BF is a drummer, so he's non-stop tapping. Everything is a drum pad. We both talk in our sleep. I have to do things on 5 or 0 (go to bed at 10:15 as opposed to like...10:13). I crack one of my ankles all day almost and crack my knuckles a few times a day. He cracks his neck. I can't stand cabinet doors or drawers being open. All of his stuff faces the same way in the closet. I can't sleep without a blanket. BF is also always on the left side, bed and couch.
There's probably a bunch more. I may be weirder than him, it's easier for me to think of my quirks than his, but he's pretty sane.
I've always had this weird impulse to run the corners of paper over my fingers. Something about it is really soothing to me, and a lot of times I do it without realizing.
BF cracks his ankles every morning when he wakes up. It's the loudest crack I've ever heard. Makes me cringe every time. Sometimes he'll purposely shift around to where his ankles are on top of me and then crack them. Ahhhhhh. He's 6'2", so he always has to curl up while sleeping... otherwise his feet hang off the bed. In the morning, he always has to stretch for a minute and crack his ankles. Gross!
BF is a drummer, so he's non-stop tapping. Everything is a drum pad. We both talk in our sleep. I have to do things on 5 or 0 (go to bed at 10:15 as opposed to like...10:13). I crack one of my ankles all day almost and crack my knuckles a few times a day. He cracks his neck. I can't stand cabinet doors or drawers being open. All of his stuff faces the same way in the closet. I can't sleep without a blanket. BF is also always on the left side, bed and couch.
There's probably a bunch more. I may be weirder than him, it's easier for me to think of my quirks than his, but he's pretty sane.
My FI is also a drummer and taps on everything, including me, CONSTANTLY.
I tap my feet when I'm in bed. If BF's feet are curled up with mine, I tap his feet instead.
I have to sleep furthest from the door. I tell BF if an axe murderer comes in, they are getting to him first.
I can't walk over grates or covered openings in the sidewalk or road. I have to walk around them.
It drives me batty when there is time left on the microwave. For example, BF will heat up something in the microwave but then will take it out before it dings. Then he just leaves it. It drives me nuts.
I love clocks, but they all have to be set to the same time if I can see them at the same time. For example, I have 4 clocks that I can see from the kitchen, they all have to say the same time.
All the light switches have to be in the "correct" position. If the lights are off, then the light switches have to be down. The problem is the three-way lights. If I turn one on to see down the hallway, then I have to go turn that particular light switch off. They all have to be down. This became a problem in a house I was in, someone had miswired a light so to get the light off, one switch had to be up. I rewired it so that it was right.
I'm sure BF has some quirks but I can't think of any right now. I'm definitely the quirky one.
I have a very systematic bedtime routine. I never noticed how bad it was until FI pointed it out to me. I have to wash my face. Moisturize. THEN brush my teeth. That order. I absolutely refuse to go to bed without washing my face. On nights when I feel to tried to even try, I lay down in bed and end up getting up 10 minutes later because I can't sleep.The bed has to be made before I'll lay down. I have to sleep with the TV on and have a sleep timer set for 60 minutes later and a glass of water.
Before I cook supper, ever dish has to be washed. I won't even touch supper until the kitchen is clean. Grantedm FI is usually in charge of dishes since I cook.
I also have a particular way and order I clean the house so I'd rather do it by myself while FI does yard work. Occasionally he lucks out and gets to clean the bathroom
Whenever I do laundry, it has to be done a certain way and certain clothes go on specific hangers. FI tries to surprise me by doing the laundry sometimes and I always have to go behind him to fix the hangers.
Everything I do (showering, make up, dishes, cleaning, issuing permits etc) it has to be done in a very specific order, and I have to follow that order every time, or I lose it. Like get twitchy kind of lose it. So with nursing, they tell you to switch your 'starting boob' each time, and it drives me a bit nuts. I'm calming down about it now, but ugh!
I always sleep with one foot out of the covers. Always.
I cannot sleep with socks on. THEY HAVE TO BE OFF! There is something so ewww about sleeping with socks on, for me.
El senor is still creeped out about his bare feet touching any floor/ground surface. This is a carry over from his time in the Army. So, he still wears flip flops in the shower. It cracks me up. Dude...we're the only ones using it. You're not gonna get ring worm. I promise. I'm clean. Nope.
"Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
"His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa
@severmilli12 it used to annoy me, sort of. I got used to it after the first week or so. I'm glad I'm not the only human drum pad! So much worse after he drinks coffee, but I DO love watching him when he's playing.
I have to sleep with my top knee up and the other leg stretched out. I also sleep better with a tv on, but SO can't, so I have to make sure to be realllllllly tired by the time I get into bed when he is here.
SO has a habit of closing all the doors I don't want closed (like the bathroom - so it looks like someone is in there, especially since he forgets to turn off lights!!), and leaving cabinet doors open.
@Kelani23 The bathroom door thing used to bother me. Until we got a cat. She will unroll a whole role of toilet paper so now we have to keep it closed!
I was just reminded of a quirk V has last night. Sometimes he randomly wakes up and thinks his dreams are actually real life. Cue to last night, I wake up to him dragging me out of bed because he thought he saw a giant thing fly out of nowhere and was trying to get me away from it. Its very cute and sweet but this happened at 5 am so I wasn't pleased haha.
Re: Quirks
There's probably a bunch more. I may be weirder than him, it's easier for me to think of my quirks than his, but he's pretty sane.
"His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa
I have to sleep with my top knee up and the other leg stretched out. I also sleep better with a tv on, but SO can't, so I have to make sure to be realllllllly tired by the time I get into bed when he is here.
SO has a habit of closing all the doors I don't want closed (like the bathroom - so it looks like someone is in there, especially since he forgets to turn off lights!!), and leaving cabinet doors open.