Y'all out here talking on other posts and not starting the daily?

The actor who played Lassister in Psych was in the latest episode of This is Us and I got excited, so looked up his bio and there's a Pysch 2 coming out! I'm very happy about this.

I'm heading out this weekend to see/stay with a good friend in the city, go play mini golf at the art museum, and see a musical with an old college friend in town for a show out of NYC and brunch. I"m very excited for this weekend and bought a new outfit last night for all of my shennanigans.
I do NOT want to be at work.
Re: Fri-Yay
Yesterday, I was home with DD. She still had a fever, so no school. MIL came over after her morning bus run, so that I could work uninterrupted. She is back to school today, since her temp was normal this morning.
We just have some small projects to bang out this weekend. Sunday we are going to a pumpkin carving event. They do very complicated and intricate pumpkin carvings and light them up. It's really cool, here is the link: click. We will probably do a quick bite somewhere before heading over there. We have the first entry tickets at dusk, so I'm hoping it won't be too crowded, but also dark enough to really see everything.
i was going to get up early to start back on the treadmill but spent the whole night (up till 11:45 or so) on the phone with a friend of mine going through a very fresh divorce/separation. And tonight we have tickets to see Adams Family so I guess I start tomorrow?
Doc appt tomorrow with a belly button repair scheduled- which I hope only puts me out of commission for a day because Im only starting to feel back to normal now.
H and i are going to take it easy tonight and have date morning tomorrow at the farmers market. Sunday probably chores and football!
Coming to winter, we'll probably start doing it on a weekend but this weekend is Thanksgiving and we didn't have veggies for our dinner and I refuse to shop on a long weekend. Saturdays are busy a.f already.
Saturday it's suppose to be crumby weather, so I think we'll probably clean. I know we're doing dinner just the 3 of us.
Sunday is dinner at MIL and sFIL
Monday idk. Depends on weather.
This weekend is my college's homecoming. It is my 15 year and I'm going bc a good friend is going and I haven't taken B yet. Of course it is going to be a high of 50 so now sure we will stay too long. He was supposed to go 2 years ago but it was even colder then. Might stop by my parents house after. They always want me to if I'm in their vicinity but then it ends up meaning being gone all day so I'm playing it by ear on how B is. I am sure DH won't want to but oh well.
Mmm fancy dinner
Sunday we may go up to an orchard for apple picking with my niece and nephew. Or I may decide that's also too crowded and stay home and bake. I have a bunch of bananas that didn't get eaten and are ready to go into a banana bread.
Tonight I'm going to pick up Chinese and binge something on TV. I've got to pack for visiting my SIL's, nieces, and nephews tomorrow. The kiddo may come with me.
In good news, DefConn got 100% A+ on his Charlotte's Web vocab test and there were some really hard words on it. I'm so proud of him.
In insane news, my mom got a call from her oncologist telling her she had to go to the ER immediately yesterday to have emergency surgery. My mom was at work, feeling fine, and not having ANY symptoms related to what they said is wrong. So after a LOT of phone calls, worry, tears, etc, she's seeing her surgeon on Tuesday. She could end up in surgery, but nothing's on fire like they were trying to tell her it was. Of course, my older sister was on her way to Vegas and my younger sister spilled the beans that something was up, even though my mom said not to. So I had to pow-wow over the phone with older sis this morning to assure her it's OK. My mom's surgery anniversary date is next week and what a wild ride this last year has been and continues to be.
Today was our volunteer day at work. Just got back to the office after doing food deliveries.
Our company is a sponsor for NYC Wine & Food Festival so I got free tickets to an event tonight. Super psyched! Just rented a car so both H and I can drink.
I'm also going to a winery tomorrow with my girlfriends.
And I will probably need to spend all of Sunday recovering from Friday and Saturday.
Just needed to vent because no one is around.
@climbingwife that even sounds amazing, have an awesome time!
Why did they wanna rush it and then let her wait until Tuesday?
Odmunson plays the new next door neighbor of Kate and Toby. He yells at Kate about Toby parking in the middle of the sidewalk. She's crying outside at another point and he comes over to yell at her again. She basically tells him to leave her alone, she's upset and he goes into extreme detail about his stroke and how he is trying to walk and Toby's car is in the way. However, it's done with a fantastic comedic flare and I was cracking up the entire time. There is definitely a great chemistry between the actors and the stories they're portraying and I'm really hoping he becomes a regular occurring role.
I kinda like how they didn't say his name even when they did reveal it was Jack. I felt it was a more subtle way of piecing it together - kinda like how they've done in so many ways.
Three-day weekend for me thanks to Columbus Day monday...tomorrow morning we have our Christmas card photo shoot, I decided on a cream and subdued red (almost maroon) color scheme...just have to make sure the kids' brown shoes all fit before stores close tonight bc the shoot is at 8am. Then making a creepy cobweb cake for a Halloween party at my parents' tomorrow night. Nothing but mass and a nature walk on the itinerary for sunday, and a yummy feast monday, so should be a nice weekend.
Edit spelling