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Hey you pregnant people

@southernbelle0915 @jdluvr06 @smiledamnit (others?) Also those currently TTC

Are you finding out the sex and are you going to share it with us? Do you have anything in mind for nursery schemes/ colors/ designs?

My brother had said they were not finding out but they changed their mind and it's a girl- fun! They currently have an 11 month old girl so that works out well with hand me downs! I hope to not find out when/ if it happens to me.




Re: Hey you pregnant people

  • @sbmini That is so cute!! Right when we got back from Tokyo, I saw a painting in Home Goods that was a young girl with an umbrella in the middle of Tokyo and it had all these cool things around her like the Tokyo Tower and words of neighborhoods. I was so in love with it and really wanted to buy it for a future child but it was way too soon so I didn't. But I would love to do a travel type theme.



  • I'm having a boy. Here is a picture of the nursery, which is currently decorated for a little girl (we just bought our house in October). We will be painting it. Grey with a green chevron border. I think I've decided against a dedicated theme, though I was thinking space for awhile.
  • I haven't figured out a nursery theme yet.  But we find out what we're having on February 17th.  I can't wait!  I feel like I'll be able to decide a theme and pick a name much easier once we know.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • I want to find out, but plan a gender neutral nursery and not tell anyone the sex until after the shower (family is already talking about a baby shower and I'm not even pregnant - I'm not just assuming I'm entitled to a shower) so we get gender neutral gifts, since we'd like to have multiple kids. I think it would be fun to do a surprise gender reveal at the shower, actually - not a giant AW second party grabbing for more gifts, but just to the people who are already there "hey BTW guess what! It's a ______." We'll see though. I might not be able to keep the secret that long, but I really want to know and really DON'T want to get gobs of teeny baby dresses that I might not be able to use again.

    I wouldn't share the name until baby is born.
    Totally this!  Because everyone has an opinion and knows someone with that name that they didn't like, was a slut etc etc.
    Pregnancy Ticker
  • loveislouderloveislouder member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary First Answer
    edited January 2015
    My parents didn't find out with me and my older sister, but my younger sister they did beacuse they really wanted a boy. Then SURPRISE: My brother came along.

    Sidenote: Was it on here that someone didn't want to know the gender of their baby, but their mother was insistent and bribed the ultrasound technician and ended up telling everyone the gender?
  • No one has hated on our name so far. But really, who hates the name William?
  • My parents didn't find out with me and my older sister, but my younger sister they did beacuse they really wanted a boy. Then SURPRISE: My brother came along.

    Sidenote: Was it on here that someone didn't want to know the gender of their baby, but their mother was insistent and bribed the ultrasound technician and ended up telling everyone the gender?
    FYI - sex, not gender. ;-) We're PC here on CC.

  • l9il9i member
    Third Anniversary 100 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    So we are not TTC but have talked about when we are (within the year maybe) that we won't find out the sex and then obviously not share names.  I agree with lolo that I'd want to plan for gender neutral anyways so that if we have multiple kids I'm not having to re do EVERYTHING because I only got pink everything the first time around.
  • We did not want to know our first, and the technician and doctor did not say though the tech said she would never understand people who don't want to know. Then 5 minutes later miss airhead says, you must be so excited it is a girl... I was pleased to find out they fired the tech for doing that. The doctor was right there and close to as angry as we were.

    This time it is twins and we don't know, but will within 2 weeks. Sooner would be nice, I think I have worn a track to the bathroom in the floor and I am sick of it.
  • We don't plan on finding out the sex. H is starting to waffle on that though, so we might have to talk about it some more. We have time though. I'm still pretty determined not to find out. 

    We've alreay had a few not a so serious talks about names. We can't agree on anything. Anyway we don't want to tell anyone the names we have picked out  when we actually pick them. Lol. It's not that we are worried about being judged but telling everyone ahead of time kind of takes the fun out of it a bit. 

    I have so many nursery ideas. I'll probably end up doings something that looks nice but has no real theme. 
  • Blergbot said:
    No one has hated on our name so far. But really, who hates the name William?
    Oddly, my BIL does.  But it's his first name (he goes by his middle name).  So he hates being called "William".  
  • I love this thread. Last night FI asked me what lullabies I'd want to sing to our kids and I just about melted.

    We probably won't start TTC until at least a year. We want to get married, and hopefully move and get settled first.

    I think I'd want to know the sex, and pick a name, but maybe not tell anyone. But that makes me a huge hypocrite because FI's sister wouldn't tell us a name (then randomly changed her mind a few months later) and I thought that was a little annoying.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • I am such a blabbermouth. I will be that one calling all my friends to let them know when I'm like 2 weeks pregant. No way I could wait until second trimester. So I don't think I could keep the sex or name a secret.

    @lolo883 I feel dumb but there is different between sex & gender? I thought it was the same thing



  • jenna8984 said:

    I am such a blabbermouth. I will be that one calling all my friends to let them know when I'm like 2 weeks pregant. No way I could wait until second trimester. So I don't think I could keep the sex or name a secret.

    @lolo883 I feel dumb but there is different between sex & gender? I thought it was the same thing

    Sex is biological, gender is a social construct!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • H and I just had this talk after going to my sister's gender reveal party this weekend for her baby (yes, I know it's PC to say sex instead of gender .... they just called it gender reveal because I think that would have gotten a bit scandalous on the invitations).  We'd like to not know (especially after seeing what a fuss was made this weekend), but I don't think I'd have the stamina to not know for 9 months.

    I have heard that if you don't know the sex (or nobody knows), then people are more likely to buy more practical stuff for shower gifts.  There's that, too.
  • To me, sex is indicative of reproductive organs. Gender is how you identify yourself. 
  • H and I won't start TTC for at least a year. Whenever we do, he wants to know the sex, I don't. I'm sure we will end up finding out though so we can decorate accordingly.

  •  @whatawagsbny Twins?! Do they run in your family? Congrats- you are so close!



  • @flutteringinftmyers‌ Will you explain gender/sex further, pls?
  • I want to find out, but plan a gender neutral nursery and not tell anyone the sex until after the shower (family is already talking about a baby shower and I'm not even pregnant - I'm not just assuming I'm entitled to a shower) so we get gender neutral gifts, since we'd like to have multiple kids. I think it would be fun to do a surprise gender reveal at the shower, actually - not a giant AW second party grabbing for more gifts, but just to the people who are already there "hey BTW guess what! It's a ______." We'll see though. I might not be able to keep the secret that long, but I really want to know and really DON'T want to get gobs of teeny baby dresses that I might not be able to use again.

    I wouldn't share the name until baby is born.
    Are we the same person? This is exactly what I want to do as well.

  • @flutteringinftmyers‌ Will you explain gender/sex further, pls?
    My best understanding is that sex is what you are born with, whereas gender is more how you identify yourself, and this is not limited to simply "male" or "female."
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • l9il9i member
    Third Anniversary 100 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper

    It will be fun to see how it plays out.  I hate to not be in the know, but if I want something to be a surprise I can also be pretty determined.  DH said he'd want to know but after telling him why I wouldn't he's on board.  I've thought about finding out but just not sharing, but I couldn't do that, I'd blab.  I'll remove the temptation to share but not knowing.  At least that's my plan.

  • jenna8984 said:
     @whatawagsbny Twins?! Do they run in your family? Congrats- you are so close!

    Fun fact. Twins arent a genetic thing. The reason some people think this is because there is actually a medical condition where women "hyper ovulate" or release more than one egg in a cycle. And that medical condition can be genetic and can give women a high chance of twins.
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • My parents didn't find out with me and my older sister, but my younger sister they did beacuse they really wanted a boy. Then SURPRISE: My brother came along.

    Sidenote: Was it on here that someone didn't want to know the gender of their baby, but their mother was insistent and bribed the ultrasound technician and ended up telling everyone the gender?
    FYI - sex, not gender. ;-) We're PC here on CC.
    Eek. Didn't even think about it, honestly. Sorry people.
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