Chit Chat

How often do you wash your...

Grout (as in tile grout)
Window screens 
Wood furniture
Washer & dryer
Bed pillows 
Sink & drain

I was just going through some old files and found THIS  article about how often you should wash things and why. I remember being really surprised when I originally read it because I was washing some stuff way too often, and some stuff not nearly often enough, and some stuff not at all (for example, I had no idea you needed to do the inside of a dishwasher). Even now, I definitely don't do everything the list says. Whoops. 

And since hair is on the list, I'll mention that I've been trying the every-other-day thing thanks to Southernbelle's thread about shampoo and what several knotties said about how not washing your hair every day is so much better for it. So far so good. I use baby powder if it looks a little oily on day two but it hasn't been as bad as I thought. Someone linked to a blog post in that thread that said if you can make it 6 weeks, by then your scalp's oil production will have adjusted and you'll be good to go. I'm determined to do this! 

Re: How often do you wash your...

  • I have a feeling that this post will show how much of a disgusting person I am...

    Sheets Every few weeks to once a month
    Cars Every two months or when it looks especially dirty
    Dogs No dogs yet
    Jeans After a few wears
    Bras Oh God, maybe once a month (I know, I warned you this wouldn't be good...)
    Face Everyday - my face gets really irritated if I leave makeup on overnight
    Hair Every 2-3 days
    Grout (as in tile grout) We clean the showers and our tile floors about once a month, but I usually don't pay much attention to the tile floor grout
    Window screens Well, we've only been in our house about 3 months, but I have a feeling this will be a 1-2x year thing
    Mattress Umm....never???
    Windows Every 3-4 months
    Oven When it needs it
    Carpet Vacuum once a month (no pets or kids) and shampoo maybe once a year, if that?
    Wood furniture Dust once a month
    Purse Actually mine stays pretty clean!
    Dishwasher Another once a month item...
    Washer & dryer I have a front-loader and use vinegar every few weeks with a load of towels
    Bed pillows Yikes, never! We just wash pillow cases until it's time to buy a new pillow
    Computers Dust when I dust the wood furniture
    Sink & drain We keep the sink pretty clean and I'll use disposal cleaner every 2-3 months

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • This looks like a nice time suck.. I have a feeling it will make me look like a dirty monster!

    Sheets - Once a week
    Cars - When I road trip (longest between is usually a month)
    Dogs - When she rolls in poop or something dead (once every couple months)
    Jeans - After wearing them twice unless it was a hot/sweaty day then every time 
    Bras - Don't wear them
    Face - Daily
    Hair  - Daily (this crazy will not do anything if I don't)
    Grout (as in tile grout) - Once a month
    Window screens - We just bought them.. so I don't know yet
    Mattress - Um.. Never?
    Windows - Twice a year outside when I pay someone, once a month inside or when needed
    Oven - When it needs it
    Carpet - Twice a year when I hire someone to do it, spring and fall
    Wood furniture - Once a month
    Purse - Randomly when the receipts start falling out?
    Dishwasher - Hm.. never
    Washer & dryer - Should probably start doing this one too
    Bed pillows - I am gross.. never?
    Computers - dust every time I clean the office, about once a week
    Sink & drain - daily, sinks and dirty food particles gross me out

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Just realized I didn't even answer my own questions. 

    Sheets: about once a month I guess?  
    Cars: not often enough
    Dogs: the beagle gets a bath fairly often cuz she loves to roll around in nastiness. The big dog maybe twice a year? 
    Jeans: about every 3 or 4 wears (used to wash them after every wear till I read this article) 
    Bras: same as jeans; about every 3 or 4 wears (used to wash them after every wear too) 
    Face: every day
    Hair: now every other day 
    Grout (as in tile grout): we don't have any. We live in a crappy rental house with cheap linoleum 
    Window screens: pretty much never 
    Mattress: once in two years, and only cuz the dog jumped on it with muddy paws while I was trying to change the sheets 
    Windows: pretty much never 
    Oven: I just flip on the self-cleaning thing every six months or so
    Carpet: we just vacuum and spot clean. Hasn't been steam-cleaned yet.  
    Wood furniture: I dust it every so often
    Purse: never
    Dishwasher: maybe twice a year? 
    Washer & dryer: apparently every 3 weeks
    Bed pillows: never
    Computers: every month or so (with disinfectant) 
    Sink & drain: not often enough 
  • @lovemesomemonster, you're doing waaaaaaaaaay better than I am. 
  • Sheets     Every other week
    Cars When it needs or when we have time.  In the winter it's farily often due to the road salt.  Summer time less often, most due to time and lack of a need (IMO)
    Dogs Once a quarter or more depending on activity
    Jeans  Once a month
    Bras every other week or so.
    Face I wash my face when I shower.  I just use regular Ivory soap. 
    Hair  Every other day.  Although there are times where it's everyday if I'm going out
    Grout (as in tile grout)   - every weekend (we do only have grout on the bathroom floors
    Window screens  Every spring
    Mattress Never.  We have a mattress pad that gets washed once a month
    Windows  Spring.  Although it's hard because we live in a 3 story condo that we rent.  We can not get to most windows because we do not have a ladder.  They are casement windows so we can get the inside, but not the outside.
    Oven Rarely, to be fair we do not use the big oven often.  The toaster oven I clean whenever I think I need it. 
    Carpet  Vacuum weekly.  We have a steam cleaner.  We do spot cleaning for heavy traffic areas once a quarter or more based on need.  Big full house once a year.
    Wood furniture  Dust weekly. Twice a year I do a full wipe down with a damp rag when I do "spring" cleaning.  That is when I do all the baseboard, doors, etc.
    Purse never.  But I do not carry a purse every often. Normally it's just a wristlet
    Dishwasher Never.   We do not use the dishwasher anyway
    Washer & dryer never
    Bed pillows  never
    Computers  rarely. I have a keyboard cover so I just shake that out from time to time.  I clean the screen when I think about it.
    Sink & drain I use a disposal pod thing about once a month.  I hand wash all my dishes.  After the dinner dishes I normally just wipe down the sink and around the sink at that time.

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • Uh oh. This is a thread to kick me into gear. My apartment needs cleaning sooooo badly (we've been back from our honeymoon for 2 weeks and I haven't cleaned anything since a couple weeks before our wedding.

    novella1186 said:
    Sheets - every 2-4 weeks, usually closer to 2 weeks (but not always)
    Cars - um, twice a year?
    Dogs - N/A
    Jeans - every 3-4 wears
    Bras - every 2-3 wears, more often in summer, less in winter
    Face - daily
    Hair - every 1-2 days
    Grout (as in tile grout) - unless you count using shower spray, probably once a year
    Window screens - never
    Mattress - never
    Windows - never (we're on the 3rd floor!)
    Oven - whenever I spill something gooey inside, mostly so I don't set off the smoke detector
    Carpet - N/A (we have hardwood floors)
    Wood furniture - huh? I don't wash my furniture. I guess the kitchen table gets wiped down every couple days, that's it.
    Purse - never
    Dishwasher - never
    Washer & dryer - never
    Bed pillows - never
    Computers - never
    Sink & drain - daily (when washing dishes)

  • Sheets-When I think about it/when there's something gross on them. 
    Cars-Mine, after a nasty dust storm or when I think of it. Wifey does her's weekly.
    Dogs-Don't have any.
    Jeans-Maybe once a week? I dunno I just grab the hamper and wash.
    Bras-Same  as above.
    Face-at least once a day, sometimes twice....or more in the summer. It's fucking hot here.
    Hair-Daily for the most part. Looks like an oil slick otherwise.
    Grout (as in tile grout)-Haha no. 
    Window screens-What the fuck? You wash these? Fuck that shit.
    Mattress-Fuck no. 
    Windows-I think I windexed our sliding door once.
    Oven-If you never use it, you never have to clean it.
    Carpet-Like...with a vaccum? I dunno every 2-3 months.
    Wood furniture-When it gets dusty.
    Purse-When I can't find shit
    Dishwasher-This is self cleaning
    Washer & dryer-Also self cleaning
    Bed pillows-uh...never? 
    Computers-when it gets dirty/I have to sit on hold
    Sink & drain-when I clean the kitchen (once a week-ish)

    For real people sit around cleaning all this shit all the time? I have fucking shit to do. Work. Drink. Fuck my wife. Drink some more. Talk to people on the internet. I'm a busy bitch.
  • @lovemesomemonster why don't you wear bras? I'm fairly small so I dont really wear them on weekends to do things like grocery shop but I can't imagine not wearing one to work, where people know me.



  • jenna8984 said:
    @lovemesomemonster why don't you wear bras? I'm fairly small so I dont really wear them on weekends to do things like grocery shop but I can't imagine not wearing one to work, where people know me.
    I'm also a member of the non-bra club. I wear them if there is a chance my boobs could fall out in my top, or if my top is see through, or if I want to look like I have bigger boobs (ex: my wedding day). But otherwise, I don't really wear bras. I don't see the point in wearing one just cause I'm supposed to. 
  • Sheets - Once a week
    Cars - Uhhh, when it rains? 
    Dogs - Don't have any.
    Jeans - After 2 wears
    Bras - Weekly
    Face - Twice a day (morning and night)
    Hair - Every other day, unless I'm not going anywhere on the weekend, then I go for 3 days of unwashed hair (Fri-Sun)
    Grout (as in tile grout) - I guess whenever I clean the bathroom. I don't specifically wash the grout. I just scrub it all. #cannotadult
    Window screens - I live in a shitty apartment. You best believe I am NOT washing the window screens.
    Mattress - I've sprayed it with Lysol. How does one wash a mattress?
    Windows - Only when they look like they need it.
    Oven - When it needs it.
    Carpet - Don't have any!
    Wood furniture - Twice a month. Otherwise I just dust it weekly.
    Purse - I try to clean the inside weekly (when it gets heavy) and I wipe down the outside when/it I remember
    Dishwasher - Don't have one :(
    Washer & dryer - Don't have those either :(
    Bed pillows - Basically never
    Computers - When it looks dirty/if I am taking to an event for work
    Sink & drain - Weekly
  • Sheets - every other week
    Cars - not enough. In the winter, on the rare times where it's warm enough to wash off the salt without the car turning into an icicle. Maybe twice each summer.
    Dogs - Once a month, sometimes more often. He tends to get stinky quickly.
    Jeans - I'll wear them a few times before they get washed.
    Bras - When I do laundry.
    Face - Daily
    Hair  - Every other day
    Grout (as in tile grout) - Only when mopping. The kitchen grout is crumbling (bad install) so it comes up too easily.
    Window screens - Once a year
    Mattress - I didn't know I needed to. It's encased in an allergen bag so I think it's ok?
    Windows - every few years, when I remember
    Oven - when something spills
    Carpet - I vacuum a lot....
    Wood furniture - every few weeks, but mostly just to get dust/dog hair off
    Purse - weekly (I don't carry a purse to work most days so I clean it out on weekends)
    Dishwasher - when I notice a load of dishes not getting clean
    Washer & dryer - never clean the dryer (other than lint filter), clean the lint trap and rubber rings on our front-loader regularly
    Bed pillows - we have allergen dust jackets and change the cases regularly
    Computers - I clean the screen weekly. I'll run a lysol wipe across the keyboard when I have both out at the same time.
    Sink & drain - multiple times a day
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Sheets - Not enough....Definitely do them more in the summer when you get sweaty in your sleep.
    Cars - All the effin time. FI is obsessed with keeping 'our baby' clean.
    Dogs -  no animals
    Jeans - normally every 4 wears or so or obviously if they get dirty. Im in between pant sizes now so Im only getting one wear out of them before they are a saggy mess
    Bras - actually pretty often, I have 2 bras + 2 sports bras in constant rotation,Sports bras im washing all the time, because duh. And if I am washing them, then I might as well do the others.
    Face -  In the shower in the morning after my workout. And before bed to take off makeup and daily grime. I definitely wasnt always this diligent, but hello wedding in 2 months.
    Hair -  Every day if working out, every second day if I skip a workout.
    Grout (as in tile grout) -  as little as possible? I hate that shit.
    Windows - once a month, it's so dusty here that you just can't keep up on it, so theres no bother trying.
    Oven - If i get a big spill I clean it immediately, deep clean ever other month or so
    Carpet - Yay to having no carpet! we have vinyl. And as mentioned before, its a dusty trainwreck here so we are constantly sweeping. Seriously. you sweep one day and the next day it looks like 9 people stomped around with shoes on.
    Purse - ummm... I clean it out of random junk like once a month but i've never like wiped it down or anything.
    Dishwasher -  its stainless steel so we are wiping the front down alot because of finger prints. We haven't been using it alot lately because it sounds like its dying and our landlords havent gotten around to fixing it.
    Washer & dryer -  I wipe down the tops fairly often because of aformentioned dust. That shit is everywhere.
    Bed pillows -  I never have cleaned them.. Never thought about cleaning them... Yay pillow cases!
    Computers - We have a laptop thats it, and we wipe it down now and then and try and keep it covered.
    Sink & drain - Wiped down after dishes are done. Its part of doing the dishes.
  • Sheets - I try to do them every 2 weeks but have been failing lately. No longer than a month between washes though
    Cars - H washed the outside of my car maybe 2 months ago....the inside desperately needs to be cleaned as well. 
    Dogs - Fred gets a bath around once a week. He has hair, not fur, so he gets greasy pretty quickly. If he goes longer than 2 weeks it's just gross. 
    Jeans - Once every few wears
    Bras - Once every few wears
    Face - Once a day
    Hair - Once a day or it's a greasy, disgusting mess. 
    Grout (as in tile grout) - Uhhh....probably should get on that
    Window screens - they were washed last year when we moved in. FIL owns a window washing business...I should call him to have him come do ours again this year.
    Mattress - Just bought a new one but I can tell you that the old one never got washed.
    Windows - Outsides - once a year (need to call FIL). Inside - whenever I happen to notice that they look dirty. I should go around and do all of them this weekend.
    Oven - Last year when we moved in. Should do that also this weekend
    Carpet - It was steamed cleaned last year when we moved in but it needs to be done again
    Wood furniture - H or I will dust whenever we happen to notice. As far as a full clean, I have no idea.
    Purse - whenever I start to lose shit in it or receipts start flying out
    Dishwasher - we don't own one
    Washer & dryer - I washed them out last year - need to do it again
    Bed pillows - never and I'm now going home, throwing all of ours out and buying new ones cause it's time.
    Computers - I actually just made H get a new keyboard because his last one was absolutely filthy so never. I now make it a habit to wipe it down whenever I can think of it.
    Sink & drain - usually daily, since we don't have a dishwasher and I'm already in there to wash dishes and can then remember to wipe down the sink.
  • Sheets Once a week
    Cars About once a month
    Dogs Once a year?
    Jeans Every 4-5 wears unless they get something on them
    Bras About once a week
    Face Morning and night
    Hair Once a week
    Grout (as in tile grout) Don't have any at our house
    Window screens Once a year
    Mattress Never
    Windows Quarterly
    Oven Every couple of months
    Carpet Vacuum at least once a week. With a cleaner, about twice a year
    Wood furniture I dust every week. I use a cleaner about once a month
    Purse I keep it pretty clean and organized
    Dishwasher I run a cycle with vinegar about every other month
    Washer & dryer I run a cycle with vinegar in the washer every other month
    Bed pillows Twice a year? Maybe.
    Computers I dust it every week when I clean
    Sink & drain Every day I wash out the sink. 

  • I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't wash things lol
  • Sheets - Whenever I remember...Maybe every 2 weeks- month? I wash my pillow cases more often.  
    Cars - Like never. I had my last car for over a year and didnt wash it once. My new car, I've had for 2 months and just washed it. And it rained 2 days later. Soo that was a waste.
    Dogs - N/A
    Jeans - Every 3-5 wears. I don't wash them every wear, because they start fitting better, and unless I spill something on them dont really get dirty.
    Bras - whenever I do laundry. I probably wear a bra 3 or so times before it gets washed.
    Face - i TRY to wash every night. But there are those nights that I just pass out...
    Hair - once to twice a week. My hair is quite long, and dry. Suffers if I wash too often.
    Grout (as in tile grout) - ahem. Never? I've never specifically washed grout. I've washed it when washing tile, but not like 'okay, today is grout day'
    Window screens - Like the mesh thingy? Never... 
    Mattress - Never.
    Windows - I haven't yet washed the windows in my house, been here for over a year.
    Oven - I havent yet washed the INSIDE, but I wash the top about once a week/two weeks
    Carpet - We don't have much carpet (more hardwood), so it doesnt get vaccuumed that much.
    Wood furniture - N/A
    Purse - That reminds me I do need to clean this. I have never washed my current purse, its leather. But it does have a crapload of crap in it.
    Dishwasher - ... Never
    Washer & dryer - Nope. I do clean the lint trap whenever I use it.
    Bed pillows - I used to wash my pillows. Then i just got new ones.
    Computers - Rare. Maybe twice a year.
    Sink & drain - I dont clean the drain (?) often, but I wash out the sink whenever I use it.
  • Today is our one year House-aversary so what an appropriate day for this!

    Sheets - weekly/every other week
    Cars - as needed, but more often in the winter to avoid rust
    Dogs - NA - and the cat bathes himself:)
    Jeans - If I spill something on them or when they get baggy
    Bras - As needed I guess.  As a busty girl my bras are expensive and if I followed the advice on the link my bra budget would rival my mortgage payment!
    Face - Daily
    Hair  - Daily :(
    Grout (as in tile grout) - I wish!  We still have linoleum - house wish list #1 - new floors!
    Window screens - I vacuumed them once :/
    Mattress - Didn't know this was a thing, good reminder to rotate it though!
    Windows - as needed
    Oven - when something spills
    Carpet - We vacuum weekly
    Wood furniture - does dusting count
    Purse - Never, I'm a purse whore so I seriously have at least half a dozen bags with stuff still them in randomly placed in closets.  Finding lip gloss is a hoot!
    Dishwasher - i guess I need to get on this!
    Washer & dryer - never clean the dryer (other than lint filter), clean the lint trap and rubber rings on our front-loader regularly  - ditto!
    Bed pillows - didn't know this is a thing
    Computers - I have a laptop so as needed, screen more than keyboard
    Sink & drain - every time I use it.  I hate having water or food particles (gross) left over
  • Sheets -once a month
    Cars - never even though there are muddy hand prints from the kids on it, I keep hoping all the rain we are getting will just wash it away
    Dogs - every 2-3 months
    Jeans - once a week per pair, I rotate 2 or 3 pair for a week
    Bras - same as jeans
    Face - every morning
    Hair - one to two times as week depending on the weather
    Grout (as in tile grout) - no grout at our place
    Window screens - did know you were supposed to wash them so never
    Mattress - when I wash the sheet I spinkle baking soda on it and once the sheets are done vacuum up
    Windows  - only when family comes over, if that. the kids are always putting their sticky hands on them and making "art" so I should more often
    Oven - way over due every few months
    Carpet  - I have to vacuum weekly between kids, pets and the FI
    Wood furniture - when I see the dust
    Purse - once a week
    Dishwasher -don't own one, last place had one and I used it for a drying rack so twice a week I'd run it to clear out the water
    Washer & dryer - I clean out the lint trap does that count?
    Bed pillows  - when the sheets get done
    Computers - if I used it I would clean it
    Sink & drain - daily
  • Sheets - weekly
    Cars - no schedule
    Dogs  - no dog
    Jeans - after a couple wears
    Bras - every time lately because the boob sweat is OOC
    Face - twice a day
    Hair - every day, although based on my Shampoo thread, I'm trying to do every other day
    Grout (as in tile grout) - 3-4 times/year
    Window screens - once a year
    Mattress - ours has an allergy cover on it, so never?
    Windows - interior: 3-4 times/year; exterior: 2-3 times/year
    Oven - whenever there's a spill
    Carpet - we don't have any
    Wood furniture - dust: 2-3 times/month
    Purse - hmmmm.. never?
    Dishwasher - we run one of those cleaner packets once every couple of months
    Washer & dryer - same as dishwasher
    Bed pillows - they all have allergy covers on them, so never?
    Computers - my keyboard probably has a meal's worth of crumbs in it...
    Sink & drain

  • edited June 2015
    I don't have time to answer this just yet as we're about to get back on the road but I have an overlooked item to add.  

    How often do you wash your devices?  

    Cell phones, laptops, iPads, etc. are also found to be contaminated with E. Coli and some types of Staph or Strep bacteria.  I wipe mine down at least weekly and daily if I'm on the road with these:

    I'm a microbiologist by training which actually makes me NOT a germophobe and fairly averse to overdoing the antibacterial stuff since I'm of the opinion that overuse can promote the development of resistant "superbugs" but I cannot live without my "Wireless Wipes".  

    *Edited b/c I apparently can't read, computers are included.  
  • Sheets: Not often enough.  Probably let them go a little over a month.  
    Cars: I try for once every week because I have a fairly long commute through the middle of nowhere.  I am lazy and have a car wash subscription, so I really should wash it more often.  
    Dogs: Cat gets a bath once for every 2-3 Frontline applications (so every 2-3 months).  He probably doesn't need to be bathed that often, but he loves the bath.  
    Jeans: once a week unless I get dirty at work.  
    Bras: In the summer, once a day.  In the winter, every couple days.  Usually depends on sweatiness.  
    Face: every day
    Hair: every day
    Grout (as in tile grout): I think all our bathroom/kitchen is linoleum.  Maybe.  :o
    Window screens: Never
    Mattress: We just got a new one, but we have a waterproof mattress cover, so probably never.  
    Windows: nope
    Oven: When I start to smell old burning food.  
    Carpet: Roomba vacuums every day.  We've only lived in this apt 3 months, so no steam yet.    
    Wood furniture: n/a
    Purse: never
    Dishwasher: It gets washed every time we run it!!! ;) 
    Washer & dryer: didn't think of doing never
    Bed pillows: never
    Computers: never even thought to do this either
    Sink & drain: sink every couple days, drain when it gets clogged.

    As for the washing hair:  I tried to wash it every other day, but that caused acne on my scalp.  So back to daily washing for me.  

  • l9il9i member
    Third Anniversary 100 Love Its 100 Comments Name Dropper
    Sheets About every other week
    Cars Ha!  DH yells at me constantly that I don't clean my car enough (the inside).  I bought it in the fall and cleaned it (inside) for the second time this past weekend... The outside gets cleaned maybe every few months?  I for sure make sure I clean it after the winter to get all the salt off.
    Dogs At least every month, more if he's been rolling in dirt or mud or just slobbery from playing with other dogs.
    Jeans After a few wears.
    Bras Uhhh, not as often as I should....every few weeks?
    Face Every day. I can't stand my face not feeling clean.
    Hair Every day.  I skip sometimes on the weekend if I'm not going anywhere but my hair is very fine and shows oil very easily.
    Grout (as in tile grout) I don't have any grout - score!!
    Window screens I also don't have window screens, it's an old house and the windows are top on the list for replacing.
    Mattress A spray it with Febreze every now and then, does that count?
    Windows As needed.  Some get cleaned more often to remove my dog's nose art.
    Oven As needed.
    Carpet I try for weekly but sometimes it ends up being every other week.
    Wood furniture Same as previous.
    Purse I clean out my purse when I switch to a new one, I'm not sure that's the same as "cleaning" it though.
    Dishwasher Never...
    Washer & dryer I clean the lint trap.
    Bed pillows Never.  I'm a pillow snob so once they start getting bad, too flat, or out of "fluff" I replace them.
    Computers I clean the outside and screens whenever I dust.  I don't open it up and clean inside the hardware.
    Sink & drain The kitchen sink gets cleaned after dishes, so fairly frequently.  Bathroom sinks get cleaned about every week to every other.  Drains get cleaned as needed.

    This makes me feel like a dirty person...
  • Sheets --Every other week to about a month max.
    Cars --Ummmmm....
    Dogs --When she stinks or once a month, whichever comes first.
    Jeans --I don't wear them much anymore, but I used to wash them once a week.
    Bras --I don't wear them.
    Face --Everyday.
    Hair --Twice a week max, once if I can manage it.
    Grout (as in tile grout)--Don't have tiles in my house.
    Window screens --...
    Mattress -- ...Vacuum and Febreeze count, right?
    Windows --Rarely.
    Oven --Every other month.
    Carpet --I've shampooed is three times since moving in, so... probably four times a year?
    Wood furniture --Once or twice a week.
    Purse --I don't carry one anymore.
    Dishwasher --Every time I turn it on, right? Ha..
    Washer & dryer --Umm...
    Bed pillows --The actual pillows? Or the covers?
    Computers --I wipe down the laptop once a month-ish.
    Sink & drain --Sink-- every time I do the dishes. Drain...?

  • Sheets Every week
    Cars About once a month
    Dogs We also have a beagle, so we have to wash her at least 2x a month because she gets so stinky!
    Jeans Usually after 2-3 wears depending on how dirty they are
    Bras Every couple of months or so
    Face Every night
    Hair Every other day
    Grout (as in tile grout) Once a month
    Window screens I can't even remember the last time I washed a window screen...
    Mattress Never?
    Windows Once a month
    Oven Whenever it looks dirty
    Carpet Hard wood floors
    Wood furniture Once a month
    Purse I clean it out every couple of months
    Dishwasher Quarterly
    Washer & dryer Quarterly
    Bed pillows We just wash the cases and replace the pillows when they get lumpy
    Computers Never?
    Sink & drain Any time I clean meat or make a mess
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Today is our one year House-aversary so what an appropriate day for this!

    Do you mean to say this is the one year anniversary of when you bought your house? Did you buy your house some chocolate today? What does one get their house for an anniversary present?
  • Do you mean to say this is the one year anniversary of when you bought your house? Did you buy your house some chocolate today? What does one get their house for an anniversary present?
    I'm treating it to long overdue weeding, hahaha. 
  • Now that it's summer I'm starting to wash our pillows.  I can fit two in the washing machine.  I take them out and put them on a chair in the sun in the backyard.  It's been Years since we washed pillows and the yellow stains showed it.  I cleaned 4 pillows back on the first sunny Saturday in May, and just did two others this past Sunday.  I'll probably keep running them through the wash on sunny weekends until they're all spotless or falling apart.

    I've also found a method of cleaning the washing machine that I LOVE.  It is so so so gross to find chunks of dirt inside an appliance that is supposed to clean my clothing.  Fill the washing machine with the hottest water you can, add 4 cups bleach, let it agitate a bit, then let it sit for a good long while.  Let the process complete.  Do it again this time adding 4 cups vinegar.  When the vinegar is sitting, take a toothbrush, sponge, or rag and wipe down the whole machine inside and out.  Try to remove random plastic parts to clean under and around them (I found chunks of nasty last time I did this).  Both processes were full of soap suds even though I didn't add any soap to either.
  • adk19 said:
    Now that it's summer I'm starting to wash our pillows.  I can fit two in the washing machine.  I take them out and put them on a chair in the sun in the backyard.  It's been Years since we washed pillows and the yellow stains showed it.  I cleaned 4 pillows back on the first sunny Saturday in May, and just did two others this past Sunday.  I'll probably keep running them through the wash on sunny weekends until they're all spotless or falling apart.

    I've also found a method of cleaning the washing machine that I LOVE.  It is so so so gross to find chunks of dirt inside an appliance that is supposed to clean my clothing.  Fill the washing machine with the hottest water you can, add 4 cups bleach, let it agitate a bit, then let it sit for a good long while.  Let the process complete.  Do it again this time adding 4 cups vinegar.  When the vinegar is sitting, take a toothbrush, sponge, or rag and wipe down the whole machine inside and out.  Try to remove random plastic parts to clean under and around them (I found chunks of nasty last time I did this).  Both processes were full of soap suds even though I didn't add any soap to either.
    The bolded is so nostalgic to me cuz that's what my mom always used to do. Now I feel gross for never washing our pillows. Guess maybe I should lol 
  • I would like to make the point that this thread has officially guilted me into cleaning. I just scrubbed my sink/drain, wiped off the dining room table, and changed my sheets.

    But I still ain't cleaning my dishwasher, clothes washer, or mattress! Bacteria are good for your immune system.
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