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Terrific Tuesday


Re: Terrific Tuesday

  • minskat30 said:
    @cu97tiger - That is a little irritating that your parents now only fly to your sister's because she has kids.  I've been meaning to ask you for recommendations, if you have any, for Phoenix, Arizona.  I'm going to a conference in Phoenix in early December.  I'm staying at the Biltmore Resort and Spa and will mostly be taking classes all day but any good recommendations for gluten-free options for dinner near there (I won't have a car)?  
    Well, they did move 500 miles to live down the street from her, and I get that for kids, Christmas is extra magical, so I get it. It definitely annoys DH, but I don't let it get to me too much.

    Um, heck yes I have recommendations! Though I don't know anything about what places have gluten-free options. One of my FAVORITE places is Postinos. There is on on Central Ave which shouldn't be too far from the Biltmore. Also, a place called BLT which is in another hotel... Camelback? I'll send more after I think for a little bit!
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    "You are made of win." -SopChick
    Still here and still fabulous!

  • @swazzle H mentioned getting me new diamond earrings at one point.  The ones I have are from my dad.  Hopefully you get some.


  • What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)? I don't really like putting together costumes. I really just want to wear comfy clothes, watch scary movies, and hand out candy. A costume is not required for that. What are you dressing your fur babies up as? He is probably going to be boarded over Halloween, so he doesn't bark at all the kids. I don't really want to send him to the ranch in an outfit, haha.

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving? That one is completely up in the air, currently. Maybe we'll have people over to our place. Who knows. We still don't have enough furniture. Christmas? We agreed on alternating Christmas, so this year we are spending Christmas eve and day in my hometown with my family! :D

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married? This year is so hard because both of our families' dynamics have changed. I think it's going to be constantly changing over the next few years.

    What do you want for Christmas? Piano music and running clothes.

    Egg nog or cocoa? Of these two, I would pick egg nog. But as soon as it's slightly cold I become obsessed with apple cider!

    In other news, I'm drinking a toasted graham latte from Starbucks. I like it a lot better than the new flavor they came out with last year!

  • labro said:
    minskat30 said:
    labro said:

    That is all.
    Ack, I didn't even notice this.  Sorry.  

    Christmas 80s animated GIF

    I must have been thinking of @cocobellaf when I typed it.
    LOL I actually thought the same thing. :)

    Nah, I just had to say something when you and nearly everyone else misspelled it later on.
    Ironically I think @cocobellaF was the first to spell it correctly lol. I know it's cocoa but for some reason I just went with coco!

    @untouchablets You haven't seen your parents at all in 5 years or just for Thanksgiving??

  • labro said:
    minskat30 said:
    labro said:

    That is all.
    Ack, I didn't even notice this.  Sorry.  

    Christmas 80s animated GIF

    I must have been thinking of @cocobellaf when I typed it.
    LOL I actually thought the same thing. :)

    Nah, I just had to say something when you and nearly everyone else misspelled it later on.
    Ironically I think @cocobellaF was the first to spell it correctly lol. I know it's cocoa but for some reason I just went with coco!

    @untouchablets You haven't seen your parents at all in 5 years or just for Thanksgiving??

  • labro said:
    minskat30 said:
    labro said:

    That is all.
    Ack, I didn't even notice this.  Sorry.  

    Christmas 80s animated GIF

    I must have been thinking of @cocobellaf when I typed it.
    LOL I actually thought the same thing. :)

    Nah, I just had to say something when you and nearly everyone else misspelled it later on.
    Ironically I think @cocobellaF was the first to spell it correctly lol. I know it's cocoa but for some reason I just went with coco!

    @untouchablets You haven't seen your parents at all in 5 years or just for Thanksgiving??

    Oh yeah.
  • I am so glad @LaBro saved the day with the correct spelling of cocoa. My head almost exploded, you guys. 

    I'm in the office now, but have to head downtown to the capital in a little bit for an extra special PR event. Everyone should extra love my client today.

    H is home with the pups today and I'm really really jealous. Especially because I have to work late because I agreed to do stats at a volleyball match tonight at one of the local colleges. Sigh.

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as?
    I am planning on getting some orange scrubs and going as Piper from OITNB. I'm all about comfort on Halloween - If I'm going to dress up, I'm going to be comfortable, dammit. I probably won't dress up the pups, since we'll be gone for the weekend anyway. I did see a football jersey at Target that says "Wide Retriever" that I wanted to get for Vi though haha

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?
    Thanksgiving - we're going to the Dominican Republic with H's family. They usually all get together at his aunt & uncles in Maine, but they wanted to go away this year, so we're doing that! We missed it last year because there was a huge blizzard, so it will be nice to celebrate with them. 

    Christmas - We'll be with my family for actual Christmas this year, and we'll plan to celebrate with H's family either before or after. It worked out that my BIL & SIL had been together for so long before H & I started dating, so they had a schedule already set - they go to her family in Texas one year for the actual holiday, and H's family the next, so we just fell into that routine as well.  

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?
    It changed while we were dating. See above. 

    What do you want for Christmas?
    I want either these LL Bean winter boots or this LL Bean winter coat.  

    Eggnog or cocoA?  
    Minty hot chocolate! 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • AlPacinaAlPacina member
    Sixth Anniversary 1000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2015

    HELP, PLEASE? Sorry for the novel. :(

    I don't know if any of you have gone through something like this before, but I am so super torn and it's depressing the hell out of me.

    Backstory: When I was younger I accused a really good friend of stealing from me. I was SO SURE it was her. And then a week later I found what I was missing. I apologized, and we were able to stay friends, but it was never the same.

    Current Story: We think our friend that watched our house stole from us. Money and pain pills. She is a huge stoner, and doesn't have any money, but that's why I set her up big time when she came to stay at our house. I didn't want her to have to worry about anything, and I paid her on top of giving her a bunch of gifts, even though she said I didn't have to.

    We have no proof it was her, other than the fact that we always keep the pills in the same spot, and we both have a consistent memory of how much money we had set aside. I trusted her so completely that I didn't even think to tuck these kinds of things away. But then again, my BF is not very trusting, and it is QUITE possible that he hid the pills in preparation, and then took some of the cash with him to Alaska and doesn't remember, you know?

    However, me and my friend were talking on facebook about some tooth pain she's been having, and I brought up the pills, saying that my BF takes them occasionally when his tooth gives him issues. All of a sudden her texting was erratic, with everything spelled wrong, almost no punctuation. She also felt the need to mention that she has only been taking ibuprofen. Then as the conversation moves on she goes back to writing like normal.

    So now I'm pretty stuck. BF is SO SURE it was her. I feel it in my gut that it was probably her, but I really don't want to falsely accuse someone again. So what would you guys do in this situation? Is there anything I CAN do? We've mostly just been looking around, trying to find where we could have stashed the pills, but we've had no luck. I told BF I don't want to say anything and we just won't have her alone in our house anymore, but that still feels wrong without knowing for sure. Like I said, until this incident I trusted her completely. She's one of the only people in my life I do trust that much. Maybe I'm being blinded by that?

    Anyone have any advice?

  • @lavenderfields13 i haven't seen them at all since 2010 when I moved to New York. For no other reason than the fact that I never made enough money to afford plane tickets. I've seen a couple of my siblings though.
  • @TwoDimes Indy is so cute :')

    Not much last night. Just my course. Forgot food, so I tried a new panini place next door to my course. Not bad. Good bread and their "smoked" cheese did not taste smokey ... but it melted great.
    7/10 - good but would not return

    Tonight is just cleaning and homework. We're trying a new type of fish for dinner .... and for the life of me, I can't remember it!

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as?
    We're probably not doing anything. If we do, I'll prob do my last year idea. Malice in Wonderland {really just an excuse to wear a tutu ...}
    Talking about this the other day, I would love to dress Angel as a bee or a bat {giant ears ...} and Matt wants to dress Penny as a spider. The logistics on doing this means a trip to the hospital .... lol

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas?
    Thanksgiving we're hosting my mum on Sunday, then going to Matt's grandparents on Monday. Pie made by moi 2 days!
    Christmas is complicated. The 20th we're hosting my aunt, uncle, cousin and nana at our place {we always do early xmas with them} My mum is xmas day. Matt's mum and step-dad we'll see either xmas eve or boxing day. Not sure

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married?
    Yes and no. We seem to be hosting more this year ...

    What do you want for Christmas?
    Only thing I want, I can't have. So .... nothing.

    Eggnog or coco?
    Cocoa! I hate eggnog *gag*
  • @untouchablets *hugs crate* babiess!!! Are they naturally bffs?
  • @untouchablets *hugs crate* babiess!!! Are they naturally bffs?

    Yeah I brought the cat home when they were both still babies so they grew up together. She was an orphan so she's pretty much been raised by my dogs and doesn't do many cat things lol
  • @peaseblossom55 - @labro said it perfectly; you don't have to pretend you're 100% happy, if you're not.

    @untouchablets my cats used to sleep in the dogs' crates too, at least twice a week they'd get locked in with the dogs

    What are you dressing up as for Halloween (if anything)?  What are you dressing your fur babies (or baby babies) up as? Haven't even put any thought into a costume, but we may be going to a Halloween ball at a winery, so going to have to think of something soon. Last year I put Callie in a Princess costume. That lasted all of 2 minutes.  Most likely will not be attempting that again. 

    Where are you celebrating Thanksgiving?  Christmas? Typically Thanksgiving is in Albany with my family and Christmas is all over the place. We'll do Christmas eve with one family, Christmas morning with one of our parents, Christmas night with the other parents, Weekend of Christmas with my extended family. 

    Did your place of celebrating change (or will it) after you got (get) married? Not married, but we started splitting holidays last year.  Not sure if we will do the same this year since it is the first year we are living together, or if we'll need to figure something else out. Honestly the holidays are not even on my radar right now. 

    What do you want for Christmas? Haven't even given any thought. Right now focusing on October -- for my birthday I would like to have my kitchen finished so that I can actually use it. 

    Eggnog or cocoa?  Cocoa or spiced cider
  • @untouchablets Oh man, I only see my parents and brother once or twice a year and I miss them so much. I can't imagine 5 years! Plane ticket prices are seriously out of control so I completely understand. I hope you have an amazing time with your family at Thanksgiving!!

  • @severmill12 Love your Halloween costume idea, please post pics after!

  • @untouchablets - Baxter likes to get in the crate with Bella.  The crates are the portable ones that are just the right size for one dog.  It is very cramped in there.  I have to lure him out with treats.
  • @lavenderfields13 thanks!! And I absolutely will :)
  • Thanks @cu97tiger !!!

    @alpacina - Ugh, I'm sorry.  That really sucks.  Did you mention that pills were missing or just that you had some and BF takes them when he is in pain?  If you didn't mention pills missing it seems odd that she would stress that she is only taking over the counter meds.  Are you sure they aren't misplaced?  Personally, I wouldn't invite her over unsupervised anymore and leave it at that if you want to remain friends with her.  Or soft pedal into it and ask if she perhaps saw money out and put it somewhere else because she was concerned about it.  How much money are we talking about? 
  • Forgot to post a pathetic picture of Baxter and H.  He has to wear the cone of shame another 3 days.

  • Wow @alpacina I have no advice, I'm sorry. I have no idea what I would do in that situation.

  • eilis1228eilis1228 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2015
    @severmilli12 You are the coolest!

    @labro YAS! I love that idea! I'm dressing up as a wife! 

    @wink0erin The Riverwalk is very walkable and beautiful! You can walk to the Alamo too depending on where your hotel is on the Riverwalk. I hope you're able to sneak out for a bit and explore!

    @peaseblossom55 Ah, that makes sense. A quiet Halloween may be nice since you have a wedding the next day.

    @AlPacina Honestly, I don't know that it's worth confronting her unless you have proof. Those are pretty serious accusations, and if they turn out to be unfounded, you'd be in a really bad place. *hugs* I'm sorry!

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @alpacina I agree, did you mention the pills were missing?  If you didn't, and she had that reaction, that would make me concerned as well.   I had a similar situation a few years ago.  My room mate and I had the hang out apartment, so we constantly had people over.  She noticed pills were missing from her bedroom and asked me about it.  We had no idea who it could have been so we just started watching people and hiding things.  We never caught anything missing after that, but after we hid things, one friend stopped coming over. 
  • @minskat30 and @TwoDimes - Thank you so much for responding. I don't want to bring this up to my other friends because most of them know her.

    I didn't mention the pills are missing because I didn't want to seem accusatory. Especially since it was through text. Text is not a forgiving medium. I just brought them up to see what kind of reaction she had. It's only 20 dollars missing, so again, maybe my BF grabbed that at some point for himself and just forgot. But it's also a small enough amount that she might have figured we wouldn't notice. I hate not knowing!!!


    My ideal outcome would be we come across the pills, SOON. We're talking a half-full bottle of prescription pain medication with my BF's name on the label. I would honestly just let it go and approach future interaction with more caution, but BF is super upset, and I don't want to lose her as a friend if I don't have to, especially without knowing for sure. I just feel like he won't ever want to invite her over again. And we never go to their place.

  • edited October 2015
    @jenjen047 Gorgeous, can't wait to see more!

    Thank you @TwoDimes! It's one of the few pictures I actually love that we got lol

  • @AlPacina Considering it's $20, then yeah, I'd stick with @TwoDimes said. Don't trust her unsupervised in your house again, and leave it at that. There are just too many unknowns here and it seems like your BF can be unreliable regarding his memory of the pills? So there's just not enough proof to condemn your friend.

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