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Ever have those days....

...where everyone and everything on the planet seems to crawl up under your skin and burrow? Cus that's the day I'm having. Even people I generally like are creepy-crawlies today. Felt like that yesterday too. Days like this make me itch, and the time crawls, and I just want to get out of the damn office already.

How's everyone else's Wednesday going?
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Re: Ever have those days....

  • Blaaaaaaaaaaah. 

    I'm still waiting for my stupid project at work to get started up.  I just got notification today that I'm on it officially as of Sept 15, so we'll see.  I had lunch with a good friend & her 1 year old.  SInce we live over an hour from each other, we met in the middle at a restaurant in the shopping area.  So, I brought some purchases I got online at Soma to return.  I go into the store and return them and said that I didn't like how the dress looked.  The salesperson said "yeah, next time you should just shop here instead."  I said "I live in [x] suburb and my laptop is a lot closer than your store." 

    It just bugged me.  I then get home and was going to do some online training and a fluke storm hits and knocks out power.  I live in a gated neighborhood, and the gate was also shut because of the power outage.  Crap on a stick.  I finally got out and am now at a cafe where HH starts at 3:00 (which it is here).  Cheers, y'all!
  • @CaitTDid23 yup, and they are the worst kind of days.

    My wednesday hasn't been that bad. I went to see my nephew before work - he started his first day of kindergarten today. Cue tears in the car on my way to the office. I'm going to be a wreck when I have my own children. The rest of the day has been spent being bored out of my mind in my office and free lunch.

    FI worked from home today and I was pouty about it all morning. He just now sent me pictures of all of the painting he did around the house, AND he cleaned the floors. He's also going to make dinner and go running for an hour or two so I can have the house to myself for a bit. He's a good man.

  • Bah, I've had those days too.

    Well, I'm still pretty sick so that isn't fun.  But I'm having tacos tonight with Knotties, so that is fun!

    I really need to clean my house.  I also discovered we are shorter on money this last month before my job than I thought we were, so I need to move some stuff around and maybe put some groceries on a credit card so we have enough cash to pay next month's rent.  Boo.  I just keep telling myself, four more weeks.  Four more weeks.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • I'm in a mood today.  Everyone (except H) and everything is getting on my nerves.  I don't know if it's because I have zero desire to be at work or PMS.  

    I'm gonna say PMS.  Monday night H went out to go walk the dog.  As soon as the door closed I started crying.  Like a complete basketcase.  When H and the dog got back home he asked me what was wrong.  Too bad I had no clue why.  If I wasn't leak week I'd think I was prego.

    Any who...25 more mins till I'm free.  Hopefully the ride home will put me in a better mood.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • Everyone wants a piece of me today.  Call after call after call and NONE of it pertains to the stuff I am supposed to be doing right now.  Gold, can you solve this?  Gold, can you figure something out for me?  Gold, why would someone do this and not that?  Gold, is this a non-conformance? 

    On top of that, my wedding stationary got delivered early but my neighbour signed for it (?????) so I have to figure out what she did with it...AND cook dinner.  Thank god for wine.

    Sorry, sorry, sorry.  Totally ranty   >_< 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Was a guest at a special luncheon and now I can't leave the bathroom. Ug. How am I ever going to make it home on public transportation.
  • I went on a wild goose chase for some data as soon as I got to work today. The person on the contact list directed me to another person, who directed me to yet another person, who directed me back to the original contact. The original contact ended up being able to provide the data anyway. Blerg.

  • Ugh I am in one of those moods too. I am crampy and menstrual and just GRR.. and FI wasnt really nice yesterday and I am kind of peeved. I mean I know he didnt sleep well and he worked a long day for some overtime hours...but really he didnt need to be so rude. 

    Today I came in early and I am leaving late so that I can make sure I leave ON TIME tomorrow because its the Seahawks home opener and I want to watch it from start to finish and watch them SPANK Greenbay. 

    I have to go to Kohls and Sbux to get ty gifts for my shower on Saturday. 

    And I am bummed that my credit union can print my debit card... but not my credit card that I was just approved for through them. 
  • It will pass, I have days like that at least once a week! Had a quiet wednesday where I played hermit in my apartment and packing here and there. Hoping all day that my Sephora order would come today but realised while checking online that it's still in Romulus.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • My neighbor's bathtub cracked my dining room ceiling today and now the ceiling is ripped apart. The dining room is covered in plastic since maintenance only finished half the job, and I had plans to host friends tonight.

    I also found out I have an abscessed tooth and need a root canal, so I'm getting one 5 weeks before my wedding. 

    I'm having one of those days for sure. 
  • Wow. I mean my day hasn't even been that bad comparatively, haha. Lots of people have had way suckier days, haha. :( 

    Until I walked out of my well-windowed office in a rain lull to get DRENCHED when I came out the unwindowed back room. It came back with a VENGEANCE.


    (I am in the camp that gifs make everything better. Clearly. I post them all the damn time.)
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Was a guest at a special luncheon and now I can't leave the bathroom. Ug. How am I ever going to make it home on public transportation.
    are you okay now???
  • ....and I forgot my mother's birthday.

    I feel like shit.  Complete shit.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • My nose decided to stop working last night, and FI is out of town, so he can't take care of me :(

    I had drag my own ratty ass to the store for tissues and nasal spray.  But I did call my mom for soothing mom noises, so that was nice.

    On the plus side, I don't tutor on Wednesdays, so other than running to the store, I have been able to just veg out all day.

  • Was a guest at a special luncheon and now I can't leave the bathroom. Ug. How am I ever going to make it home on public transportation.
    are you okay now???
    Poor NYC!!  Feel better!  
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Thank you. Well enough to be on TK. I'll go home later.
  • Wednesday has not being going well. 

    We planned on tying twine around our invites. FI went to the post office to weigh them last week and said we could use a 49 cent stamp. Score! Last night, I realized he didn't actually take a completed invite....he threw all the components in the envelope, but didn't tie the twine. With the twine tied, the envelopes have a bump in them. I took it to the post office's actually going to be 70 cents in postage because of the bump. And of course I already bought cute, expensive 49 cent stamps from zazzle, and FI says he doesn't want mismatched stamps on the invites. 

    Also, I'm leaving for my bachelorette party tomorrow. And while I'm excited to see my friends, it now seems like my bridesmaid who planned everything has made plans overly extravagant (I haven't been privy to the specific plans), and a few other bridesmaids have started venting to me about costs. I'm hoping for a drama-less weekend, but at this point, I'm a little nervous.

    Alright, end vent. 
  • kat1114 said:
    Wednesday has not being going well. 

    We planned on tying twine around our invites. FI went to the post office to weigh them last week and said we could use a 49 cent stamp. Score! Last night, I realized he didn't actually take a completed invite....he threw all the components in the envelope, but didn't tie the twine. With the twine tied, the envelopes have a bump in them. I took it to the post office's actually going to be 70 cents in postage because of the bump. And of course I already bought cute, expensive 49 cent stamps from zazzle, and FI says he doesn't want mismatched stamps on the invites. 

    Also, I'm leaving for my bachelorette party tomorrow. And while I'm excited to see my friends, it now seems like my bridesmaid who planned everything has made plans overly extravagant (I haven't been privy to the specific plans), and a few other bridesmaids have started venting to me about costs. I'm hoping for a drama-less weekend, but at this point, I'm a little nervous.

    Alright, end vent. 
    Could you do something to remove the bump? Like, rather than tying the twine maybe you do something with a weave-y thing instead?

    Hopefully the weekend will be a drama-free blast!
    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I actually had a relatively good day. Apparently I did something to get on FMIL's good side because she bought me lunch, helped me finish the seating chart, brought me codeine so I can sleep, and gave me cash for a manicure. Then I came home and took a 4 hour codeine nap.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • It was a good day.  It's over.
    Happiness is an inside job
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