Good morning! How was your weekend?
I went out for drinks with my BFF Friday night and it was so good catching up!
Saturday, I was hungover but managed to clean the house and do some laundry before H's and my friends arrived. We went out to dinner, then to the Devils game (we won!), and then out for UFC. I still can't believe Ronda lost!
Yesterday, H and I watched our teams play each other for the 3rd time since we've been together and it was the first time my Eagles lost
We went food shopping then cooked dinner and I watched TWD before bed.
Overall, it was a nice weekend but it went way too quickly!
After work, I'm going to a class at the gym then I'll cook dinner (HC Pan-Roasted Chicken and Artichokes with Brussels Sprouts, Grape Tomatoes, and White Wine Jus), eat dinner, and watch last night's Homeland before bed.
I hope everyone's Monday is as painless as possible!