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Irrational Irritations, UOs, Confessions, etc.


Re: Irrational Irritations, UOs, Confessions, etc.

  • @southernpeach-I'm sorry about the emotional roller coaster!

    @CocoBellaF-all the positive health vibes to you!

    @misnkat30-wicking clothes are awesome, regardless of what activity you're doing. You just keep rocking them and not getting sweaty and chafing when you're working out!

    Confession: I learned how to make fudge last week and I had four squares for breakfast.

    Irrational Irritation: All of the people I work with. For some reason we are not communicating well today and everyone and everything is irritating. 

    UO: I don't like Christmas and gift giving. It stresses me out, b/c I never know who is going to give, and feel obligated to reciprocate and it's just frustrating. I know I should be grateful when people think of me (and I am!) but I hate feeling like then I have to get them something too
  • II: I'm getting really annoyed with FI and his family over the holiday schedule. They told us at Thanksgiving that Christmas Eve would be great for our Christmas get-together, and now they're asking about Christmas and the day after Christmas... and now FI is saying he may want to work all day on Christmas Eve too. We scheduled other family Christmas events for the 25th-28th already because we were told Christmas Eve was when we'd be with his family... *sigh* 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @southernpeach89 I am so so so sorry. That must be extremely difficult. I am hoping that the next time you have a positive test it is real! Sending you lots of internet hugs. 

    @CocoBellaF I really hope it is nothing serious too. My mother recently had a similar issue and it did turn out to be benign, but they did have to remove the growth. I am hoping that is all it is for you too (and that it is not cancerous!). Enjoy your trip to San Diego and try not to think about it. Also, there is plenty of awesome craft beer that can count for a meal here if swallowing food is difficult ;)

    II/Confession: I am going BSC right now waiting for BF to ask. I told him that I didn't want him to propose before this wedding on Saturday since we will be seeing many of his family and friends for the first time at this wedding and I thought that would be rude to the bride and groom. But I am worried that if he doesn't do it soon after the wedding, I am going to be annoyed at his timing. I know he wants it to be a surprise and all, but it would be really nice if we could go look at potential venues while we are in the area for 2 weeks, instead of waiting for another 9 months at least (possibly longer). I also don't want to take a trip back specifically to venue hunt, as I feel that vacation time and money could be better spent going toward the wedding itself (like the week of the actual event; we don't lose vacation time at the end of the year, so even if it's in a year and a half or so we would still have that time saved up). I know it's small in the grand scheme of things, but I really don't want an engagement any longer than necessary, and waiting 9-10 months or more just to pick a venue (that normally books up 1.5-2 years in advance; most of the ones in the region that can hold our anticipated amount of guests do) is not something that I want to do. I feel like we can't do anything else until the venue is picked either, and I would want to see the place in person before booking it. I don't necessarily want to book it right after we get engaged, but just seeing the possibilities in person would be nice while we are back. I have told him all of this, so we will see. 

  • @aurorarose41 - are you looking at venues in this area? I've been to a million weddings, so I can give you my impressions of venues if you tell me which ones you're considering! :)


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @lapeanut1018 I had a full size snickers bar for breakfast lol. Fail.

    Irritation, rational or not: my life is busy as heck and I miss you guys!

    Confession: a lot of the older folks at work think of Xmas as a chore but I am so stupidly excited about spending time with my family and friends. Stop complaining guys!

    Rational annoyance: people that talk poorly about their spouses at work. Don't marry em if you don't like em. Duh.

    Ok now I'm going to stalk All of you. Totally rational!
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @TwoDimes - Easily solved, ask the breeder to pick up your sandwiches on her/his way!!  :)

    Confession - I don't remember having anything healthy for dinner last night, I had 2 brownies and an eggnog cupcake - be jealous!

  • @TwoDimes X-Mas irrationally irritates me too EVEN though the Greek Letter X can be synonymous for Christ and it's technically correct...I still pronounce it as ex-mas and I absolutely can't stand it!

  • AuroraRose41AuroraRose41 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2014
    @GoldenPenguin yes! BF and I make more money than most of our family and friends, so it would be easier for us to fly to them and have all of them attend a wedding in the Capital Region than to have them fly out to San Diego. We discussed that together a long time ago (he brought it up), so he is on board with that too. I will PM you. 

    Also thanks for not thinking that I am crazy for wanting to see places while we are in the area! I just can't book something sight unseen, and I don't plan to book anything without finalizing a guest list (which I imagine will take a few months with our families). It would just be nice to be able to have a list ready of places that we actually like and have seen when we are ready to book everything, and not wait months to do so when we are ready to book. 

    ETF: typo and ETA: When I say that we make more money, I meant that as it would not be too hard for us to afford to fly back to everyone, but having a wedding here would be cost prohibitive for many of our loved ones that we would want to have there. Many of our friends and family would not have the means to fly out here to see us get married, so it's easier if we go to them. 

  • @lapeAnut1018 and @twodimes I totally use Xmas all the time if I'm on my phone. You're welcome. But I do say "ex mas".
    I guess, to tell you the truth, I've never had much of a desire to grow facial hair. I think I've managed to play quarterback just fine without a mustache. - Peyton
  • @CocoBellaF‌ I didn't see your post before - that must be so scary for you and your H! Sending up prayers for you, girlie. <3

    @minskat30‌ I share your UO! (I don't have a kitchen to remodel, I mean, but I would totally choose a light color for counter tops. It just makes sense: if you can see the grime you can wipe it up!) Also, eff the haters who don't consider walking and jogging "real" exercise. Working out is hard enough to get into without discouragement from total strangers.

    @bethsmiles‌, thanks, girl. They actually got married in April (and she was ready to leave him by June, but they ended up working it out - not that that's relevant). I totally get that their marriage comes first and that they need to spend time together, but lately it's like if I don't either see her on her lunch break, go to their house while he's at work, or go see his band play on the weekends, we just don't see each other. I'm just getting the vibe that I'm filler until he gets home, not a valued friend, and that's kind of a crappy feeling.

    @MsSparky‌ I completely feel you about Christmas and reciprocating gifts! I am so horrible at picking out good personalized gifts, so I always feel like people don't think I care about them during the holidays. Like, I will write you pages of cards, I will do whatever chores or errands you want done for you, I will spend all day with you if that's what you want - but PLEASE don't make me shop for you!

    II: My preceptor today made me feel like an idiot for wanting to do things by protocol. Not in a mean way, but just kind of dismissive, like doing things properly was totally unnecessary. I get it, you didn't sign up for this gig, but I'm BRAND new and dammit, I want to learn things the right way!

    Confession/most irrational II ever: I'm bored of my Facebook profile picture. Like a lot. I would love to change it, but 1) there are no good recent photos of me to be found in the world, and 2) I haven't even looked cute enough to even take a decent selfie since I started my new job. THE HUMANITY, GUYS. #firstworldproblemstothemax
  • @CLoGreenEyes - BF has a friend like that...well had a friend like that. His best friend was over the other night and we were all talking about how this couple we used to hang out with all.the.time never has time for anyone else since they got married. BF and I haven't seen them in over a year and BF's best friend only sees them because they work at the same company. We used to see them a lot but after they got married they never came to anything we invited to them and we were always the ones extending the invite. It's exhausting to keep up a friendship with people who won't put in any effort.

  • @CocoBellaF‌ I didn't see your post before - that must be so scary for you and your H! Sending up prayers for you, girlie. <3@minskat30‌ I share your UO! (I don't have a kitchen to remodel, I mean, but I would totally choose a light color for counter tops. It just makes sense: if you can see the grime you can wipe it up!) Also, eff the haters who don't consider walking and jogging "real" exercise. Working out is hard enough to get into without discouragement from total strangers. @bethsmiles‌, thanks, girl. They actually got married in April (and she was ready to leave him by June, but they ended up working it out - not that that's relevant). I totally get that their marriage comes first and that they need to spend time together, but lately it's like if I don't either see her on her lunch break, go to their house while he's at work, or go see his band play on the weekends, we just don't see each other. I'm just getting the vibe that I'm filler until he gets home, not a valued friend, and that's kind of a crappy feeling. @MsSparky‌ I completely feel you about Christmas and reciprocating gifts! I am so horrible at picking out good personalized gifts, so I always feel like people don't think I care about them during the holidays. Like, I will write you pages of cards, I will do whatever chores or errands you want done for you, I will spend all day with you if that's what you want - but PLEASE don't make me shop for you! II: My preceptor today made me feel like an idiot for wanting to do things by protocol. Not in a mean way, but just kind of dismissive, like doing things properly was totally unnecessary. I get it, you didn't sign up for this gig, but I'm BRAND new and dammit, I want to learn things the right way! Confession/most irrational II ever: I'm bored of my Facebook profile picture. Like a lot. I would love to change it, but 1) there are no good recent photos of me to be found in the world, and 2) I haven't even looked cute enough to even take a decent selfie since I started my new job. THE HUMANITY, GUYS. #firstworldproblemstothemax
    @CLoGreenEyes I can relate! I want a cute new photo too but I don't like any of the recent ones of me! 

  • @TwoDimes and @LaPeanut1018 - "Xmas" drives me crazy. And it's definitely "ex-mas" when it's written like that. Ugh.

    II - I somehow had a big zit on my chest right under the dip in my collarbone. I feel like it's a big red eye staring at everyone. I've been putting concealer on my chest for like 3 days to hide it. And it hurts!!



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @Imcooper86 - Try putting some hydrocortisone cream on it, sometimes it will at least take down the swelling so it doesn't appear as big.

  • Confession: I'm eating a banana and a giant gingerbread cookie for breakfast. 

    II: This whole healthcare/insurance mess and the surgery itself. I went to the hospital today to have my bloodwork done, and the lady at admissions said that their machines were down yesterday so they don't have any info about my insurance. I mentioned that I paid the doctor the rest of my deductible already, and she was like, "Oh, but you may still owe something if you have co-insurance. We'll let you know sometime today, and payment is due at check in tomorrow." GEE THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP! I don't know if I have co-insurance, so I'm all like, "shiiiiiiit." I just ran in to the HR guy's office, and he said that if I do have to cover any cost of our pocket, the HRA will reimburse me, but I mean, please let me know what I owe ASAP since it's due immediately... and they still can't even tell me what time my surgery starts tomorrow. I'll get another call sometime today about that too. All they can tell me is that it won't be in the morning because my doctor does all of the kids in the morning. Notice, people. I need notice!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @eilis1228 - I find that II EXTREMELY rational. They won't even tell you what time the surgery is? WTF people!

  • eilis1228eilis1228 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2014
    @AlPacina It's super annoying! I get that depending on what happens with the patients scheduled today (or even tomorrow morning), my surgery time may change, but geez Louise, they should be able to give me an estimate for the start time and any other costs I haven't already paid. Apparently a prelim schedule for tomorrow has been made, but the nurses told me they are not allowed to tell me where I am on that schedule because it will likely change. They seemed just as frustrated as I did at least, but UGH. 

    ETA: The hospital just called and said my insurance pays everything in full after I meet the deductible, so I won't owe anything more tomorrow. Now I just need to know when to show up...

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @southernpeach89 - I'm so sorry to hear about your chemical pregnancy. I was positive the month before we actually got pregnant that I was pregnant. I was more than 2 weeks late and even though I hadn't gotten a positive test, i'd convinced myself that I was too regular for there to be any other reason. It is so hard to change your mindset once you get excited. I can only imagine how much more difficult it is when you actually see multiple positive tests. Hopefully you'll have our good fortune and have a bun in the oven very soon!

    @Peaseblossom55 - You are not alone in the whole TTC is tough department. I was a wreck when I went off BC...I think H was beginning to wonder where his wife went! It took me about 3 months before I started feeling normal again.

    @CocoBellaF - I'm so sorry about your medical scare. I completely understand putting on a brave face for your hubby. It is hard to feel like you're trying to support the 1 person who's supposed to be supporting you though. Lean on us, lean on family or friends. Tell at least one person just to get it out. You can't keep all that anxiety inside. The fact that you've been taking care of your body all these years will only help you get through this!

  • @allusive007 thank you! It's more of the stress of charting and trying to figure out what my body is doing right now.  Otherwise luckily I haven't been too emotional, but H may disagree..... :-)


  • @allusive007 -Aw thank you. I think that was the worst part was knowing that the positive test was going to become negative in a couple days and it was so sad to think about that. I'm hoping that we will have a bun in the oven soon. We still have plenty of time left for trying, I'm just praying that this won't happen again.
  • @allusive007 - thanks.  I got my appointment moved up, so I'm glad for that.  I would like to talk about it with people (it's less scary if you can talk about it with people), but I think it must scare them because they'll either change the subject or tell me to just not worry.  and I'm not "worrying" about it, but it's there and I feel it and sometimes it is hard to swallow or breathe (especially if I'm laying down), and I just feel like it's a burden to everyone else so I should just deal with it myself.  and like I said, I'm still holding out that it's just hypothyroidism, but of course the doctors aren't terribly optimistic about that.  what is their deal anyway, I still need an MRI and more bloodwork and a fine needle aspirate, so they should just be hopeful with me!!
  • @CocoBellaF, it sucks that your doctors aren't showing a lot of optimism. I guess they don't want to create false hope, but hope ITSELF is still so important, especially when no one knows quite yet what is going on. I second @allusive007: talk to us! There will be no changing the subject or telling you not to worry; just lots of support and internet hugs. Whatever it is, we're here for you!

    @bethsmiles, that really stinks about your BF's former friend. I can identify with the one-sidedness and I feel for you guys. =/

    When I got together with my friend today, she spent most of our lunch talking about the issues she and her H were having earlier this year and how she still doesn't feel like they're back to normal, even though she keeps saying they're doing great and he's never been better with her. I'm just so at a loss of what to say. She keeps telling me she doesn't trust him entirely, is still mad about things, etc., but then is like, "But he's so wonderful and I don't want to stir things up right now." I just have no idea what to tell her since we have been having the same conversation for months and she doesn't want to take my advice (talk to him about how you feel, keep a journal, go to marriage or individual counseling). So frustrating! I know I probably did the same thing to her last year for a little while, but I feel like a therapist, not a friend.

  • @southernpeach89 I'm super late, but I just read this and want to add my voice to the echos. We love you so much, and I'm so sorry this happened to you. I had a chemical pregnancy about in October of 2011 that happened just about the same way you describe. And then in 2012 we lost our angel baby at 8 weeks. It was one of the darkest times in my life. One of the reasons I'm still here today is largely in part to many of the women here. They (and FI) pulled me through it to the other side. I don't know how I would have survived without them. 
    Sending you so much love, sweetie. If you ever want to scream, cry, hold virtual hands...I'm here.
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @beanbot2002 I'm so sorry to hear about your losses. It really is such a difficult thing to get through and I still find myself getting nervous about getting pregnant again in fear of that happening again. Having you ladies here and DH and my family, it really helps cheer me up so much. I appreciate all your support and encouragement, y'all make me so happy! Thank you for all the love! It really does help more than you realize.
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