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Terrific Tuesday!


Re: Terrific Tuesday!

  • @jenna8984 thanks the website says it will take 3-4 weeks for it to arrive. I never used any of the clearblue ovulation kits.  I stuck to the cheap wondfos, before I was with my RE, it would catch mutliple surges even though I never ovulated.  It was crystal clear once I was on medicated cycles and I used the wondfos when I ovulated though.


  • @labro so excited to see baby Callie :) Hoping for speedy recovery for @southernpeach89!!

    @swazzle I admire your work out motivation. I had to run up and down stairs to get to my 3rd level apt, and was so out of breath -.-' it was awful.

    My course was last night and chapter 4 is easier than chapter 3 lol .... most people had issues. I'm definitely going to have to study a lot this weekend as I found out we have a test on Monday.
    Ended up leaving early since I had such a migraine. Still kinda do, but at least I have my glasses today!

    This morning opted out of having coffee to test out my new tea tumbler. I made pina colada fruit tea this morning, and decided if I want more I have my after eight tea. {side note: this fruit tea is good! better than herbal!}

    Matt and I have been bickering over houses lately. We're 2yrs out from buying but there are things we cannot agree on. We're hoping a realtor can help us. It's just frustrating.

    Tonight I have homework and shows to watch. Of course it's all the hour long ones! Quantico, Gotham and Blindspot.

    Hmm ... not much else going on.
  • @Swazzle - Yeah....about that Target sucking dry the bank account thing.  I'm on a super tight budget this month because I have to get the car fixed, so I will be sticking to my list.  Hopefully.  Fingers crossed.  Knock on wood.  Maybe.  I've put a couple of little splurges on my list that I have coupons for, so hopefully that will help.

    @untouchablets - I'm sorry about your prof.  I understand how frustrating that can be.  We actually had a prof in my grad program who refused to even USE email!  If you wanted to get in touch with him, you had to call the department, and they would leave him a note, or you had to have his home phone number.  He put his home number on his syllabus...except he never updated his syllabi, so the phone number was the one he shared with his ex-wife!  I called once when I had car trouble and would be late to class, and it was the most awkward thing.
  • @futuremrshistorian OMG that sounds mortifying!!
  • @futuremrshistorian - Make sure you have Cartwheel! 

  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited September 2015
    @beachyone15 - Yes, H is Indian and I've been several times with H (as a H, FI and BF).  :)  Mmmmm FroYo.  That sounds yummy.  As do Turkey Burgers.  I'm hungry already and I ate breakfast.  Another side effect of no caffeine is more hunger.  Whaw, whaw.  
  • @beachyone15 - Usually it's a skinny iced hazelnut latte...until Christmas season hits, and then I drink ALL the gingerbread lattes.

    @Swazzle - I have Cartwheel, but I've never used it.  I'm going to use it this time so I hope it is helpful!
  • @cu97tiger - True, true.  I was really hoping to just walk today but I might have to hit the gym because its raining.  Its sort of sad but my initial motivation to bump up my 20 workouts a week to 30 was a physical I have to take at work tomorrow.  Its bull, really (the test that is)...they don't care about fat percentage or muscle mass just BMI (one of my friend's at work had a VERY pregnant wife too and they didn't even account for that in adjusting her BMI...sigh) but, whatever, at least I can tell the lady BMI (as opposed to fat percentage) is not the best measurement for someone who regularly works out to her face and not feel guilty. 

    @cocobellaf - I'm glad your H is safe but I'm sorry about his friends.   
  • @caseface5 That's so frustrating! I had a similar issue with contacts (different company) several years ago and now I order new contacts or head to the eye doc when I have 2 pairs left. (mine are "2 week" and I push them to a month since I don't wear them daily. Have you tried calling the company? Maybe they will send replacements. I agree with @labro, post office customer service is hit or miss... my current local post office is tiny and they're very nice, but the one I had before was always mega crowded and not-so-nice.


    @minskat30 I'm sitting here trying to imagine a dog water bed and it is cracking me up. I just keep imagining how confused my dog would have been.

    @peaseblossum55 I am so sorry the photos weren't what you expected, I can't even imagine what you've had to go through. I'm sure the necklace will be lovely, such a sweet idea.

    @untouchablets I took a lot of online classes in undergrad, and my graduate program was somewhat of a hybrid of online/in person sessions. I feel you on the frustration of sending an email and getting no response. I would always freak out thinking they didn't get the email or buried it in their inbox. Unresponsive profs were the worst, especially when a complicated assignment was due soon and they would wait forever to respond. Like, I don't expect a detailed response immediately, but a simple courtesy "I got your message" email works wonders for the nerves.

    I also worked through school and it felt like a never ending cycle of work/school/homework, but looking back I am so glad I worked while going through school. Not only did it help me with time management and other helpful work skills (and the satisfying sense that I was providing for myself and didn't "need" anyone else), but now that school is over I feel like I have all the time in the world. Hang in there, it's tough and you'll miss stuff, but the opportunities will be flying in later on! (I wish I could go back in time and tell myself this).

    @MissKittyDanger Luckily you have a couple years to think about house stuff, and in that amount of time you'll likely be able to figure out what you both actually want. One idea for now, you could always both make "want" lists, the things both of you really want in a home. From that list you can star a couple of "must have/need" items, and from there you could scan home listings to see what would even be available and how much it would cost. Several of my friends have bought homes and I've heard all kinds of stories about how they had to really fine tune what they REALLY needed in the home just because the "perfect" home doesn't exist... unless you build it I guess, and that's a whole new crop of issues.


    I took my car to the Subaru dealer to get worked on yesterday, and found out today that the transmission hoses all need replaced. It's not a cheap repair, but not as bad as it could be, I guess. In the meantime I'm borrowing my mom's car (a Kia Soul). Not a bad vehicle, but I still miss my car.

    Work is going to be a bit hectic this week. Tomorrow and the next day I'll be on an audit... and the work site is in some woman's home. Should be interesting, maybe a bit awkward. I just hope I can get my work done quickly and get back in my office.



  • @swazzle - What specifically did you love about Scream Queens? I thought it looked pretty good, but I think I've had enough Lea Michele for a while... Also, I was on the Norwegian Pearl last week. They had a restaurant with super good wings that I definitely had 3 of the 7 days.

    @labro - Congrats again, auntie! My oldest nephew freakin turned 16 this year. I couldn't even believe it. I remember chasing him around and pinching his tiny little butt cheeks! *sniff*

    @CocoBellaF - That totally sounds like the same reaction my dog had when he had allergies. I gave him Benadryl, and he passed out asleep, but by the next day was way better. If it's been multiple days it's definitely worth checking with the vet about.

    @lavenderfields13 - I'm wishing you serious luck with the buyer. Man, they are making this whole process so difficult!

    @jenna8984 - I must have missed any posts about your cruise! Did you AW anything yet?

    @MissKittyDanger - It took my BF and I over a year to figure out what we really wanted to do as far as buying a house. Then, once we started shopping, we completely changed our minds. You just keep trying until you find something that works well for both of you, and hone in on the must have features, adjusting your list if you find something that seems like it will be better. It might take a bit, but I think you'll find the perfect place! (Also, pina colada tea sounds AMAZING!)


    I'm getting off work early today because our friends that watched our house for us are still visiting. They didn't really tell us they would be staying until Wednesday, it just turned out they didn't have a reason to leave yet so they're just.......... staying. I truly don't mind, it's just kind of rude/weird to not even ask.

    We introduced them to Trailer Park Boys last night (see my signature gif, if you also haven't seen it). That is basically all we did all night is eat pizza and watch that. Their son and I played a lot of "Throw Little Boy In The Air" or "Swing Around By His Arms". It was a blast, but boy was I tired.

  • @AlPacina - I thought it was funny, creepy, and cheesy all at the same time. I love Jamie Lee Curtis (Halloween fanatic here) and I really like Emma Roberts. The premiere was 2 hours long and somehow I stayed up and watched the whole thing because I didn't want to turn it off. Lea Michelle's role wasn't huge in the first episode at least. I was on the Jewel! I think those 2 are pretty similar. Those wings though <3

  • @beachyone15 @win0erin @AlPacina since you all said relatively the same, I'm tagging you all in same response :)
    We kind of agreed-to-disagree on what we're bickering about. House wise, we're on same page. It's things like location or association fees that are huge deals. He wants to own the yard, etc but I have zero faith he'll cut the lawn. He's a procrastinator and I have told him this. Location is going to be hard because I really don't want to move too far from my mum {especially since my dad passed} but he's not a fan of the area now because apparently "the resale sucks"
    We've basically decided to stop looking until we've got the money saved.
  • @cu97tiger ok thanks, sounds like those have worked well for a few of you at a lower cost so I'm all about checking them out

    @alpacina I posted a few pics in a daily thread, didn't do a whole new post. It was great though, we went to St. Thomas, St. Maarten, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, Barbados and loved them all. How about you, where did yours go last week?

    @misskittydanger Agreed with others. I was dead set on "I need this, this, this" on my house list. Then we searched for a few months and I came around to H's side. We wended up buying I never would have chosen at first but now I'm a million percent happy with it. And yea its best to not look until you have the money, otherwise you just fall in love with stuff you can't have and that's no fun.



  • @MissKittyDanger - I kind of understand what he's getting at about the resale value. H and I argued while we were looking because I fell in love with a house that was priced way too much (above the rest of the neighborhood). He kept telling me "the house isn't worth it" and I completely understand now what he was trying to say. You don't want to put yourself in a tough situation that makes it impossible to get out of the house what you put in. I was so happy we waited because we are in a great neighborhood now and I love our house. Also, I'd say don't rush. We both wanted to jump on a house the other didn't like/wasn't right. In the end we took our time and waited until we found a house we both love. So when you do start looking, don't rush yourself!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @jenna8984 - Alaska is beautiful! Not sure I'll go on another cruise though. I want to do an AW post, but my BF has all the best pictures on his fancy iPhone, and they haven't all uploaded to our dropbox yet. It's so sad that my camera that was super expensive and fancy in 2007 has worse resolution than my BF's work phone. :(

  • Hola amigas!

    @swazzle you're so kick ass.
    @southernpeach89 congrats on Callie!! Sorry you had to do a csection - they blow, huh? You'll probably have a way easier time recovering since you are so wonderfully fit. I hope it helps with the process! xoxo
    @labro congrats on becoming an Auntie! Spoiling my nieces is one of my favorite past times.

    So this weekend had lots of ups and downs. Saturday, FI headed off to his bachelor party...and took the damned car seat with him. When I realized it, they had already been gone for hours and his phone was dead. I wanted to freaking strangle the man. Thankfully, my sister came through and loaned me a seat so I could get things done and pick Beanup from the daytime PG13 portion of the Bachelor party (laser tag and paint ball). I spent some time at Ikea picking out our new kitchen, and scheduled them to come measure and plan it out. Then I went to our best man's house to get Bean and hang out with his wife (one of my bridesmaids) for a bit. 

    Sunday was soccer game day, and Bean's team DOMINATED. They kept the ball in the other team's half of the pitch for all of the game except about 30 seconds. It was amazing. They were on FIRE! Bean scored 2 goals. He was so close to his goal of a hat trick and just misjudged his angles a bit. It's something to keep working on. I'm just so proud of this team! 

    Afterwards, I went over to my sister's and did my nails with her. While I was there my knee started acting up and feeling like someone was tazing me over and over. I hurt it again while I was literally standing still about 2 weeks ago and had a follow up from that yesterday. Doc thinks I might have blown through this meniscus now. I blew my right one years ago and had to have the surgery - no biggie - but hearing that I might have done it to the other knee was a bummer. So, on Friday I have to go back for an MRI and then go from there. If I did, I'll have to put surgery off until after the wedding because I just don't have any weekends between now and then, that I can sacrifice. Booo stupid knee!

    Today I'm back at work and I want to punch things...and people. I really loathe this place.
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @beanbot2002 - Bean is such a rock star! So excited for and proud of him! Duuuuude stop breaking your body parts! 

  • bride2b71614 - Here's a link, though it doesn't have the directions, it does have the ingredients. DH made it, so I'm of no further help.

    @eilis1228 - I love that! Are those your wedding colors? We did a tree print and had people sign the leaves and I still am so glad we did that (though I broke the frame three years ago... I really need to get a new one!)
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • Hi everyone! Not gonna lie I skimmed...


    @southernpeach89 - Wishing you a speedy recovery! I'm sure you are soaking up every second with baby Callie!

    @cocobellaf - Glad your H is safe from layoffs.

    @beanbot2002 - Sending knee vibes!!

    @peaseblossom55 - That necklace sounds wonderful. I'm sorry the pictures weren't exactly what you were hoping for, that's really tough.

    @eilis1228 - I love that guest book!! How big are the orbs?

    @misskittydanger - Yeah...I'm confused why you are looking at houses if you are 2 years away from buying? I could see maybe having very general conversations (ie what neighborhoods you'd like to live in, condo versus SFH, etc) but actually arguing about things that are 2 years away seems like a waste of energy to me. Who knows what your needs will be in 2 years or what the market will be able to offer you?

    Sorry if I missed anyone....

    I'm having a rotten day. I couldn't sleep for some reason so I was awake and cranky most of the night. This morning I weighed myself for the first time in 2 weeks and it was a very unpleasant experience. I'm hoping/thinking it might be a lot of water weight from eating out when FMIL was here. I also hate my outfit today. I feel frumpy and bloated.

    Tonight FI and I are meeting my parents for dinner. It's my dad's 65th birthday! After that I plan to go to bed early.
  • @cu97tiger  I grew up learning not to depend on others and to appreciate what I can pay for myself.   Do you honestly mean you do not have more of an appreciation for the things you worked hard to be able to pay for on your own? Also, as far as education, majority of the students that I witnessed fail out after their first year were those whose parents were paying their tuition. There was no appreciation. So yes, I 100% stand by my point that I would not have had the same appreciation if someone else had paid for my education. 

    @cocobellaf So glad your H was safe from the layoffs! 
  • Happy Birthday to your dad @jenjen047!
    Ugh I hate bloated days when you just feel awful. Hopefully you'll bounce right back now that your routine will be back to normal.


  • @cu97tiger  I grew up learning not to depend on others and to appreciate what I can pay for myself.   Do you honestly mean you do not have more of an appreciation for the things you worked hard to be able to pay for on your own? Also, as far as education, majority of the students that I witnessed fail out after their first year were those whose parents were paying their tuition. There was no appreciation. So yes, I 100% stand by my point that I would not have had the same appreciation if someone else had paid for my education. 

    @speakeasy14 - You are totally entitled to your own opinion, but I definitely worked harder BECAUSE my parents paid for my college tuition. Everything I've done school and career wise has been to make my parents proud. They gave me that kind of opportunity because I deserved it, and I wasn't going to back down just because I already had their support. I was in a constant need to prove myself worthy of the awesome gift I had.

    @labro - OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D

  • @labro - What a doll!!!!
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