Wedding Woes

Wednesday at WW

Happy Hump Day, everyone.  What's new?

My confession pretty much covers everything on this end.

Wooz is officially on winter break, starting today.  DH let the kids sleep in, and then he's going to drop them at DC.  He has some Christmas shopping to do.  This last-minute stuff used to drive me insane.  Today I just hugged him and said "Don't ever change."

I have a last minute errand (Target for a shirt box, picking up the cleaning on the way) and I should be done.  I have like one thing left to wrap (the shirt that needs the box), and then it's just stockings to stuff. 

Re: Wednesday at WW

  • mrsconn23mrsconn23 member
    Knottie Warrior 10000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2016
    Today is actually going to be busy in my house.  My friend had a sitter emergency.  She has 5 kids (two of her own and 3 step).  The three youngest are girls all around DefConn's age.  The two boys are tweenish.  I told her we'd take the boys.  She can take the girls to her office with her, but all 5 kids is pushing the limits.   I bribed the kiddo with money to make sure no one dies.  ;)

    (The kiddo only has to watch DefConn for 3 days total this break and today is the last day.  You'd think he'd been watching him for *years*.  And I WAH, so I'm still here to step-in/be the final say on shenanigans. ::le sigh:: )
    After work, I need to make an early dinner.  After we eat, I'm driving DefConn to my sister's.  My mom is taking my nephew and DefConn to the children's museum tomorrow. 

    Tomorrow will be so quiet.  :D 
  • Missing pay apparently came in last night, so M has extra money. I would love if he split it - half debt, half savings, with a bit aside for personal use - but I doubt that will happen.

    Moved boxes in our spare room last night to get it set for me doing the desk. That killed a lot of my energy, so again I was in bed by 8:30pm .... Clearly I need the sleep.
    We'll see how much desk gets put together tonight. I'm expecting I only have energy for half of it.

    If I give up on the desk, I'll likely wrap a few things and watch t.v. M is at a hockey game with his stepdad and brother.
  • My to-do list is still a mile long, I still have 2 10-hour work days with a 2-hour roundtrip commute, DH is off the rest of the week, and I'm pretty sure he's going to be zero help in getting the house ready for family/knocking things off that list.  My parents arrive Friday, so I fully expect to be cleaning and organizing and moving shit into the small hours of the morning tonight and tomorrow.  It's not that I have zero faith in DH, it's just that his definition of clean/organized =/= mine (by any stretch of the imagination), so any work he actually does, however well-intentioned, is still work I have to do anyway.  Hopefully he at least goes grocery shopping.

    Yesterday, driving home, I got one of my weird auras that used to mean a migraine was coming.  In recent years, though, it's only been the aura.  No migraine.  They are almost worse than the migraines themselves because they really freak me out.  Vision goes black, tongue gets numb, fingers tingle, can't hardly speak for slurring, thought processes are along the lines of being drunk and/or completely nonsensical... Yesterday's wasn't as bad as they have been, thankfully.  My GYN says, because I'm also on BCP, I'm at a significantly higher risk of stroke (!!!), so I think it's high time to go off it.  I was hoping to make it to my yearly so I could talk to my doc about alternatives, but I reallllllly don't want to wait that long.

    Also, my eyelids are twitching.  This will hopefully not go on for a month like it did last year.

    "And when they use our atoms to make new lives, they won’t just be able to take one, they’ll have to take two, one of you and one of me..."
    --Philip Pullman

  • I opened my homeowner's insurance renewal yesterday and it went up $600 a year. I had already found it $200 cheaper so I went and switched my homeowners insurance yesterday. Also, since H was sick Saturday, we missed his company Christmas party. His boss gave him $100 gc to the restaurant they had it at so we went and had a nice dinner last night. My oldest met us there and is so excited for his baby sister to get here; it's really cute.

    Today, is work although I won't be doing much of it. After work is a trip to Target for formula, Kohl's for dress shoes for oldest, and Fan Outfitters for sweatpants for MIL. I have a half day tomorrow and I'll use that time to wrap everything. 
  • I am on Christmas break, and I have never looked forward to it more than than this year. It's been a crazy busy fall for me, and my whole life has been out of sorts!
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • Morning!

    I WFH and have a "company update meeting" in 15 minutes.   I know we didn't have a great year but my accounts kept me busy.

    I am hoping that this is not bad news bears. 
  • My replacement apparently starts today. This will be the third person they've tried to hire and the other two didn't show up so let's see if this one does. Clearly the first two could smell the shitshow.

    But this gives me 5 days to train her. When I was trained, I sat next to the office manager every day for like three months. Oh well, not my problem.

    I gotta get back up with my Christmas baking tonight after I work out. H has to go to Cabela's and wants me to go with. Fuck. that.

    I'm pretty much the same when M wasn't to go to Cabela's 
  • Good morning! I'm drinking coffee, wrapping presents, and not checking my email.**

    H and I did our Christmas last night since we're traveling and lots of family time. It was nice, he got my things he had heard me mention that I needed this year (new wallet, a record I wanted), he's big in to functional gifts but it was nice he remember things I wanted rather than things he thought I should use. 

    **Until this afternoon when I actually have to finish up some work. But I'm ignoring that for now. 
  • mrsconn23 said:
    Re: Giving your H 'credit'.  

    I offered to take my friend's boys without really telling/asking DH, and I was a little nervous about dropping the bomb on him since he works nights and sleeps all day.  He was all, "Yeah, sure. Of course, we'll help them out.  No problem!"

    He's a much better person than me in that respect.  I'm more resistant when the tables are turned.  

    YES.  With Wooz and me, whenever something unexpected happens, our first instinct is to resist.  DH and DS both roll with it.  Fortunately, after many years it's started to rub off on me. :)
  • I am so over holiday traffic!  It's a shitshow every time I have to leave the neighborhood and people can be straight up assholes. 

    My dad is coming over today to watch Max while I go to the kids' Christmas party.  MIL and sFIL are coming tomorrow.  Part of the present they got the kids was a trip to an indoor inflatable place.  Of course it's going to be short because they can't be expected to get here before 10 and they have to leave early to get home for a basketball game. 
  • Heffalump said:

    YES.  With Wooz and me, whenever something unexpected happens, our first instinct is to resist.  DH and DS both roll with it.  Fortunately, after many years it's started to rub off on me. :)
     And guess which kid I've had to tell to STFU the most in the hour they've been here? 

    If you guessed DefConn, come on down.  
  • Yay @MissJeanLouise! I hope you'll still keep us updated from the other side of the world :) Safe travels!


    Nothing like a good old fashioned pelvic exam and pap smear (seriously could they have come up with a more disgusting name?) first thing in the morning to really make a girl feel alive. 7 am is too early for the doctor, and I didn't even get any compliments on my cervix like Heffa did :D

    I was done at the OBGYN before I'm usually even out of bed, so I went home, showered, did hair and full makeup. My boss probably thinks I have an interview. LOL. I wish.

    I got to work this morning to find that we don't have a working toilet and can't use any of the water. The plumber may not be here until tomorrow. This is the 4th time this has happened and I've only worked here since April. I'm not sure that I'll be staying here all day under these conditions, honestly. I'm over crap like this happening constantly.

  • Yay @MissJeanLouise! I hope you'll still keep us updated from the other side of the world :) Safe travels!


    Nothing like a good old fashioned pelvic exam and pap smear (seriously could they have come up with a more disgusting name?) first thing in the morning to really make a girl feel alive. 7 am is too early for the doctor, and I didn't even get any compliments on my cervix like Heffa did :D

    I was done at the OBGYN before I'm usually even out of bed, so I went home, showered, did hair and full makeup. My boss probably thinks I have an interview. LOL. I wish.

    I got to work this morning to find that we don't have a working toilet and can't use any of the water. The plumber may not be here until tomorrow. This is the 4th time this has happened and I've only worked here since April. I'm not sure that I'll be staying here all day under these conditions, honestly. I'm over crap like this happening constantly.

    That really stinks! Does your state have provisions for these conditions in its labor laws? I would think a situation like this would require your office to be closed (and hopefully pay employees for the mandatory day off). 

    Re the bolded: nice pun ;)
  • Anyone else watching the hatchimal craze?  It is OUT OF CONTROL!  I have several mom group/resale groups that are going BANANAS.  I don't get it.  1- the toy is dumb. 2- you can tell your kid no. 
  • G'morning!

    I'm spending the morning tackling old files from 2011 and earlier. And when I say files, I mean paper files as big as my head. 

    I feel some some kind of bug coming on. My ears hurt, I have an upset stomach, and my throat is scratchy. I hope I can keep it at bay.
  • She's adorable @sparklepants41, how was her first night at the house?
  • 6fsn said:
    Anyone else watching the hatchimal craze?  It is OUT OF CONTROL!  I have several mom group/resale groups that are going BANANAS.  I don't get it.  1- the toy is dumb. 2- you can tell your kid no. 
    I thought it was like a Tomagotchi, but apparently after it grows up there's not much you can do with it. 
  • 6fsn said:
    Anyone else watching the hatchimal craze?  It is OUT OF CONTROL!  I have several mom group/resale groups that are going BANANAS.  I don't get it.  1- the toy is dumb. 2- you can tell your kid no. 
    I find many can't .... or won't/don't want to
  • That really stinks! Does your state have provisions for these conditions in its labor laws? I would think a situation like this would require your office to be closed (and hopefully pay employees for the mandatory day off). 

    Re the bolded: nice pun ;)

    #1 your puppy is absolutely adorable and I want to come steal her.

    #2 I'm not sure about the labor laws. Our office is spread out between 3 buildings so they just tell us to go use a bathroom in the other building. I'm going to brush up on those laws now :)

  • @sparklepants41  puppers!! Oh so cute :) Did she sleep much last night?
  • I have witnessed a wee bit of the hatchimal craze and don't get it.  

    Yesterday was my former wedding anniversary.  I had actually forgotten until Timehop reminded me.  It all just feels so odd and almost like I never lived it. Not going to lie, not feeling like shit b/c ex-DH forgot it or didn't do anything again, is...I think it's a relief.  Just another lifted stone, as it were.

    Um, i think I just got an office, which is going to cause drama in this here cubicle land, but I'll take it.  I think they like me already.  :)  That's a nice feeling since my last job was becoming such a detrimental atmosphere.  So far the work style seems to be "work hard and leave me alone".  Frankly, that's my best style, so hopefully this works out for a long run.
  • She's adorable @sparklepants41, how was her first night at the house?
    She was actually pretty good! Since she's not yet housebroken we are having her sleep in her crate for the time being. We put her crate just outside our bedroom in the upstairs hallway, and kept our bedroom door open so she could keep an eye/ear on us. She only whimpered a little bit before falling asleep, and she slept through the night without needing to go out. She was super snuggly and affectionate this morning and ran around the backyard like a maniac when H let her out :)
  • Good Morning WW, this week is dragging!  But its halfway done!

    Not much happened last night.  Got the last load of dishes washed from Saturday night and folded 3 loads worth of laundry!  I'm glad that H helps with folding, it makes it go much faster!  I also got a good nights sleep, which are few and far between lately.

    Tonight I got butter out to make some cookies.  I think we will do two batches, one of decorated butter cookies and the other cinnamon oatmeal chip.  I haven't made the latter in a few years, so I'm making an executive decision on these since H doesn't eat oatmeal cookies.

    I may venture out at lunch to try and get the TDaP shot again.  I am at least heading out for lunch and a stop at the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine.  For the Friday night Christmas party we are going to, we were told not to bring anything.  So I'm going to pick up a bottle of wine to bring.  Anyone have suggestions for a $10-15 bottle?  I am not a wine drinker and neither is H.  I usually pick one that has a cute label!

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