Chit Chat

I just...I can't even...

I work in a professional office. Because of the type of organisation we are, we offer on-going education classes for our members.

I just went to the bathroom and while I was (trying to) pee, a woman came in and made a phone call. She was asking to get connected to someone's direct extension, and she was shouting (because our office has crappy cell reception anyway, and the bathrooms, which are in the dead-centre of the building, have even worse reception).

So as I finish and I flush, I hear her say, 'Hold on, someone's being rude,' and she gives me the stink-eye, covers her phone with her hand and hisses, 'I'm trying to make a phone call here, could you not do that?!'

Uhm...I'm in the bathroom, lady. Flushing is a non-optional social convention in bathrooms.

So then I go to get my coffee, and our members are on break. Two of them are chatting and one says to the other, 'We were lucky, the ambulance got there quickly after Mom pushed her LifeAlert button, and she's going to be OK.'

A third person, also over-hearing this conversation, says, 'Well, you know, ERs and ambulances are just God's waiting room!' and then walks away.

What the actual fuck??

I'm gonna go with 'not my circus, not my monkeys.'

Re: I just...I can't even...

  • Wait, what?

    That is crazy.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • If you make a phone call in the bathroom, that is the risk you take. That 3rd person in the watercooler conversation is so rude! Who says that?  

    Did you say anything to the bathroom woman?


  • Holy shit.  I would have given hell to the bathroom phone call lady.  What the fuck is that?

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  • On a different note, one of the assistants here just gave her notice today - the same girl who posted a work-bathroom selfie of herself a few weeks ago while she was supposed to be covering someone's lunch break.  Oy.

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  • There used to be this woman from another company in our old building that would have super long personal conversations in the bathroom. All the women in my company knew her business, like how she needed a lawyer because of some lawsuit, and she was born in 1989, and some other things. 



  • Why do all the wonderfully hilarious things happen to you? WHO MAKES PHONE CALLS IN THE BATHROOM?!?!?!
  • Hahahahaha.... I would have laughed at her. I mean come on when you make a phone call in the bathroom you take that risk.
  • People justifying they are too stressed to send out TY notes now one isn't allowed to flush a toilet in a public bathroom. What is this world coming to?

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • edited May 2014
    I work in a professional office. Because of the type of organisation we are, we offer on-going education classes for our members.

    I just went to the bathroom and while I was (trying to) pee, a woman came in and made a phone call. She was asking to get connected to someone's direct extension, and she was shouting (because our office has crappy cell reception anyway, and the bathrooms, which are in the dead-centre of the building, have even worse reception).

    So as I finish and I flush, I hear her say, 'Hold on, someone's being rude,' and she gives me the stink-eye, covers her phone with her hand and hisses, 'I'm trying to make a phone call here, could you not do that?!'

    Uhm...I'm in the bathroom, lady. Flushing is a non-optional social convention in bathrooms.

    So then I go to get my coffee, and our members are on break. Two of them are chatting and one says to the other, 'We were lucky, the ambulance got there quickly after Mom pushed her LifeAlert button, and she's going to be OK.'

    A third person, also over-hearing this conversation, says, 'Well, you know, ERs and ambulances are just God's waiting room!' and then walks away.

    What the actual fuck??
    Wow...I wouldn't know how to begin to respond to either of those ridiculous situations. Hope the rest of your day is less insane. People say some of the most inappropriate/insensitive stuff sometimes.

    ETA: Spelling
  • Ah, how I love rude bathroom people. I work in retail and we do not have an employee bathroom, so we have to use the customer one. I wish I was making it up when I said that I have had customers ask me to help them as I was exiting a stall.

    Umm, can I was my hands first? And it's a large department store, so I am by no means the only employee available.

    Took me until the third time that happened to start taking my name badge off when I want to use the restroom.

    I really enjoy using our 'sounds like a jet plane taking off' hand dryer when people are chatting on the phone in there. What? We don't have paper towels and I can't help customers with wet hands. :)
  • I actually said, 'I'm sorry, flushing after using the bathroom is a non-optional social convention. It's a bathroom, not a phone booth.'

    She just glared at me. I then made it a point to wash my hands EXTRA long with the water turned up to full blast. Because that was also obnoxious.

    And what's she going to do, tell my boss that I flushed the toilet in the bathroom? Uhm, OK, go right ahead there.
    I love this response!
  • I got stink-eye in the bathroom today too! For the exact same reason! She didn't say anything to me, but was looking daggers at me while I washed my hands and walked out. WTF?



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  • Geez, I bet you peed loudly too. How rude of you.

    Have you all seen the "cell phone crashing" videos where the guy responds back to everything people say (loudly) to whomever they're on the phone with? Pretty funny.

  • Geez, I bet you peed loudly too. How rude of you.

    Have you all seen the "cell phone crashing" videos where the guy responds back to everything people say (loudly) to whomever they're on the phone with? Pretty funny.
    Ha! That's what I thought of, too. It's the best ;)

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  • LOL too bad you didn't poop or fart really loudly for her!  That's what she gets for making phone calls in the bathroom.

  • Ah, I have fond memories of my last company's shower stall. I normally would take my phone to my car if I needed to make a call or was expecting a call at a certain time. Well I had interviewed for another job and saw they were calling me and I didn't have time to run my phone to the car and answer so I ran to the SINGLE PERSON bathroom. I didn't want anyone to hear me walking by outside the bathroom since I was discussing a new job, so for some reason I decided it would be more quiet/muffled if I got into the shower stall and closed the glass door of it. I got the job and a 25% pay increase so I will always remember that phone call in the shower stall and how excited I was hahahaha

    But yea, non single restroom is fair game and she was a giant crazy pants and I love your response.



  • Oh goodness... I would have had to fight the urge to say "Oh, I apologize. I missed the memo where the bathrooms turned in to your personal conference room."

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  • I'd probably just whip out my phone. "Oh, I'm sorry, is this better?" And then dial information or the road report line and start yelling about kids or foot calluses or whatever I felt like that morning.
  • That's insane! I have no words for that lol


  • I am in serious disbelief over all of that right now. For the bathroom lady, I would've just turned around and camped out in there, flushing every 10 seconds until she left.
  • The women at my office like to make phone calls in the bathroom too. They also like to chat in the bathroom. Like 3-5 people go in the bathroom just to talk. It is so awkward! They always glare at me when I go in to actually use the bathroom. We have multiple break rooms. Go in there people!


  • Niccirf said:
    Geez, I bet you peed loudly too. How rude of you.

    Have you all seen the "cell phone crashing" videos where the guy responds back to everything people say (loudly) to whomever they're on the phone with? Pretty funny.
    Ha! That's what I thought of, too. It's the best ;)

    Ohmygod- that video- I used to do this! Not all the time, just when people were bring really loud or rude, and it annoyed me.
    (Okay, there really is no excuse for it, but it made me feel better. One woman actually said, "This weird woman thinks I'm talking to her." )

    And it started in a bathroom. Because no. You don't call people around peeing people. Or when you're peeing. Cell phone rudeness is out of control. It makes me crazy.

    I think HisGirl showed amazing restraint.
  • I worked in a building many years ago that had a few companies on the same floor as us and a common ladies' restroom. One of the women from a company upstairs used to come down to our bathroom, take the loudest/smelliest/longest dump at least once a day, every single day while having loud, personal conversations on her phone. And she wasn't really very thorough at flushing (the toilets had automatic flush but they were pretty weak). The rest of us on our floor had to schedule our bathroom breaks around this woman and it became a running joke for the 3 years that I was there. Bathroom etiquette is completely lost on some people.

  • People in my dorm used to have conversations in the bathroom ALL THE TIME. Sometimes even when THEY were going to the bathroom.

    Super awkward and weird.

    Plus, I don't want someone you're talking to on the phone hearing me pee. We are in the ROOM OF TRUST. My sounds are NOT supposed to leave outside the door.
  • All I can think about is the "Devil Stall" on Orange is the New Black.
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    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

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