First I want to say that I know it's not expected of anyone to throw me a shower and that's fine. Kind of a bummer though I mean I feel like there are a bunch of people who I helped throw showers for or will when they get engaged and I guess no one feels the same about me but hey that's life I guess. The real reason I'm feeling so bummed is I just talked to my mom who asked if my MOH is throwing me one and I know the answer is no. Honestly I picked the wrong person to be MOH but now it's done and all she needs to do is show up so that's fine. We were best friends but since we both moved it's been hard and I've tried very hard to keep in touch and see her and none of that has been reciprocated. I thought asking her to be MOH would help her realize how much I care about her but clearly it hasn't as she doesn't respond to texts or calls for weeks if she does at all... I had asked if she was free this summer so I could see her again before the wedding and all she said was no. I'm not going to kick her out I want the opposite to be closer. I just don't understand why she would even say yes when she clearly doesn't care about me the way I care about her. So I'm not really asking for advice just kind of feeling depressed today and wanted to vent.