FI and I are getting married in April, and it never occurred to me-until recently- that his job wouldn't give him time off for this event. A little back info: FI's job SUCKS. They have no benefits, except now health insurance because they are forced to, no paid time off, not even sick leave. If FI is ever sick or needs to take a day off, it shows in his check. Also, if he takes off more than a day or so in a row, they get PISSED and have fired people over this before. So when FI told me he may not can take off work for us to go on a honeymoon, my response was "Fuck that place. Either they'll give you time off, or you'll take the time anyway and just find another job when we get back." And I'm dead serious, fuck them.
But FI brought up to me last night the idea of us waiting to take a honeymoon the week of July 4th, because for some strange reason, the whole place shuts down for the week WITH pay. It would be good because he's already got the week off, and we won't suffer from him having taken off without pay.
I'm really okay with this, but kind of a little bummed. I've always had in my head that we would leave our reception to go off on our honeymoon, and now most likely we will leave our reception to come back to our boring little apartment, and the honeymoon won't happen for another 3 months. Is it even a honeymoon at that point? I don't want this to feel like the PPD version of a honeymoon. Is anyone else delaying their honeymoon?