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I know we just bragged on our Fi's, but...


Re: I know we just bragged on our Fi's, but...

  • I still have to pinch myself sometimes that I found FI.  He said the last woman he dated dumped him because he was "too good to be true".  Ha!  We just moved into our rental house together (sort of - all my stuff will be moved June 1), and he works shorter hours than me, so he's always got dinner ready when I come in the door, he's got laundry going (he hung my shirts to dry because he doesn't want to ruin them in the dryer), and last night he'd scrubbed all the floors because I'd mentioned I'd need to start cleaning them up because I'm tired of stuff sticking to my feet (dirt from moving).  He also gives me as many foot rubs as I want whenever I ask him to.  :)

  • smgold6smgold6 member
    Second Anniversary 25 Love Its 10 Comments Name Dropper
    FI was off work yesterday due to having pink eye (poor thing) and ended up doing all the laundry, folding it and putting it all away before I got home from work. I'm super lucky. Love him!!
    <a href=""><img src="" width="400" height="80" border="0" alt="Daisypath Anniversary tickers" /></a>
  • I can brag now! He knew how irritated I was with him last night so when I got up today he had made breakfast and even had some coffee waiting for me, which is a bit deal because he doesn't drink coffee.
  • I'm out of town for a whole week for work. I miss DH so much. :( (And I don't care how cheesy that sounds. This is the longest we've been apart since we started dating.)
    I'm with you on this! I have an annual work trip that usually lasts 10 days and last year it was awful! We've had a "3 day rule" since we met (as in, let's try really, really hard not to be apart more than 3 days in a row) and anything more makes us sad. 
    I have to go to Denver for a trade show at the end of the month. I'm only going to be gone 4 days, but I'm already dreading it because I know how much I'm going to miss FI. 

    And now for the brag (I missed the original brag post) - he gets up early every morning to make me a Nutribullet drink for breakfast and one for lunch. 
    He is really excited about the wedding and all the details. And it makes me even more excited. 
  • gg&ld14gg&ld14 member
    25 Love Its 10 Comments Name Dropper First Anniversary
    I'm going to see FI this weekend after over 2 months!! :) (he lives 800 miles away)

    I asked him how he wanted to celebrate (he turns 28 on sunday), and even talked to FMIL about some options, but he wouldn't have any of it.
    He called me this morning and said, "You, me, cabin, wine. That's all the celebration I want" 

    It's been a long time since we had our last weekend getaway, but it's still awesome to know he would rater spend his birthday with me in the woods with no wi-fi, than celebrating like he always does.

    So, we are having a late dinner with my FILs on Friday, and off to the cabin Saturday morning.

    I'm bragging because he doesn't want anything for his birthday but me (and wine). The downside is that these 3 days are going to be SO long. I miss him so much!!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • My FI has been super patient with my schedule lately - I have three major concerts in May (one was this past Saturday, the other two are this coming Saturday and Sunday) and have been in rehearsal and locked in our music room pretty much every night for two weeks.

    He also just started his new job a month or so ago and is already up for a promotion!

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Aww, FI just went to go get motor oil for me so I can do my oil change this weekend. It's all the way in the back of the trailer, so he schlepped himself out to the garage to pull the trailer out so he can find my oil now instead of me going out and doing it.

  • Today is day 9 of being apart for us. It's awful. After about four days I get incredible cranky, and after 6 I start not being able to sleep (and we don't even live together yet!). But, we only have one more long stretch like this before the wedding though. (That one will be miserable, though, as he's going on a fishing trip with my father and we won't be able to talk or skype at all for ten days...)

    When he is in town (he doesn't have class on Friday, so he comes over for long weekends), my fiance gets up really in the morning so he can come over and snuggle and make me coffee before I go to work. It's extra sweet because he is NOT a morning person, and those are his days off of class. :) Usually, he will also spend one full day cleaning while I am at work.

    He gives me foot rubs when I get home from school. :)

    He is wonderful!
  • Last week FI randomly came home with a $200 gift card to one of my favourite clothing stores, just because.

    Ok, it was probably because 7 months postpartum I still have trouble fitting into most of my old clothes and complain a lot that I have nothing to wear. Still very sweet and thoughtful, and completely unexpected. I usually hate surprises but he is definitely starting to change that!
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