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Still not Friday


Re: Still not Friday

  • @Swazzle Yep, but that led me to being one of those sticker-crazy people that decorates their planner every week. For me it just looks cleaner and more organized with the stickers, but they are totally unnecessary. I section each day into four areas: in one section, I'll track stuff like the weather, birthdays, etc. The next section will mark appointments, meetings, expected deliveries, etc. The third section is my to-do list for the day, and the last section is where I chart my dinner plans, the amount of water I've had, and my planned workouts. I use the big section under the weekend area to chart things I'd like to accomplish that week... like, work out X amount of times, make X amount of progress on a quilt or scarf, read so much of a book, etc. I've seen people use that area too to keep a list of what they need to clean or errands they need to run for the week. I don't use the monthly view at all because I don't feel like I need it. I have little sticky notes that I use to mark events on future weeks, and then I sit down and organize everything the weekend before. It took me a few weeks to figure out what I wanted to track and how I wanted to organize everything, but I still don't use every section or page in the planner. 

    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • @swazzle - It did some weird shit to my hair. Like, it was limp/zero body, but still frizzy at the same time? I couldn't get it to do ANY sort of style whatsoever. The WORST.


    Daisypath Anniversary tickers

  • @AlPacina - Congrats on spending less! I'm trying to spend less too, my biggest spending is eating out. It's been a struggle!

  • @AlPacina - That is a very good point. I don't have time to waste either because I upped my goal this year to 40 books. I'm going to stick it out for the rest of today (my commute home later) and then decide from there. Awesome job with your spending, or lack of spending I guess is more appropriate hahaha

    @eilis1228 - That's really helpful! Thank you! 

    @GoldenPenguin - Noooooooooooooooooooooo! I'm so not excited now :cry: 

  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited January 2016
    minskat30 said:

    @goldenpenguin - Ha!  I'm usually the only one that wakes up with Raj's barking at night if it is in the other rooms in our house...H is a sound sleeper and I'm a very, very light sleeper.  Raj won't stop barking unless I go check out what he is barking at half the time so, yeah, up I get.  As to coming into the room to wake us, Raj only comes to my side when it is an emergency.  He wakes H up for the fun "play with me" or "cuddle me" moments first.  I get the "OH MY GOD MOM, HELP!! I GOTTA GO" moments.  Fun times.  
    LOL it's the exact opposite in my house! That's too funny. Violet plays very differently with me than H as well. I play tug, wrestle her, push her around, etc., she pretty much only goes to H for snuggles. (She comes to me for snuggles too, don't even worry about it.) It's strange, because I'm the disciplinarian - H lets the dogs get away with MURDER, but I guess I'm just the fun one. ::hairtoss::
    So funny how dogs are like that!  I am clearly NOT the fun one in our house.  I'm the disciplinarian about 80% of the time and H is the fun one.  When I try to play with Raj for more than a minute and the initial excitement wears off he gets this look on his face like "what the hell are you doing, mom?!?" but with H it is all wrestles and jumping and running.  If Raj is sick though he's the biggest baby with me...when we went to visit him for his surgery and he had to stay the night H tried to cuddle him while I sat down on the floor and waited and Raj sort of pushed away from H, curled into my legs and tried to fall asleep on my lap.  I think H's feelings were hurt but, hey, H gets all the morning cuddles on the first-go-round.  I get the leftover cuddles after that.  ;)
  • @Swazzle Ahh yes it was Star!! She looks great!!
    friends tv show funy
  • @peaseblossom55 Yay hope you find the perfect time to get yo butt to the Bahamas

    @alpacina nicely done on the budget! I'm a freak who tracks monthly spending to the cent into categories so I get all excited when I spend like $20 less on takeout that month lol.

    @cocobellaf omg I need chik-fil-a in my face. The closest one is 35 minutes away :(



  • @minskat30 that's hysterical! I loved my prenatal yoga class. I love yoga in general.


  • @jenna8984 - The tracking sound super useful! But doesn't it kill you on those months where you make a big purchase, even if it's necessary? haha. I talked to a couple of friends about how I was disappointed in my spending and they kept saying it was probably just because of Christmas gifts. The thing is, I got most of my gifts free using Amazon gift cards. It was all spent on "gifts" for myself! Haha

  • @minskat30 and @GoldenPenguin Tessie comes to me for all the snuggles and goes to BF for the playing. It's so funny because when I walk into the house it's all "Hi Mom!! Love me!!" and when BF walks in he gets "Hey Dad, here's a toy! Throw it NOW!!"

    @minskat30 OMG with your H! That is so funny!!
    friends tv show funy
  • @minskat30 omg they probably thought he had some fetish hahahah

    @alpacina Yea that's why it helps to be in categories. Instead of just seeing that I spent $500 extra that month, I can see well clothes was dead on, food was dead on, so the difference is usually in the vacation or home repair/decor columns which make it seem ok. LOL. I also have a column for reimbursements, like if I put $100 dinner on my card but a friend gave me $50 cash I like to be able to see that I only really spent $50.



  • speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 2016
    @GoldenPenguin and @minskat30 Callie goes to my bf for playing and going crazy, but occasionally will come to me.  She always comes to me when she needs to go out or is hungry.  I never get to sleep in.  She'll snuggle with both of us, though if my bf is around she acts like I don't exist. She even freaks out if he leaves the house without her.  I always thought that when I left for work she'd run up the stairs so she could watch from the window... nope she climbs into bed (which she's not allowed on) and snuggles with my bf.  It is their morning routine. 
  • @minskat30 OMG I am dying at your husband in the pregnant yoga class haha

    @swazzle I just saw a story on FB last night about a rescued pittie named Rudy and I had to go back and check it to make sure it wasn't the same dog!

  • @labro congrats on your review and bonus! I was going to say go on some sort of trip but I don't think $300 will go far trip-wise. Hmm..

  • edited January 2016

    @twodimes thank you.  I hope the car you want is still around this weekend.

    @labro thank you.  When I feel crabby and down I mostly want to hide and not interact with anyone.  That was part of it yesterday too.  Thank you. ETA: Yay for the bonus that is so great!!!!


  • @TwoDimes BUT I ALREADY HAVE A TRIP PLANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! April 3-9!!!!!!

    @peaseblossom55 That's cool. I figured it could be something like that, where you just don't feel social. I just want you to know you don't have to hide it here either.

  • @labro - Congrats on your bonus, the great feedback, and freedom! Has work been less stressful lately, at least? If not, it's great to see that you're getting something back for your efforts!

  • TwoDimes said:
    labro said:

    Anyway, soooo what should I do with my bonus? I'm not going to spend it all....but I think it would be nice to take a small chunk and do something fun with it. I'm thinking...$300? I'm planning to put the balance either into retirement or towards paying off my car, or both.
    FLIGHTS TO CHICAGO IN APRIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No discussions.

    Flights for me are way cheap today............ It's kind of nerve wracking to buy them though because even with the discussions we've had I don't feel like anything is absolutely set in stone. I don't know what to do! I'm bad enough at pulling the trigger on less expensive trips!

  • I now want pizza, a pizza guy came to the door delivering pizza.  It was for my neighbors, it smelt so good though.


  • @labro congrats!!! Buy some things from our favorite things thread hahah



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