Wedding Woes


mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
edited August 2016 in Wedding Woes
How was the weekend?

Mine was fan-freaking-tastic. 

I was off work Friday.  I ran around with DH and cleaned house. 

Saturday, we went to DH's uncle's house to have a cookout for his daughter who leaves for college Wednesday (first in her family to go).  I slipped her $50 and told her I would order some rainboots for her.  ;)

Saturday night, SIL, DH's cousin's wife, L, and I went out.  We were supposed to go to this throwback concert with a bunch of 90's acts, but it was raining cats and dogs all day.  So we went out for a nice dinner, went to this dive Jazz bar I love, and then we went to the concert in time to catch Vanilla Ice (and got super muddy, LOL.  I had to actually take all my clothes and get in the shower to get my legs and feet clean).  Once he was done, we booked it out of there and uber'd home.  After we got home, we stayed up until 1am or so just BS-ing and it was awesome.  I freaking adore L and am so glad DH's cousin married her because it's nice to be friends (SIL is my BFF from HS) with the ladies who married into this cuh-razy family.  (Her FIL and SIL's/mine are 10ish mos apart in age and act exactly the same, so we all can roll our eyes together at the same things our FILs do. ;)

Sunday, we woke up and I made brunch for everyone (the boys all came back from spending the night at FIL's house).  I spent the rest of the day on the couch, watching the Olympics, and playing Tetris on my iPad and telling my kids to figure out where to find food. 

I want to do it all again.  

Re: Monday!

  • edited August 2016
    Sounds like a fabulous weekend!

    Saturday, FW and I were going to go to Pride, but it rained on and off and I'm not a fan of walking around in the rain. We had a nice relaxing day instead.

    Yesterday I drove to my parents', went over wedding stuff with my Mom, and took pictures of some things of my Oma's that my parents want to try to sell. 

    Last night, a friend of ours came over for dinner to celebrate her first year of sobriety. 

    Today, FW has a medical appointment. I'm waiting for her to get ready, and then we're getting on the road.

    ETA: While I wait for FW, I'm refereeing disputes between the dog and the middle cat.
  • HeffalumpHeffalump member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited August 2016
    It is a four day week for me, squee.

    Went to the worst birthday party ever Saturday.  Wooz is 7, she's been going to parties since she was 2, and I can safely say it was the worst birthday party I have ever attended.  It was far.  No parking.  When you arrived, you had to sign in and sign 52 waivers on their kiosk, and of course there were 2 kiosks and like 40 parents waiting.  (There was more than one party going on at the same time.)  Nothing for the kids to do while parents were signing in (or waiting to), so they were restless and antsy, and fed off of each other.

    We were finally allowed in, and it was this sketchy bounce place.  DS was enjoying himself for about 15 minutes, and then they herded the kids out of that room and into the next room.  Many tears from the kids (mine included) who didn't want to leave.  We were all herded into the next room by this screechy woman, to find...more bounce houses.  I don't know why they had to move, maybe it was supposed to be a feature, not a bug.  But with preschoolers who aren't always the best at transitions, it seemed like unnecessary drama.

    DS was not loving the new bounce houses.  One had like a rock climbing wall (but with inflatables, obv.), and he so desperately wanted to do it, but he couldn't--it just wasn't age appropriate for a 2-3 y.o., even a tall one like DS.  Other kids came over and tried.  No one could do it.  Parents were giving them a boost, but at some point they were higher than we were tall, so a couple of people tried to climb up to help pull them up and were told to get off the "equipment."  Kids were crying, DS was looking at me like WTF?  We redirected them as best we could.  DS picked this basketball thing, but again, not age appropriate.  Picture an incline, with basketball hoops at the top.  All inflatable.  Now picture half a dozen 3 y.o.s trying to carry regulation size basketballs up the incline to the hoops.  There are hand holds on the sides, but because these kids are 3(ish, give or take), they need both hands to hold the ball.  They kept trying to walk up, but the whole thing was bouncy, so one kid would inevitably fall and take the ones behind him out like bowling pins.  The birthday boy got mad, tried to throw the ball toward the hoop, and clocked some kid from another party.

    Speaking of getting clocked, they also had this t-ball inflatable, and DS was obsessed with the way the ball would levitate over the little air vent.  So he was standing over it, pondering, when his friend Maggie came up with the bat, swung for the ball he was studying, and of course hit DS.  (Luckily in the ear rather than full-on face, but that was cold comfort at the time.)  I felt bad, because it was just a dumb kid accident, and her mom was freaking out and apologizing and I'm trying to tell her it's okay, no big deal, while I am holding my kid who is screaming about his ear. 

    He wanted to go home.  I never do this, but I persuaded him to sit with me and watch a little Daniel Tiger on my phone.  But of course 90 seconds into the episode, they herd us along again.  He's not having it.  I try to tell him it's time for cake (I hope, oh god how I hope, because that means it's almost over), but he launches into a mini-tantrum.  And he is generally not a tantrum kid.  I have to wrestle his shoes on and carry him screaming into the next room.

    Now there aren't enough seats for everyone.  I think maybe they had enough places for all of the kids, but because some of the parents sat next to their kids, they quickly ran out of seats.  DS sat by Maggie, took one look at her, and started crying again.  I picked him up, and another kid stole his seat.  He melted the fuck down.  I have never seen anything like it from him.  (Wooz, sure, like every day at that age, but not DS.)  I took him to the lobby, and he would not settle.  I threw in the towel, thanked the parents for a lovely time, and left.  He screamed in the car until he conked out.  Woke up at home a brand new kid.

  • HeffalumpHeffalump member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited August 2016
    Never mind, my edit button is back, yay!
  • @mrsconn23  congrats to the soon to be college student :) That's exciting!

    @OurWildKingdom  I'm not a fan of walking in rain either. And congrats to your friend!!

    Slower weekend than anticipated.
    Friday we saw Suicide Squad! I liked it despite what people said, but I totally get why people are pissed about it. The ads made it seem Joker was a bigger deal than he was. Still really good and definitely gave option of sequel.

    Saturday it was off-and-on heavy rain {which we really needed} so we didn't do food truck rally. We ended up going out with friends, eat and hang then played pool.

    Since it'd been super hot previous week, I wanted to catch up on sleep. Sunday we didn't wake up until 10:30 ... well my H woke me up gong "it's 10:30" which I obv told him to fuck off and feed the cats and let me sleep. lol
    He did that, and after a bit he comes back to wake me because he wanted to go get another pair of shorts. We ended up falling back asleep for an hour lol

    Not much planned this week. We have cleaning to do, because the original plan of a friend of my mum's that was suppose to take over my apt may not happen. So we need to tidy up in case our apt starts being shown. :\ There's a lot of cat fur everywhere.
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    Saturday morning I spent for-freaking-ever at Meijer.  125 items, $240, 2400 steps later I got home.  Saturday night was movie night here while DH and a buddy went to a Crew game.

    Sunday was my family reunion. It rained and rained.  We were at a park, but at least we had a covered shelter.  Usually after food everyone scatters, but this year we had to stay and it was kind of nice to catch up with some people.  The kids were a muddy mess.

    FIL is here today to HOPEFULLY finish this project.  I want the door out of the living room, and the sink and cabinets out of my garage.  I'm ready to PUT THINGS AWAY!
  • What did you end up making for the reunion, @6fsn?
  • @Heffalump  Wow!! Poor kids :\ I'm going to guess that the parents didn't even assume that would happen either. Sounds like it was very unorganized. At least DS woke up a brand new kid :)
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    @OurWildKingdom baked beans and sprinkle cookies.  My mom and SIL love my beans so I felt the need to make them. 
  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    Oh and I want a new dress for a wedding in September.  I have no clue what I want in color, pattern, or style.  I ended up ordered 8 dresses from Nordstrom rack and 2 from Kohls.  For funsies I also threw in 2 rompers and a kaftan. 
  • @6fsn  I'm having same issue! Early Sept or late?
  • So the co-worker I assisted the week I was in Miami called to tell me he thinks he "got the Zika."  Happy Monday, amirite?  Guess I'm going to see if I can get tested tonight.

    Spent Saturday bouncing around the bars and local breweries.  It was a much needed day out, and I am slightly better prepared for this week than I could have been.

    Got "outed" on FB by on of DH's aunts about our upcoming move.  Really, it was just a comment in passing, but since I haven't made a "public" announcement about any part of the cluster of this summer (why?) because I have seen no reason to do so, we've just been telling important friends and family in person.  Apparently, we "missed" a few friends/family members, so my wall blew up over the weekend. "OMG ur MOVING???  WHY DIDN'T U TELL ME!!1!1!!1"

    I'm tired of having to explain my social media habits to others.

    Holy.  Shit.  It only just registered that my birthday is this weekend.  DH says it's Friday, and subsequently got so turned around a few years ago messing with me that he told his mom the wrong date and, well, now the whole family thinks it's the 19th.  It's actually Sunday, but this is one of those dates that no one ever seems to remember because it's right before school and still during summer vacation, so I never got to have parties with all the other kids growing up, or even celebrate with cake and candles on my actual birthday, so naturally, this is nothing new.  It really has become "just another day on the right side of the dirt."  I guess it was only a matter of time before I forgot, too.

    Anyway, if DH hadn't texted me "what do you want to do for your birthday?" (is this seriously my job? UGH), I probably wouldn't have even remembered at all.  I actually had to ask him why he was asking because I feel like it's still June and it's too far away to think about.  


    Guess we're Redboxing and Netflixing it like every other Sunday.  Maybe DH will let me pick the movies this time :hushed:

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

  • 6fsn6fsn member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    @6fsn  I'm having same issue! Early Sept or late?
    September 9. Invite says cocktail. I have a back up dress but I've been wearing for 4 years of weddings. 
  • 6fsn said:
    @6fsn  I'm having same issue! Early Sept or late?
    September 9. Invite says cocktail. I have a back up dress but I've been wearing for 4 years of weddings. 
    One I'm going to is about the same. I'm coordinating with coworkers, but trying on dresses sucks so bad. -.-' Guh!
  • I have caught my baby's cold. Blech  

    I have an appointment with the OB today at noon. 
  • Friday night and Saturday were busy. Sunday was less so. 
    We were running around on Friday and Saturday to pick paint colors/granite/tile for the leak repair/half of the house remodel. We have pretty much everything done, except for tile. We have a good approximation on what we'll use for tile (we need floor, 2 walls, and probably an accent.) We also need to pick out a counter top for our master bathroom vanity.

    Sunday, our 100lb puppy found a (living) baby squirrel in the yard. It was maybe 1 month old judging by some quick online research. We had a lot of storms on Saturday evening, so we're guessing it fell out of it's nest. Despite the fall and being carried around by the puppy for a bit, it didn't look to have any external wounds and was moving around/squeaking/breathing. We let it go for a short while to see if the mother would get it, but we thought that since it probably smelled like dog, that she might not. DK ended up taking it to a wildlife rehab place in town. 

    One sad story - DK's former boss (mid-40s, male) had a heart attack last week. Apparently it was pretty severe and he was flatlined for 10+ minutes. They got his heart restarted, but put him into a medically-induced coma to give his body time to recover.  They were supposed to try and wake him up over the weekend. As of today, he's given very little response and they are not seeing a lot of brain activity. Even if he manages to wake up, his long term prognosis is very poor. He was a great guy, very nice, is married, and has 3 kids (I believe all of them are under 10). DK says that his coworkers are a mess, and I can't even imagine what his family is going though right now. 
  • It's still raining here today! I feel like drowned rat. Finishing up laundry from the weekend - kids were home for a wedding. I know I should do some ironing but I hate ironing. I have a chiro appointment at 3. On my way, I'm going to stop and get some salted chocolate caramels to send to a friend as a thank you gift. I just might get a couple for myself. :)

    The wedding this weekend was a hot mess. Apparently there was some kind of altercation after the ceremony and the Sunday activities were canceled. I'm dying of curiosity to know what happened. Such drama!
  • Yes,@kimmiinthemitten, it's her first child!

    H's brother has two children, they were both born before we were really together and I love them a ton! But my sister having a baby just feels different. I'm so excited!

  • This accurately describes my day today.

    I had an okay weekend. Saw my dad yesterday and told him I'm pissed at him, we'll see how that turns out. He's a PITA.

    H and I are big dumbasses. My cousin on my dad's side is getting married in Indy this weekend. We were planning on going down to my sister's lake house (somewhat in between here and Indy) on Friday and then going down for the wedding Saturday.

    But we forgot something pretty big. The fucking dog. WTF are we going to do with the dog? So H isn't going. I'm jealous. These cousins are...well...different.

    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • @ShesSoCold  define different? My H has cousins that are different - one is a redneck, country boy wannabe. *sigh*
  • FI and I had a quiet weekend, but we did do engagement pictures yesterday. My photographer sent "sneak peak" pictures and I LOVE THEM!! I'll see if I can post some :)

    Other than that, its Monday and I want to go home. Work just isn't doing it for me today.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @ShesSoCold  define different? My H has cousins that are different - one is a redneck, country boy wannabe. *sigh*

    Well, I wouldn't call them "wannabes". :)

    They showed up to my cousin's nice country club wedding (right in the middle of dinner, after RSVPing no) wearing sweatpants and obnoxious Nascar jackets. Hopefully that will paint a picture. LOL. They wore pretty much the same thing to court several times and gave me crap for dressing nicely.

    Image result for someecard betting someone half your shit youll love them forever
  • I'm going to be an aunt!!!

    Mh sister is pregnant and I'm so so excited! They just started trying this summer and it's super early (only like 5 weeks) so I can't tell anyone in real life, but I'm just so happy. They're going to be great parents and they're still in disbelief but so excited. Yay!
    Exciting! Being an aunt rocks!
  • edited August 2016
    I love those pictures, @ChelleJayne!
  • @chellejayne. Gorgeous!  You rock the rockabilly!
  • @ShesSoCold  define different? My H has cousins that are different - one is a redneck, country boy wannabe. *sigh*

    Well, I wouldn't call them "wannabes". :)

    They showed up to my cousin's nice country club wedding (right in the middle of dinner, after RSVPing no) wearing sweatpants and obnoxious Nascar jackets. Hopefully that will paint a picture. LOL. They wore pretty much the same thing to court several times and gave me crap for dressing nicely.

    I am cringing for you!
  • That's awful Barbie!  :(  What a terrible situation. 
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