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Terrific Tuesday


Re: Terrific Tuesday

  • @minskat30, hope your meetings are going well!

    @jenna8984, what was the food at your lunch meeting?

    @twodimes, Indy!! Do it and I need many photos.

    @wink0erin, hope the stress at work goes down today so you can enjoy the conference.

    @beachyone15, glad everything is dry! Hope there wasn't too much damage.

    @psychbabe314, sounds like a fun day with the new kid!

    @eilis1228, last night's supper sounds good!

    @futuremrshistorian, I like your new glasses, too!

    @swazzle, really productive! Crossing my fingers for diamond earrings for you.

    @untouchablets, squee your fur babies are best friends!

    @alpacina, I agree with PP. I would avoid accusing your friend, especially since it's such a small amount of money. However, I wouldn't let her be unsupervised in your house again.

    @severmilli12, aweswome costume for your dog!

    @jenjen047, awesome sneak peek pic!
    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as? Oh lord I cannot adult this year for Halloween. I've gone the last several years as a disaffected grad student (the scariest thing I could think of) but I got nothing for this year. We're passing out candy, too. I have shame. No costumes for the fur babies because I would like to live.

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving? Christmas? All of this is weather permitting. We're spending Thanksgiving with MIL and SFIL, then going to FIL's family Thanksgiving celebration on the Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend.

    Christmas Eve this year will be with my parents, then Christmas Day with GMIL and GFIL (FIL's parents). We get to see all four families that way (mine, his, his, and his).

    Next year it will rotate - my family will get Thanksgiving Day, we'll probably catch portions of FIL's family that Saturday, Christmas Eve will be with MIL, Christmas Day morning will be with FIL, and Christmas Day will be with GMIL and GFIL.

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married? Yeah, it's changing. We've been able to see my family more (and frankly, he's wanted to see my family more), but I'm trying to reach out now and establish new routines before we have kids. It's already a 5-hour drive to MIL/FIL (within 15 min of each other) and I cannot do four Christmases in two days with kids. I know it already.

    What do you want for Christmas? I don't know this year. I got so much stuff from the wedding and registry completion. I know what I'm getting my BFF though (and it's safe to say it since she's not on here) - the HP movies, #3-8. She doesn't have them and was psyched to watch them when she was out here for the wedding, which tickled me pink.

    Eggnog or cocoa? Cocoa or eggnog lattes.
    So last night I lost the plot with all my knitting/crocheting (happens) and decided I was sick of having cold feet. I am now learning how to knit socks by making a pair in heavy yarn to serve as slippers. I made my first sock heel ever last night, which was really exciting because I never ever thought I would make socks.

    Tonight I might stay late and study for my class - I really should, but I have no motivation. I should also do laundry, which feels like the more pressing need.
  • @KeptInStitches - OMG, SOCKS?!?! I hope you'll show us when you're done! I really admire anyone who can make clothing items that legitimately fit people (or if there is a pair, have matching sizes) when they're knitted or crocheted.

    @untouchablets - I'm sorry I forgot to mention this earlier, but your explanation for your fur babies' costumes is absolutely hysterical. I really hope you do it. And take pictures!

  • @KeptInStitches Must see the socks when you're done! I wish I was better at knitting. I've made a scarf, but I find crochet to be so much easier... especially since I get project ADD and put something down for 6 months before getting back to it.

  • @TwoDimes - Yeah for Indy and you!  
  • @TwoDimes Woohoo!!! Once we get our pickup home in a couple weeks I've made H promise to go buy all the parts so we can FINALLY finish off our fence!!!!

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