Haven't seen one of these posts in a while, so I think we are about due.
Confession: With all the e-ring commercials everywhere I've really been hoping for some BSC posts here. I'm sad that no randoms have come in here talking about being a planner and booking venues but totally not being engaged yet, or "my BF is dropping hints that he is going to give me a ring for Christmas, what kind of wedding dress do you think I'll look best in?" I need some entertainment.
II/rant: My Dad is driving me nuts. He is Catholic, and where BF is Jewish (and my Dad loves him) Dad's gotten mega focused on reading about Jewish traditions and holidays. At first I thought it was sweet, but now it's just getting weird, like, I wouldn't be shocked if he showed up at the synagogue. I'm afraid he will say something offensive to BF, BF's family, or the rabbi. His intentions are good, but still. I'd love for him to tone it down a notch.
II: People announcing their charitable deeds on social media. It drives me nuts. Yes, do nice things for others, but please stop making "look what I did!" posts. It's very AWish.