I just have to get this off my chest.
I just found out my aunt (well really my dad's cousin but my family is pretty close, so I consider her my aunt) has 3 months to 1 year. She's been fighting cancer for many years now. I thought she was doing better, she seemed in great health the last time I saw her a couple months ago. Well my mom just called me and told me the news. She's so young, in her late 40s with two kids, it's so unfair. My other aunt (another one of my dad's cousins) passed away about 9 months ago from cancer, she was in her 60s, her mother outlived her. 3 of my 4 grandparents died from cancer. My great-aunt has been battling cancer for many years now as well.
I just hate cancer!!!!! It has affected so many of my family members. I'm sure it has affected some of you as well. Can any of you relate? Thanks for letting me to get this off my chest. F*ck cancer!!!!!!
Re: Cancer sucks.
Praying for peace and comfort for your family in this heartbreaking time. I hope that you are able to have some sweet time with your aunt. We're here if you ever need to talk, vent, or anything else.
@CLoGreenEyes thanks for the vibes
@bethsmiles, I am trying to be hopeful, but the doctors told her there is nothing they can do, it has spread too much. But maybe there will be some new experimental treatment soon that she can try.
@blabla89 Thank you. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother. Both of my mom's parents died from cancer, and I fear that she will get cancer too, but pray that she doesn't.
Cancer touches everyone :-(
I'm really,really sorry to hear about your aunt.
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@caseface5 I definitely agree with you. I wish I had spent more time with my grandmas before they passed. I wish I hadn't taken them for granted.
@minskat30 I'm sorry about your dad. I'm not sure what she has now. Originally she had breast cancer, she beat that and had one breast removed. Then it showed up in her liver, and I know she was fighting that for a couple years. Now it's spread but I'm not sure of all the details.