Knottie Tech Help

Why is The Knot so freaking difficult to use?

I'm STILL being logged out every 2 seconds. I have been trying to post for 5 days and every time I sign back in and then click on ANY thread, I'm automatically signed out. Then I sign in again and we're back to square one. I'm so frustrated by your site. I don't understand why it's so difficult to use?

Re: Why is The Knot so freaking difficult to use?

  • What device and browser are you using? I have issues on my iPhone using Safari but have never had trouble with the site on my laptop using Firefox or Chrome.
  • I use Firefox on my PC and often have to log-in and re log-in throughout a session.  When I first bring up The Knot page, it looks as if I am logged in, as I can see that I have notifications or messages.  However, once I click on my little red button, I get taken to a log in page. 

    A secondary issue I often have is that when logged in, I will draft a response and attempt to post it.  It will not submit.  However, I will open The Knot on a new tab, while maintaining the original tab.  Once the second tab opens, I return to my original tab and only then will it post.  I have zero ideas as to why or how that is necessary.
  • I'm having these problems too when I surf the forum on a desktop computer. But I don't have these problems with my mobile app.
  • I'm on Firefox. There's just no reason for all these issues to last this long.
  • I also still have the log-in/out issues.

    But I found you don't actually have to log in every time. Usually when I open up, I am logged in under my profile. Then I click community, then the board I want. Usually it's when I click on the specific board or post that I get logged out, but if I click on it again (sometimes I have to do it more than once), it will re-load with me logged in. Still a PITA, but faster than logging in every time, which as you know doesn't last.

  • On my phone, refreshing the screen sometimes helps. It may take a couple tries, but it usually works.
  • Hey all,

    I'm sorry you're still experiencing these issues. I am bugging tech about this on a daily basis, but so far it has not been resolved. I'll continue to send them your complaints- if you feel so inclined you can also email our customer support at (they'll send those complaints directly to our tech team). But please know I'm trying to do everything I can to resolve this.
  • @KnotRiley while I do believe that you're doing what you can to fix it, I have to say, if this isn't a priority to those above you or to those hired to fix such issues, then that says all we need to know about how The Knot feels about its customers. Since the day I posted this post, I have been trying to post again and have been unable to do so. I have been trying to post a post for advice in one of the sub-forums and have been unable to do so. What is the freaking point of having a forum when no one can post to it?? That's why traffic is down (and it most certainly IS down) and why so many get turned off this site and end up on Wedding Wire. For all the bad advice that's given there (and I mean things like an annoying officiant who advocates for PPDs), at least their forum is accessible. It's a shame that one wedding forum truly dedicated to good hosting and good etiquette can't be used.
  • I agree. TK has been buggy for YEARS. Either 1) TK needs to clean out the tech team and get people who can actually fix stuff (in a timely fashion), 2) TK has chosen the wrong platform and for some reason isn't changing it, or 3) management has made the decision that a working website and forums is not a priority and everyone who works for TK in those areas is just as frustrated as the users. With as long as this has gone on, I'm going with #3. 

  • You can't even PM @KnotRiley. User is not found. I was coming to this board to get help changing my avatar. The thread about changing your avatar is closed and you can't PM the admin that they say to pm....sooooo.....???

    I'm going to head over to weddingwire again and see if it's better there. 
  • Hi @RedheadIshida,

    I'm sorry you're having trouble! I just sent you a PM.

  • I'm just coming back to theknot, planning my second wedding, and the site is much more difficult to use than it was in 07-08.  It also seems to be much more deserted than it was back then.  I'm assuming there is a correlation between the two. 
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