Bill Nye was awesome last night! It was great to hear him speak, and to hear such an energetic crowd. My area is filled with very vocal, very stubborn, very conservative people (some picketed outside), so it was nice to be surrounded by people who love Bill Nye and were excited about what he had to say. Plus some of my college friends came in for the event, so it was great running into them in the lobby.
This evening after work I am going to look at a house with a realtor. I'd been considering buying a house for a few years, and I'm getting to that point where I like my apartment, but I'm so sick of living in one and also sick of living so far from downtown. Recently I started looking a little more seriously and was surprised at what was available in the area I like. I'm both excited and insanely nervous. I've invited BF to see the house with me and he's so excited, it's adorable. If anyone has suggestions for me, please provide them! I have this giant list of questions about things like the roof/electrical/structure/etc so I think I have all that covered, but mentally I'm half freaking out over the concept of seriously looking to buy a home.
@Swazzle I probably wouldn't make an album if we weren't gifted one, I'm concerning myself with album and frames for us afterwards. We're also gifting photos - with frames - as part of gifts to people And love that cut style!
@lavenderfields13 hugs and vibes to your dad and family! At least surgery is an option
@jenna8984 I'm sure it'd be fine if you're 6 months as long as dr clears everything That would be a beautiful trip though!
Not much last night. Got some photos to the USB port in ways to get them set for printing. I need to remember to call my nana tonight to find out ideas for my cousin and my aunt and uncle's xmas gifts. They're hard to buy for.
Tonight is the lighting of the Christmas tree down the street from our place, so we're gonna head up and check it out.
Not much this weekend. Tomorrow Matt's swapping his tires, getting oil changed and possibly transmission fluid changed. I'm setting stuff up at my mum's for the party Sunday, then my friend is coming over to make cheeseball and salsa, plus I can play with her son. He said "mama" on her bday {first word!} so that was super exciting Also we're bringing xmas stuff down from locker. We need to move our place around a bit, so we're gonna figure that out.
Sunday Matt's going with his step-dad to football game and I'm having party at my mum's. Then she's feeding me dinner lol
Monday I get results back from the exam retake. I'm anxious about it.
@Swazzle What punk rock band is your H seeing? And I hear you on the albums, I need to print and put photos from my big trip to Ireland in an album and still haven't. I just don't want to sort through the 2k pics I have.
@lavenderfields13 So sorry to hear about your dad. Hopefully it is something that can be taken care of with surgery. I send you my best wishes!
@Peaseblossom55 Oh goodness, how insensitive of your coworker. It drives me insane when I hear about people getting pregnant and then complaining about things like not being able to drink.
Wow, so I just remembered I had a dream. I was sad I was at my parents house I was completely wrapped up in tons of blankets, and some NEY peeps were there comforting me. I don't remember who else specifically other than @jenjen047 and @minskat30 but there were a bunch of people there from NEY.
Morning everyone! Today is a crazy, but fun day at work. The day started off with a team breakfast from panera. I had an asiago bagel with chive cream cheese and it was fabulous. Now I'm putting together tags for the giving tree. Once that is done, a few coworkers and I are putting up two Christmas trees (one on the corporate side and one in the manufacturing area), decorating, and putting all the gift tags on. We are working with three different charities so our kids range from infant to 22.
After work, I'm spending time with my sister. We used to spend every Tuesday night together, but since I have class on Tuesdays, I rarely see her anymore. Tomorrow I'll be spending the morning cooking, reading, and writing papers. Once my bf gets off work we're driving to my college roommate's house for Friendsgiving.
@labro enjoy all the Callie and @southernpeach89 snuggles! @swazzle good luck putting up with SIL. I usually just give the death stare when I get those kinds of questions. @twodimes Indy looks so happy in the snow! @futuremrshistorian can't wait to hear all about your vacation!!
@wink0erin What kind of advice are you looking for?
My experience has been that it is very important to prioritize what you want in a home. For example - our priorities with our house were a 2 car garage, a basement, a master suite, and a decent sized lot. Beyond that we could work with it depending on what else needed to be done in a home.
Don't discount a house because it has ugly paint, ugly wallpaper, meh flooring, these are all easily changeable/replaceable.
Look for major structural issues and other red flags like a leaky roof (stained ceilings), mold, etc.
@labro Honestly, I don't know what advice I am seeking, but when I receive any it's been helpful! A lot of my anxiety is in picking the right place and not picking a dud.
The house I am looking at today seems like it's been recently redone on the inside (within past 5 years, judging by the photos). That raises red flags in my mind like they're trying to hide something. Like, "New carpet in basement!" just screams "We had a leak and the old carpet was nasty!"
Good point on the priorities. I have a list of wants, but maybe I should star the most important of those.
@wink0erin - Location was super important for us. We wanted to be in a good area of town and also close to work. And we didn't look at any houses that backed up to vacant or "for sale" lots where a Burger King or strip center could pop up behind our backyard. Good advice, @labro!
@wink0erin - That's so exciting about looking at a house! Listen to @labro, she is a wise one. The band is called H2O. Our convo went like this:
H: Will you come with me tonight? Me: Will I hate my life? H: You've heard what H2O sounds like. Me: I don't remember who they are vs all those other weird bands you listen to so that's not helpful. H: I mean, they don't scream in your face. Me: ........................
@wink0erin we went the fixer upper route, so our search limitations were based on where the house was located, worth remodeling, and price. It is easy to tell the difference between something that was remodeled for value and something that was not remodeled well. We learned a lot about our house from the next door neighbor.
@wink0erin Great home advice from @labro. Also want to add that be open to changing your mind about what you actually want/need. During our house hunt I told the realtor straight off the bat that I did NOT want a split level home, that they were too small, that I needed a ridiculous amount of square footage, blah blah. Nope, cut to 5 months later and we bought a 1600 sq foot split level! My priorities majorly changed after seeing huge homes and their price tags, plus their heating and cooling bills and taxes. Not saying you need a smaller home, just keep an open mind that your priorities might change over the process and that's ok!
@wink0erin I don't think I'd be 100% concerned with a lot of internal cosmetic changes. H and I have redone about 80% of the walls inside the house (wallpaper removal, repair, and paint), we'll probably replace the carpeting at some point in the next couple of years, we want to replace the flooring in our master bath and basement. It doesn't necessarily mean there was a problem or something gross is being hidden - changes are just a large part of the home ownership process and they may have done it to up the resale value. Obviously you won't know til you see it but usually stuff like flooding and other problems will be reported on the homeowners disclosure as well.
Ahhh probably a P&R because work is nuts this morning, but I'll try and go through later today to respond to everyone.
You guys! We sent in an application to a local rescue for a puppy last night! YEAH! I have no idea if we'll be approved since we're first-time pet owners, but I'm so excited that H is ready for a puppy! Her name is Gidget, and here's a pic of her:
In other exciting names, my last name has been legally changed to my H's. Woot! The SS office was a breeze-- I was in and out in 30 minutes! The DMV took about an hour, but still not too terrible. It's so weird signing things with my new last name and introducing myself with the new name.
Also, I went to the OBGYN yesterday about the crazy cramping, and he did a sonogram and said everything looks fine. He told me to take Aleve daily for about a week, even if I'm not cramping that day. Hopefully my ute settles down soon because this blows.
All right, work is crazy. I'll get back on in a few hours. TGIF!
--- Tonight is H's office party. I'm going to wear the black dress I got for graduation this summer. H's coworker is celebrating 10 years with the company, so we're going to heckle him (quietly).
Tomorrow H has gaming most of the day. We'll do some housework in the morning, then I'll be knitting on the Norwegian snowflake scarf. I'm in the long solid-colored tube. If I accidentally finish that, I'll move on to the hat.
Sunday is for football and some studying for accounting. I feel pretty good about the material on the next test but I should review a little more.
Not much on my plate today, I'm working and then catching up on school and cleaning so I am not stressing next week. I'm sad that after yesterday I have to wait 12 more weeks to finally have all my Greys Anatomy questioned answered and its KILLING me.
Ever since I changed jobs the weeks feel weird to me. These days I actually get Saturday or Sunday off so it actually feels like Friday today! I don't really have plans for the weekend besides getting my hair cut FINALLY (I'll be sure to AW pics on Monday )
I have a feeling these next five days are gonna go by WAY too fast.
@swazzle - Nikki has the cutest little jiggle in that gif!
@lavenderfields13 - I am sending you so many hugs right now, lady. My dad went through cancer about 5 years ago. From what I've noticed, if the doctors sound optimistic then they probably have a reason to. Fighting cancer has gotten so advanced lately. PM me if you ever want to talk about it.
@helloliv - Take care of yourself, lady. I hope you feel better asap!
@futuremrshistorian - Oh yea, I've gone through fleas too. They are the freakin worst. We didn't end up getting rid of them until we changed my cat's medication.
@wink0erin - I can't believe there are people that picket against SCIENCE. That's smart. Yep. I'm glad you had fun though!
Today is me and BF's 3 year dating anniversary!
So what do we have planned? Absolutely nothing. He wants to go out to dinner, so I'll probably volunteer to drive and not drink too much because last year's anniversary ended with me drunk and crying and not being willing to have any fun. I'd like to avoid that, if possible. Maybe we'll go to my favorite Cajun restaurant (they have an entire section of mac n cheese options, with meat additions like alligator).
For the rest of the weekend, nothing is planned. It's not supposed to rain, which will be nice because the area already dealt with flooding and mud slides this week. Maybe I'll finish picking up leaves.
Does anyone else watch South Park? I feel like the people/topics they're making fun of this season are quite similar to discussions I've seen on TK, although less recently since some people got banned.
Thank you everyone for the tips! (especially @labro)
I'm already setting up a time to view another house too. Location is my number 1, I want to be closer to work/downtown since I spend all of my time there. I've lived in the area my whole life (aside from college) so I have a good grasp of location and what areas to avoid/what traffic is like/what stores are nearby. Then I have things like how much space I'd like, and I know I'd like 2 toilets because there is nothing worse than needing to poop and someone else is in the shower.
@AlPacina Science picketers are crazy. These ones had signs about evolution, handed out pamphlets that said "Evolution vs. God" (because clearly you can't believe in both). I am jealous of the Cajun place... an ENTIRE SECTION of mac n cheese? I'm drooling.
Bill Nye was awesome last night! It was great to hear him speak, and to hear such an energetic crowd. My area is filled with very vocal, very stubborn, very conservative people (some picketed outside), so it was nice to be surrounded by people who love Bill Nye and were excited about what he had to say. Plus some of my college friends came in for the event, so it was great running into them in the lobby.
This evening after work I am going to look at a house with a realtor. I'd been considering buying a house for a few years, and I'm getting to that point where I like my apartment, but I'm so sick of living in one and also sick of living so far from downtown. Recently I started looking a little more seriously and was surprised at what was available in the area I like. I'm both excited and insanely nervous. I've invited BF to see the house with me and he's so excited, it's adorable. If anyone has suggestions for me, please provide them! I have this giant list of questions about things like the roof/electrical/structure/etc so I think I have all that covered, but mentally I'm half freaking out over the concept of seriously looking to buy a home.
I'll do replies in a separate post!
So, my one suggestion is to contact (or have your realtor contact) your local building permits/code compliance division. Find out if any of the improvements (if it looks like a deck or addition, or finished basement) was done, that it was done with permits and the final inspections were approved. Your realtor should already be doing this as part of their 'due diligence' however, many don't. You wouldn't believe the number of permits I have to issue to an unsuspecting new homeowner because the previous H/O finished the basement without permits. You would think that since the new folks weren't the ones to commit the crime, that they wouldn't be on the hook. On the contrary, many states have laws that transfer violations of building code to the new homeowners. So basically, you inherit their fuck ups.
ETA: this is of course, after you've decided to make an offer on a particular home. No need to do it for every house you look at
"Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
"His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa
@wink0erin - There are at least a dozen types of mac on their list, but the funnest thing about the place is that your leftovers get wrapped up in some serious foil art. I found this picture online. This is a scorpion and a swan.
But little boys typically get FULL SIZED swords (where the food is literally just in the handle), and sometimes women get "roses" with super long stems. It's hilarious and awesome.
Thank you everyone for the tips! (especially @labro)
I'm already setting up a time to view another house too. Location is my number 1, I want to be closer to work/downtown since I spend all of my time there. I've lived in the area my whole life (aside from college) so I have a good grasp of location and what areas to avoid/what traffic is like/what stores are nearby. Then I have things like how much space I'd like, and I know I'd like 2 toilets because there is nothing worse than needing to poop and someone else is in the shower.
We have 2 bathrooms now, but for 4 years we didn't and we were totally ok being that couple that poops while the other is in there lol. Even now in the mornings we brush teeth/ pee in the same bathroom because why walk all the way downstairs?
@everyone Thank you so much for your vibes, thoughts & hugs!
@AlPacina Happy Anniversary!! Thank you for the hugs. I am feeling very positive today after I've gotten the crying out of my system because of what my mom told me the doctors said. I mean they have to tell it like it is and not hide things so it seems like they are feeling positive.
Thank you everyone for the tips! (especially @labro)
I'm already setting up a time to view another house too. Location is my number 1, I want to be closer to work/downtown since I spend all of my time there. I've lived in the area my whole life (aside from college) so I have a good grasp of location and what areas to avoid/what traffic is like/what stores are nearby. Then I have things like how much space I'd like, and I know I'd like 2 toilets because there is nothing worse than needing to poop and someone else is in the shower.
We have 2 bathrooms now, but for 4 years we didn't and we were totally ok being that couple that poops while the other is in there lol. Even now in the mornings we brush teeth/ pee in the same bathroom because why walk all the way downstairs?
We do this too. Well it's not too bad since we're on opposite schedules so we're typically not getting ready together but whenever we're home together it's like we always have to pee/poop at the same time! I can't wait to have 2 toilets.
@AlPacina - Happy anniversary! H had South Park on when we went to bed last night and I remember giggling about something but now I can't even remember what happened in the episode.
@wink0erin - When we were house-hunting, I WANTED 2 full bathrooms but 2 toilets was non-negotiable. We have 1.5 bathrooms in our house.
We do this too. Well it's not too bad since we're on opposite schedules so we're typically not getting ready together but whenever we're home together it's like we always have to pee/poop at the same time! I can't wait to have 2 toilets.
We used to only have one bathroom in our last house. It sucked because running in the morning really brings on an upset stomach for me, and when I'd get home the bathroom would be in use for BF's morning "routine" (a.k.a. taking a dump). I'd just sit on the floor outside of the bathroom and incessantly knock and whine so he'd let me in, haha. "Pinch it off or I'm shitting on the carpet!" I kept telling him to either get up earlier or later, BUT NO. Always in the bathroom when I needed it.
Now we have THREE GLORIOUS BATHROOMS! My life has never been so good.
@swazzle - Was it from the new season? The season hasn't been fabulous overall , but they're making fun of hipster areas in cities (Whole Foods), and "being PC". It's the PC stuff that's been cracking me up. Then again, if I were PC I wouldn't be a South Park fan in the first place!
@untouchablets I completely feel you! I'll tell you now .... expect to be up at a stupid time tomorrow because you're off lol! When I first started working my current job, I would be up at stupid o'clock because I could sleep in.
@wink0erin It's stupid, but I'm not even surprised people picketed him/science.
@AlPacina foil leftovers! I absolutely love those and need to find a place that does them because I constantly have take-home food. {we call them "kitty snacks" since we don't have a dog lol}
Here's a photo I found. Someone dressed a cat as Daryl from Walking Dead .... I think the hair might be the best thing LMAO TGIF
@beachyone15 - I can't wait to have someone to discuss Mockingjay with! I hope you love it!
This evening after work I am going to look at a house with a realtor. I'd been considering buying a house for a few years, and I'm getting to that point where I like my apartment, but I'm so sick of living in one and also sick of living so far from downtown. Recently I started looking a little more seriously and was surprised at what was available in the area I like. I'm both excited and insanely nervous. I've invited BF to see the house with me and he's so excited, it's adorable. If anyone has suggestions for me, please provide them! I have this giant list of questions about things like the roof/electrical/structure/etc so I think I have all that covered, but mentally I'm half freaking out over the concept of seriously looking to buy a home.
I'll do replies in a separate post!
And love that cut style!
@lavenderfields13 hugs and vibes to your dad and family! At least surgery is an option
@jenna8984 I'm sure it'd be fine if you're 6 months as long as dr clears everything
@helloliv feel better
@Peaseblossom22 *hugs*
@labro Callie time! Good luck finding a car!!
@TwoDimes Indy in snow!
Not much last night. Got some photos to the USB port in ways to get them set for printing. I need to remember to call my nana tonight to find out ideas for my cousin and my aunt and uncle's xmas gifts. They're hard to buy for.
Tonight is the lighting of the Christmas tree down the street from our place, so we're gonna head up and check it out.
Not much this weekend. Tomorrow Matt's swapping his tires, getting oil changed and possibly transmission fluid changed. I'm setting stuff up at my mum's for the party Sunday, then my friend is coming over to make cheeseball and salsa, plus I can play with her son. He said "mama" on her bday {first word!} so that was super exciting
Also we're bringing xmas stuff down from locker. We need to move our place around a bit, so we're gonna figure that out.
Sunday Matt's going with his step-dad to football game and I'm having party at my mum's. Then she's feeding me dinner lol
Monday I get results back from the exam retake. I'm anxious about it.
@lavenderfields13 So sorry to hear about your dad. Hopefully it is something that can be taken care of with surgery. I send you my best wishes!
@Cocobellaf I hope you get YOUR SF today!
@Peaseblossom55 Oh goodness, how insensitive of your coworker. It drives me insane when I hear about people getting pregnant and then complaining about things like not being able to drink.
After work, I'm spending time with my sister. We used to spend every Tuesday night together, but since I have class on Tuesdays, I rarely see her anymore. Tomorrow I'll be spending the morning cooking, reading, and writing papers. Once my bf gets off work we're driving to my college roommate's house for Friendsgiving.
@labro enjoy all the Callie and @southernpeach89 snuggles!
@swazzle good luck putting up with SIL. I usually just give the death stare when I get those kinds of questions.
@twodimes Indy looks so happy in the snow!
@futuremrshistorian can't wait to hear all about your vacation!!
My experience has been that it is very important to prioritize what you want in a home. For example - our priorities with our house were a 2 car garage, a basement, a master suite, and a decent sized lot. Beyond that we could work with it depending on what else needed to be done in a home.
Don't discount a house because it has ugly paint, ugly wallpaper, meh flooring, these are all easily changeable/replaceable.
Look for major structural issues and other red flags like a leaky roof (stained ceilings), mold, etc.
The house I am looking at today seems like it's been recently redone on the inside (within past 5 years, judging by the photos). That raises red flags in my mind like they're trying to hide something. Like, "New carpet in basement!" just screams "We had a leak and the old carpet was nasty!"
Good point on the priorities. I have a list of wants, but maybe I should star the most important of those.
H: Will you come with me tonight?
Me: Will I hate my life?
H: You've heard what H2O sounds like.
Me: I don't remember who they are vs all those other weird bands you listen to so that's not helpful.
H: I mean, they don't scream in your face.
Me: ........................
@speakeasy14 - PS I love you
@wink0erin Great home advice from @labro. Also want to add that be open to changing your mind about what you actually want/need. During our house hunt I told the realtor straight off the bat that I did NOT want a split level home, that they were too small, that I needed a ridiculous amount of square footage, blah blah. Nope, cut to 5 months later and we bought a 1600 sq foot split level! My priorities majorly changed after seeing huge homes and their price tags, plus their heating and cooling bills and taxes. Not saying you need a smaller home, just keep an open mind that your priorities might change over the process and that's ok!
You guys! We sent in an application to a local rescue for a puppy last night! YEAH! I have no idea if we'll be approved since we're first-time pet owners, but I'm so excited that H is ready for a puppy! Her name is Gidget, and here's a pic of her:
In other exciting names, my last name has been legally changed to my H's. Woot! The SS office was a breeze-- I was in and out in 30 minutes! The DMV took about an hour, but still not too terrible. It's so weird signing things with my new last name and introducing myself with the new name.
Also, I went to the OBGYN yesterday about the crazy cramping, and he did a sonogram and said everything looks fine. He told me to take Aleve daily for about a week, even if I'm not cramping that day. Hopefully my ute settles down soon because this blows.
All right, work is crazy. I'll get back on in a few hours. TGIF!
Tonight is H's office party. I'm going to wear the black dress I got for graduation this summer. H's coworker is celebrating 10 years with the company, so we're going to heckle him (quietly).
Tomorrow H has gaming most of the day. We'll do some housework in the morning, then I'll be knitting on the Norwegian snowflake scarf. I'm in the long solid-colored tube. If I accidentally finish that, I'll move on to the hat.
Sunday is for football and some studying for accounting. I feel pretty good about the material on the next test but I should review a little more.
@lavenderfields13 I'm keeping your dad in my thoughts
Not much on my plate today, I'm working and then catching up on school and cleaning so I am not stressing next week. I'm sad that after yesterday I have to wait 12 more weeks to finally have all my Greys Anatomy questioned answered and its KILLING me.
Ever since I changed jobs the weeks feel weird to me. These days I actually get Saturday or Sunday off so it actually feels like Friday today! I don't really have plans for the weekend besides getting my hair cut FINALLY (I'll be sure to AW pics on Monday
I have a feeling these next five days are gonna go by WAY too fast.
@swazzle - Nikki has the cutest little jiggle in that gif!
@lavenderfields13 - I am sending you so many hugs right now, lady. My dad went through cancer about 5 years ago. From what I've noticed, if the doctors sound optimistic then they probably have a reason to. Fighting cancer has gotten so advanced lately. PM me if you ever want to talk about it.
@helloliv - Take care of yourself, lady. I hope you feel better asap!
@futuremrshistorian - Oh yea, I've gone through fleas too. They are the freakin worst. We didn't end up getting rid of them until we changed my cat's medication.
@wink0erin - I can't believe there are people that picket against SCIENCE. That's smart. Yep. I'm glad you had fun though!
Today is me and BF's 3 year dating anniversary!
So what do we have planned? Absolutely nothing. He wants to go out to dinner, so I'll probably volunteer to drive and not drink too much because last year's anniversary ended with me drunk and crying and not being willing to have any fun. I'd like to avoid that, if possible. Maybe we'll go to my favorite Cajun restaurant (they have an entire section of mac n cheese options, with meat additions like alligator).
For the rest of the weekend, nothing is planned. It's not supposed to rain, which will be nice because the area already dealt with flooding and mud slides this week. Maybe I'll finish picking up leaves.
Does anyone else watch South Park? I feel like the people/topics they're making fun of this season are quite similar to discussions I've seen on TK, although less recently since some people got banned.
Thank you everyone for the tips! (especially @labro)
I'm already setting up a time to view another house too. Location is my number 1, I want to be closer to work/downtown since I spend all of my time there. I've lived in the area my whole life (aside from college) so I have a good grasp of location and what areas to avoid/what traffic is like/what stores are nearby. Then I have things like how much space I'd like, and I know I'd like 2 toilets because there is nothing worse than needing to poop and someone else is in the shower.
ETA: this is of course, after you've decided to make an offer on a particular home. No need to do it for every house you look at
"His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa
@wink0erin - There are at least a dozen types of mac on their list, but the funnest thing about the place is that your leftovers get wrapped up in some serious foil art. I found this picture online. This is a scorpion and a swan.
But little boys typically get FULL SIZED swords (where the food is literally just in the handle), and sometimes women get "roses" with super long stems. It's hilarious and awesome.
@AlPacina Happy Anniversary!! Thank you for the hugs. I am feeling very positive today after I've gotten the crying out of my system because of what my mom told me the doctors said. I mean they have to tell it like it is and not hide things so it seems like they are feeling positive.
@wink0erin - When we were house-hunting, I WANTED 2 full bathrooms but 2 toilets was non-negotiable. We have 1.5 bathrooms in our house.
We used to only have one bathroom in our last house. It sucked because running in the morning really brings on an upset stomach for me, and when I'd get home the bathroom would be in use for BF's morning "routine" (a.k.a. taking a dump). I'd just sit on the floor outside of the bathroom and incessantly knock and whine so he'd let me in, haha. "Pinch it off or I'm shitting on the carpet!"
I kept telling him to either get up earlier or later, BUT NO. Always in the bathroom when I needed it.
Now we have THREE GLORIOUS BATHROOMS! My life has never been so good.

@swazzle - Was it from the new season? The season hasn't been fabulous overall , but they're making fun of hipster areas in cities (Whole Foods), and "being PC". It's the PC stuff that's been cracking me up. Then again, if I were PC I wouldn't be a South Park fan in the first place!
@wink0erin It's stupid, but I'm not even surprised people picketed him/science.
@AlPacina foil leftovers! I absolutely love those and need to find a place that does them because I constantly have take-home food. {we call them "kitty snacks" since we don't have a dog lol}
Here's a photo I found. Someone dressed a cat as Daryl from Walking Dead .... I think the hair might be the best thing LMAO