Love hearing about everyone's weekend plans, even if it's, "I plan to sit around in my pajamas, eat chips, and watch Netflix."
Today after work, going to go to Target or something and pick up some thank you cards (as I said in my post yesterday on the E board, wedding presents are already coming in, and thanks to those of you who pointed out the obvious during my "doi" moment) and some Starbucks, then going home to pack.
After FI gets home, we'll drive up to Disney for the weekend. Some of my family are in town, so we're going to do the parks with them on Saturday, then Sunday we'll have a nice lunch somewhere on property and head home.
Any cool news from the week as well? I finally got myself over to the running store and got a long overdue new pair of sneakers. Ran in them for the first time this morning, and I have to say, duh, major improvement.
Also, since we're going out of town and have someone coming over to walk our pooch, I cleaned up the front half of the apartment. I hate cleaning, but it always feels great after. So that was nice.