
Car rentals

Where I'm getting ready and where I'm getting married is all within like a 3 mile radius but I really want to rent a nice car to drive around in for a few hours just for me and then after the ceremony for me and the new husband! I dont want a limo or a town car or antique. I know that doesn't leave much, but I've seen online the companies you can rent BMWs and Mercedes but not sure if ther good. If anyone has any ideas shoot them at me!  TIA
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Re: Car rentals

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    klrussklruss member
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    edited December 2011
    My FI and I have the same issue, we have about a 3/4 mile ride between the hotel, ceremony and reception and don't want a limo either.  I don't know if this is an option for you, but we asked around (our friends and family) to see if anyone had a nice car (BMW, Corvette, Escalade...etc...) that we could borrow for the day or that they would drive us around in for the day (depending on if you wanted to drive it or wanted to be driven around).  As it turns out, we apparently knew A  LOT of people that do and they were all willing to help out! 

    I would have to say that the online places are likely a good bet as well.  I would just make sure that they have a showroom, where you can look at these cars that you would be renting to make sure they are up to your standards.

    Good luck to you!
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    edited December 2011
    Yeah I wanted to ask but I felt weird about approaching it to people like "hi if you come to my wedding can I use your car" haha but I think I'll look into the place I saw online I think its out of Stamford not sure. I don't know we'll see!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
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