October 2012 Weddings

A little hookie present, a little sentimental

So my FH talked me into playing hookie from work on Monday so we went out for a nice breakfast and went out to the outlets for a little Christmas shopping and a movie. So we went to Lenox and Swarovski looking for nice wedding flutes and i actually found a brooch that reminded me of my deceased grandpa.

When my grandpa was alive and we did something bad he used to say, "So a little birdy told me..." And then we we used to fess up to what we did and always watched out for birds lol.

About a week after he passed, a blue bird made a nest in the yard and used to sit on the balcony banister all the time. That was the only place I remember seeing blue birds in the Bronx so my mom named the bird George after my grandpa.

So every time we see a blue bird we think of my grandpa. So when we were shopping I found this beautiful bluebird brooch. It was originally priced $130 and I got it for $15 bucks! I bought one for my grandma for Christmas too.

I am planning on placing it on the ribbon on my bouquet to remember my grandpa and have him with me all day. Here is a picture of it. Thanks for letting me share ladies!

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