I'm the MOH in a wedding in 3 weeks and unfortunately, H will be unable to attend the wedding due to work that cannot be changed or rescheduled. The other day the bride and I were talking about the RD and she said my H is not invited since he won't be at the wedding.
What should I do? Is there anything I can do?
Re: H can't make wedding but what about RD?
You are the MOH and you're getting treated like this? And it's three weeks out?
I don't think there's anything you can do, nor should do. I sure as hell hope this can be chalked up to temporary bridezilla crazy stress and is not indicative of her normal behavior towards you or your husband.
If it were me, I'd let it go, attend everything as usual, but keep this on a private shit list. No idea what else she does or how your relationship with her normally is, but man, I'm questioning your friendship right now.
Sorry you experienced this.
ETA: I mean, if you wanted to, you could call her out on this. Depends how comfortable you are with confrontation.
Until this everything seemed fine, she talked to me privately about budget and asked for advice & opinions since she doesn't have many friends who are married yet. The only time we clashed was when I didn't want to wear matching pyjamas
I don't mind confrontation if I feel something's been done unfairly or isn't right, I just want to know if I'm okay to bring it up with her
I think @thisismynickname is probably right about the temporary bridezilla, but I would be pretty upset too. I probably wouldn't make a big issue out of it as I don't think I would see it as a hill to die on unless it was just one more thing in a long list of unreasonable behaviour. I would definitely remember it though. Put it in the burn book!
We have a good line around here how you should honor your loved ones' relationships when you host a wedding. You are more or less "required" to show up to this rehearsal, and if she was planning on hosting him at the dinner to begin with, she needs to realize that dis-inviting him on a silly technicality is disrespectful to you.
Thanks everyone for the advice and laughs! Really happy I asked you all.
P.S. @OurWildKingdom
I want a picture of this brass cricket.