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Re: Bueller??

  • @labro oh my cousin's wedding disaster gets even better...They still don't have the food decided, remember he said "probably spaghetti because we're poor". Well his fiancé posted on FB yesterday asking if anyone knew where they could rent benches for 120 people. So recap- the wedding is in 2.5 WEEKS and they do not have food nor seating secured. Holy crap. I will be wearing flats and packing food.

    Oh then his fiancé posts asking for transportation suggestions from the wedding to their hotel. Someone gave the number of a company and she replied "I already called them- $100 is way too much, think I'll just do an Uber". I'm like holy shit, if you can't afford $100 ride (or food or chairs?) then maybe you shouldn't be spending the night in a hotel that's 10 minutes from your house!! Should we take bets on how fancy/ pricey her gown & shoes are.....



  • @TwoDimes Do itttttttttttt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

    @AlPacina I just wanted to let you know that the smell of delicious delicious smoked pork is starting to fill my house. Every time H goes outside to check the grill temp. a little bit of smoke wafts in.

  • @jenna8984 Omg.....Can you just not go at this point? It's going to be freezing! Isn't this partially outside too?

    Also....I totally bet she spent $$$$ on a fancy gown from somewhere like Kleinfeld's. You had better sneak some photos of her dress so we can internet stalk the designer and the price.

  • @TwoDimes I had to unsubscribe from Travelzoo because I wanted to take all the vacations. 

    @speakeasy14 Did she expect her ex-H to run up and give her a big hug? Him saying "hi" was nice enough. 

    @MissKittyDanger I LOVE Lush. I wish I had one nearby. Whenever I travel and find a Lush I stock up on all the things and then treat them like fine diamonds. I have to pick the perfect bath to use them. It would be awful to "waste" a Lush product on a sub-par bath!

    I'm working today, sort of. I've been super slow about it.

    First thing I did this morning was piss off the head honcho for my agency. Since I just moved and was out of town for work for a week I haven't been able to get trash service arranged yet, so I brought my one trash bag and a pizza box with me to work (I'm working on my day off too, btw). As I'm dropping my pizza box in the dumpster the head guy appears out of nowhere and gets all bitchy with me. I pretty much just gave him a WTF face and said "Yep sorry, won't happen again." This is the first and last time I would do that anyway, because driving trash around in my car is gross, and this is also the first interaction I've had with that guy after working here two years. I heard he was a jerk from everyone else, but geez. I could understand a "Hey please don't do that" but he went on a lecture. I bet he is voting for Trump. 

    My weekend was less productive than I had planned. On Saturday evening I ended up going downtown to watch a basketball game and eat at my fave bar with BF. He didn't expect me to come out, so he was already hammered by halftime. It's not my favorite thing he does. I ended up driving him to my place and we watched a movie before bed. He thrashed around a lot (which always happens when he drinks) so I barely slept. Next morning we got brunch, I dropped him off at his car, and then I spent the whole day feeling exhausted so I didn't do anything other than lounge on my couch and watch youtube on my phone.

    I have a bunch of things in my Amazon cart that I want, but don't exactly NEED right now. I can't decide whether to just buy it all or to continue to wait. Adulting is hard. 


  • @jenna8984 Oh man, that sounds like a shitshow.

  • @wink0erin I think we've all pretty much given up on adulting today. What all is in your cart? Depending on what it is maybe you can say "Well my friends told me to buy it!"

  • jenna8984jenna8984 member
    5000 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited January 2016

    @twodimesthat's genius if your friends can go! (tagged wrong person)

    @labro I wish it was just a drive away so I could cancel but our flights are non-refundable. And my 88 year old grandparents are going, so we are helping with their bags and driving them around. I'd feel terrible if I bailed on them. Guess I'll have some good stories when I return...yes it's outdoors at my uncle's house so at least there's a house if it really gets too cold!



  • @wink0erin I totally dropped some stuff in my work dumpster...after work when it was dark because I was afraid of someone yelling at me LOL.

    @speakeasy14 daaaaammm look at you go!! Nice work!



  • @jenna8984 Uggghhhhh....that sucks. But on the plus side, at least you get time with your grandparents. I just don't understand how people like your cousin are SO clueless. Like in what universe did it ever become ok to not figure out things so basic as food and places to sit in advance of hosting an event much less a wedding????

    @speakeasy14 Blah budgets are the worst ever. But you can do this! Adulting is hard but the rewards are worth it when you see that debt disappear!!!

  • @jenna8984 ugh good luck, but definitely report back with lots of stories!

    @wink0erin yes, what's in your cart?
  • Yea that's the main reason I wanted to go was really to spend quality time with my grandparents. So they put "gifts are not necessary" on their invitations. I know it's technically against etiquette but it kind of pleases me to see that. Because even though they are clueless about hosting, at least they aren't putting themselves on a pedestal hoping to receive a bunch of money/stuff for their poorly hosted event lol.



  • @TwoDimes Let's just day-dream about vacations and spring and beautiful sunny warm weather.

  • @jeann8984 I mean, it annoys me when people state the obvious like that. Yeah, no duh, I KNOW gifts aren't required (except you're probably getting one from me anyway). But yeah, I definitely don't sit on my high horse over that sort of statement.

  • @pseakeasy14 Oh, I went and looked at the box for my phone. It's a Galaxy S6.

  • Should I get a wallet case?

    Or something more protective?

  • I went through 3 wallet cases, they're convenient, but the straps break easily.  I've just gone with sturdy cases.  You can get a lot super cheap on Amazon. 
  • @TwoDimes but I only have ONE phone!!! I already don't switch out my think I'm gonna switch out phone cases? Ell Oh Ell!

    @speakeasy14 I've never had a wallet case so I have nothing to compare it to. Just the regular super protective stuff. Also, definitely only looking on Amazon!

  • I'm having a HUGE fwp today:  I need more people to sign up for the wine club I use so I can get free bottles.  
  • My FWP is I am getting a BORING black case for my black phone because I am BORING.

    Also I'm terrified of breaking it.

  • @TwoDimes Clearly you should have taken my advice and gotten a new Mazda. All the mid-tier models have butt warmers! Mine was so toasty last night.

  • @TwoDimes  I don't think I could get another car without seat heaters lol

    @jenna8984  Time to redo the bathroom! Lol

    @wink0erin  @speakeasy14
    Lush is life! Lol
    My friend suggested putting a piece of the bubble bar in an old nylon and tie it to the tap. Apparently it'll create more bubbles for less!


  • I don't have butt warmers either! 
  • labrolabro member
    5000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its 5 Answers
    edited January 2016
    I don't have butt warmers either! 
    I imagine this is how you and @TwoDimes look while you're driving with cold butts.

  • That moment when the Director walks down your hall and it's during the 10 minutes of the day you are actually doing work. 

    Also, I'm the only one still here when I think several of us applied for a full day of comp time. One employee came in for literally one hour and left. SOME PPL GON GET IN TROUBLE TOMORROW!

  • @wink0erin BUY EVERYTHING!!! What Disney movies are you getting?

  • speakeasy14speakeasy14 member
    2500 Comments 500 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 2016
    Speaking of comp time... has anyone else seen this law that is trying to get passed about comp and over-time pay?  It's basically saying anyone who makes less than $50k a year cannot be salary and cannot work over 40 hours without receiving over-time pay.  I don't understand how that would work for someone like me who has a company phone and computer and is in constant contact with people in different time zones. 

    LINK to information if anyone is interested. Though I'm not sure if this is the most up to date version.
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