We have several singles coming to our wedding this week, and everyone is excited and emailing and talking about it.... and three separate guests have now asked us whether they will be stuck at an awkward "singles table." What?? This is a thing?? We have of course answered, "No, you're sitting with your friends/family/etc.!" And each of these three people then told us a horror story where they were recently at a wedding where the couple put them at a table with only other single people, none of whom they knew, and it was super awkward. Why would you ever do this to your friends!?
Is the thinking that they will hook up with each other and somehow make a love connection? Is it just that couples are evil and want to make their single friends feel as terrible as possible? Or is it just "I can't deal with odd numbers and still fill every single seat at every single table therefore you all get smooshed together in the back"??
I have never heard of this, or even seen it talked about on TK. But to have three separate people bring it up in the past few weeks totally surprised me! I hate head tables with a passion, but this might actually be worse. Mind --> Blown.