Chit Chat

Because I am sure my co-workers are sick of my complaining...

eballiett07eballiett07 member
Third Anniversary First Comment
edited August 2014 in Chit Chat

Ok, can I just bitch for a second?

I just got over a severe case of swimmer's ear (I do NOT know how children get through that, it was so painful).

I just got a mild case of poison ivy after working in the yard last wednesday. I have little blisters popping up and they are so itchy. It's misery.

My fiance and I got a random piece of paper in our mailbox on Friday from the USPS, saying a mail carrier was bit by a neighbors dog on my street the day before and because of that they are suspending all mail delivery to our homes and installing a central box location somewhere on our street. I. Am. Livid. I understand it is a traumatic experience to get bit by a dog.

I also understand the price the USPS has to pay for this poor person's medical expenses. What I DO NOT understand is how making 40+ homes (so close to probably 100 residents including elderly) on a close quartered, one-way street walk to get their mail solves anything! I can't even type out all of the issues that I am foreseeing with this "solution". Literally all they had to do was take that ONE resident's mailbox and make them put it on the outside of their fenced in front yard.

We also live in a historic neighborhood and I don't even want to think about how tacky a random mail box center will look. There is literally no good spot to put it. I also remember the one from my previous apartment and how trash was just everywhere. Someone please tell me this fight against the Feds will be worth it! I have already talked to the Customer Service Supervisor and Manager and am waiting on a call from the Postmaster. My next course is our Neighborhood Group leader and our City Commissioner for my district.


Re: Because I am sure my co-workers are sick of my complaining...

  • I've never heard of something like that. Yikes! Sorry you are having a rough time.
    What did you think would happen if you walked up to a group of internet strangers and told them to get shoehorned by their lady doc?~StageManager14
  • unfortunately, Canada Post is phasing out ALL posties, in an effort to save money...This, after a 30% increase to stamps (by the roll, it's a nearly 50% increase when bought singly!)
  • Can they even do that on a historic street? Is every house apart of the historical society (probably not). 


  • Moving the mail box in front of the property front fence sounds like an ideal solution... Did the postman enter the yard and that's how the dog got him? Or was the dog roaming?

    image   image   image

  • My dad's a mailman and the most he ever did was suspend mail to the house with dog. I never heard of an entire neighborhood! People need to get control of their damn dogs. Poor lady :(
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Yes, it has my head spinning! The mail carrier entered the fenced in yard where the dog was, to deliver and then the dog bit him.
  • That is all really annoying, I'm sorry!

    I do know that you CAN win these fights with your post office, sometimes. When I moved into the house I grew up in, the neighborhood was still in development, so we had few neighbors on our block. The post office told us we had to set up our mailbox across the street from our house, and my mom was Not. Having. It. It took a little while, but she successfully convinced them that they were going to have to let people put their mailbox in front of their own houses, especially since the neighborhood did, in fact, expand. (Hell, she was annoyed that the boxes were not on our actual houses but had to be out on the street, but that one wasn't going to be a winner. I guess the post office enjoyed it when kids would knock the mailboxes off with bats from their cars).
    This baby knows exactly how I feel
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