Wedding Woes

Week 7 *sigh*

I don't have a link to post because we've all read them...I'm sure. 

However, I read the comment sections of some sites and there seems to be a back and forth argument of Trump either:

1) being doofus/idiot and talking out his ass that gets butthurt that people 'don't like him' or whatever, and the tweets mean nothing.  Therefore he shouldn't be taken seriously, or at least, don't believe that anything he says will come true? 

2) He's smarter than everyone thinks and is using the outrageous tweeting as a means of distraction from what his admin is really trying to do/pass/implement.  

What say you?

Re: Week 7 *sigh*

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    3? His administration does nothing about his crazy idiotic tweeting because it is distracting from what they are doing. 

    This gets my vote.  Is he smarter than everyone thinks?  Doubtful.  Is he in sync with the Republican leadership, in terms of their legislative goals?  Doesn't seem like it.  I think @missJeanLouise nailed it: he's an overgrown child having tantrum after tantrum, and the Republican leadership will let it slide, as long as it furthers their goals of letting them do whatever they want.  The clock is ticking on their hold on the executive branch, and likely the legislative branch (if there's enough blowback from Trump's shenanigans).  So I think they're just going to try to jam through whatever they can, for as long as they can. 
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    I think it's a bit of #1, with a lot of #2.  He's an arrogant, egotistical blowhard who can't keep his temper.  That's always been his personality.  Nothing new there.  He's also extremely intelligent.  I don't know why he's playing so dumb, but it makes me nervous and suspicious.  There isn't a doubt in my mind that most of it is an act.

    The person it keeps reminding me of is Paris Hilton, lol.  She also grossly downplayed her intelligence and acted like the stereotypical "entitled, inane dumb blonde".  Played it to the hilt for additional fame and fortune.  But at least I understood, even if it was eye rolling, why she kept branding herself with "Look at me!  Look at me!  Look at how stupid and spoiled I am."

    Whereas, with Trump, I don't know why.  I can take some of the obvious guesses, but I have this sense of foreboding that the American people are being set-up for something bigger.  Something yuge.  Hopefully I'm wrong and just watch too many spy/conspiracy movies.

    There is just so much "off" about his behavior.  I'm not even talking about his views or the awful crap he is trying to accomplish or his little temper tantrums.  I'm talking about an intelligent person with a yuge ego, yet is going out of his way to look ill informed and awkward.     

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    Did any of you all watch "Last Man on Earth" last night?  Yes, this is related to the political board, lol.

    Spoiler alert:  It was a bit of a prequel episode going back to when the virus first started taking out the human/animal population.  But the character in that episode watched POTUS funeral after POTUS funeral as they kept dying off.  The show used real, current names!  Trump was not mentioned.  Pence was the President when the epidemic started.  He died.  Then Pres. Rand died.  Then the POTUS funeral announcements started going through the current Cabinet members.  I found it an interesting and unexpected touch to real news.

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    I like David Letterman's take:

    Say the head of the family, let’s say his name was Larry Wasserstein. If Larry behaved the way Donald behaves, for even a six-week period, the family would get together and say, “Jesus, somebody better call the doctor.” Then they’d ask him to step down. But Trump’s the president and he can lie about anything from the time he wakes up to what he has for lunch and he’s still the president. I don’t get that. I’m tired of people being bewildered about everything he says: “I can’t believe he said that.” We gotta stop that and instead figure out ways to protect ourselves from him. We know he’s crazy. We gotta take care of ourselves here now.
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    Did any of you all watch "Last Man on Earth" last night?  Yes, this is related to the political board, lol.

    Spoiler alert:  It was a bit of a prequel episode going back to when the virus first started taking out the human/animal population.  But the character in that episode watched POTUS funeral after POTUS funeral as they kept dying off.  The show used real, current names!  Trump was not mentioned.  Pence was the President when the epidemic started.  He died.  Then Pres. Rand died.  Then the POTUS funeral announcements started going through the current Cabinet members.  I found it an interesting and unexpected touch to real news.

    My jaw nearly hit the floor when they started rattling off all the names!!! I wanted to laugh and cry at the same time really.
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    edited March 2017
    I vote for number 1.  Rogue POTUS seems to back it up as well, and they allege that he's imploding and this weekend's Obama rants are akin to a cutter; basically he's harming himself intentionally so the media can't do it for him.

    Granted, they got a lot of push back for that analogy because people thought it was an improper metaphor but as a former cutter I totally got it.

    And I don't think he's intelligent, I think he's smart, but that's not the same thing.  He has good instincts at manipulating people and working the media/PR in his favor but he clearly has a small memory bank and lacks the ability to carry a plan from point A to point B.  He says "I want to build a huge building," hires people to do it, throws them under the bus if they make him look bad, underpays them when it's done and then sticks a giant sign with his name on top.

    Edited to fix spelling error
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    WaPo has a theory, mrsconn:

    The Daily 202: Wiretapping allegations accomplished what Trump wanted – but may backfire bigly

    "The president knows the media cannot ignore him when he says something so inflammatory, and he believes there will be no real consequences for him if it turns out that everything he said was nonsense. After all, there haven’t been up until now."
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    I don't think Trump is intelligent when it comes to politics.  I'll say maybe reality TV or possibly even business, but the skill/talent/knowledge set for business doesn't translate to politics.  At all.  I'm tired of people pretending (Trump isn't the first businessman to do this crap) that government is a business.  It's not.  Government doesn't maximize profits, first of all, and there's a massive list of differences.

    I think the Republicans are stuck.  The monster they've created starting with Nixon, furthering with Reagan, feeding with Clinton, and freeing with Obama is finally out.  They know they can't control their base at this point (and no matter what, the Koch brothers can't actually control government w/out votes, if people would just realize that), so they're letting Trump act like a petulant child who doesn't know what he's doing (b/c he is) and doing what they've always wanted to in the background, b/c let's face it, they don't need a president when they've got Congress.  They want him to sign, he wants what I suspect he thought was a glamorous job and they'll leave each other alone until one or the other can't ignore Bullshit Mountain anymore.
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    Can I vote al of the above?

    But seriously that Carson speech is deplorable.  
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    I cannot believe that DT is intelligent at all. He comes across as an illiterate lout. Even W was smart enough to know his limitations and surround himself with people smarter than himself, rather than the fool making himself king of the idiots.
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    HA! I saw that tweet too. Immigrants? Coming here for a better life? Holy moly.... No doubt Carson's a smart, ambitious man, but he is living under a  rock. That is some delusional shit right there. 

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    mrsconn23 said:
    Heffalump said:
    Speaking of intelligence...did anyone else read what the neurosurgeon said today?

    BEN CARSONThat’s what America is about. A land of dreams and opportunity. There were other immigrants who came here in the bottom of slave ships, worked even longer, even harder, for less. 

    But they too had a dream that one day their sons, daughters, grandsons, granddaughters, great-grandsons, great-granddaughters might pursue prosperity and happiness in this land. 

    No wonder this administration thinks HBCUs are champions of school choice; even the token black guy downplays slavery!  

    Did you see Samuel L. Jackson's response?

    I lurve Samuel L Jackson and I am reading that tweet in the manner of his Pulp Fiction character.

    "And you know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengeance upon thee!" 

    YES.  That's exactly along the lines of what I was thinking.  I was reminded of "And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger!"  Ben Carson, STFU and do not stir up SLJ's great vengeance and furious anger.

    I cannot believe that DT is intelligent at all. He comes across as an illiterate lout. Even W was smart enough to know his limitations and surround himself with people smarter than himself, rather than the fool making himself king of the idiots.
    So I've been rewatching West Wing, and coincidentally, I'm up to the reelection/Bob Ritchie stuff.  For listeners of The West Wing Weekly podcast, it is full of so many of what they call "Trump: ay yi yi" moments.

    SAM: We're of the belief that if you're going to set policy, it'd be a bonus to
    understand it. And at this point, we'd be astonished to discover that Ritchie had read as many as six journal articles on anything other athletic support mechanisms.

    AINSLEY: There's a difference between intellect and instinct.

    SAM: 252 million people in the country. You don't think we'd ought to be able to elect somebody who's got both?

    AINSLEY: I'm saying, Presidents can have good advisors.

    SAM: Good advisors could better advise informed and curious Presidents.

    HEFFA: Trump, ay yi yi!

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    I need to re-watch West Wing.  I watched it for the first time before the election, but I feel like I need it now.  :) 
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    Y'all, you can not make this shit up:

    Ben Carson told HUD staff he could zap their brains into reciting whole books read 60 years ago.

    “It remembers everything you’ve ever seen. Everything you’ve ever heard. I could take the oldest person here, make a little hole right here on the side of the head,” Carson said, circling his left temple with a finger, “and put some depth electrodes into their hippocampus and stimulate. And they would be able to recite back to you, verbatim, a book they read 60 years ago. It’s all there. It doesn’t go away. You just have to learn how to recall it.”

    He went on: “It can process more than 2 million bits of information per second. You can’t overload it. Have you ever heard people say, ‘Don’t do all that, you’ll overload your brain.’ You can’t overload the human brain. If you learned one new fact every second, it would take you more than 3 million years to challenge the capacity of your brain.”

    The insinuation that Carson could zap a patient into reciting, from cover to cover, a book read in 1957 was not true, experts said.

    “Using electrodes placed in the human brain to implant memories or to recall forgotten memories is simply not possible at this time,” Darin Dougherty, a psychiatrist and the director of Massachusetts General Hospital’s neurotherapeutics division, told Gizmodo.

    Dan Simons, a University of Illinois psychologist who studies attention and memory, told Wired that Carson’s claim was “utter nonsense.” Simons said it failed on nearly all counts: Humans cannot recall large swaths of text unless memorized for that purpose. Doctors cannot force patients to remember anything in crystal detail, even with deep brain stimulation. No human brain holds within it “a perfect and permanent record of our experiences,” the psychologist said.

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    HeffalumpHeffalump member
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    edited March 2017
    mrsconn23 said:

    So on the healthcare vs. iPhone continuum, where does he put things like rent, food, and childcare?

    I really hate this attitude that if only the poor weren't so stupid with their money, they too could have a big house with a pool and a nice backyard.  It makes it easy to ignore the structural causes of poverty, and conveniently lets politicians off the hook for doing nothing to try to address it.  "Poor people be shoppin', amirite?" 

    But LOL at:

    "I texted him," Chaffetz said. "I said, 'Please call me, if you can.'"
    But Comey did not return Chaffetz's call.
    "No response," he told Camerota. "But that's not atypical."

    I'll bet it's not. 


    Image result for ignoring text gif


    Image result for ignoring text gif
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    VarunaTTVarunaTT member
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    edited March 2017
    Maybe someone can zap some Black History into Carson's brain?!

    I get so angry about how we treat poor people in this nation.  

    Betsy DeVos and her free lunch analogy, do you know how many other industrialized nations provide quality, free school lunches to their kids?  I believe it's close to 20, with 5 ish providing them to all students.

    Ben Carson and his fabricated Detroit stories that do nothing for actual children actually struggling in any city.  My mom and brother lived in a "project" in Detroit, you sir, did not.

    Chaffetz and his phone comments, my mom has an iPhone and a tablet, that I provide her.  An iPhone because she's 80% blind and needs a large screen for texting because she's also Deaf and a tablet because internet access is no longer a luxury, it's a necessary utility and a tablet is cheaper than a laptop.  

    Michigan is considering a bill banning pop sales to EBT card users because they don't want them using the return (10 cents a bottle) to buy unauthorized goods.  How about get up off my life and out of my grocery bag?!

    It never ceases to amaze me that when it comes to discrimination, no one has ever experienced it, but when it comes to welfare fraud, suddenly everyone is woke.

    Less pay same job?  Not where I work!  
    Driving while black?  Not in my city!
    Sexual harassment?  Oh it was just a joke, stop being PC!
    Abusing welfare?  Did you see that guy drive away in a Cadillac?!

    Oh @kimmiinthemitten, you're so silly!  In my state, doing those things for your parents because you can and you're able, will bite you and them in the ass (while continuing to ignore structural poverty anyway).

    My state is debating our budget right now and the Dem Reps are posting about it and furious over everything happening.  Some samples of what is going on in my legislature:

    "Sitting through an infuriating budget hearing right now. They are proposing cutting the tax credits to the neediest seniors in our state in order to save money -- and cutting the credit for renters only, not homeowners.

    I'm hearing questions to reps from AARP and other senior groups about how "surely" these FIXED INCOME (and very low income) renters don't really need an extra approx. $500 each year. One rep noted that her parents, for example, don't need $42 each month for incidentals.

    Another said, "Don't many of these folks have kids that could cover their costs?"

    Another repeated that he "literally" does not know a single person among his thousands of friends that couldn't help cover costs like pajamas for an elderly parent without a problem. Not one. Every person can handle this hit.

    Even, "Isn't it true that most of these folks receiving credits really just spend the extra money on cigarettes?" Yes, that was really asked.

    Sometimes this place makes my heart hurt."

    Another one:

    "This is happening. I need to add a comment from a Rep. "there is such an unwillingness to be self reliant. We shouldn't be paying for every whim that seniors have."

    The privilege in this place is sometimes hard to swallow. Large sigh."

    I had to log off after that one for awhile.  I guess food, clothing, shelter, and water needs are just fucking whims now.

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    edited March 2017
    @varunatt I'd love to see one of those smug assholes live on my moms budget.  They wouldn't last a day!

    ETA - let's put vision correcting glasses and ear cancelling headphones on them too so they can really see what it's like!
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    GBCKGBCK member
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    mrsconn23 said:
    I need to re-watch West Wing.  I watched it for the first time before the election, but I feel like I need it now.  :) 

    The little one is watching All Hail King Julian on netflix.  It feels appropriate.  It's oddly depressing for an amusing kids show.  Because king julian learns his lesons.  kinda.

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    I rolled my eyes hard at the iPhone comment too. Anything to shame the poor. 

    Objectively, being poor in America isn't the same as being poor in other, less fortunate parts of the world. Our poor are better off than many, many poor throughout the world. And I feel like welfare/Medicaid haters try to use that to justify keeping poor people down. Like "Look at all you have. Be grateful and shut up."

    I mean, ok. Yes, most Americans aren't living in slums with dirt floors and zero access to clean water/any food at all, but this is fucking America. We're the richest country on the planet (for now anyway). We have the money and resources to feed everyone healthy food, educate them, ensure clean water, warm houses....but we choose to appropriate that money to rich people/corporations and international conflicts that distract just enough to table the issue of the American poor because OMG NATIONAL SECURITY. GIVE US MONEY TO BOMB PEOPLE OR YOU WILL DIEEEEEE. How long are people going to fall for that bullshit?

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    I rolled my eyes hard at the iPhone comment too. Anything to shame the poor. 

    Objectively, being poor in America isn't the same as being poor in other, less fortunate parts of the world. Our poor are better off than many, many poor throughout the world. And I feel like welfare/Medicaid haters try to use that to justify keeping poor people down. Like "Look at all you have. Be grateful and shut up."

    I mean, ok. Yes, most Americans aren't living in slums with dirt floors and zero access to clean water/any food at all, but this is fucking America. We're the richest country on the planet (for now anyway). We have the money and resources to feed everyone healthy food, educate them, ensure clean water, warm houses....but we choose to appropriate that money to rich people/corporations and international conflicts that distract just enough to table the issue of the American poor because OMG NATIONAL SECURITY. GIVE US MONEY TO BOMB PEOPLE OR YOU WILL DIEEEEEE. How long are people going to fall for that bullshit?

    I was watching a stand-up comedian (on TV) over the weekend.  Or maybe the Daily Show?  (so confused, lol)

    At any rate, it had a bar graph of what the U.S. spends on national defense as compared to China and Russia.  WAY more.  The comedian made the analogy that its like the roided up dude at the gym, "Sure, you're big and strong.  But maybe focus on education now?"

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    edited March 2017
    I disagree with their reason for opposition but welcome them in voting this ghastly proposal down.  With that, I introduce this weeks glimmer of hope:

    About 3 dozen conservative lawmakers oppose the GOP health care bill.

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    I had to cross check this to make sure it's wasn't satire - but it's not.  Pete Sessions of Texas has introduced "The Greatest Healthcare Bill of 2017" into the house!

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    SMIL sent me this piece today.  It was an enjoyable read, especially this part:

    As many others have pointed out, he became the idiot’s image of an intellectual, the coward’s image of a courageous man and the pauper’s image of a prosperous man.
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