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Still not Friday

Good morning! Unfortunately, I did not wake up a millionaire today. 

Last night, I got home from work and my new planner that I spent ages trying to decide on was waiting for me! 

I love it already. I spent some time filling in January and organizing some stuff. 

I told H that either we were getting take out or he was cooking and so we ended up ordering pizza which was divine. I also stopped and picked up this on my way home from work:

And immediately texted @labro asking how/why I lived without it in my life for so long. 

H and I watched the Devils lose and I went to bed pretty early yet I'm really exhausted today :disappointed: 

I started reading 'Room' by Emma Donaghue and I'm having a really hard time with it. It's gotten mixed reviews from people I know that have read it and I'm really trying to power through but I don't know how much longer I'll last. I HATE not finishing books. 

Today will be the usual: work, home, cook, eat, relax, bed. Woo freakin hoo! 


Re: Still not Friday

  • @swazzle Love the new planner. For some reasons I thoroughly enjoy filling in my new planner at the beginning of each year. It brings me joy.

    Yesterday after I picked up Maddux I picked up Sean's dry cleaning, cleaned Callie's bathroom, did laundry, and went and got Callie. She didn't go #2 Tuesday or yesterday. After I fed her, she had a very small one and then this morning Sean got the explosion. I bet she felt so much better but I kind of have to laugh because that normally happens to me so Sean got a taste of what I usually have to change in the afternoons.

    Last night she went to bed normally but woke up an hour later fussy so she got to sleep later than normal. She slept though which is good! That's what we always hope for.

    Today I'm going to Michaels because I haven't been there in forever and probably TJ Maxx because I have a gift card. Then I need to finish laundry before I go get Callie.

    Afterwards we are having chicken enchiladas for dinner and then CrossFit.
  • @caseface5 Love that idea! That sounds like something my old cheer coach would give us! They look great!
  • @Swazzle I bought a planner for the first time ever this year too. I went with @CocoBellaF's suggestion of the Sugar Paper one. I didn't want to spend too much seeing as I didn't know if I'd like the whole planner thing. I have a lot more going on at work this year so that's what made me actually get one- so I wouldn't forget things.

    @caseface5 I think that's such a nice idea for the gifts and love that it's in their handwriting!

    Yesterday I left work a couple hours early because I felt really run down. I ate lunch when I got home and then went to take a nap. The damn delivery guy from Amazon rang by doorbell FIVE TIMES and called my cell TWICE and left a message. WTF? Can you please just leave the package at my door, thanks. 
    I was planning on working out when I woke up from my nap but that didn't happen and I didn't get up early today to do it so I need to when I get home today. 

  • @jenna8984 That looks so yummy! What a great idea! I've never thought of deconstructed sushi rolls!
  • @Swazzle which planner did you go with? What brand? I have realized that I really need one. My phone isn't working for me. I need something where I write it all down and can see several days in front of me instead of just one at a time.
    "Stuart was scared, but he loved Margalo, Mommy. And there is nothing bigger than love." -The Bean
     "His farts smell like Satan's asshole mixed with a skunk's vagina. But it's okay, because I love him." -CSousa

  • Good morning!

    I'm so disappointed it's not Friday yet.  Long week!

    Last night, I went home from work and slept.  H made me a baked potato for dinner, and then I took a bath, Baxter got a bath, did a load of laundry, and went back to bed.

    I'm on hold with my PCP's office to see if I can get in today.  I've had a sore throat, stuffy nose, and cough since Saturday.  I figure that's long enough to go being sick, and I would like to just make sure it's not strep, since it's been going around.  So I guess we'll see!

    Hashweh didn't happen last night.  Boo!

    @southernpeach89 - Laughing at your H having to deal with a poo-splosion!  Poor guy!

  • @southernpeach89 - Callie has her OWN bathroom?! I'm so jealous.

    @caseface5 - I put in birthdays, the Devils schedule, due dates for bills and amounts when they come in, work holidays/days off, etc. That's so sweet what you did for your girls and they look awesome!

    @jenna8984 - Lucky! I've always had to write stuff down. I'm super organized and I like lists on lists on lists and like to see things in front of me. Your dinner looks/sounds SO good! 

    @lavenderfields13 - WTF Amazon? That's so annoying. 

    @speakeasy14 - I'm 100% with you but the narrator in this book is a 5 year old. It's rough. Which IUD are you getting? 

    @beanbot2002 - I went with Erin Condren. I liked the personalization and the meal planning snap in thing that you can get with it. 

    @CocoBellaF - Feel better!

  • @CocoBellaF He has only had to deal with one and that was when she was first born and it was basically her first poo being outside the womb so he was definitely due for another one lol.
  • I love putting in all the dates at the beginning of the year into my planner, too.

    Got an appointment for 9:30!  I was surprised to get in so quick, seeing as it's prime sick season.  
  • @jenna8984 deconstructed sushi hmmm, I think I know what is going to be for dinner now 

    @CocoBellaF hope it isn't strep and you start feeling better soon!

    @lavenderfields13 wtf!?! Was is something that you needed to sign for?
  • @southernpeach89 I never thought of it either, I saw it on Pinterest! H made the sushi rice with the vinegar and it tasted exactly like a restaurant.

    @caseface5 That was so thoughtful of you, they look great and I'm sure the girls will love them.

    @cocobellaf mmmm baked potato

    @speakeasy14 that stinks, I hate when your body is so used to the chemicals/hormones and then you have to switch and get out of wack. hopefully it's an ok transition

    @lavenderfields13 boo hope you feel better. They hardly even knock when they leave my packages.



  • Here's the recipe I used but we did baby shrimp instead of crab, and of course extra avocado lol



  • @caseface5 love the frames! We would write down "what is a team" on megaphone cutouts, and then something positive about each team mate.  Probably one of my favorite gifts, so I know the girls will love them!

    @swazzle oh jeez, that's rough. Is it entirely from a 5 year old's perspective, or is it as they grow up?  I'm getting Mirena. 
  • @speakeasy14 - Apparently the whole thing is from the 5 year old's perspective. @GoldenPenguin has Mirena and I have Skyla if you have any questions! 

  • @speakeasy14 No it didn't even need to be signed for! They finally left it and I went down to get it before they could ring again because at that point I'm wondering who the hell is ringing my doorbell that many times. When I got back upstairs the guy had left me a voicemail saying he was delivering my package and for me to call him back. So bizarre!

    @jenna8984 USPS NEVER rings my bell when they deliver. And that pisses me off because I've had quite a few things delivered by them that I didn't know needed to be signed for (like a delivery from Old Navy??) and I've happened to be home every time they "attempted" delivery. I'll check the tracking and it will say "rang doorbell, left notice" and NO ONE rang the doorbell AND they don't even leave a notice! Then I have to hunt down my package. 

  • Morning ladies

    @jenna8984 your food looks delish!

    @CocoBellaF feel better :( hopefully not strep!

    Not much last night. I'm still low energy so we've been lowkey all week. Ended up ordering greek last night. Hour and half for it! We're not ordering from there again *sigh*

    I started a new book last night and if anyone is in the Alice in Wonderland theme stuff, you'd like this. Book 1 is called "Splintered" - basically Alice is her great-great-great grandmother. Lewis Carroll was a family friend and when she returned from Wonderland she told him of the stuff that happened, however since then it's been a disaster and all the women seem to lose their minds. There's obv more to it as you read, but Alyssa goes back to fix the mess Alice made to lift the curse.

    It's good and I just got to an interesting twist. I just started reading it yesterday and I'm 82% done lmao

    Tonight we're doing Sheppard's Pie and groceries. Really hoping this cold goes away soon, I'm so done and it's only been 3 days
  • @minskat30 Haha I know...shame on me! Unfortunately, sleep doesn't get much better once you get into 3rd trimester. I was pretty much a zombie after that. The pregnancy pillow really comes into use then because your belly gets so big that it's hard to adjust so sleeping with that pillow really helps keep things as comfy as they can be.
  • @lavenderfields13 Wow, sounds like delivery services hate you! How annoying. Luckily our doorbell doesn't work so all we have it our doggie doorbell.

    @speakeasy14 Hopefully the change in BC helps with the migraines!

    @swazzle Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't even think of doing days off/Holidays and bills. I'll have to get back to work on that.

    @misskittydanger Do you read on an e-reader? Being 82% done is oddly specific and made me giggle.

    @minkat30 Sorry you are uncomfortable. Poor Raj, the poor guy can't seem to catch a break! Hopefully you both get a better night sleep tonight. I didn't sleep too great last night because Tess is doing this thing where she has to sleep like next to/on top of me. Once she falls asleep she is about 100000 pounds so I can't move her either, or take back any covers. Little sneak!

    @everyone Thanks for the compliments on the frames. It's hard to do something for their age range (12-14), and keep the cost down. Can't wait to see if they like them tonight!
    friends tv show funy
  • @minskat30 - I don't have your phone number! We need to rectify that. 

  • @caseface5  lmao yes, I forgot to mention that :wink: 

  • @minskat30 No, I've only been on the pill. 
  • @swazzle - Ahhh, right.

  • @speakeasy14 - I haven't been on an IUD but I heard they are great....remembering to take a pill every day is a pain anyway.  I hope your appointment is relatively pain-free on the 21st.  
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