Wedding Woes


I don't see an actual Thursday post, but I'll delete if I figure it out.

I'm very glad I took yesterday off.  I thought we had it, I thought it would be close, but I thought the coalition Biden had built would stay together and we'd add a few more.  When I voted, I was only #588.  That scared me; that's a low turnout for my polling station, even the local elections.  Then, the fact that it was basically called Tuesday night and who is was called for shocked me.  I had set myself up for a couple of days to know and prepare.  I took Wednesday and just watched TV, read a book, and cuddled with Harley.  It's so weird to just be like, And now we go back to work today.

Otherwise, things are the same.  Back at work, grinding away.  Depending on what my rent does, I might just move back home with my mother.  And even if rent doesn't change, I might just move in with her.  It would make some things a lot easier for her and for our plans for her future.  I know we could make it work, but it will feel like a loss of independence for me, no matter what.

Re: Thursday?

  • Vibes your way @VarunaTT
    And it does feel strange to just go about business as usual.  

    Kind of SSDD here (except, of course, the gloomy reality).  Teaching, parenting, etc.
  • @VarunaTT, I'm glad you are doing okay, all things considered.

    I should have taken yesterday off!  I was hungover and only had two hours of sleep.  I had gotten home from my election night party before midnight, so not too bad.  It was a community event and I'm glad I went.  The vibe was very pro-Harris.  Turns out the city of New Orleans voted 83% Harris.  It was comforting to at least be with like-minded people while I watched "hate" winning as yet another state turned red on the map.  I should have gone to bed when I got home.  But continued watching results. 

    I was hoping to wake up to a miracle. But no. I was tired, not feeling well, and upset.  But have to work, while nightmare scenarios are running through my head.  While I'm also vaguely aware there is a hurricane headed straight to Louisiana.  It was a surreal that the couple thoughts I had about it were calm and disinterested, "A hurricane.  In November.  How strange.  I should probably look into that tomorrow."

    I did look at it today.  It took a surprising (to me) 90-dgree turn and isn't expected to hit the US anymore.  At least that is one less thing to worry about.  But it hit Cuba as a Cat. 3 who is still cleaning up devastation from a hurricane two weeks ago.  A Cat. 3 is strong!  And it's November!  Gulf waters should be cooling. decreasing the chances of storm formations and at least keeping them weaker if they do.  

    But it very well could have hit the US and was expected to.  In recorded weather history, a hurricane has never hit TX, LA, or MS in the month of November.

    How is all of this possible?  After all, Trump and his ilk told us that climate change is a hoax (eyeroll).

    Trying to focus on the positive.  Feeling a bit better today.  Ramped up my work production because at least those are little accomplishments.
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  • Feeling very ‘meh’ today but that’s due to some health news I got Tuesday.  I’m heading out tomorrow for another girls trip so I hope it allows me to take my mind off everything.
    in other news, those Judy Blue jeans i got last week are great! Worth every bit of the hype!

  • I am so tired but off work today which I’m grateful for. Yesterday was rough. I was so tired. I managed to go on a hike and then as a pity treat yourself I finally tried the Hibachi food truck that is always parked near the hike and it was pretty good. I had two glasses of wine and we watched our reality tv show to try and forget about the election. And I called a good friend and we ranted and were able to get some laughs in which helped me feel better and I hope it helped her too. 

    Otherwise not too much is happening. 

  • @CharmedPam, I'm sorry to hear about you had bad health news!  I hope everything is okay.  If you want to talk/vent about it at any time, send me a text or e-mail.  It's the same info.

    Have fun on your girls' trip.  I hope it helps you decompress.
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  • @banana468, I love it!  That's hilarious.  It is great when children don't feel awkward to have these conversations and ask questions.

    I'm curious what the teacher actually said about menopausal age vs. Chiquito's interpretation of it.  The average age for menopausal onset in the US is 53.  While I don't know how old you are (nor am I asking), I feel like it's a decent chunk younger than that.

    If not, then you've been holding out on me and @VarunaTT when we've occasionally had complaints about pre-menopause, lol.
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  • @banana468 I'm fully laughing out loud. 
  • @banana468, I love it!  That's hilarious.  It is great when children don't feel awkward to have these conversations and ask questions.

    I'm curious what the teacher actually said about menopausal age vs. Chiquito's interpretation of it.  The average age for menopausal onset in the US is 53.  While I don't know how old you are (nor am I asking), I feel like it's a decent chunk younger than that.

    If not, then you've been holding out on me and @VarunaTT when we've occasionally had complaints about pre-menopause, lol.
    I think that's the average age of hitting the full year with no period.  I had never heard of perimenopause until I was crying at the doctors asking WTF was going on and she introduced me to the term and what was going on.  Since then I've just done a lot of reading.
  • I'm 44...and a half! 

    I definitely have had the mashed potato brain and hot nights and insomnia that hit with peri.
  • VarunaTT said:
    @banana468, I love it!  That's hilarious.  It is great when children don't feel awkward to have these conversations and ask questions.

    I'm curious what the teacher actually said about menopausal age vs. Chiquito's interpretation of it.  The average age for menopausal onset in the US is 53.  While I don't know how old you are (nor am I asking), I feel like it's a decent chunk younger than that.

    If not, then you've been holding out on me and @VarunaTT when we've occasionally had complaints about pre-menopause, lol.
    I think that's the average age of hitting the full year with no period.  I had never heard of perimenopause until I was crying at the doctors asking WTF was going on and she introduced me to the term and what was going on.  Since then I've just done a lot of reading.
    Definitely.  But peri usually starts years earlier.  I just looked it up.  The average age for peri to start is 40-44 years old.  Whoa!  I was not expecting it to be THAT many years.

    I had hot flashes at about the end of that range.  I thought I was going through early menopause, but research told me probably not.  Thankfully, the hot flashes stopped after six months just as suddenly as they had started.  Even to this day, I have never had another one.

    I didn't have any other symptoms until earlier this year.  I'll be turning 51 this month.

    Me talking to my body, "Look, AH!  Just shut it down.  You are not a nuclear power plant.  We do not need a 3-year closure plan."

    The age of full menopause is HIGHLY genetic.  I read that many places and one medical article even joked, "Do you want to know the year you'll start menopause?  Ask your mother.  It will probably be the same."

    I did ask my mother.  She didn't remember, lol.  She said, "I dunno. I think it was sometime in my early 50s."  Oh well, I tried.  I was hoping for more exact.
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  • I think my mom was early 50s.  She was an absolute thorn in my brother's side and I have to believe it coincided.  She also had shingles around that time and I'm willing to bet that it takes a toll on the body enough that shingles can happen.

    As for now, I am noticing reduced alcohol tolerance, needing to write more things down, hot sleeping, insomnia when stressed but I can PTFO fast and i need to reduce the carbs or I get a belly.  I'm not overweight but the Halloween candy needs to leave. 
  • I have no friggen clue when the menopause fairy will strike me. Mom had a hysterectomy in her early 40s. Grandma had a hysterectomy before she was 30. Now, my Aunt did have my cousin when she was 44 or 45, so that's probably an indication, but it's a crap shoot for me. And yeah, perimenopause starts about a decade before menopause. And we have like 0.01% of research and treatment about it. It's one of my least favorite complaints because there's so much conflicting research, and I'm not really comfortable in hormone therapy and while I'd like to be, I haven't had time to delve more into it and I won't prescribe something I don't understand for a patient's safety. I have no issue referring out though. And it is bonkers that we don't research it, when it can cause joint pain, brain fog, insomnia, irritability and like 9000 other little annoying symptoms that are basically death by a thousand cuts. 

  • All of the uterus owners in my family yeeted theirs before menopause except for one and she thinks she was mid 50s.

    Also, the itchy ears thing just blows my damn mind, that it's a perimenopause symptom.  
  • All of this menopause talk is making me think about the story line in That 70's Show where Kitty was going through menopause and was just losing it lol. 

  • This is baffling to me too. I yeeted my ute, but kept my ovaries so should have normal menopause, but how would I know? Mom says she was mid-50s, but my younger (40) sister just told me she has had all of 2 periods in the last year. So I have no idea what my body is doing and no one seems to know either. 

    Or maybe I've been ADHD this whole time and just forgot how to mask. Or maybe the existential dread is all just my mid-life crisis. 
  • levioosa said:
    All of this menopause talk is making me think about the story line in That 70's Show where Kitty was going through menopause and was just losing it lol. 
    I remember that one!  It was an extra upsetting shock for her because she thought she was pregnant.
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  • levioosa said:
    I have no friggen clue when the menopause fairy will strike me. Mom had a hysterectomy in her early 40s. Grandma had a hysterectomy before she was 30. Now, my Aunt did have my cousin when she was 44 or 45, so that's probably an indication, but it's a crap shoot for me. And yeah, perimenopause starts about a decade before menopause. And we have like 0.01% of research and treatment about it. It's one of my least favorite complaints because there's so much conflicting research, and I'm not really comfortable in hormone therapy and while I'd like to be, I haven't had time to delve more into it and I won't prescribe something I don't understand for a patient's safety. I have no issue referring out though. And it is bonkers that we don't research it, when it can cause joint pain, brain fog, insomnia, irritability and like 9000 other little annoying symptoms that are basically death by a thousand cuts. 

    Why would we ever allocate resources to this?  That's "womens' problems" and not even the more valuable ones who are still of child bearing age.  Get a cold compress for the hot flashes.  If you're feeling sad, smile!  Sometimes just the act of smiling will make you feel better.  Just a sampling of trite and patronizing advice.

    Seriously though, I had no idea.  You'd think medical research/pharm companies would want to put more focus on this, considering almost all women go through this stage and might be there for years.  It's a huge money maker potential if they figure out how to solve these problems safely for the majority of women.  Our husbands even give us money so we can buy things!  (sorry, I needed one more snarky comment, lol)
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