IKEA office lamp in our formal living room because there is no overhead light and we haven't bothered to get lamps. Because lamps cost money and we haven't decided how we want to decorate so we don't want to buy anything yet.

    I can't wait to get everything finished.
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    I'm kind of grumbly today. A couple months back I decided it would be cool to volunteer for commencement, and I didn't realize until later that meant I'd have to miss my favorite band, who are playing in Orlando tonight. I'm not crying about it too much because I've seen them play three times before and it's a 2 1/2 hour drive for me each way, but man I can already tell this thing is going to be annoying. I got assigned to hand out programs, and yet I'm still expected to stay for the entire rehearsal, so there goes my work day (I'll try to find a way to sneak out though). Oh well. I guess it's still a nice thing to do. FI told me last night, "Hopefully you've learned your lesson. Never help anyone."

    We're not sure if we're going to see his parents for Mother's Day. Maybe. I'm going to send my mom an edible arrangement. Other than that, we have no solid weekend plans. How about y'all? Enjoying your Saturday so far? Anything cool coming up?

    Haha, that sounds like something my SO would say! (in jest)

    I'm going to a friend's birthday tonight so that should be fun. I'll be able to catch up with some people that I never see anymore so that'll be really nice.

    Tomorrow I'm getting my tattoo! Unless I chicken out at the last minute but so far it's still booked...

    Then the rest of the weekend I'm hoping to get back on my fitness schedule-I somehow pulled a muscle in my back while sleeping so it's been super painful all week! So weird but it's finally cleared up.

    Me too! I have an appointment at 2 but kinda scared. I have another one already but my big concern is pain. It hurts and I'm a wuss. It's a flower on my back. I'm excited.

    Tonight, we're going to an early dinner so I can be home to do software testing for a release at work tonight. Tomorrow is getting up early and running errands before my tattoo. Depending on how I feel, we may join friends for drinks in the evening but more likely I'll watch tv at home while DH works.

    Sunday morning is chores/grocery shopping followed by lunch at my gramma's for Mother's Day. My parents are out of town so my sister and I are bringing lunch over the the home for her and a couple of her friends who don't have kids nearby. It won't be anything fancy but it will give her bragging rights in the retirement community and that means a lot to her.

    This makes me a jerk but I'll share: DH's family is all angry at us (mostly him) right now so we were told that we're not invited to Mother's Day with his family (his mom's currently living with BIL and SIL). I already bought gifts (lots of them, per a previous thread) so we'll drop them off but I'm spared an afternoon/evening with them. I love MIL (and normally like the rest of DH's family) but they've been such assholes to DH and me lately that it's a relief to avoid. DH is bummed that it has come down to this but neither of us is in the mood for guilt trips and bullying because of their bad decisions. I'm so proud of him though!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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    sarahufl said:

    We're moving tomorrow! Ack, still so much to do. And I'm at work, totally useless. MIL is packing up our kitchen for us later today (happy mother's day?) Hoping to sneak out a bit early this afternoon so I can get back, change my clothes, and finish painting the living room before it gets too dark, since we haven't moved over the lamps yet and there's no overhead light. Has to be painted before they move in the piano and bookshelves tomorrow. And there are some little baby trees growing from helicopters off our big tree, AND a little sprout off our Japanese maple, so I'm going to pot those up and take them with us so we'll always have a piece of our first home in our new home.

    Brunch at MIL's house on Sunday... won't see my mom for two weeks because the crazy lady booked herself some health conference all weekend.

    Also, for the first month we lived in our house, we were dragging lamps from one room to another at night, it was so annoying. We have some janky IKEA office lamp in our formal living room because there is no overhead light and we haven't bothered to get lamps. Because lamps cost money and we haven't decided how we want to decorate so we don't want to buy anything yet.

    I can't wait to get everything finished.
    LOL the coffee is going in my front seat!

    Thankfully every room besides the living room has an overhead light, and we won't be using that room much anyway. Just need to get the paint on the walls! And it's so pretty...


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    My friend is moving in with her boyfriend, so tonight she is having a group over to get rid of some of her stuff. I am excited, because she has great clothes and accessories, so I am hoping I can snag some fun things.

    Tomorrow, H's niece is having her first communion so it is an all day family affair.

    Frankly, I am not in a good place to celebrate mother's day, so I am leaving H to do that with his mom. Mine lives in Florida, so I will just call her. I will probably spend Sunday doing chores, avoiding Mother's Day stuff and possibly taking my new sewing machine out and playing with it.
  • Options

    I'm kind of grumbly today. A couple months back I decided it would be cool to volunteer for commencement, and I didn't realize until later that meant I'd have to miss my favorite band, who are playing in Orlando tonight. I'm not crying about it too much because I've seen them play three times before and it's a 2 1/2 hour drive for me each way, but man I can already tell this thing is going to be annoying. I got assigned to hand out programs, and yet I'm still expected to stay for the entire rehearsal, so there goes my work day (I'll try to find a way to sneak out though). Oh well. I guess it's still a nice thing to do. FI told me last night, "Hopefully you've learned your lesson. Never help anyone."

    We're not sure if we're going to see his parents for Mother's Day. Maybe. I'm going to send my mom an edible arrangement. Other than that, we have no solid weekend plans. How about y'all? Enjoying your Saturday so far? Anything cool coming up?

    Haha, that sounds like something my SO would say! (in jest)

    I'm going to a friend's birthday tonight so that should be fun. I'll be able to catch up with some people that I never see anymore so that'll be really nice.

    Tomorrow I'm getting my tattoo! Unless I chicken out at the last minute but so far it's still booked...

    Then the rest of the weekend I'm hoping to get back on my fitness schedule-I somehow pulled a muscle in my back while sleeping so it's been super painful all week! So weird but it's finally cleared up.

    Me too! I have an appointment at 2 but kinda scared. I have another one already but my big concern is pain. It hurts and I'm a wuss. It's a flower on my back. I'm excited.

    Tonight, we're going to an early dinner so I can be home to do software testing for a release at work tonight. Tomorrow is getting up early and running errands before my tattoo. Depending on how I feel, we may join friends for drinks in the evening but more likely I'll watch tv at home while DH works.

    Sunday morning is chores/grocery shopping followed by lunch at my gramma's for Mother's Day. My parents are out of town so my sister and I are bringing lunch over the the home for her and a couple of her friends who don't have kids nearby. It won't be anything fancy but it will give her bragging rights in the retirement community and that means a lot to her.

    This makes me a jerk but I'll share: DH's family is all angry at us (mostly him) right now so we were told that we're not invited to Mother's Day with his family (his mom's currently living with BIL and SIL). I already bought gifts (lots of them, per a previous thread) so we'll drop them off but I'm spared an afternoon/evening with them. I love MIL (and normally like the rest of DH's family) but they've been such assholes to DH and me lately that it's a relief to avoid. DH is bummed that it has come down to this but neither of us is in the mood for guilt trips and bullying because of their bad decisions. I'm so proud of him though!
    Good luck! I'm terrified of how much it will hurt too. I'm terribly squeamish so I really don't know why the heck I talked myself into this, haha!

    Formerly martha1818


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    SO is a chaperone for the 8th grade trip tonight. I'll get takeout, watch Scandal, and clean.

    We have Busch Gardens tickets that expire on Sunday, so we talked about driving to Tampa tomorrow, getting a hotel room, and going to the park on Sunday. Sunday night will be Game of Thrones at his best friend's house, as usual.

    No Mother's Day-related plans. His parents are 4 hours away and mine are 8 and we're going to visit each set next month. The previously mentioned friend's wife is 7 months pregnant so I'll get a card and a gift card for her since we'll be at their house on Mother's Day night.
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    I was at a conference all last weekend and worked all week this week so I'm looking forward to having two days off!

    DH is working the closing shift tonight so I get the house to myself. I'm going to pick up some groceries and watch Netflix.

    Tomorrow I'm going to yoga class with a friend. After that DH and I are going to tackle bringing bottles to the return depot (we save up until we have a car full and get about $30), cleaning the inside of the car and a trip to Costco. We have a double date tomorrow night.

    Mom and MIL live across the country from us, so the mother's day plans are phone calls to each of them. We are going to the farmer's market to pick up fresh meat and produce to grill for me for being such a good kitty mommy. Sometimes the kitties also get me a fancy cupcake for mother's day. 

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    anjemon said:

    @ohannabelle - You should definitely show us the pictures when you take them.

    Well, since the Hawks swept the Wild (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), my game 5 plans for tomorrow were cancelled. Tonight I'm playing bingo with some friends and Sunday I don't think we have anything planned. The restaurant where we got married is having a Mother's Day brunch and I wanted to go but my H so sympathetically said, "Why? You're not a mother." Thanks, Dickbag. 

    Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm so sad we were swept. Well, mostly embarrassed. We were better than that.

    But I'm sorry your H was a dickbag. Let him keep kissing your ass for awhile. 
    This is her (I guess it's a girl sign) leaning against a wall. I flipped the photo so it wasn't up and down. The color is actually lighter, but it was inside here, with very dim light. So excited to see her outside. 
    That is absolutely beautiful. 
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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    anjemon said:

    @ohannabelle - You should definitely show us the pictures when you take them.

    Well, since the Hawks swept the Wild (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), my game 5 plans for tomorrow were cancelled. Tonight I'm playing bingo with some friends and Sunday I don't think we have anything planned. The restaurant where we got married is having a Mother's Day brunch and I wanted to go but my H so sympathetically said, "Why? You're not a mother." Thanks, Dickbag. 

    Booooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I'm so sad we were swept. Well, mostly embarrassed. We were better than that.

    But I'm sorry your H was a dickbag. Let him keep kissing your ass for awhile. 
    This is her (I guess it's a girl sign) leaning against a wall. I flipped the photo so it wasn't up and down. The color is actually lighter, but it was inside here, with very dim light. So excited to see her outside. 
    I love that "Lolo Blue" is a thing. <3 AND I used a Chevalier font on my invitations!

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    I'm kind of grumbly today. A couple months back I decided it would be cool to volunteer for commencement, and I didn't realize until later that meant I'd have to miss my favorite band, who are playing in Orlando tonight. I'm not crying about it too much because I've seen them play three times before and it's a 2 1/2 hour drive for me each way, but man I can already tell this thing is going to be annoying. I got assigned to hand out programs, and yet I'm still expected to stay for the entire rehearsal, so there goes my work day (I'll try to find a way to sneak out though). Oh well. I guess it's still a nice thing to do. FI told me last night, "Hopefully you've learned your lesson. Never help anyone."

    We're not sure if we're going to see his parents for Mother's Day. Maybe. I'm going to send my mom an edible arrangement. Other than that, we have no solid weekend plans. How about y'all? Enjoying your Saturday so far? Anything cool coming up?
    Slow down, sista!  It's only Friday!  :) 

    Who is your favorite band?  I also love to see live music.

    I landed late from WI last night and was supposed to fly to Boston today.  I called and talked real nice to Delta and they let me change my flight to tomorrow morning for zero dollars.  Today I'm working from home and am going for HH down on Stone St. in lower Manhattan.  @lacqueredlover you should meet us for a beverage before heading upstate!  Today's HH conditions looking optimal!  Same for you @JCbride if you want to blow off some steam after work!

    Tomorrow I will fly up to Boston attend a baby shower for a good friend (wife of my lifelong best bud) on the coast of Maine.  It's going to be gorgeous, I'll try to remember to post a pic.  I was actually a groomsman (in a dress) at their wedding & I'm thrilled to be celebrating the baby with them.

    Sunday, I'm going to do lounge at my parent's house and expense report that will involve 3 currencies :(  Womp.

    Happy Weekend, Y'all! 
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    kvrunskvruns member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its First Answer
    sarahufl said:

    My friend is moving in with her boyfriend, so tonight she is having a group over to get rid of some of her stuff. I am excited, because she has great clothes and accessories, so I am hoping I can snag some fun things.

    Tomorrow, H's niece is having her first communion so it is an all day family affair.

    Frankly, I am not in a good place to celebrate mother's day, so I am leaving H to do that with his mom. Mine lives in Florida, so I will just call her. I will probably spend Sunday doing chores, avoiding Mother's Day stuff and possibly taking my new sewing machine out and playing with it.

    one of my friends used to do that with her clothes, she'd get tired of stuff and decide to clean out her closet and we could go through it.  Pretty sure I still have a couple of shirts I wear from one of her cast off piles and it has been about 8 years
  • Options
    kvruns said:

    sarahufl said:

    My friend is moving in with her boyfriend, so tonight she is having a group over to get rid of some of her stuff. I am excited, because she has great clothes and accessories, so I am hoping I can snag some fun things.

    Tomorrow, H's niece is having her first communion so it is an all day family affair.

    Frankly, I am not in a good place to celebrate mother's day, so I am leaving H to do that with his mom. Mine lives in Florida, so I will just call her. I will probably spend Sunday doing chores, avoiding Mother's Day stuff and possibly taking my new sewing machine out and playing with it.

    one of my friends used to do that with her clothes, she'd get tired of stuff and decide to clean out her closet and we could go through it.  Pretty sure I still have a couple of shirts I wear from one of her cast off piles and it has been about 8 years

    Oh I love it when this happens! My friend is moving and is doing this via text. Every few days she's like "Who wants 6 wine carafes?" or "Here's a pic of 40 movies I'm ditching - any takers?"

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

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    I'm kind of grumbly today. A couple months back I decided it would be cool to volunteer for commencement, and I didn't realize until later that meant I'd have to miss my favorite band, who are playing in Orlando tonight. I'm not crying about it too much because I've seen them play three times before and it's a 2 1/2 hour drive for me each way, but man I can already tell this thing is going to be annoying. I got assigned to hand out programs, and yet I'm still expected to stay for the entire rehearsal, so there goes my work day (I'll try to find a way to sneak out though). Oh well. I guess it's still a nice thing to do. FI told me last night, "Hopefully you've learned your lesson. Never help anyone."

    We're not sure if we're going to see his parents for Mother's Day. Maybe. I'm going to send my mom an edible arrangement. Other than that, we have no solid weekend plans. How about y'all? Enjoying your Saturday so far? Anything cool coming up?

    Haha, that sounds like something my SO would say! (in jest)

    I'm going to a friend's birthday tonight so that should be fun. I'll be able to catch up with some people that I never see anymore so that'll be really nice.

    Tomorrow I'm getting my tattoo! Unless I chicken out at the last minute but so far it's still booked...

    Then the rest of the weekend I'm hoping to get back on my fitness schedule-I somehow pulled a muscle in my back while sleeping so it's been super painful all week! So weird but it's finally cleared up.

    Me too! I have an appointment at 2 but kinda scared. I have another one already but my big concern is pain. It hurts and I'm a wuss. It's a flower on my back. I'm excited.

    Tonight, we're going to an early dinner so I can be home to do software testing for a release at work tonight. Tomorrow is getting up early and running errands before my tattoo. Depending on how I feel, we may join friends for drinks in the evening but more likely I'll watch tv at home while DH works.

    Sunday morning is chores/grocery shopping followed by lunch at my gramma's for Mother's Day. My parents are out of town so my sister and I are bringing lunch over the the home for her and a couple of her friends who don't have kids nearby. It won't be anything fancy but it will give her bragging rights in the retirement community and that means a lot to her.

    This makes me a jerk but I'll share: DH's family is all angry at us (mostly him) right now so we were told that we're not invited to Mother's Day with his family (his mom's currently living with BIL and SIL). I already bought gifts (lots of them, per a previous thread) so we'll drop them off but I'm spared an afternoon/evening with them. I love MIL (and normally like the rest of DH's family) but they've been such assholes to DH and me lately that it's a relief to avoid. DH is bummed that it has come down to this but neither of us is in the mood for guilt trips and bullying because of their bad decisions. I'm so proud of him though!
    Good luck! I'm terrified of how much it will hurt too. I'm terribly squeamish so I really don't know why the heck I talked myself into this, haha!
    Eat a good meal right beforehand. That can make all the difference. For my first back session, I ate well ahead of time and did pretty good. The second time I hadn't eaten in awhile and it hurt way more.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

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    Yay Friday!  Hopefully it's a quiet weekend. 

    My coworker retired Tuesday, and it's so quiet and lonely in our cube now.  *sad face*  I did end up telling them last week that I'm moving in June so they know I'm leaving.  We just haven't talked dates yet. 

    We might go see Avengers this weekend, I dunno.  SS's girlfriend is a moocher, so when he asked DH if we could go see the movie this weekend, I overheard her tell SS "I'll go with you, but you have to pay" - the hell?  This chick works 2 jobs, he works barely 1 and she lives with her dad - her ass can pay for herself because what this will translate into is that WE would have to pay.  Grr - they still think they are moving out and in together next month when we leave for Kentucky so they can stay in KC, but I don't see that happening.  I already told DH that I won't be shocked if they try to ask if he has to move with us, can she come too and I already told him there would be a nuclear meltdown if that happens, haha. 

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    I'm kind of grumbly today. A couple months back I decided it would be cool to volunteer for commencement, and I didn't realize until later that meant I'd have to miss my favorite band, who are playing in Orlando tonight. I'm not crying about it too much because I've seen them play three times before and it's a 2 1/2 hour drive for me each way, but man I can already tell this thing is going to be annoying. I got assigned to hand out programs, and yet I'm still expected to stay for the entire rehearsal, so there goes my work day (I'll try to find a way to sneak out though). Oh well. I guess it's still a nice thing to do. FI told me last night, "Hopefully you've learned your lesson. Never help anyone."

    We're not sure if we're going to see his parents for Mother's Day. Maybe. I'm going to send my mom an edible arrangement. Other than that, we have no solid weekend plans. How about y'all? Enjoying your Saturday so far? Anything cool coming up?

    Haha, that sounds like something my SO would say! (in jest)

    I'm going to a friend's birthday tonight so that should be fun. I'll be able to catch up with some people that I never see anymore so that'll be really nice.

    Tomorrow I'm getting my tattoo! Unless I chicken out at the last minute but so far it's still booked...

    Then the rest of the weekend I'm hoping to get back on my fitness schedule-I somehow pulled a muscle in my back while sleeping so it's been super painful all week! So weird but it's finally cleared up.

    Me too! I have an appointment at 2 but kinda scared. I have another one already but my big concern is pain. It hurts and I'm a wuss. It's a flower on my back. I'm excited.

    Tonight, we're going to an early dinner so I can be home to do software testing for a release at work tonight. Tomorrow is getting up early and running errands before my tattoo. Depending on how I feel, we may join friends for drinks in the evening but more likely I'll watch tv at home while DH works.

    Sunday morning is chores/grocery shopping followed by lunch at my gramma's for Mother's Day. My parents are out of town so my sister and I are bringing lunch over the the home for her and a couple of her friends who don't have kids nearby. It won't be anything fancy but it will give her bragging rights in the retirement community and that means a lot to her.

    This makes me a jerk but I'll share: DH's family is all angry at us (mostly him) right now so we were told that we're not invited to Mother's Day with his family (his mom's currently living with BIL and SIL). I already bought gifts (lots of them, per a previous thread) so we'll drop them off but I'm spared an afternoon/evening with them. I love MIL (and normally like the rest of DH's family) but they've been such assholes to DH and me lately that it's a relief to avoid. DH is bummed that it has come down to this but neither of us is in the mood for guilt trips and bullying because of their bad decisions. I'm so proud of him though!
    Good luck! I'm terrified of how much it will hurt too. I'm terribly squeamish so I really don't know why the heck I talked myself into this, haha!

    Eat a good meal right beforehand. That can make all the difference.
    For my first back session, I ate well ahead of time and did pretty good. The second time I hadn't eaten in awhile and it hurt way more.

    FUCKING TRUTH. The only time I've had one be nearly unbearable was when I hadn't eaten since noonish and got it at seven PM. VERY poor decisions.
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
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    FiancBFiancB member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its Name Dropper
    I had my last day of class today. 


    ^ I'm the guy that managed to fuck that up. It's amazing how much a little cut on your thumb can bleed...
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    kvruns said:

    sarahufl said:

    My friend is moving in with her boyfriend, so tonight she is having a group over to get rid of some of her stuff. I am excited, because she has great clothes and accessories, so I am hoping I can snag some fun things.

    Tomorrow, H's niece is having her first communion so it is an all day family affair.

    Frankly, I am not in a good place to celebrate mother's day, so I am leaving H to do that with his mom. Mine lives in Florida, so I will just call her. I will probably spend Sunday doing chores, avoiding Mother's Day stuff and possibly taking my new sewing machine out and playing with it.

    one of my friends used to do that with her clothes, she'd get tired of stuff and decide to clean out her closet and we could go through it.  Pretty sure I still have a couple of shirts I wear from one of her cast off piles and it has been about 8 years

    Oh I love it when this happens! My friend is moving and is doing this via text. Every few days she's like "Who wants 6 wine carafes?" or "Here's a pic of 40 movies I'm ditching - any takers?"
    Yeah, she is pretty petite and super fit, so I am not sure how much I will be able to fit into her clothes :) but fingers crossed!
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    falsarafalsara member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its First Answer
    It's supposed to rain here I'll weekend but I'm ok with that.

    Last night FI and I went and saw Avengers: Age of Ultron.  It was really good.  And it was nice to continue our tradition of Marvel movie watching.  

    This weekend we're cleaning the apartment.  

    Mom and FMIL will get their Mother's day flowers tomorrow, and then on  Sunday we'll both call them up.  It sucks that they both live so far away.   


    Wedding Countdown Ticker


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    kaos16kaos16 member
    First Answer First Anniversary 5 Love Its First Comment

    Tonight I'm bringing my pup Elle to my parents house to meet their dog Dodger!  Should be interesting haha.  Hopefully they get along and my parents can babysit her when I go to a wedding next week.

    I need the time away from the city, my ex has been contacting me lately and even just seeing his name in my email upsets me and I finally had to tell him to stop contacting me or I'll get a restraining order (I don't even know if that's possibly for technology communications but I just can't take being so upset all the time.)

    Sunday I just found out my brother is coming into NYC for the UPfronts and will therefore join us for Mother's Day brunch so I"m very excited!  Also doing some spin and just generally relaxing.

    I'm so sorry you're going through that. :( It is definitely possible to get an order for him to stop contacting you. It may be easier or harder depending on the content of his messages. Save every email/text/phone bill with his calls listed, even though I know it's probably hard on you. And PM me if you need help/have questions about it. My sorority did volunteer work with the local women's shelter, so I'm at least somewhat familiar with this stuff.

    I'm not sure I agree with this.  While potentially stressful and hurtful, if he is just emailing mundane things like saying hi, or asking if she has seen an item he left when they split up, I don't think there are grounds for an order of protection in NY. Without knowing more about the conversations we can't be sure if she can get one. 

    Mini threadjack:  In NY if you text or email someone to tell them you are going to punch them in the face it is a worse offense than if you just punch them in the face (provided you don't do substantial damage to their face).  I always find that funny.
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    It's graduation weekend here, too. I'm technically graduating, but I already walked last year, so this time I will just watch. One of my friends who graduated last semester flew in from Chicago, so yesterday we all got together at my place for pomosas (pomegranate mimosas).

    Tonight, if I can get H to babysit I will go out for drinks with the girls. Tomorrow is graduation, so I'm going to that, and after I'm going to dinner with my closest girlfriend who is graduating and her family. After that another friend is having a graduation party.

    Sunday is my very first Mother's Day! H is getting me a summery bathrobe and I will demand that he make me french toast with Nutella. Yum!
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    Tonight, we are cleaning out the guest room and replacing the shelves in our pantry with new wood.

    Tomorrow I have a baby shower to go to at 2 and then it's more house stuff.

    Sunday, church, and then going to visit mom.

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    afox007afox007 member
    First Anniversary First Comment 5 Love Its First Answer
    Working from home today and grumbling because my mom hijacked Mother's Day.

    The last 2 years FI and FSS have taken me up towards Carmel after making me breakfast and mimosas. That was supposed to be this years plan, but my sister was adamant that we do something together since my parents are seperate and my moms been pretty upset. I told her what our plans were then get a call back that mom has decided we are going to a beach close to my house and having a picnic.

    Originally she wanted to go early enough that unless I wanted to forgo sleeping in would not be able to have the boys make me breakfast. When I called to at least push it back an hour or so I asked what she wanted me to bring for the picnic.

    She got all offended because she shouldn't have to plan her own Mother's Day and it was up to me and my siblings to figure out. At this point I'm ready to bail and resume our normally scheduled plan because apparently this is all about her now and Mother's Day no longer applies to me.
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    kaos16 said:

    Tonight I'm bringing my pup Elle to my parents house to meet their dog Dodger!  Should be interesting haha.  Hopefully they get along and my parents can babysit her when I go to a wedding next week.

    I need the time away from the city, my ex has been contacting me lately and even just seeing his name in my email upsets me and I finally had to tell him to stop contacting me or I'll get a restraining order (I don't even know if that's possibly for technology communications but I just can't take being so upset all the time.)

    Sunday I just found out my brother is coming into NYC for the UPfronts and will therefore join us for Mother's Day brunch so I"m very excited!  Also doing some spin and just generally relaxing.

    I'm so sorry you're going through that. :( It is definitely possible to get an order for him to stop contacting you. It may be easier or harder depending on the content of his messages. Save every email/text/phone bill with his calls listed, even though I know it's probably hard on you. And PM me if you need help/have questions about it. My sorority did volunteer work with the local women's shelter, so I'm at least somewhat familiar with this stuff.
    I'm not sure I agree with this.  While potentially stressful and hurtful, if he is just emailing mundane things like saying hi, or asking if she has seen an item he left when they split up, I don't think there are grounds for an order of protection in NY. Without knowing more about the conversations we can't be sure if she can get one. 

    Mini threadjack:  In NY if you text or email someone to tell them you are going to punch them in the face it is a worse offense than if you just punch them in the face (provided you don't do substantial damage to their face).  I always find that funny.

    I'm not actually taking out a restraining order on him.  He's just been emailing me for the last 10 days (it would have been our anniversary) and it's sent me into a tailspin after I've asked him not to contact me.  I just dont' want to see his name on my email anymore, it's not fair to me.

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    kaos16 said:

    Tonight I'm bringing my pup Elle to my parents house to meet their dog Dodger!  Should be interesting haha.  Hopefully they get along and my parents can babysit her when I go to a wedding next week.

    I need the time away from the city, my ex has been contacting me lately and even just seeing his name in my email upsets me and I finally had to tell him to stop contacting me or I'll get a restraining order (I don't even know if that's possibly for technology communications but I just can't take being so upset all the time.)

    Sunday I just found out my brother is coming into NYC for the UPfronts and will therefore join us for Mother's Day brunch so I"m very excited!  Also doing some spin and just generally relaxing.

    I'm so sorry you're going through that. :( It is definitely possible to get an order for him to stop contacting you. It may be easier or harder depending on the content of his messages. Save every email/text/phone bill with his calls listed, even though I know it's probably hard on you. And PM me if you need help/have questions about it. My sorority did volunteer work with the local women's shelter, so I'm at least somewhat familiar with this stuff.
    I'm not sure I agree with this.  While potentially stressful and hurtful, if he is just emailing mundane things like saying hi, or asking if she has seen an item he left when they split up, I don't think there are grounds for an order of protection in NY. Without knowing more about the conversations we can't be sure if she can get one. 

    Mini threadjack:  In NY if you text or email someone to tell them you are going to punch them in the face it is a worse offense than if you just punch them in the face (provided you don't do substantial damage to their face).  I always find that funny.
    I'm not actually taking out a restraining order on him.  He's just been emailing me for the last 10 days (it would have been our anniversary) and it's sent me into a tailspin after I've asked him not to contact me.  I just dont' want to see his name on my email anymore, it's not fair to me.
    Mark him as spam.

    I had, then he emailed me from his work email last night (hadn't thought I needed to do that on top of blocking his phone number) and it just upset me again.  It's just crappy that he wasn't respecting my wishes of not contacting me

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