Not Engaged Yet

No Cancer Tuesday


I got my stitches out yesterday, and my pathology report - benign!  There were some atypical cells and abnormalities, but we'll just watch those (got away with just a partial thyroidectomy!) and my next scan is in 6 months.


How is everyone else today?  I am working from home this week until I'm allowed to drive.  Beautiful weather, I think I'll have H take me on a slow walk around the neighborhood when he gets home.

Re: No Cancer Tuesday

  • I am so relieved to hear your happy news @CocoBellaF! I can only imagine how great it feels to you and your H. Must be a HUGE weight off your shoulders. Hopefully having that stress removed will help speed up your recovery too. You are an amazing and sweet person, I can't think of anyone better to get this kind of news this week!!!
  • YAHOO!!! Oh I'm so glad to hear that @cocobellaf!!!!

    party animated GIF

    I'm tired, but that's not unusual. FI let me buy more tile last night (he hates it when I get partially invested in a hobby and it spreads EVERYWHERE, but even he had to admit this time I at least picked a cheap one), so I made a couple more coasters. Today I will do some review and keep working on my orals.
  • Congratulations on being cancer free @cocobellaf !!!!!


    My divorce/settlement check FINALLY cleared, so I just bought the two accent chairs and barstools that have been sitting in my target cart for over a week. I also paid off both of my credit cards and was able to put a nice chunk of change in my savings account! I know they say money doesn't buy happiness, but I feel so much better being able to pay off all that debt!

    Tuesdays are pretty slow at work, so hopefully I will be pulled from the phones today to proess paperwork. I work as a back up right now, and they just opened a full-time position yesterday that I applied for. My interview is tomorrow. I'll have to work the late shift, but the position comes with a promotion and a raise so it's not that big of a deal.

    I will probably do a lot of online shopping today, which makes me happy. BF and I have been in the apartment since December and have barely done any decorating, aside from what we got at Ikea last weekend.

  • @southernpeach89 - I saw that post, and I think you're right... she doesn't get it!  Sounds like she has some really traditional ideas about weddings (my mom would think/say things like that, and it made me want to pull my hair out!)  I hope it all works out for you guys and she gets her head on straight.

    @KeptInStitches - Any photos to AW your coaster crafts?  It sounds interesting.  I need some coasters!

    @allusive007 - Thank you! :)
  • @cocobellaFimage I'm excited for you!! Go celebrate!! That is the best news ever!!

    Helped work on the house last night. There's so much dust from the drywall and other construction that I am going to be spending the next few days cleaning so that we can start painting. 

    Since the house was empty for so many years the bathtub that was once white is now a grey color.  No matter how much I clean it, the color doesn't change. I found this enamel paint that refinishes bathtubs and sinks, so going to try it on the tub. (Click)  Anyone ever hear of or use this before?

  • Since the house was empty for so many years the bathtub that was once white is now a grey color.  No matter how much I clean it, the color doesn't change. I found this enamel paint that refinishes bathtubs and sinks, so going to try it on the tub. (Click)  Anyone ever hear of or use this before?

    I personally have never used it, but my exH's aunt and uncle were house flippers and they used it all the time.
  • @speakeasy - Are you thinking of going with white or another color?  It's worth a try!  I wonder what they use on the HGTV shows, maybe it's that.
  • @CocoBellaF - Such great news!!!!

    Post and run!
    Yesterday was a WEIRD day.

    It started off with my mom asking me about a dog whose owner was on a forum I was on - both his dog and my dog had the same form of cancer (the forum was basically for owners of pets who had cancer).  My mom read through the forum while we were going through everything and she kept up with that dog and couldn't think of his name.  So I went through the forum looking for who it was (I couldn't remember) until I found him and it just made me a little sad.

    One of my friends was texting me all day.  She has MS and was having a relapse and didn't want to go to the hospital.  FINALLY I convinced her to go.  When she got there she got all mad at how long she had to wait and just wanted to go home... so I had to talk her into staying a couple of times.  Thankfully they're able to do everything out-patient and she didn't need to stay.

    After I got home from work, I got a frantic call from H - he was stuck in an elevator!  He tried calling all the garage numbers, nobody was answering, he didn't want to call 911, so finally we found the number of the building the garage is attached to and partners with - they sent security who then had to call the Fire Department to get him out - he was stuck in there for about 45 minutes.

    When he got home, we ended up going to dinner - his work was bothering him all throughout his elevator experience and dinner.

    I went to feed my guinea pig before bed time, and between dinner and bedtime he had passed away - he was pretty old for a guinea pig and for the past few months his fur had lost its luster and he wasn't getting around as much... basically he stayed in his "happy hut" and would drag his food bowl in there with him for the past few months.  Poor little dude; may he rest in peace.  He and I never 'connected' - he always bit me (and everybody else) and just didn't like to be handled.

    That was my weird day.  Hopefully today is better!

  • I'm so sorry about your guinea pig, @Dignity100!!
  • @cocobellaF Yay!! I'm so happy for you!!!

    I am exhausted today and I'm not even sure why.  I have so much to do at home and am just tying up a few loose ends at work.  I'd rather be home getting that stuff done though. 


  • @CocoBellaF - I am so happy to hear this!!! That's fantastic news, lots of prayers that things keep staying clear :)

    @southernpeach89 - Good on you for telling her how you felt...but I think you're right, I don't think she gets that what she did was rude and wrong. Your pregnancy and due date a month before her wedding poses absolutely no "risk" to her wedding. Actual risks would include the groom realizing that his fiancée is an awful friend and not wanting to marry her, or you sending @labro in her own wedding dress to cause a ruckus ;)

    @Dignity100 - Aw, I'm sorry about your guinea pig. Losing a pet is always tough. Hugs!


    I have been exhausted for days. I don't really know why. I'm over it though, that's for sure.

    FI and I went to the Leafs game last night, and they were good boys and lost! Keep on losing! We're in 4th last place right now, so every loss gets us closer to a better draft pick. Went to overtime though, and all I wanted to do was go home and go to bed!

    Nothing super exciting today. Lots of files to deal with at work and very little motivation to actually deal with them. And we've got a team project meeting this afternoon, so I'm going to lose about a quarter of my day to that. Boooo.

    Tonight I have a few WR things to look into, and hopefully the finale of The Bachelor will be up on demand so I can watch it. That's how much I love my FI, I went to a hockey game with him instead of watching the finale of my guilty pleasure show. Love I tell you.



    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • @Southernpeach89 - At least you were able to talk to her a little.  I don't have kids and I know if I had a BM that was going to have a baby before my wedding, I know I'd feel bad if she went out and purchased a BM dress and wasn't able to be in the wedding - but I'd understand that it was HER choice and BMs really don't have THAT much responsibility other than stand next to the bride.  I'm not sure if that makes sense, the friend should have not kicked you out but should have been more along the lines of 'I really want you next to me, but at any point if you don't think you'll be able to do it, just let me know'.

    @Speakeasy14 - I've never heard of that refinishing stuff - hope it's easy to use and works!

    @TwoDimes - Maybe try to step away from all the wedding talk with your FMIL for a little bit?  It's a tough call!

    @CocoBellaF , @TwoDimes , @Imcooper86 - Thanks

  • @Dignity100 -Yes that's kind of the response I was looking from her but that was never said.

    I'm sorry about your guinea pig : ( We had guinea pigs growing up and they are the funniest cutest little things.
  • @cocobellaf, none from last night's attempts, but I posted a pic yesterday (link).

    @southernpeach89, at least you got to talk to your friend. I agree with PP, she really doesn't understand what she did wrong.

    @dignity100, I'm sorry about your guinea pig.
  • @KeptInStitches - I love those!!!  Put that on my DIY list!
  • @CocoBellaF - That is fantastic news!

    @Southernpeach89 - I totally missed your post about your friend yesterday! I'm so sorry she kicked you out, that's such a horrible thing to do! I'm glad you got a chance to confront her about it though, even if she didn't get it at least you got to say your piece. 


    I've been feeling very out of sorts the past couple of days. I just feel depressed when I wake up and then crappy through the morning but I start to feel better in the afternoons. I feel like it's going to be a very long week!

    My mom nagged me more about getting married yesterday. I'm about ready to just cut off contact with her for a few weeks because she's driving me up the wall!

    On a positive note - my thesis defense meeting is scheduled for Wednesday!! This is the last big thing before I can finally be done with this damn project!

  • @CocoBellaF - I'm so SO glad to hear this news!  I've been thinking about you.

    @Dignity100 - I'm sorry to hear about your guinea pig.  :(

    @Southernpeach89 - Good for you for standing up to her.

    @TwoDimes - It sucks not having people you want on board with your ideas on board.  I'd just back away from wedding talk with her for a while.

    @lmcooper86 - That is love, man!  I made H watch the Bachelor with me last night.  ;)


    I had the worst headache yesterday due to construction at my work.  Seriously, my office was shaking from the drilling and they are back at it again today.  Yeah! Going to be another day with a headache I guess.  At least I got my workout in this morning.  Last night I couldn't work out with my head feeling split in two.

    Last night H and I went to visit my aunt and her partner who are getting married in May.  They want me to sing two songs at their wedding.  Guys, I haven't sung for years (I used to sing opera/classical).  I'm so nervous now...time to take some lessons again.  And the wedding is going to be like 150-200 people.  Yikes.

  • @cocobellaf So happy for you!! What a weight off your shoulders, I can't imagine being in that situation.

    @diginity100 what a crappy day. I would have had a panic attack if I was your H. Sorry to hear about your guinea pig :(

    @twodimes I'd be so done with your FMIL, she seems like she's being really annoying about all this wedding stuff.

    @southernpeach89 you're friend is still a douche, she just doesn't get it. at least you feel like you got to say what you needed to say though.

  • @CocoBellaF YAYAYAYAYAY!!!!
    @Dignity100 Aw, I'm sorry about your guinea pig. *hugs*
    @minskat30 You're going to do so well at the wedding! 
    @lmcooper86 Aw, your ticker says "1 month" now. I mean, with the weeks it's more like 2 months, but still exciting!!!
    @bethsmiles Good luck on Wednesday!
    @TwoDimes I'm glad you talked to your FMIL, even though it didn't go very well. 
    My stomach rebelled all day yesterday, so I spent last night laying on the couch watching Friends. Around 5pm my stomach stabilized enough for me to eat a sandwich, but I had acid reflux the rest of the night. My body really can't handle junk food and alcohol... but the silver lining is that I didn't gain weight from the weekend's hijinks thanks to the mass exodus from my stomach yesterday. It's the little things in life lol.

    This morning was ridiculously frustrating. I was down to fumes in my gas tank, so I stopped at my normal gas station to fill up. The first pump was all set, but nothing came out of the pump. Hmm, weird. I cancelled the transaction and tried another pump-- same thing. OK, not cool. They should mark everything as out of order. Grrr. I went across the street to another gas station, and the card I'd been using was dinged for fraud. Awesome. I finally got to pump gas on the 4th attempt when I used a different card. Geez Louise. 

    Tonight I need to go to the grocery store, restart PiYo, and make FI a yummy dinner. I think I'm going to do Shake N Bake chicken, mashed potatoes, and a broiled mix of veggies. Om nom nom.  What's everyone else cooking?

    Oh, also! FI and I have been researching stuff to register for... everyone and their mom recommends a dutch oven. What say NEY?

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @eilis1228 - I have a dutch oven, I only use it for camping though and I don't know anyone who just uses it at home. If you don't think you will ever use it, I don't see the point in registering for it.

  • @bethsmiles I've never used one before, but I've only recently (as in the past three years or so) really started learning to cook. I didn't even know how to brown meat until halfway through college lol. I'd like to register for a lot of kitchen gadgets/appliances to help broaden my cooking skills, so I figured I'd ask everyone here how useful dutch ovens are to them.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @eilis1228 - Oh, ok. Well, like I said I only use mine when I go camping. At home I can make anything just as easily without it but maybe I'm just not cooking the right kind of food!

  • Yay for no cancer @cocobellaf!!!!! You must be so happy...definitely rest up this week.

    I feel like I have finally overcome my foggy feeling from daylight savings time. I went to bed so late on Sunday, leaving me so tired yesterday. I went to bed around 8:30 yesterday. 

    FI got home very late last night. It's a long story, but FI was getting his truck towed from a "repair" shop. His cousin is a "mechanic" and offered to repair his truck in January. So, we dropped it off then and very little work has been completed on it- even when we begged him to finish it. He basically held the truck for the last two months. FI has gone to the shop everyday after work to see if his cousin is there. Cousin avoided him everyday and broke his phone, so we could not contact him. I hate to say it about my new family- but he's a piece of shit and I just don't need any more people like that in my life. FI finally lost it over the weekend and wants to be done with it. He waited for 4 hours last night for his cousin to show up at the shop. He got into an argument with his cousin and then called AAA to get it towed out. Now we are back at square one- getting the truck repaired at my mechanic. 

    I'm so glad it is over, but FI is so mad that he doesn't want his cousin to come to the wedding at all. He thinks we'll waste money on him because he probably won't show. I hate unreliable people. Seriously.

    Today I plan on just getting through the school day- it's my prep right now. No plans after school besides picking up some toothpaste, so I'll just relax on the couch tonight and forget about all of the issues!
  • @500days - What a nightmare to deal with! I wouldn't cause more drama with the cousin though. There will always be rude people who RSVP yes and don't show. But it's probably not worth any potential additional drama just to try to pick who those people might be and not invite them.

  • @eilis1228, I registered for a Dutch oven and it's one of the things I'm most looking forward to using. A lot of my family's recipes call for one, and it can also be used for just a really big pot, which is super-handy.
  • @cocobellaF WOOOOOOOOOOO! I'm so glad to hear that! 

    @southernpeach89 I think it's great you told her how you felt. Some people go a little bonkers around weddings and just don't know the proper etiquette around it all. It's good you tried to explain it to her, but if she doesn't get it.. well. Whatever! 

    @dignity100 I'm sorry you had a weird day! I've had a lot of those these days too... no fun! 

    I have an appointment with a new obgyn next week... so I spent time yesterday and this morning trying to get my medical records sent over to them. So many phone calls, and waiting on hold, and voicemails, and being given no information at all!  Finally found the form I needed online myself, and then this morning got patched through to a person today who gave me the email and fax number to send the release form. And she said I didn't have to put my SS number on there, which was causing me the most stress. Phew. I hate that places always stick that on forms even when they don't need it! I have a hard time figuring out when places really DO need it! 

    Speaking of personal information... I also got fingerprinted so I can start substitute teaching soon. That was fun. No ink! Just a fancy machine. I'm nervous about subbing-- I don't think you can really do much to prepare, and it's a lot of *NEW* thrown at you at once.  They still have to finish my background check. I have a facial on Weds. Not sure how i'll react to that. So I probalby won't start this week. And I'm going to visit my parents Monday/ Tuesday-Wednesday next week while my brother is home from college on break. And then Thursday is the Obgyn appointment. So, realistically, I'm probably not going to get started for at least two weeks. Anyone have suggestions of fun work sheets/ puzzles I can start stockpiling for my "emergency the teacher didn't leave enough for me to do with them!" bag? Or any advice in general? 

    Finally... I decided yesterday that I need to really focus on trying to be more positive. I've been so anxious and stressed about the future, I haven't been enjoying my time with FI, or been able to be very excited about the wedding...and I'm stressing him out. And that's just not right or helpful. Anyone have any good coping methods? Or books/ blogs? 

    Look at me asking for tons of advice today!
  • @eilis1228 - I LOVE my dutch oven. I have a Le Creuset and I make most of my meals in it.  H actually bought it for me for a birthday present...risky thing to buy a lady cooking tools for her birthday but H's knows me well.  :)
  • @eillis1228 - I love my dutch oven! I think it's a rachel ray or food network one. It was a gift given to me by a coworker.. she got it at kohls. its lime green and very sturdy and i use it at least three times a month!
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