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Tuesday YOU judges

Good morning! I have a little twist on our usual UO/judges/II thread. Instead of what you yourself judge, what is something that YOU do that you know receives/deserves some judgments? 

I thought of this on the way to work this morning because this song came on the radio and I enjoyed it FAR more than I should have. It might be my new favorite Christmas song.

Judge me. PLEASE judge me. I'm obsessed. And ashamed. 


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Re: Tuesday YOU judges

  • I am sure people judge me for biting my nails at my desk. Usually I don't even realize I am doing it until I've been doing it for awhile.

    On a related note, I know the ladies at my nail salon judge me for my gross nails and cuticles.

  • @jenjen047 ME TOO!! I don't even bite my nails, but I pick at the cuticles/skin around my nails like it's going out of business. I make myself bleed on a daily basis. I was doing really well closer to the wedding, but they're really bad right now. UGH. 


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @GoldenPenguin YUP me too. I'm trying to be good leading up to the wedding. It's so shameful, and I hate when people ask "what happened to your fingers?"
  • I put chocolate chips in my yogurt each morning.

    If I feel like nobody is within a certain distance from me, and will in no way be affected by my lane change or turn, I don't use the blinker.



  • Musically judge!

    I love me some 1D lol {Niall ;)!}

    "What do you mean" by JB is too good -.-' damn

    "Let it Snow" and "Baby it's Cold Outside" I like Christmas song wise.
  • jenna8984 said:

    I put chocolate chips in my yogurt each morning.

    If I feel like nobody is within a certain distance from me, and will in no way be affected by my lane change or turn, I don't use the blinker.

    This gives Matt rage :') Our friends bug him about it all the time.
  • @minskat30 Just buy them on sale after Christmas and send one to meeeeeeeeeeee!!! <3

    Your apple is judging you hard.

  • @southernpeach89 and I often joke that the ladies at the nail place are judging our callused feet because they always ask us if we want the callus remover...aka the cheese grater!!!

    Oh I finally thought of something judgeworthy.

    @southernpeach89 and I got our toe nails done about a week before Callie's due date. I still haven't removed the nail polish from that's so ugly looking now.

  • @CocobellaF I also haven't been shaving. I wait until the hair bothers me and then I shave. 

    I probably get judged when I say inappropriate things in mixed company. 

    I might also get judged because I never get manis/pedis. I rarely paint my fingernails, I keep them trimmed down a bit so they aren't too long and I moisturize, but I don' t do polish. I do paint my toes, and it's a process because I try to make them look really nice. 

    I'm sure I get judged for coming to work/going out in public with no makeup. 

  • At my old job I used to get judged for being a big ol' nerd about things like Star Wars and Doctor Who. Luckily where I'm at now they embrace it. Haters gonna hate!

  • I only got 2 presents for H this year... a sweater, and a couple books.  I felt a little better when he only put 3 under the tree for me.  I am really judging myself for being a bad wife this Christmas.
  • jenna8984 said:
    @minskat30 pregnancy constipation is so real...I just went 10 days and was in tears. You have no idea how excited I was to send H poop emojis this morning...

  • It is that bad.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.  

  • I over analyze and plan every situation.

    I let my hair air dry, so most days it is a frizzy hot mess.  (I get more compliments when my hair is dirty because I actually style it).
  • @CocoBellaF - UGH, you do NOT deserve to be judged for liking Michael Buble! He's not everyone's taste, but he's not fucking Justin Bieber or something. He's legitimately talented.


    I can be judged for the fact that I never shut up. Talking to people is my favorite thing ever.

    I guess I could be judged by the fact that jokes that would typically offend others tend to not offend me. I may even laugh too hard, while others look in horror.

    I flip people off in my car way too often.

  • I only got 2 presents for H this year... a sweater, and a couple books.  I felt a little better when he only put 3 under the tree for me.  I am really judging myself for being a bad wife this Christmas.

    Me too! All he asked for was these gaming headphones so I got them. But he's already been using them for a week now, so we have NOTHING under the tree. I know we agreed to go small this year but it's rather depressing and I'm regretting it.



  • I drank apple juice like it was going out of style during my 1st trimester with Bean. With Noah, I was so poopy. I pooped constantly. I think I only suffered like 2 or 3 days of being constipated with him. It was the worst 2-3 days of my life. 

    I constantly feel like people judge everything about me. Everything. My weight, my hair, my makeup. Everything.

    I only have 3 pairs of work pants, not because I can't afford more, but because I spend all of my money on fun things and the kids. I think my coworkers probably judge me because I rotate the same few work outfits constantly hahaha. 

    People probably judge the shit out of me for constantly answering their questions in musicals. I can't help it.

    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • @beanbot2002 - I also have like 3 pairs of work pants. In fact I think I have about 8 total work outfits and I just rotate them. Oops.
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