So my FMIL wanted to throw us an engagement party/wedding shower open house the first weekend in June for our August wedding. She did the same thing for my FBIL and his Fiancé who live out of state back in November for their June wedding. My sister (also my MOH) and my mom both got a little upset when they, along with my dad, were the only people on my side of the family to be invited, other than my mom's deceased uncle's long time live in girlfriend who lives right down the street from FIL's house. My sister also went as far as saying she wasn't inviting anyone from his side to the bridal shower she was throwing for me then.
Well the live in girlfriend called my aunts to see if they were going and let the cat out of the bag. FMIL said to invite my aunts by word of mouth or explain that it was mostly just a party for his side of the family and live in girlfriend was invited because she lives right down the street and they know her. My mom was upset so I said just invite them in an attempt to smooth everything over.
I was making some changes to our Amazon registry and noticed that some items had just been purchased and didn't recognize the name of the purchaser. I asked him if he knew who it was and he said it was someone who used to go to church with his parents... RED FLAG! I then said we didn't invite them to the wedding and he said I know. I then told him how that is so not okay and you aren't supposed to invite people to pre-wedding parties if they aren't invited to the wedding and he said he knew that. Now I'm afraid that this whole party is a bunch of people we told her she couldn't invite to the wedding.
I don't even know what to do. I told him to call his mom and find out who all she invited to this party. I can't believe she would invite all the people we cut from the wedding guest list, who we cut because I've never met them in the 8 years we've been together and he hasn't seen for probably 10 years.