I wasnt going to write my own vows but i found myself writting today... what do you guys think? keep them or scrap them entirely?
We all know that ive been up here once before with a man much diffrent than you. Their were promises made that i dont know if either of us intended to keep. Tears were shed over flowery words that were said more for their beauty then reality. Now years later i stand here again with you. What do i have for you?
i have only myself to give. What i have i give to you freely with no thought of return. I give you my time, yours to spend any way you want. i give you my thoughts spent on your happiness. I give you my love that overfills because of you. I give you my actions helping you anyway i can and i give you all that i am and will be. I give you my past present and future. You are my love, the one i should have married then if only i had known you. You are the one i want to grow old with, you are the one i want to raise children with, your the one i want to wake up to every morning. I promise you that i will love you till i die and keep myself only unto you cherishing you and caring for you above all else. Christopher i love you with my whole heart and soul i used to think i knew what that meant but youve shown me that it means so much more. Thank you my love for asking me to be your wife. I gladly accept.
Re: vows...what do you guys think?
[QUOTE]Didn't read the whole thing. BUT -- I think that the point where you are saying vows to your new husband is significantly the wrong time to mention your first marriage. ~Donna
Posted by right1thistime[/QUOTE]
Completely agreed.