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Whiny Wednesday


Good morning! I am tired today. I didn't sleep well last night which leads me to my next whine: I am SO SORE. I think that every time I moved while sleeping, it hurt and woke me up. @cu97tiger told me to get Epsom salt so I think I'll be picking that up tonight. 

After work yesterday, I went to the gym with H. We both did some bike thing in the cardio room for 45 minutes and it was fun having him with me because we got competitive and then when the resistance went up and we were both struggling, we couldn't stop laughing at each other. When we got home we cooked dinner together which was nice! We had the Blue Apron Pork Bolognese and it was delicious and super easy. 

Tonight, I'm going to the "Core and More" class at the gym and then cooking Salmon Crusted with "Everything Bagel" Seasoning with Chive Sour Cream, Arugula Salad, and Lemon Caper Vinaigrette for dinner. YUM. It's my first Home Chef box and I'm super excited. After dinner, I'll shower and then watch Big Brother at 8. I can't believe it's almost over :(

Now that all the summer shows are ending, I'm looking forward to some new ones starting! I'm the world's biggest nerd/TV freak and I have a list on my phone of shows, what network they're on, and what date they premiere. I have 7 brand new shows to check out and 8 shows that I regularly watch that are coming back. What'll you be watching, if anything?


Re: Whiny Wednesday

  • @southernpeach89 - I'm so freaking impressed that you're still going to Crossfit and cleaning your bathrooms and doing laundry. You're seriously amazing. I meant to catch up on the first season of Empire this summer and I totally forgot! I've heard it's really good. 

  • @Swazzle At this point I think working out is what is keeping me sane. I seriously would love to sit and relax but I find that if I do that all day then I'm more likely to have a meltdown and/or lash out on people lol. Yesterday, my mom asked if I had any contractions and I yelled, "NO!" at her and stomped off lol. 
  • @Swazzle - I looooooove Epsom salt when I'm sore.  Do you have a tub in your new house, or are you going to do it compress-style?

    @southernpeach89 - You are my pregnant lady hero.

    I am not whiny today, yay!  I brought a pumpkin spice k-cup (I know, I know) and some real cream and made myself a pumpkin spice latte with my boss's Keurig.  This is my second cup of coffee today!!  The only good thing about TOTM is drinking ALL THE COFFEE.

    I went to my doctor yesterday to talk about TTC and PMDD and staying off BCPs (if there were any more abbreviations in there, it'd be like emailing the government).  Unfortunately, since PMDD isn't well studied, there isn't anything she can do to help me.  However, she recently met a doctor in my town that has an office that specializes in PMDD and other women's reproductive and hormonal issues.  I got an appt set up with her this month!  I am so hopeful that she will be able to help me manage this better.  I also visited the vampire lab at the office and got my blood taken to check my thyroid levels.  I got the lady that is extremely rough so now I have a gorgeous bruise on my arm.  

    Massage today!!!  I brought my PJs to change into but forgot flip flops, so I guess I'll be leaving in my PJs and tall wedges.  So stylish.
  • @southernpeach89 - Awww! It'll be over in a week and you'll have a beautiful new addition to your family! 

    @CocoBellaF - I have a tub in my house so I'll be forcing myself to sit in it for a bit. Good luck with the new doc!

  • untouchabletsuntouchablets member
    First Anniversary 500 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited September 2015
    @swazzle Greys Anatomy, Scandal, and How to Get Away With Murder are what I live for and they'll be back on the 24th finally!! Other than that I'm waiting for The Walking Dead to come back in October. Let me know what new shows you like! Right now we are just watching House on netflix lol.

    @southernpeach89 WOW I can't believe you are still so active. That's so amazing, I want to be like you when I get knocked up.

    @cocobellaf "the vampire lab" I love it! I'm gonna say that from now on. good luck!!!

    OMG do I have something to whine about!! Yesterday I was at the Verizon store asking 10000000x questions about the new plans only to find out that if I end my contract early I lose my phone number. So I have to wait 6 months to be done with contracts for life. I've been pining for a new phone and wasn't ready to drop more than my rent payment on a new one anyway so I was like "eh, okay."
    WELL, fast forward past my dentist appointment immediately following :( and to last night when I was walking a dog and trying to keep it from eating garbage and I DROPPED MY PHONE IN THE SCUFFLE and now the screen is totally busted. I can't see the QWERY side of the keyboard but it still works. I ordered a certified refurbished galaxy s4 from Samsung this morning for less than $250 which is good enough for me. Now I can try an Android phone with little commitment and if I like it I'll get a newer version when my contract ends.
  • @Swazzle Glad you got some suggestions on how to heal those sore muscles!

    @SouthernPeach89 I also envy your CrossFitting while pregnant. Baby Callie will be here before you know it!

    @CocoBellaF Hope you get some answers from the new Dr! What a great resource. 

    @untouchablets That sucks that you dropped it. Phone contracts are the suck. My phones NEVER last the two years so I always have to steal someone else's upgrade and it drives BF nuts.

    I have MUCHO to whine about today. I was actually really looking forward to another OLW thread so I might just go start one and whine there so that people can skip it if they want.

    Last night was mentally and physically exhausting and we didn't have enough wine to make it better. I have to rectify that tonight.

    For fall shows, we are excited for Gotham to come back!

    friends tv show funy
  • @untouchablets - I can't wait for Shonda Thursdays to come back!!!! I'm also excited for Homeland, The Leftovers, AHS (though, I realized that I get excited for it every year but I've only ever watched the first season in its entirety), and TWD to return. For new shows, I'm most looking forward to The Bastard Executioner (created by Kurt Sutter who did SOA, it started last night), Limitless, and Scream Queens, though I have a bunch of others on my list to check out. 

    @caseface5 - H and I watched several episodes of Gotham last season but then got distracted and never continued with it. Maybe eventually! 

  • @swazzle Epsom salt is amazing.  
    @southernpeach89 I'm also super impressed with how active you still are, I feel like I'd just be a couch potato. 
    @untouchablets ugh that is frustrating, at least you were able to get a refurbished phone.  
    @cocobellaf good luck with the new doctor!

    So yesterday I spent the day in meetings.  I ended with an employee review from my boss.  Apparently I have set the bar really high and my only "needs improvement" items were to learn more about the company and to get involved in more projects so I can learn where I want to end up.  

    I need to go shopping tonight for stuff for the house.  I never put blinds on the bathroom or stairs windows and we keep walking from the bathroom to the bedroom naked. Haha so I guess I should get blinds since we refuse to put on clothes/robes.  I also need to get couch pillows.  I've been in a navy/burgundy color mindset lately so think I'm going to go with one of those colors.  I really can do anything since the living room is all neutral (grey walls, beige couches, dark wood floors, white trim and blinds).
  • @speakeasy14 - I got really great pillows for my living room from Joss and Main! 

  • @swazzle - I hope the Epsom salt works for you... also make sure you stretch and get your DH to give you a light massage, that will definitely help. What is this 'Home Chef' thing you speak of? Details!

    @southernpeach89 - You are a freaking rockstar to still be going to CF at this point! You're going to bounce right back into shape after Callie is born in no time!

    I'm joining @swazzle on the sore train today. My calves were sore enough to wake me up in the middle of the night, and then today was a ton of jump-roping at crossfit, so I can't imagine how I'll even be able to walk by the end of the day. Stupid day to wear heels, too...

    Today we have workers coming to the house to fix the water damage from the A/C unit leaking. They are starting at 10:30, so I'll be on pins and needles until I hear that the brick reveal has gone well and my shelves are intact.
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @cu97tiger & @Swazzle - That was me 2 nights ago.  My legs were just beyond the point of uncomfortable and made it really tough to sleep.

    @peaseblossom55 - You definitely need a short trip away!
  • @speakeasy14 You are so not a couch potato! You look great!! 
  • @Swazzle Yay for keeping up with your workouts! I really enjoyed my Home Chef week!

    @southernpeach89 You are seriously my hero! Keep it up!

    @peaseblossom55 I had some hard root beer over the weekend for the first time too and really loved it! I've only had the one called "Not Your Father's Root Beer" but apparently there is a Coney Island brand that's even better.

    @untouchablets I'm so sorry about your phone! That seems really ridiculous that they won't let you keep your original number if you break your contract! I've never had that problem and that's so shitty of the company!

    Another busy busy day for me. Traffic sucked. Work is going to suck even more. I did manage to stop and get a PSL and NOW it's time for meetings!!! Someone please save me from myself!

  • @labro we had the Coney Island hard root beer! Now that you say the name it rings a bell.  I've never had it before but it was so good.


  • @peaseblossom55 - I'm biased, but you should pick Baltimore. I'm not sure when you were going to go, but if I'm around, I'd try to get over there to meet you! Tuarceatha and I tried Coney Island root beer last weekend and we both thought they were pretty strong. And yummy!

    Oh, I never answered the TV question. I'm really bad at keeping up with a weekly show since I no longer have a DVR. I watched Scandal for awhile, but I'm way behind. With internet TV, it's sometimes hard to remember what we watched and haven't yet. Right now, we're watching a series called Narcos, which is about Pablo Escobar and Colombia in the 1980s. It's really good.
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @Swazzle Epsom salt baths and foam rollers are the best things ever for sore muscles!

    @southernpeach89 If/when I get pregnant, I hope I'm like you. You are seriously amazing.

    @CocoBellaF That's great that you found a doctor who specializes in PMDD! I hope you can finally figure out how to properly treat it!

    @untouchablets Aww, bummer about your phone! Cracking the screen is the worst!

    @caseface5 I'm sorry you had a crappy day yesterday. :( I hope today is much better!

    @speakeasy14 Congrats on the amazing review! Way to go!

    @peaseblossom55 I'm so glad you had a great day yesterday! That's wonderful! I hope today is also good. *hugs*

    @cu97tiger Uggggh I hate when I'm so sore I can't sleep. That is the worst! I really hope the soreness dissipates today!
    I too am on the sore train, which is odd since I haven't worked out since Monday. I think I may have bruised the ball of my right foot. It hurts off and on, but last night it was really painful. The pain spread from the ball of my foot to ankle and then to my shin. Took me a while to fall asleep because of it. It feels a little better this morning, but when I walk the pain starts to come back. Hmmmm... 

    I'll respond to everyone on my bridals thread as soon as FI leaves for work. :)

    Today's agenda:
    -Work, bitch.
    -Train with my personal trainer
    -If my foot cooperates, hopefully do some cardio later tonight
    -Sew like the wind on a quilt I've been procrastinating on

    Re: fall shows. We don't have cable, so it's hard for us to catch new shows or really watch the shows we've watched for years. Big Bang Theory and Modern Family are the only ones that come to mind for normal fall TV schedule. I've got Downton Abbey and The Walking Dead's premieres marked on my calendar too. We download a lot of stuff and watch it whenever we have time.

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  • @cu97tiger I haven't been to Baltimore since college not sure what there is to do, so we are looking into it.  Any suggestions? :-)  I thought the root beer was prettty strong, but I thought it was just me since I really haven't drank in the past 6 months. 


  • Whoops forgot the tv question: I'm excited for Once, HTGAWM, and TWD

  • @peaseblossom55 - Was it the Not Your Father's Root Beer? I don't really love that one. I want to try out the Coney Island one!

    @cu97tiger - I've been stretching a lot! I even stretched before bed. I learned about Home Chef from @GoldenPenguin. It's similar to Blue Apron but there are more options, you're not limited to certain combos, you can choose more than 3 if you want, they have low calorie and/or low carb options. I opted to do 4 meals this week so I have:

    They don't offer the free trial referrals like BA does, but I can send you a referral for $30 off if you're interested in trying it out! 

  • @eilis1228 - Did I tell you how pretty I think you are?

    Ooh, I like Downton Abbey, too, but I missed most of last season. I need to set a reminder to watch those! I also watch Modern Family, too.

    @peaseblossom55 - If you stay in the Inner Harbor, there's pretty views, a good aquarium, and lots of good restaurants/bars to walk to.

    @swazzle - Yes please, I'll take the discount!
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @untouchablets Sorry about your phone :(

    @speakeasy14 Congrats on the awesome review! Mine was due last month but we never get ours on time. I know I haven't been working to my full potential this past year so we'll see how that goes.

    Yesterday I was supposed to walk with my friend but she got held up at work and I was too lazy to go out on my own :(  Today I need to do something so I plan on doing a Slim Series workout when I get home and then probably making tortellini for dinner to use up the sauce I made on Sunday. 

    I called the realtor (I'll call him "B") that's selling the house we live in yesterday to see if he had any updates on the buyer. He wants tenants but we need to know how much he plans on charging for rent. The realtor said he could only tell me that the Closing date is on 10/30. Great, thanks for your help. So I'm hoping this guy reaches out to us sometime before then because we have no idea who he is- we have questions about the apartment and yeah, how much is he going to expect us to pay and where do we send our rent for 11/1??

    Then I called my landlord (we'll call her "P")to see if we could use our security deposit for October's rent so we wouldn't have to send her a check for the 1st of the month and then we're all clear with her. P mentioned that she knew of someone who was interested in renting one of the other apartments so she asked B to see how much new buyer wanted for rent for that floor. B found out and told her. So he wouldn't tell me anything and we already live there and want to stay but he'll find out the price for a potential new tenant?? I was kind of pissed. But at least now I have an idea of how much he'll charge. I just want this to be over and done with. 

  • @swazzle I remembered it was the Coney Island one and it was so so good. 


  • Strange week I swear. So I've never mentioned it here, but I don't drive. I had no desire to drive. My dad lost his license before I turned 16 and none of my friends drove, so it wasn't a huge thing.
    Last year we got a new vehicle - 2014 Ford Escape - and I actually could see myself driving it!

    Anyways long story short, I bought the driver test booklet to study and at the end of October I will be going for my G1!
    Matt booked the day off to be supportive and be sure I get there okay. I've bailed on going a few times now, but I'm pretty certain I'll do it.

    So that's a thing!

    Rest of this week is pretty much a write off. Matt's working late {instead of 9-5, he's doing 1-9} because clients are in and there's meetings, etc etc.

    Tonight my plan is to do a crap ton of cleaning. Dishes, table, etc. I need to be sure that table is clean as I'm starting a tax course next week and want a place to actually be able to do the homework. I swear, I just cleaned that table too ....
    I asked Matt to either bring down the box spring or do dishes. I'm not sure which I'm hoping he'll do more lol

    Fall TV shows - I'm so glad we have a PVR now! Since I'll be out Monday and Wednesday nights, I have to record basically everything.
    Old shows returning:
    Big Bang Theory, Gotham, Simpsons

    New shows:
    Quantico, SuperGirl, Muppets, Blindside, Scream Queens {maybe}
  • Forgot about TV questions. The only thing I can think of that we're looking forward to is The Leftovers- think that's coming back in the fall. 

  • @MsKittyDanger Hope you do well with the driver's test! I couldn't imagine not driving and not being able to just get in my car and go wherever I want whenever I want. My grandmother didn't start driving until a few years ago and my MIL doesn't drive and honestly it's really annoying.

  • Last night was fun. I went to a sip and paint class with my mom. Not to brag, but I think we had the best paintings in the class! Tonight is more cleaning because tomorrow is girl's night at my house. As far as shows, I cannot wait for TWD to return! I'm also going to try and get back into Dancing WithThe Stars again since there are more people I care about on it this season.

    @swazzle - Wow, you are kicking butt! Glad your H is supporting you too, that really helps! I know what you mean about not missing your favorite shows. When we moved I made sure to put all of the shows we watch onto a list on my phone so we wouldn't miss any!
    @southernpeach89 - Agreed, the foam roller really helps but it hurts so much at first!
    @CocoBellaF - That coffee sounds delicious!
    @untouchablets - That sucks. I dropped my phone not too long ago and had to shell out $$ to fix it. Not fun.
    @speakeasy14 - That's great that you are getting such positive feedback at work!
    @paseblossom55 - That root beer sounds so good. A getaway sounds even better!
    @cu97tiger - Good luck! Hopefully everything will end up fine!
    @labro - I have had the busiest last few weeks lately so I feel your pain!
    @eilis1228 - I just have to say again how beautiful your bridals came out! I remember having mine done and it made me feel so much more confident in my dress and knowing how I would look on the day-of.
    @lavenderfields13 - Hopefully you guys will get things figured out and be able to put this behind you soon!

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  • @lavenderfields13 - It comes back on October 4th! I was kind of hoping to rewatch season 1 because I feel like it's been SO long but I don't know that I'll have time. 

    @beachyone15 - Paint and sips are so much fun! What'd you paint? When we moved, we got Directv and you can record SO many shows it's ridiculous so even if I don't get to them all during the week, I can save them and catch up on the weekends when I'm home. 

  • @beachyone15 Paint and Sip classes (We have a place called Sips and Strokes) are my favorite! What did you paint last night?

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