Not Engaged Yet


@swazzle and @hummingbird125,

I'm really, really, really excited for this weekend. This is the last weekend where FI and I don't have anything planned for the whole summer and I get to hang out with you two!!!!!!!!


Dear @goldenpenguin, @sakalicious, @csousa1, @swazzle,

You guys are the best, thanks for making me laugh all the time!


Dear FI,

You're awesome, that is all. You looked amazing on Saturday. I cannot wait to marry you!


Dear Allergies,

Go away, kthanxbai!


Dear Photographer,

You did an awesome job. I can't wait to see all of our pictures, even though I'm going to be crying looking at them. Happy tears though, I promise! I always used to laugh when people would say I'm pretty or whatever, because I didn't believe them. I always thought of myself as a big,tall goof-ball with a million chins, weird nostrils and a crazy eye if not photographed correctly. I am finally comfortable in the skin I'm in, and I have to thank you for that. It took me 33 years, but looking at myself in those pictures, I realized that I'm not horrible looking. I realized you don't have to be a size 2 to be pretty. I always thought (I still do think this) that EVERY woman in the world is beautiful, and now I can add myself to that category. I hope this doesn't come off as narcissistic!

 Wedding Countdown Ticker

image 59 Invited
image 36 Yes
image 2 No
image 21 Unknown


  • SwazzleSwazzle member
    10000 Comments Seventh Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited April 2014
    Dear @buddysmom80 and @hummingbird125,

    I can't wait for endless mimosas and beautiful weather! Saturday is going to be the bomb diggity. No doubt. 


    Rusty hoes / Side-Eye Bunch 4-Lyfe. I'm glad we invited Kate into our group. We need to practice her side-eye though, she looks a little too... proper. 


    Dear H, 

    You better grow that beard back immediately, mister. You look like a child and I miss your scruff. 

    PS. 10 days until Costa Ricaaaaaaaa and holy shit we've almost been married for a year. 

  • Dear House we are looking at today,

    I'm really excited about visiting you. I hope you are the one! I honestly don't want to look at the house scheduled for tomorrow or next week. I like you the most so please be what we want!

    Girl that's ready to move out of the apartment into a house!

    Dear H,

    You're working so hard on finding a new job. I hope one comes up this Summer for you that you love!

    Your Wife

    Dear Charleston,

    I'm so excited to be on vacation with you this weekend! Please let your weather be beautiful and warm!

    Girl that needs a nice vacation for longer than 2 days.
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited April 2014

    Dear OLW,

    I've been waiting for you all week!


    Dear @buddysmom80,

    I'm so glad you are happy with your pictures and felt so good about yourself afterwards! You are beautiful inside and out!

    Love, me


    Dear TotM,

    Why you here so early? Whyyyyy??? Just please go away in time for Charleston...that'd be greaattt.

    No love, me


    Dear @southernpeach89,

    Charleston in 2 more days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That is all.

    Love, your biggest bestest seester


    Dear FI,

    Sorry you're in such a blah mood. I promise I'll figure out a way to cheer you up tonight. Even if it means I have to dance around in your underwear or something outrageous.

    Love you always! Me


    Dear bookclub ladies,

    For the love of all things...please for fucks sake stop talking about 50 Shades of Gray. I fricking hate those books and I'm so sick and tired of hearing about them. They are stupid. Don't read them. Don't support that franchise. Can't we talk about novels with ORIGINAL thoughts and ideas rather than internet fanfiction?

    kthnxseeyounextmonth, Me

  • @southernpeach89 - I hope the house is perfect! 

  • @LaPeanut1018,

    Yay for Charleston!!! I wish I was rich and could buy all the cute stuff on Kings St. but I'm not because of house, future puppy, wedding festivities, and possible vacation with H. UGHHHHHH ALL I WANT TO DO IS SHOP!!!!

    Thank you! I hope so too! 
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers


    I feel the same way. More money in my bank account please!!!

  • Dear stairs I fell on at Easter,


    Dear Mom,

    I want to be married. You're bitching about what shoes I will wear for the wedding. Priorities. Misaligned. This isn't the first straw, but I'm looking up Vegas packages. Just so you're aware.

    Anybody know about good elopement packages? Everything seems to involve guests and that's a sore spot, too
    Dear David's Bridal,

    Any dress that is advertised as being fully lined should be just that. Fully lined. Which means the entire world should not know what color underwear I'm wearing. Oh, and making me pay the return shipping for my RMA? Totally not cool and I'm majorly irritated with your return policies today.

    No love,
    Wouldn't have bought the damn thing if it wasn't $30
    Dear reactor,

    Well, today I bring in the electricians. Tomorrow you work?

  • Dear @buddysmom80,

    You're so very pretty! I'm glad you're feeling confident.



    Dear BF,

    I really enjoyed having your mom here this weekend, but I'm SO looking forward to getting back to our normal life. I can already feel less stress from not having to be "on" all the time. We should celebrate with sexy times. ;-)

    Your other half


    Dear energy and motivation,

    Please come back. 

    Ain't nobody got time for that!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Dear real estate agent,

    Please have the condo rented out for June?


    Girl who is juggling a lot right now


    Dear FI,

    I love all of these wonderful ideas for the wedding you are coming up with it would have been helpful if they had come earlier.  I'm glad you are really getting into it now.  I can't wait for it to get here



    Dear minions,

    Please be real and find me.  I need help feeling a bit overwhelmed.


    Overwhelmed bride to be

    Dear allergies,

    You are making me miserable, go away.


    Miserable Me


  • @southernpeach89 jealous! I want a vacation to Charleston in the baddest way. FI and I went last spring and it was amazing.

    Dear Stupid Cough,

    Go away. Nobody wants you here.

    No love,
    Girl who is tired of being sick
    Dear Bosslady,

    I'm working my ass off. Please please please don't let me get laid off. Thanks!

    Best Regards,
    Girl who has a wedding to pay for
    To My Beloved Farm Burger:

    I miss you terribly, but I have committed to the diet and I can't turn back now. I promise I'll come back to you someday.

    Chubby McChubberson
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Dear @KeptInStitches

    Disney has the 'Memories' package which is an elopement package.

    Your Friend
    Disney Bride To Be


    Dear New Dentist

    Please be gentle and good.  I love my other dentist but she's just SO far away, so I'm giving you 1 shot.  If you screw up, I'm going back to my original dentist in a land far-far-away!

    Nervous New Patient


    Dear NEY

    I miss you guys - works been busy.  I'm trying to keep up with what's going on with everybody but I feel I'm failing!!


  • Dear Side-Eye Sisters,

    ALL of the love. Best laughs of my life with you bitches <3




    Dear Steve,

    You're pretty much PERFECT for me on paper. And I like you, maybe I could even start liking you a lot. But don't ask me to make concrete plans with you in August or this teetering interest you have from me will evaporate in front of your eyes from the pressure. I know myself, I know that this will happen -  I told you the other day, you have to take it sloooooooooow with me. Like, whatever you think is slow, slow it down even more. Kthnx.


    Girl waiting for something more to kick in and having a feeling it won't


    Dear Work,

    I wish I wasn't sitting at you right now. It is thunderstorming outside and would be the PERFECT day to snuggle up and read at home. Oh and also, start being more lucrative so that I can afford to live alone without needing a second job in a month because I DO.NOT.WANT.ONE.

    No Love,

    Girl still in some level of denial


    Dear Sis,

    39 days. I just.......can't. :(


  • @buddysmom80 the pictures you posted were so pretty, I'm glad you like them!!


    Dear subway/transit,

    You made me super late for work this morning thanks to your fire investigation and TERRIBLE communication. I sort of hate you today.

    No love,

    Probably having to stay late at work


    Dear "spring",

    I should not have been half frozen after standing outside for 15 minutes on April 23. Please get your shit together.


    Still warming up


    Dear NEY,

    Thank goodness you are here while I'm cranky at work!

    Much love, lmc



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @goldenpenguin I can't wait to see you as a blonde!!


  • Dear boss lady,

    Please please please offer me something to get me to stay. I love my job and all my coworkers, but I can't say no to a 10k raise in pay to go somewhere else.

    Chick that needs that raise

    Dear NEY,

    Please send me work vibes..... I suck at having these conversations- I over worry and over think. But I deserve more than what I get paid and have an opportunity for it. But honestly, I'm scarred shitless.

    Yes, I'm a wuss at this- Irish

    Dear bf,

    You were out of character this weekend and were majorly touchy feely and more open. I liked it, but it was strange... We have established we are pretty damn good for each other, and that makes me happy.

    Falling for you

    Dear Iz Biz,

    Why are you not here yet!????! I miss you!!

    Big sisser

  • @buddysmom80 are you sure you're not my BFF?  If you lived in Philly, I would think you are.  Her schedule is ridiculous, just like yours :)

    @southernpeach89 good luck on the house hunt!  We're starting that fairly soon and it's probably a bit on the stressful side :)  A trip to Charleston sounds perfect, but I SEVERELY hope your weather is better than Savannah's last weekend!

    @LaPeanut1018 I'm more like terrified of the premise of 50 shades.  This makes me a prude.  I'm okay with it.

    @KeptInStitches my photographer (based in NC) like..specializes in elopements?  And her husband is able to perform your ceremony if you wanted.  I'm just's not Vegas, but it's an option :)  And yes, I know we didn't elope and we still used her - she has recently started marketing herself to elopements because she loves them so much (although she did an awesome job at my wedding too from what I've seen!)

    @Peaseblossom55 I'm really awesome at crafting if you need a hand :)  I'm just states away or so?  Feel free to vent whenever you need to!  Home stretch now - you can do it!  And seriously, if you need me to whip up something like programs or something, let me know.  My program had a wordsearch on it.  You know you want a wordsearch ;)

    Dear thank yous,

    Keep on coming! 

    -My mom is still mad she didn't get a thank you from my cousin's wedding in January haha

    Dear husband,

    Omg we've been married a week and a half!


    Dear new job,

    You better be awesome.  Well awesome enough to pay me on time and supplement my income.  I'm not that picky.

    -I haven't worked retail in FOREVER

    Dear house buying,

    Please be not too stressful when we start you. 

    -I really just want a yard.  Preferably with no snakes, but that's inevitable in FL

    Dear stomach flu,

    WHY do three of my wedding guests have you?!  Thankfully it's over 10 days since the wedding so I know it's not wedding related but um...groooooooss.

    -I do not do well with vomit/diarrhea apparently

    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @Blue & White I'll be a prude with you :)



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @blue, you're married!!!!! The pics I've seen are beautiful!! Also, yeah, we have snakes.... And cockroaches... It sucks, but oh well. #floridagirlproblems!! :)

    @ollie08, @blue, Florida girl G2g needs to happen... Why must we be broke bitches!!!??!!
    Florida knottie that isn't that far!!
  • @lmcooper86 prudes unite?  Or something.  i don't even know if I'm a prude - I'm just like an Aretha Franklin wannabe.  I need respect, dangit.  And I imagine there are ways to go about the dom/sub lifestyle with respect, but I don't think it would work in my life?  I have no idea :/

    @irishdreamer and @ollie08 and @southernpeach89 and @lalalaurita and @lapeanut1018 (am I missing someone?!) when should we do this southern g2g?  I'm not sure where "in the middle" is really...probably some awful place like Gainesville (sorry UFers, we are not going to Gainesville.)  Any ideas? 
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @blue, yeaaaaah I'm with you... No Gainesville. Since we are kind of in the middle of the state, I'm not sure what is "middle" - especially for the Atlanta girls... But if we can figure it out, I'm in!!!!
  • @livleighton, @blue, @dignity100 - thanks for the sympathy. I'm just really frustrated with my mom - she's way too hung up on my appearance for the day and I'm a cheapskate. We haven't even gotten to the inevitable fight over my hair yet. She's going to want me to grow it out and I already know I'm not going to. And I know this is going to sound kind of crazy, but I really don't care that much about how I look on my wedding day. I mean, obviously I want to feel pretty, but I'm not hung up on the details of that. I know since it's not one of my sacred cows (expression my mom's boss used to use - the things you really care about, in essence) I should let it go a little more, but my mom's going to blow my wedding budget and I'm really not looking forward to the year-long fight this is going to become in a big hurry. She told me last night the shoes in my closet aren't good enough (my nude pumps I got in December), that a knee- to tea-length dress needs to have shoes with a heel (ballet flats aren't good enough), that I'm cheaping out on the dress, etc. 

    I'm tempted to turn down all their offered money, save up as much as we can over the next year, and run off to elope. Vegas obviously isn't the only option - if we could I'd love to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter and get married there, but I couldn't find any wedding packages for the park itself. We did try to look up elopement packages in Vegas last night, but to be honest, I was having trouble even with reading comprehension and I couldn't seem to find anything that was just bride and groom. I know I could elope where I live, just run down to the city hall / courthouse / municipal jail and get married, but I think that would be a hell of a story to tell any future kids. "Then Daddy and I got the nice man in handcuffs to witness ..."

    @swazzle, sorry this is a novel. ;-)
  • @Blue thanks for the offer on help! :-) it's not even crafty stuff it's just details.  I also can't seem to focus on work today at all.  We meet with our priest next Sunday so at that point he'll go over the programs with me and all of the requirements for it.  A wordsearch would be so much fun.  My bathroom shower curtain is a huge wordsearch on movies.  It's funny to see guests come out of the bathroom eagerly stating what movies they found!


  • @Blue- I wish we were buying right now but we are looking to rent for our first year. We would like to rent then buy most likely. H's job is up in the air right now as of location so we are going to wait until that is set in stone before we purchase. The home we are looking at today is available for rent to buy since the family is moving away. So hopefully a year from now or maybe sooner we can buy it if it turns out that it's the one we want.

  • @southernpeach89 Aw, I still hope this house is the one!  We loved our rental house in Virginia, which is part of the reason we're a little stir crazy to get out of the apartment here :)  We did accumulate way the heck too much stuff in our house though, lol.  Moving was a bear!

    @peaseblossom55 um a wordsearch shower curtain?  That's kinda awesome.  I may need to ya know, take a shower in your house or something creepy sounding, but I just want to see the shower curtain!
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @blue I'll have to go home tonight and take a picture and post it later!


  • @peaseblossom55, your shower curtain > my shower curtain (periodic table).
  • I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • edited April 2014

    @Keptinstiches awesome a periodic table shower curtain!

    @Blue that is the exact one I have!


  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    Dear Western blot,

    Please work. I am tired of redoing you.

    Dear weather,

    Hey, stop raining! I am tired of being wet :(

    Dear money,

    I promise to be better about spending and saving. For example, today, I will get regular coffee and not ~*fancy*~ coffee at Starbucks. I will not buy a snack. I will cancel my much-needed massage appointment. Just ... can I stop spending on emergency stuff?

    Dear June,

    Get here faster because I'm tired of being super stressed all the time, and having a super stressed partner.

    Dear infusion,

    I'm getting you today!!!! YAY!!! I'm going to be really tired tomorrow!!!! BOOO!!!
    now with ~* INCREASED SASSINESS *~
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