This week really dragged for me for some reason but in just a few hours it'll be the glorious weekend!
I have a lot to do today so hopefully work doesn't make me work too much. I have to finish dealing with my benefits (and H's) because open enrollment ends today. I really don't feel like adulting this much on a Friday (or ever) but it needs to be done.
I also want to go through my gazillion wedding pics and sort some out to print for my house and I'm making my mom and MIL an album for Christmas. Yes, I got married 2.5 years ago. No, nobody has an album yet. That includes me.
H is going to see some punk rock band tonight and he wants me to go with him but I really don't feel like hating my life that much so I might decline and stay home to catch up on my Thursday night Shonda shows.
Tomorrow I have a hair appointment at noon and I'm debating going darker or staying the shade I am currently and I'm getting a trim. I feel like the darker hair makes me look fatter AND it definitely looks greasier faster (I'm very oily) BUT it definitely makes my blue eyes pop.
H and I have dinner with SFIL, BIL, SIL, and our nephew tomorrow night which I'm not fully looking forward to because my SIL always asks when we're going to give her kid a cousin and I want to kick her in the knee.
Sunday, I'll be watching the Eagles play at 1 even though I'm still mad at them and TWD Sunday night!
(sorry for the novel,