Hi there,
In two weeks my fiancé is having his bachelor party (3 days) up north in Minnesota at a cabin with a bunch of his buddies. Recently I found out that they will be bringing and shooting guns for fun. They like to party, get completely wasted together and have a good time. And it always is a good time for them! But, with how many gun accidents I've read about over my life, I feel very worried about the accidents that MAY happen.
His argument: I am trying to micro-manage his bachelor party. He has good, level-headed friends that he trusts. That they won't use the guns when they are drinking (although I feel like they will drink the whole time so that is part of my concern)
My argument: Accidents with guns happen all the time. Some of the men (including my fiancé) do not have experience with guns. Alcohol + guns don't mix.
Am I just being overcautious? Should I just 'trust' that everything will be okay? I trust my fiancé! But again...accidents DO happen and I would never want him or any of his friends to get hurt. Especially at a secluded cabin where help is nowhere nearby.
Should I just give up my concerns and let him have the fun that he wants? I'm not trying to ruin his party!! I just wish guns weren't involved...
I need help!
Thanks in advance!
Re: Guns for Bachelor Party?
Look, I understand you're concerned and I don't blame you at all. But if you don't trust his judgment and his judgment of his friends, then y'all have deeper issues to work on.
Look, if H and his friends headed up to a cabin for a weekend, undoubtedly there would be both alcohol and a firearms packed. But H and friends are not idiots (well, they are, but not about important things) and would keep the shooting and drinking as separate activities. You either trust your future husband to be responsible or you don't. Are you worried about them driving drunk?
Tell him you hope everyone stays sober while shooting and that you hope he has a fabulous time, make sure he's got eye and ear protection, and then trust your future spouse to not do stupid, probably illegal things.
ETA: Also, there is probably time to hustle your FI into a firearm class at a local range before he goes. Hearing the same advice from an expert might help convince him of your seriousness. Maybe go together, because target shooting is fun.