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Terrific Tuesday

What is going well for you today?  I got a good night sleep, have a nice little breakfast in front of me and am looking forward to a wonderful, albeit busy, day.  Today I have a ton of meetings so I'll be in and out.  I plan on spinning today at the gym for the first time in like a week and a half (been stuck on the elliptical due to my work schedule) so I'm also looking forward to that.  Here are some Tuesday questions that are very holiday centric because I'm thinking about the holidays:

What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as?

Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?

Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?

What do you want for Christmas?

Eggnog or coco?  

Re: Terrific Tuesday

  • What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as?

    -I might but a witch's hat on or some angel wings when I had out candy at my sister's house.  H is leaving on Halloween for India so I'm hanging out with my family.  There are no costumes that fit Rajah, unfortunately for me...I think he prefers it that way. 

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?

    -Thanksgiving is at my sister's house.  Christmas is at our house.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?

    -Not immediately after we got married but this year we are hosting Christmas.  Since we moved closer to family they felt it was only appropriate to give us a holiday to host and since Christmas is my favorite I got that one.  ;)

    What do you want for Christmas?

    -I have no idea actually.  I need to start coming up with ideas. I'm going to go with good health but materialistically speaking maybe a massage/day of pampering?  Some new clothes maybe?  

    Eggnog or coco? 

    -Coco 99% of the time but I like eggnog maybe twice a year.
  • Glad you're in a good mood today! So am I. Great sleep, curled my hair (for literally the first time in 6 months) and it came out great. Have a meeting today which includes lunch so that's always great haha.

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)? What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as? nothing, I never do.

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving? Christmas? My house. We don't really have family so every holiday is just H & I at our house. And possibly a second Thanksgiving at a friend's house.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married? No, still just us lol

    What do you want for Christmas? unrealistic- a trip to Chicago. realistic- a foodsaver vac

    Eggnog or coco? apple cider!! 



  • I am so tired.  I'm feeling out of it, I hope I'm not getting sick or anything.  I had the dentist yesterday it went well, but my hygenist was pregnant and due about 2 weeks before I would have been.  It was a bit upsetting to see. I have an awful headache and just want to go to sleep and get rid of it.  I'll be annoyed if I'm sick while on vacation.

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)? What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as? No idea if we are doing anything honestly, none of our friends have mentioned any parties.  So if there is no party I will not dress up. 

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving? Christmas? I believe H & I will host thanksgiving for my family and do a late dessert with H's family.  Christmas we usually split between my sister's and H's family.  I really dread the holidays this year though.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married? We now host thanksgiving instead of my sister because we have a bigger house and a dining room.  It's gives me the excuse to use all of the fancy china too.

    What do you want for Christmas? A healthy take home baby ( to be pregnant with one at least)

    Eggnog or coco?   Coco


  • What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as?  I won't dress up as anything, but I got H a light saber so he plans on answering the door with that.  

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?  Both here this year!  Every other year we go to NM for Thanksgiving.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?  Yes, we started alternating Thanksgiving.  Besides that, it's the same.  We celebrate with my family and his family that lives here all the other holidays like we did when we were dating.

    What do you want for Christmas?  I don't really have anything on my list right now.

    Eggnog or coco?  Cocoa.
  • @peaseblossom55 - *Hugs*  I wish that for you, too.
  • Couldn't get TK to work yesterday when I had a free moment, so I gotta go back and see what's new in the Monday post.

    Tomorrow after work I fly to San Antonio for a conference, it's going to be a LONG day. The fact my workweek has been cut in half is stressing me a bit but I think I'll be fine. The problem is that deadlines keep shifting around and new work with vital deadlines keeps popping up (for example, a case that I was ready to turn in over a week ago is STILL outstanding and I'm kind of in a "wait and see" holding pattern to get it filed. My work on it is done, but I have to physically be here to file the case so I hope it goes out today.)
    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as?
    I haven't decided yet... I wanted to be lady Darth Vader but that was going to be too time consuming to make. Yesterday I sent a picture of the Spartans from SNL to BF with the joke "here's our costumes" and he actually liked the idea, so it's a contender. Plus it would be a pretty easy DIY.
    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?
    Thanksgiving at my parents, more than likely, although it's possible I'll split the holiday between mine and BF's parents. Christmas at my parents, and some Hannukah at his parents.
    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?
    It likely would.
    What do you want for Christmas?
    Family time and cash money. I'm easy to please.
    Eggnog or coco?
    Coco fo sho!

  • Good morning! I'm glad it's Tuesday. We checked out of the hotel this morning and are heading back to our house tonight now that everything is dry! Hopefully it will be a slow day at work, because I really don't feel like putting in much effort today.

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as? I bought a purple wig and fairy wings to hand out candy at our house. I tried to convince H to dress up too but he wasn't having it. And no fur babies yet, so I'm on my own!

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas? Both sets of parents living in town is a curse and a blessing. We always try to see both, but that is quite a challenge on Thanksgiving where last year we "attempted" to eat two full meals.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married? We haven't discussed anything yet but I'd love to use our fancy new dishes.

    What do you want for Christmas? Just clothes. I'm so tired of what's in my closet and haven't felt like I could spend any money on new stuff with the water leak and our anniversary trip coming up.

    Eggnog or coco? Coco; but I also like to make cider in the crock-pot every fall.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @peaseblossom55 - Hugs to you, I'm sorry.  That must have been very difficult.  I know the holidays will be difficult too and I'm praying for you and your H to get pregnant with a healthy take home baby soon. 
  • Today was a challenge. I had a new kid added to my class. His family is from Nepal so he speaks primarily Nepalese, but a tiny bit of Japanese and English. I only know a tiny bit of Japanese and trying to figure out what a four year old is saying, when he is combining all three languages, was crazy. But, he is a super sweet kid and loves the huge slide we have! 

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween?  Maybe Kiki, from Kiki’s Delivery Service.

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving? Christmas? Thanksgiving, we are having a celebration in a nearby town with some other foreigners. Christmas will hopefully be spent in the U.S. at my mom’s house. 

    Will your place of celebrating change after you get married? It might.

    What do you want for Christmas? New tank tops from Target. 

    Eggnog or coco?  I have to go with Coco!

    @jenna8984, Apple cider sounds delicious!

  • @TwoDimes, it's so easy. Large bottle of apple juice. Throw in 3-4 whole cinnamon sticks, 5 whole cloves, and 2 slices of an orange. Heat until warm.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @TwoDimes - Pretty please AW the Indy picture when Indy is all dressed up?!?  

    @lavenderfields13 - I'm hoping for a house for you for Christmas!
  • @beachyone15 I've made a recipe for apple cider similar to that.  The signature cocktail to the 1st thanksgiving we hosted was apple cider we added Carmel vodka to it.  It was so good.

    @minskat30 thank you so much!


  • @Peaseblossom55 - I'll have to try that! Sounds so good!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @beachyone15 - Ooooh that reminds me, I love to make wassail in the crockpot or stove top!  YUM!!!
  • @Peaseblossom55 - I'll have to try that! Sounds so good!

    It was like a carmel apple.


  • @twodimes - Awww, cute picture of Indy! F+F are going to be really excited when DH comes home on Thursday.

    @peaseblossom55 - I'm sorry it was rough at the dentist. :( Your apple cide + vodka idea sounds PERFECT. Must get all of those ingredients stat.

    I'm WFH while we have guys working on our roof. It's stuff that needs to be done but is draining our savings account. It's been an expensive month for home repairs!

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as?
    I don't really do Halloween. It's a long-standing issue with adults in costumes, so we'll hang out on our porch and hand out candy to the kids. We have a very popular street, so it's a good time. Last year we also got some fireball and handed out shots to the adults. We were a big hit!

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?
    This year I think we're going to go to Charlottesville to have T'giving with DH's extended family, then head to Richmond to spend the rest of the weekend with my family. Christmas will most likely be my family, since it's way too expensive to fly to AZ during the holidays.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?
    Not really. Where we celebrate mainly depends on where we live. Now that we're in MD, we celebrate with my family more, but when we were in AZ, we celebrated with his. Also, now that my sister had kids, my parents are ALWAYS with them on Christmas, where as they used to fly to wherever I was occasionally.

    What do you want for Christmas?
    I want DH to find out for sure that we are either staying in MD or moving back to AZ. No more ambiguity would be great.

    Eggnog or coco?  
    Cocoa please :)
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    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @minskat30 Yay for spin! I miss spin so much. 
    @TwoDimes Awwwww Indy is the sweetest! I'm glad your H made it home safely! I definitely think you should dress her up as Indy-- it would be the best thing ever.
    @lavenderfields13 I'm glad your H is helping to encourage you with your fitness goals! Way to go!
    @peaseblossom55 *hugs* I'm sorry you had a rough day yesterday. It will get better, I promise! Maybe you guys should host a Halloween party?
    @wink0erin Enjoy San Antonio, even if it is a work trip! Are you staying on the Riverwalk?
    @beachyone15 YAY! I'm so glad your house is finally dry and life can return to normal! 
    @labro Cinders is the cutest cheerleader! 
    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)? What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as? Nada, we're getting married the day before Halloween and leaving for our honeymoon the morning after Halloween. Methinks we will be taking it easy Halloween night. We don't have any fur babies to dress up.

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?
    We will be in Houston for Thanksgiving, and I'm not sure where we'll be for Christmas. Either Houston or Dallas (or both!)
    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?
    Nope! We started figuring out the whole holiday thing a few years ago.
    What do you want for Christmas?
    I have no idea lol. I haven't thought that far ahead.
    Eggnog or coco? 

    I worked late last night and decided to skip my workout, which is pretty much how I thought the night would go. FI and I made THIS, and it turned out really nicely. It was super easy too and low calorie since we subbed boneless skinless chicken breasts for the thighs. Tonight we have our first (and likely only) BA delivery, and I think I'll make the Pan Seared Salmon and Ferro Salad tonight since fish usually goes bad quickly.

    FMIL finally picked a song for her spotlight dance with FI. She woke up us this morning by texting her decision, but hey, I'm just happy she finally made one. It was like pulling teeth lol. So, this means that we are officially done with the music for the wedding! Woot!

    Other than that, I don't have anything to report. It will likely be another late night at work, and then I have to work out and cook dinner with FI. All boring, adulting things that are no fun to talk about.

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • It still raining here (its much needed here in AZ). New computer program at work is finally coming to a reality. My desk looks like an explosion of paperwork happened.. I haven't even changed my desk calendar to October yet because I can't find it.

    Is anyone watching The Voice this season??

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as? FI and I are not dressing up this year :( But I'm going to a bachelorette party on the 30th, so maybe we will be dressing up for that.

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving? Thanksgiving plans are still up in the air. One of my uncles is causing some drama and I'd rather stay away.  Christmas?  FI and I spilt Christmas day with his parents and my mom. We do a family get together with my siblings earlier in the month because they all live in Cali.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married? Hopefully we can just start doing Christmas at our house after we get married.

    What do you want for Christmas? I have no idea what I want for Christmas.

    Eggnog or coco? Coco most definitely.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • @cu97tiger - That is a little irritating that your parents now only fly to your sister's because she has kids.  I've been meaning to ask you for recommendations, if you have any, for Phoenix, Arizona.  I'm going to a conference in Phoenix in early December.  I'm staying at the Biltmore Resort and Spa and will mostly be taking classes all day but any good recommendations for gluten-free options for dinner near there (I won't have a car)?  
  • minskat30 said:
    labro said:

    That is all.
    Ack, I didn't even notice this.  Sorry.  

    Christmas 80s animated GIF

    I must have been thinking of @cocobellaf when I typed it.
    LOL I actually thought the same thing. :)

    Nah, I just had to say something when you and nearly everyone else misspelled it later on.

  • @eilis1228 Yep! I have no idea what's in San Antonio other than Riverwalk and the Alamo, I just hope it's all walkable. It's kind of a side job trip, so it'll be more fun than a regular job trip! I represent a company that makes prosthetic leg covers as kind of a model/spokesperson deal, they fly me wherever and pay for flight/hotel/food/coffee. I was in San Francisco a month ago and in Tucson back in August.


  • 500days500days member
    1000 Comments 500 Love Its Third Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited October 2015
    I miss NEY so much! Glad I found some free time during the day to pop in. I agree with @labro though it's COCOA. or just simply hot chocolate.

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  
    We haven't done halloween in a long time. I honestly have two unopened costumes for if we ever do dress up. They are pretty offensive costumes- like mexican ponchos with sombreros that say "tequila" on them.

    What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as?
    So sad. I don't have any fur children or real children :(

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?
    We always celebrate Thanksgiving with my side of the family. My H's family goes to a restaurant. For Christmas we have been going to my H's cousin's house but the family dynamic is changing so I have no idea if we will do that again. I would love to not have to go anywhere and just stay home in my jammies.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?
    Not really, but I wouldn't mind staying home just us- but probably won't be able to get away with it until we have a baby.

    What do you want for Christmas?
    I would love a tablet or some new black riding boots. Make-up would be nice too.

    Eggnog or cocoa?  
    Cocoa/hot chocolate
    ETF: I answered one of these completely wrong haha. had to fix it!
  • @eilis1228 Obviously you're going to be a WIFE for Halloween! ;) Plus some people celebrate a day early so you will be dressed up!

    @beachyone15 Glad your house is dried out!!! Flooding is the WORST!!!!!!!!!

    @Peaseblossom55 It's totally ok to have the feelings you're having right now. And on the holidays, take some time for yourself to mourn a little bit too. You don't have to pretend for everyone that you're 100% happy and ok if you aren't. Big hugs!

  • @labro thank you.

    @eilis1228 Our friends are getting married the next day so we have an early afternoon wedding to go to on the 1st.  Most of our friends have kids, so they will be taking them out trick or treating, or have to be with them for the night, so I'm not even sure if we would be able to get anyone to attend! 


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