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Whiny Wednesday

Morning everyone! 

I'm on the whiny train today because I had terrible cramps last night which carried over to this morning. I didn't want to get out of bed and then I realized I never marinated my cod for tonight's dinner so I rushed around to do that and was all frazzled leaving the house which I HATE. I'm also feeling tired even though I got a solid 7+ hours of sleep again last night. 

On another note, I started book #17 this morning (The Girl You Lost by Kathryn Croft) and it's SO good so far. I can't put it down and almost missed my stop on the Path this morning because I was so into it. 

Today is Wednesday which means Survivor tonight. I kind of hope H's friend doesn't come over because I feel like poo and I don't want to drink. I forgot to weigh in this morning until I was already in the shower so now I have to do that tomorrow and drinking always affects it, even if I only have 1 glass of wine. 

Is it Friday yet?


Re: Whiny Wednesday

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    @Swazzle Perfect title for the thread today... Sorry about your cramps what a bummer! And I'm definitely adding that book to Goodreads.. maybe it'll be my next read (I was listening to Pretty Girls while on my run this morning... W...T....FFFFFFFFFFFFF is all I have to say as I get deeper and deeper into it. No one is acting as I expected them to)

    I'm also whiny.. I got up and ran this morning - 5 miles and it was my slowest run in the 10 weeks I've been training. I just felt awful and slow and it put me in the worst mood. Then I also had to run around like crazy this morning to make it to work in time for an early morning call. I'm glad I don't have to run later but I just want to go home now and it's only 8am!

    H has a seminar he's going to today so I'll go home and get some stuff done. I'll probably just make a simple salad with shrimp for dinner. Hoping to curl up with a book tonight and just relax and let my mind wander.
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    @LizzyTish88 Those classes are some of my favorites! I love hip hop aerobics! It makes working out so much fun!

    @swazzle That's exactly what she was doing lol! She was sticking her whole fist in her mouth with the puffs stuck to them but they wouldn't come off lol. She didn't like it if I tried to feed them to her hahaha she wanted to do it herself.
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    @CocoBellaF Everything about having a child is messy lol.
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    @CocoBellaF - Good choice! That's exactly why I was running behind, I didn't wash my hair yesterday so it needed to be done today. Take it easy! Stay put, K!

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    @twodimes oooooo good luck H!!!



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    @TwoDimes Fingers crossed for your H! What a great oppertunity. 

    @jenna8984 I just laughed out loud about that convo because I remember calling my mom at work about stupid shit when I was 11 too!!
    friends tv show funy
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    @jenna8984 - BH aren't too bad IME.  Mostly they are uncomfortable, and a few times they've been more intense where I've had to stop what I'm doing and just let it pass.  My body is just prepping for the Real Deal, so hopefully it'll be somewhat easy!!
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    @TwoDimes - Ooooh, fingers crossed!!!  Andplusalso, every time I see you post, I think to myself...  "she's wearing all the LOFT!  WAH!!!!"  HA!!  :)
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    @jenna8984 - Yea I definitely could do that. We'll see how I'm feeling later on. That's the worst about the juice! I hate when I get home and realize something is expired or about to like the next day. 

    @TwoDimes - I really liked it! It was nice to have the backstory behind everything actually. I can't wait for the next book to come out -- not until August! I thought I had a cold a few weeks ago and it ended up being allergies and only lasted about 3 days. I hope you feel better quickly! Sending all the vibes to Mr. TwoDimes!

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    @speakeasy14 - Yeah it definitely was a "um duh" moment for me.  Come on Emmy!!!!
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    @PamBeesly524 Oh it's so true! Callie finds more entertainment with crinkly paper than anything else in the world. WHY do I spend so much money on toys lol?!?

    @jenna8984 Oh yea...I was soaked last night. I might just have to get in there with her.

    @TwoDimes We definitely took a video but it's on our Tinybeans app that only our family sees so no nude pictures to the world lol.

    @speakeasy14 I think our bathroom might suffer water damage if she doesn't stop lol. No but hopefully she will find more entertainment with her toys or something instead or bubbles! I haven't used too many bubbles yet since her body wash doesn't make that many. I need to go buy some bubble bath things.

    @untouchablets OMG yum! That sounds delicious!
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    @speakeasy14 Yay Emmy watch!!

    @untouchablets That mac sounds so good! NOM.
    friends tv show funy
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    @untouchablets so glad you were able to get off work, enjoy your trip! Also, yay for deciding to cook more! It is definitely easier to eat healthy when you make the food yourself.  Do you do your food shopping at shoprite?  Some of the stores offer cooking classes, and you can usually get free classes with your price plus card.  The only other store in our area that I know that offers cooking classes is Wegmans.

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    Aw geez, having a little bit of spotting this morning.  Called my doctor, T&Ps that I don't have to go to L&D today.  I know my contracting boss isn't really on the baby train, and he sees all this as an annoyance.  Really starting to stress me out.  C'mon, I just want 60-70 more days!!
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    @beachyone15 we are going to the outer banks! I've been there three times ever, but his family goes once in the Spring and once in the Fall. 

    @speakeasy14 Thanks! I don't have a shoprite nearby :( I do my shopping at Stop and Shop or Key Food. I did take two semesters of culinary arts in high school but all we really did was make breakfast pizza and watch Top Chef lol I did learn a little but not enough to sustain me in adulthood 
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    @CocoBellaF Thinking of you and hoping that K stays put! Take it easy and try not to be stressed about work - your and K's health and well-being are WAY more important than a grouchy boss. 
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    @minskat30 Thinking of poor Raj! Tell him to take it easy!
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    @minskat30 - Oh no, poor Raj and poor Raj's parents.  All kinds of T&Ps for you guys.
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