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Tuesday YOU judges


Re: Tuesday YOU judges

  • @minskat30 haha yup I've gotten that before hahaha
  • @beanbot2002 @jenjen047 I have way more than 3 pairs of work pants, yet I wear the same two pairs ALL THE TIME. Both pairs are black. 

  • @speakeasy14 I made the Guinness chocolate cookies last night at 9:30 pm and ate like 5 fresh out of the oven. I brought some for work to put in the copy room for coworkers but I think I might just eat the rest. So Good. 

  • Morning!

    Like @minskat30 I don't make any decisions until I have researched them to death, and then I continue to second guess myself until there's no turning back.

    My room is messy all the time.

    I don't remember the last time I had a pedicure.

    I don't use a top sheet on my bed.

    I often forget the last time I actually shampooed my hair.

  • When I worked at Starbucks I only had one or two pairs of work pants. By the time I left I was down to one and I'd just wash them on days off. Now I can wear jeans at work and it was the first time I've owned/worn jeans in like three years
  • haha @wink0erin they were the first cookies gone from our cookie swap. 

    I have another one -- my house is a mess, between the construction, lack of space, and lack of furniture.  I know people judge when they come over so I have stopped inviting people to my house.
  • @beanbot2002  I also have 3 pairs of dress pants. Black, charcoal and purple. I also only own 1 pair of jeans. I sound gross lmao
  • @minskat30 I am the same way about researching everything and then getting overwhelmed. 

    @beanbot2002 I also only have a few outfits that I rotate. I have like 4 pairs of nice jeans (my work pants). Also you are gorgeous <3

    @GoldenPenguin judging you so hard right now. I cannot stand Justin Bieber.

    I didn't style or brush my hair this morning.

    I have so much work to do today and no motivation to do it.

    I haven't shaved my legs in ages. Pretty sure my massage therapist judges me every time. I have gone even longer without a wax.

  • @alpacina hello perfect opportunity for prancercizing! When I was like 8 my parents re-did the dining room and for the week that it was empty I made it my personal dance studio. I was so sad when we got furniture back in there lol



  • I am trying to be an active participant in this thread but my work WiFi is making it very difficult :'( judge away!
  • @cocobellaf That sounds like my kind of lunch!

  • This relates to the picture thread... I may be judged because I have never had a tamale.

  • wink0erin said:
    This relates to the picture thread... I may be judged because I have never had a tamale.
    me neither :\
  • @500days  what are munchkins?
  • wink0erin said:
    This relates to the picture thread... I may be judged because I have never had a tamale.

  • @minskat30 - You are the cutest ever.  
  • @minskat30 YOU ARE THE CUTEST EVER. <3


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • Come out and play, @Peaseblossom55!!
    I "second" this.  ;)  Ain't the same when you all aren't around.  
  • @cocobellaF I'm training my new co-worker and I've been in and out of meetings.  It can be a bit hard to keep up here sometimes.


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