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So uh hi


Re: So uh hi

  • FiancB said:
    Whomever keeps reporting people for saying cracker should thusly go sit on a cactus and spin around for a while. 
    I have gotten teased about my whiteness all my life. I have been called Casper, Sue Storm (not in a cool way), Ghost Girl, Snow White, and other unflattering terms pertaining to my whiteness but do I call people out about it, no, it's not allowed. If I decide to use a term  that I didn't even realise was racist because it's how we refer to ourselves, I get knocked down a peg. Just another day in the life of a white girl.
  • FiancB said:
    Whomever keeps reporting people for saying cracker should thusly go sit on a cactus and spin around for a while. 
    I have gotten teased about my whiteness all my life. I have been called Casper, Sue Storm (not in a cool way), Ghost Girl, Snow White, and other unflattering terms pertaining to my whiteness but do I call people out about it, no, it's not allowed. If I decide to use a term  that I didn't even realise was racist because it's how we refer to ourselves, I get knocked down a peg. Just another day in the life of a white girl.
    You are SO OPPRESSED.  Sounds like you need a helpful POC to hold your hand and gently feed you honey so you can understand their lifestyle.  But oh em gee-- being abrasive is hurtful so don't go there please!
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    "I'm not a rude bitch.  I'm ten rude bitches in a large coat."

  • FiancB said:
    Whomever keeps reporting people for saying cracker should thusly go sit on a cactus and spin around for a while. 
    I have gotten teased about my whiteness all my life. I have been called Casper, Sue Storm (not in a cool way), Ghost Girl, Snow White, and other unflattering terms pertaining to my whiteness but do I call people out about it, no, it's not allowed. If I decide to use a term  that I didn't even realise was racist because it's how we refer to ourselves, I get knocked down a peg. Just another day in the life of a white girl.


    Wedding Countdown Ticker


  • FiancB said:
    Whomever keeps reporting people for saying cracker should thusly go sit on a cactus and spin around for a while. 
    BUT IT HURTS MY FEELINGS.  Systemic racism is like totally blown out of proportion, but words that make me feel bad about being white are TOTES NOT OKAY.
    You guys are offending my white privelege. 
  • FiancB said:
    Whomever keeps reporting people for saying cracker should thusly go sit on a cactus and spin around for a while. 
    I have gotten teased about my whiteness all my life. I have been called Casper, Sue Storm (not in a cool way), Ghost Girl, Snow White, and other unflattering terms pertaining to my whiteness but do I call people out about it, no, it's not allowed. If I decide to use a term  that I didn't even realise was racist because it's how we refer to ourselves, I get knocked down a peg. Just another day in the life of a white girl.

    I won't tease you because you are white, but I will tease you because of this ridiculous font color. 
    (it's the sarcasm font colour, it's supposed to be this ridiculous :) )
  • FiancB said:
    Whomever keeps reporting people for saying cracker should thusly go sit on a cactus and spin around for a while. 
    I have gotten teased about my whiteness all my life. I have been called Casper, Sue Storm (not in a cool way), Ghost Girl, Snow White, and other unflattering terms pertaining to my whiteness but do I call people out about it, no, it's not allowed. If I decide to use a term  that I didn't even realise was racist because it's how we refer to ourselves, I get knocked down a peg. Just another day in the life of a white girl.

    I won't tease you because you are white, but I will tease you because of this ridiculous font color. 
    (it's the sarcasm font colour, it's supposed to be this ridiculous :) )

    we have a sarcasm font color now?   Interesting...   I thought it was the gay lifestyle font color...   learn something new every day.  ;)
    Yep,   Pink Comic Sans font means sarcasm  :)

    What differentiates an average host and a great host is anticipating unexpressed needs and wants of their guests.  Just because the want/need is not expressed, doesn't mean it wouldn't be appreciated. 
  • FiancB said:
    Whomever keeps reporting people for saying cracker should thusly go sit on a cactus and spin around for a while. 
    I have gotten teased about my whiteness all my life. I have been called Casper, Sue Storm (not in a cool way), Ghost Girl, Snow White, and other unflattering terms pertaining to my whiteness but do I call people out about it, no, it's not allowed. If I decide to use a term  that I didn't even realise was racist because it's how we refer to ourselves, I get knocked down a peg. Just another day in the life of a white girl.

    I won't tease you because you are white, but I will tease you because of this ridiculous font color. 
    (it's the sarcasm font colour, it's supposed to be this ridiculous :) )

    we have a sarcasm font color now?   Interesting...   I thought it was the gay lifestyle font color...   learn something new every day.  ;)
    Comic Sans is the unofficial, official sarcasm font.
  • lyndausvi said:
    FiancB said:
    Whomever keeps reporting people for saying cracker should thusly go sit on a cactus and spin around for a while. 
    I have gotten teased about my whiteness all my life. I have been called Casper, Sue Storm (not in a cool way), Ghost Girl, Snow White, and other unflattering terms pertaining to my whiteness but do I call people out about it, no, it's not allowed. If I decide to use a term  that I didn't even realise was racist because it's how we refer to ourselves, I get knocked down a peg. Just another day in the life of a white girl.

    I won't tease you because you are white, but I will tease you because of this ridiculous font color. 
    (it's the sarcasm font colour, it's supposed to be this ridiculous :) )

    we have a sarcasm font color now?   Interesting...   I thought it was the gay lifestyle font color...   learn something new every day.  ;)
    Yep,   Pink Comic Sans font means sarcasm  :)

    I always thought if you were doing sarcasm right... you didn't need to be specific that it was sarcasm...     but, I'll get on board with the pink stuff.   I like pink. 
  • FiancB said:
    banana468 said:
    FiancB said:
    redoryx said:
    So now I'm confused. We all know that MI was a vocal and frequent advocate for LGBTQI issues. But either it was too much and it was obnoxious and annoying and it's all she talked about and not everything has to be about being gay blah blah blah OR because MI brought it up with such frequency, it made lots of you step back and really examine your own understandings, expectations, misconceptions of LGTBTQI issues. 

    Which is it? 
    It's okay if you're a minority. Just be mostly quiet and very polite about it, for God's sakes!
    You catch more flies with honey.   When trying to convince others of your viewpoint, you can go for the cast-iron frying pan approach or you can go for the slightly less abrasive approach.

    Example - My church has two priests who regularly say Mass.   One often gives his sermon as a way to be true to the teachings but also to leave the parishioners inspired to do more.   The other gives sermons that regularly admonish those in attendance.   Both say a similar message. But with one approach, you leave thinking of ways to do better and in the other, you're angry and wanting to tune him out.

    If you want me to understand your viewpoint, I don't need to care what your viewpoint is.   If your tone is insulting and abrasive, I'm less likely to listen to your message. 

    That's funny, that sounds a lot like what SSs say in etiquette all. the. time. 

    Yep.  And guess what?  It applies there too.  If you respond to someone's honeyfund by sending them a gigantic wire chicken, they're going to think that you're a rude ass, which you are.  If you just ignore the honeyfund or gently tell them "you know, some people don't like honeyfunds because they can be misleading and they take a percentage of the gift," they're more likely to listen to the message or (maybe) change their point of view.  Insulting someone rarely gets them on your side in any context.

    FTR I thought MI/VG had some valid points but I found her delivery extremely offputting.  I thought her overall posting style was a contrived cry for attention, and I found some her more outrageous stories to be less than believable, but I was still really surprised to find out that her whole identify was made up.
    Oh, FFS. The punishment for not lurking is snark. A person who can't be bothered to lurk doesn't deserve my hand-holding (and I don't care whether she "sees the light") anymore than a privileged person deserves to be ever-so-gently guided toward tolerance.
    I didn't lurk.  I had never before posted on a forum and I dashed off my first post late in a hotel room on a business trip between work emails.  It wasn't b/c I couldn't be bothered, I didn't know any better.  As a result, I got off on the wrong foot w/a lot of the regs who I knew at the time were misunderstanding me (and with whom I agreed and now genuinely like).  I don't think that giving a first response to a perceived SS w/o snark is the worst thing in the world.  When I get snarky it's usually in response to a SS not taking the correct advice, stomping their feet, and saying something completely absurd like, "I'm doing this and you bitches aren't going to change my mind!".    

  • mrsdee15 said:


    Whoooaaaaa whoa whoa.  I am late to this party, but I was totally fooled.  Looking back on it now though, I'm surprised that the turkey baster story didn't make my spidey sense tingle even more.  I remember thinking it was a super weird story at the time, but hey, sure.  

    I don't get why people catfish.  I think it's sad that people feel the need to create this entire alter ego online.  Also, I used to think I wouldn't ever be fooled by a fake persona when I watched Catfish... I guess I was wrong.  That was pretty elaborate, she has been on I think the entire time I've had an account, almost a year.

    Honestly, that was the thing that tipped me off. Maybe bc my sister and her wife tried for 10 months before they were able to conceive with their doctor's help and actual AI (not IVF), where they but the sperm way up in at the top of your something about a coffee cup full of spunk from the BFF, sitting on the counter with a "medical grade turkey baster" working on the very first cycle - just didn't add up in my head.

    That one blew my BS meter. Part me me was going I was hoping I was just bitter that other people were shockingly that lucky when my sister wasn't, but turns out it was all just a bunch of lies.

    I can't speak on how long sperms are viable outside the body, but assuming Sophie had a healthy uterus and eggs, it is plausible the turkey baster would work. . .that's basically how a penis works.

    "Love is the one thing we're capable of perceiving that transcends time and space."

  • NowIAmSypNowIAmSyp member
    Eighth Anniversary 500 Love Its 500 Comments First Answer
    edited July 2015

    I, for one, never declared I was done or out.  I've always still been here.  But it's a lot less interesting now that many of the people I liked are no longer posting.  I don't feel the same imperative to check in on CC and see how everyone is doing because pretty much everybody I actually care about talking to, I already do off-board.  But, you know, entertainment value.
    @JCBride2015 @climbingwife  This makes me sad :(  I like you two.  Come back more, dammit.
  • mrsdee15 said:

    Whoooaaaaa whoa whoa.  I am late to this party, but I was totally fooled.  Looking back on it now though, I'm surprised that the turkey baster story didn't make my spidey sense tingle even more.  I remember thinking it was a super weird story at the time, but hey, sure.  

    I don't get why people catfish.  I think it's sad that people feel the need to create this entire alter ego online.  Also, I used to think I wouldn't ever be fooled by a fake persona when I watched Catfish... I guess I was wrong.  That was pretty elaborate, she has been on I think the entire time I've had an account, almost a year.
    Honestly, that was the thing that tipped me off. Maybe bc my sister and her wife tried for 10 months before they were able to conceive with their doctor's help and actual AI (not IVF), where they but the sperm way up in at the top of your something about a coffee cup full of spunk from the BFF, sitting on the counter with a "medical grade turkey baster" working on the very first cycle - just didn't add up in my head.

    That one blew my BS meter. Part me me was going I was hoping I was just bitter that other people were shockingly that lucky when my sister wasn't, but turns out it was all just a bunch of lies.
    I can't speak on how long sperms are viable outside the body, but assuming Sophie had a healthy uterus and eggs, it is plausible the turkey baster would work. . .that's basically how a penis works.

    The turkey baster method does work.  I know folks that have used it, but it's not actually a turkey baster. It's just a medical syringe.  Like the kind you use to give your dog liquid medicine.   And yes, it can work on the first time, just like how it works for women to get pregnant the first time people have sex.   Most people I know that have used the syringe method have a donor that does his business in the next room, and they bring the cup over to the other room, and then it is injected into the mom.  then the mom sits with her legs in the air for about 30 minutes.  I've only known one couple that this didn't work within the first 3 tries.
  • Seriously, about the pink font.  I have trouble reading it.
  • oh, and one more thing... since now I've gone back and read more of this thread...    

    one person said:

    "I have many gay friends, but none of them are aggressive about it.  Yes, they eventually told me, but it does not come up in conversation very often.   VG's aggressive stance just didn't ring true to me."
    Another person said:
    You catch more flies with honey.   When trying to convince others of your viewpoint, you can go for the cast-iron frying pan approach or you can go for the slightly less abrasive approach.

    I will say this...  there is a reason some people (including me, at times) are aggressive in our delivery about LGBTQ issues.  It's because straight people should be doing their own research and soul searching to get over their shit. Same thing with race.  white people shouldn't go to people of color for a history lesson or to learn how to get over themselves.   We don't need to give you honey so it's easier for your sensitive palate to accept it.  

    We get aggressive sometimes, because sometimes, straight people need a virtual slap in the face.   Sometimes, straight people need to be scolded when they keep doing the same dumb shit over and over and over again.  It's not up to use to wipe straight tears when their lil feelers get hurt because they got told off.  

    I don't need to convince anyone of my viewpoint. What I need is for straight people to take a good, long look in the mirror, and figure it out all by themselves.  Pick up a book.  Join PFLAG.  Attend a support group. Whatever you need to do to educate yourselves.   

    Personally, as I've gotten older, I'm more willing to explain things to folks... but sometimes, even that is tiring.  I'm not the expert on queer issues.  Everyone has a different journey. I can give my opinion or point you in the right direction of resources, and most of the time, I will.  But, let me tell you, being the "gay voice" at work, in my family, in other social circles, in an online forum, etc. etc. gets pretty fuggin old.   Especially when I know it would take 2 seconds for people to google half of the questions I get.

    So, folks can be sick of the "aggressive delivery" all you want.  Think of how sick we are of the aggressive questions and comments.
    I think that makes sense.   And I appreciate the response - not because I think you're the spokesperson for LGBTQ issues but because it's just nice to get a different perspective.

  • I, for one, never declared I was done or out.  I've always still been here.  But it's a lot less interesting now that many of the people I liked are no longer posting.  I don't feel the same imperative to check in on CC and see how everyone is doing because pretty much everybody I actually care about talking to, I already do off-board.  But, you know, entertainment value.
    @JCBride2015 @climbingwife  This makes me sad :(  I like you two.  Come back more, dammit.
    But they don't care to talk to anyone here...the cool people are off-board.

  • CMGragain said:
    Seriously, about the pink font.  I have trouble reading it.
    If you "select" it with your mouse, it turns the font blue.


    Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Anniversary tickers

  • oh, and one more thing... since now I've gone back and read more of this thread...    

    one person said:

    "I have many gay friends, but none of them are aggressive about it.  Yes, they eventually told me, but it does not come up in conversation very often.   VG's aggressive stance just didn't ring true to me."
    Another person said:
    You catch more flies with honey.   When trying to convince others of your viewpoint, you can go for the cast-iron frying pan approach or you can go for the slightly less abrasive approach.

    I will say this...  there is a reason some people (including me, at times) are aggressive in our delivery about LGBTQ issues.  It's because straight people should be doing their own research and soul searching to get over their shit. Same thing with race.  white people shouldn't go to people of color for a history lesson or to learn how to get over themselves.   We don't need to give you honey so it's easier for your sensitive palate to accept it.  

    We get aggressive sometimes, because sometimes, straight people need a virtual slap in the face.   Sometimes, straight people need to be scolded when they keep doing the same dumb shit over and over and over again.  It's not up to use to wipe straight tears when their lil feelers get hurt because they got told off.  

    I don't need to convince anyone of my viewpoint. What I need is for straight people to take a good, long look in the mirror, and figure it out all by themselves.  Pick up a book.  Join PFLAG.  Attend a support group. Whatever you need to do to educate yourselves.   

    Personally, as I've gotten older, I'm more willing to explain things to folks... but sometimes, even that is tiring.  I'm not the expert on queer issues.  Everyone has a different journey. I can give my opinion or point you in the right direction of resources, and most of the time, I will.  But, let me tell you, being the "gay voice" at work, in my family, in other social circles, in an online forum, etc. etc. gets pretty fuggin old.   Especially when I know it would take 2 seconds for people to google half of the questions I get.

    So, folks can be sick of the "aggressive delivery" all you want.  Think of how sick we are of the aggressive questions and comments.

    Tone policing is bullshit. 
  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited July 2015
    Look, I'm having an MRI today to see how far the tumor in my eye has grown.  I can no longer see out of that eye.  Your sarcasm is in poor taste.
  • CMGragain said:
    Look, I'm having an MRI today to see how far the tumor in my eye has grown.  I can no longer see out of that eye.  Your sarcasm is in poor taste.
    Maybe don't spend so much time on the computer? I mean, if it's bothering your eye and all. 
  • CMGragain said:
    Look, I'm having an MRI today to see how far the tumor in my eye has grown.  I can no longer see out of that eye.  Your sarcasm is in poor taste.
    Maybe don't spend so much time on the computer? I mean, if it's bothering your eye and all. 
    And again, you can just highlight the text if you want to read it so badly... I honestly don't see why this is an issue....


  • CMGragainCMGragain member
    10000 Comments 500 Love Its Fourth Anniversary 25 Answers
    edited July 2015
    CMGragain said:
    Look, I'm having an MRI today to see how far the tumor in my eye has grown.  I can no longer see out of that eye.  Your sarcasm is in poor taste.
    Maybe don't spend so much time on the computer? I mean, if it's bothering your eye and all.

    Climbingwife, I have terminal cancer in my left eye.  I am not the only one who has complained about the pink text.
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