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Cancer sucks.

I just have to get this off my chest.

I just found out my aunt (well really my dad's cousin but my family is pretty close, so I consider her my aunt) has 3 months to 1 year.  She's been fighting cancer for many years now.  I thought she was doing better, she seemed in great health the last time I saw her a couple months ago.  Well my mom just called me and told me the news.  She's so young, in her late 40s with two kids, it's so unfair.  My other aunt (another one of my dad's cousins) passed away about 9 months ago from cancer, she was in her 60s, her mother outlived her.  3 of my 4 grandparents died from cancer.  My great-aunt has been battling cancer for many years now as well.

I just hate cancer!!!!!  It has affected so many of my family members.  I'm sure it has affected some of you as well.  Can any of you relate?  Thanks for letting me to get this off my chest.  F*ck cancer!!!!!!
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Re: Cancer sucks.

  • I'm so sorry you are going through this. :( Cancer can suck it! I don't think there are many people out there who haven't had to face the havoc it can bring to families and friends. I'm sending you and your family, and especially your aunt, all the vibes I've got for comfort, peace, and togetherness for the time you have left with her. <3 Let us know if you need anything.
  • *hugs* I'm so sorry you are going through this! Don't see this as a certain death sentence though. I don't want to give you false hope or anything but my friend's mom (a truly amazing woman) was given about 6 months to live 2 years ago. Her doctors put her on a new, experimental treatment and while it hasn't completely removed the cancer it's pushed it back and kept it from spreading. I can't tell you the joy this extra time she's been given has brought to her family (8 kids!) and everyone whose life she has touched. They really are making amazing strides in medical research.

    I hope the best for your aunt!

  • I'm so sorry you're going through this. I can relate - my mom passed away unexpectedly from breast cancer (she said she was getting better), before that her younger sister had cancer as a teen and now her older sister has recently been diagnosed with cancer as well. It's awful and it's totally unfair.

    Praying for peace and comfort for your family in this heartbreaking time. I hope that you are able to have some sweet time with your aunt. We're here if you ever need to talk, vent, or anything else.
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  • behsco90behsco90 member
    100 Love Its Third Anniversary 100 Comments Name Dropper
    edited June 2014
    Thanks guys.

    @CLoGreenEyes thanks for the vibes :)

    @bethsmiles, I am trying to be hopeful, but the doctors told her there is nothing they can do, it has spread too much.  But maybe there will be some new experimental treatment soon that she can try.

    @blabla89 Thank you. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.  Both of my mom's parents died from cancer, and I fear that she will get cancer too, but pray that she doesn't.
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  • Fuck cancer. I'm so sorry your aunt is going through this. You and your family are in my thoughts.
  • phiraphira member
    5000 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary 5 Answers
    Cancer is absolutely the WORST. I'm so sorry.
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  • That's so sad, I'm really sorry :( Sending hugs your way <3

  • Sorry you are going through this.

    Cancer touches everyone :-(

  • I'm so sorry about this! Sending prayers and hugs your way.
  • I'm so sorry to hear this! :(  Cancer does suck.  My grandpa has been struggling with it for about 2 years and a couple weeks ago they found out that it had metastasized into bone cancer and it has spread a lot. Not sure his prognosis but I know that he is wanting to go through treatments.

    I'm really,really sorry to hear about your aunt.
  • I'm sorry to hear what happened. CANCER SUCKS.

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  • I'm so sorry to hear. Thoughts and prayers heading to you and your family. My advise to you would be to spend as much time with her as possible. It will never feel like you've spent enough time, but the time you do spend together will be so worthwhile. I tried telling BF this when his father was fighting and he agreed with me after he passed that he was so glad he did and now gives the same advise to people. *hugs* 
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  • BIG HUGS to you.

    Cancer really really sucks. My mom had breast cancer, my sister had leukemia at seven years old, my grandfather had prostate cancer, my aunt passed from uterine cancer, and one of my closest friends from college passed from leukemia when she was a senior. 

    I'm sending lots and lots of healing vibes to you & your family. <3 We're here for you.


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  • I'm so sorry to hear this.  Cancer does indeed suck.  What kind does she have?  My Dad passed last year after being diagnoised with extensive small cell lung cancer (a death sentence with 6-12 months usually).  We had almost exactly a year with him before he passed.  I know its hard but take the time now and really spend quality time.  We went on a family trip together, talked about old times, I got his opinions about H and my wedding, etc.  I was so grateful for the time we had with my Dad even though it was far too short.  I'm really sorry...huge hugs your way.
  • Thanks everyone.  Although I would never wish cancer on someone, it's comforting to know some of you understand how I feel.  I wish none of us knew what it felt like to have cancer or know someone who has it.

    @caseface5 I definitely agree with you.  I wish I had spent more time with my grandmas before they passed.  I wish I hadn't taken them for granted.

    @minskat30 I'm sorry about your dad.  I'm not sure what she has now.  Originally she had breast cancer, she beat that and had one breast removed.  Then it showed up in her liver, and I know she was fighting that for a couple years.  Now it's spread but I'm not sure of all the details.
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  • I'm sorry to hear this! *hugs* Cancer is awful. 

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  • Fuck Cancer! Sending you all the vibes!

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